Dermata Receives Notice of Acceptance of Australian Patent Application for Topical Botulinum Toxin Treatment for Hyperhidrosis

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Dermata Therapeutics (NASDAQ: DRMA) announced the Australian Patent Office has accepted its patent application for the DMT410 program for treating hyperhidrosis. This would be Dermata's second patent for DMT410, which uses Spongilla technology to topically deliver botulinum toxin for excessive sweating treatment.

The Company recently entered into a Clinical Trial Collaboration Agreement with Revance to study DMT410 for axillary hyperhidrosis. The upcoming Phase 2a study will explore DMT410's combination of a single XYNGARI™ application followed by a topical application of DAXXIFY®.

Gerry Proehl, Dermata's Chairman, President, and CEO, stated the acceptance further validates DMT410's innovative approach. Beyond hyperhidrosis, the company believes DMT410 holds promise for treating various skin conditions, including acne, rosacea, melasma, acne scars, and other aesthetic concerns.

The patent, entitled "Compositions for the treatment of skin conditions," will be automatically issued three months after acceptance unless opposed by a third party. Dermata also has an issued patent in Japan covering their DMT410 program for hyperhidrosis treatment.

Dermata Therapeutics (NASDAQ: DRMA) ha annunciato che l'Ufficio Brevetti Australiano ha accettato la sua domanda di brevetto per il programma DMT410 per il trattamento dell'iperidrosi. Questo rappresenterebbe il secondo brevetto di Dermata per DMT410, che utilizza la tecnologia Spongilla per somministrare topicamente la tossina botulinica nel trattamento della sudorazione eccessiva.

Recentemente, la Società ha stipulato un Accordo di Collaborazione per Sperimentazioni Cliniche con Revance per studiare DMT410 per l'iperidrosi ascellare. Il prossimo studio di Fase 2a esplorerà la combinazione di un'applicazione singola di XYNGARI™ seguita da un'applicazione topica di DAXXIFY®.

Gerry Proehl, Presidente, CEO e Chairman di Dermata, ha dichiarato che l'accettazione convalida ulteriormente l'approccio innovativo di DMT410. Oltre all'iperidrosi, l'azienda crede che DMT410 abbia potenziale nel trattamento di varie condizioni della pelle, inclusi acne, rosacea, melasma, cicatrici da acne e altre preoccupazioni estetiche.

Il brevetto, intitolato "Composizioni per il trattamento delle condizioni della pelle," sarà automaticamente emesso tre mesi dopo l'accettazione, a meno che non venga opposto da una terza parte. Dermata ha anche un brevetto emesso in Giappone che copre il loro programma DMT410 per il trattamento dell'iperidrosi.

Dermata Therapeutics (NASDAQ: DRMA) anunció que la Oficina de Patentes de Australia ha aceptado su solicitud de patente para el programa DMT410 para el tratamiento de la hiperhidrosis. Este sería el segundo patente de Dermata para DMT410, que utiliza la tecnología Spongilla para administrar tópicamente la toxina botulínica para el tratamiento de la sudoración excesiva.

La compañía recientemente firmó un Acuerdo de Colaboración para Ensayos Clínicos con Revance para estudiar DMT410 para la hiperhidrosis axilar. El próximo estudio de Fase 2a explorará la combinación de una aplicación única de XYNGARI™ seguida de una aplicación tópica de DAXXIFY®.

Gerry Proehl, Presidente y CEO de Dermata, declaró que la aceptación valida aún más el enfoque innovador de DMT410. Más allá de la hiperhidrosis, la compañía cree que DMT410 tiene potencial para tratar diversas condiciones de la piel, incluyendo acné, rosácea, melasma, cicatrices de acné y otras preocupaciones estéticas.

La patente, titulada "Composiciones para el tratamiento de condiciones de la piel," se emitirá automáticamente tres meses después de la aceptación, a menos que una tercera parte se oponga. Dermata también tiene una patente emitida en Japón que cubre su programa DMT410 para el tratamiento de la hiperhidrosis.

Dermata Therapeutics (NASDAQ: DRMA)는 호주 특허청이 과다한 발한 치료를 위한 DMT410 프로그램의 특허 출원을 수락했다고 발표했습니다. 이는 Dermata의 DMT410에 대한 두 번째 특허로, Spongilla 기술을 사용하여 과도한 발한 치료를 위한 보툴리눔 독소를 국소적으로 전달합니다.

회사는 최근 Revance와의 임상 시험 협력 계약을 체결하여 DMT410의 겨드랑이 과다 발한에 대한 연구를 진행할 예정입니다. 다가오는 2a 단계 연구에서는 단일 XYNGARI™ 적용 후 DAXXIFY®의 국소 적용 조합을 탐구할 것입니다.

Dermata의 회장, 사장 및 CEO인 Gerry Proehl은 수락이 DMT410의 혁신적인 접근 방식을 더욱 검증한다고 밝혔습니다. 과다한 발한을 넘어, 이 회사는 DMT410이 여드름, 로사세아, 기미, 여드름 흉터 및 기타 미용 문제를 치료할 가능성이 있다고 믿고 있습니다.

“피부 상태 치료를 위한 조성물”이라는 제목의 이 특허는 제3자가 이의를 제기하지 않는 한 수락 후 3개월 후에 자동으로 발급됩니다. Dermata는 또한 일본에서 과다한 발한 치료를 위한 DMT410 프로그램을 포함하는 특허를 보유하고 있습니다.

Dermata Therapeutics (NASDAQ: DRMA) a annoncé que l'Office australien des brevets a accepté sa demande de brevet pour le programme DMT410 destiné à traiter l'hyperhidrose. Ce serait le deuxième brevet de Dermata pour DMT410, qui utilise la technologie Spongilla pour administrer topiquement de la toxine botulique pour le traitement de la transpiration excessive.

La société a récemment conclu un Accord de collaboration pour des essais cliniques avec Revance pour étudier DMT410 pour l'hyperhidrose axillaire. La prochaine étude de Phase 2a explorera la combinaison d'une application unique de XYNGARI™ suivie d'une application topique de DAXXIFY®.

Gerry Proehl, Président et CEO de Dermata, a déclaré que l'acceptation valide davantage l'approche innovante de DMT410. Au-delà de l'hyperhidrose, la société croit que DMT410 a un potentiel pour traiter diverses affections cutanées, y compris acné, rosacée, mélasma, cicatrices d'acné et d'autres préoccupations esthétiques.

Le brevet, intitulé "Compositions pour le traitement des affections cutanées," sera automatiquement délivré trois mois après l'acceptation, sauf opposition d'un tiers. Dermata a également un brevet délivré au Japon couvrant son programme DMT410 pour le traitement de l'hyperhidrose.

Dermata Therapeutics (NASDAQ: DRMA) gab bekannt, dass das Australische Patentamt seinen Patentantrag für das DMT410-Programm zur Behandlung von Hyperhidrose angenommen hat. Dies wäre Dermatas zweites Patent für DMT410, das die Spongilla-Technologie verwendet, um Botulinumtoxin topisch zu verabreichen zur Behandlung übermäßigen Schwitzens.

Das Unternehmen hat kürzlich einen Klinischen Prüfungs-Kooperationsvertrag mit Revance unterzeichnet, um DMT410 bei axillärer Hyperhidrose zu untersuchen. Die bevorstehende Phase-2a-Studie wird die Kombination einer einzelnen XYNGARI™-Anwendung mit einer topischen Anwendung von DAXXIFY® untersuchen.

Gerry Proehl, Vorsitzender, Präsident und CEO von Dermata, erklärte, dass die Annahme DMT410s innovativen Ansatz weiter validiert. Über die Hyperhidrose hinaus glaubt das Unternehmen, dass DMT410 auch vielversprechend für die Behandlung verschiedener Hauterkrankungen ist, darunter Akne, Rosazea, Melasma, Aknenarben und andere ästhetische Anliegen.

Das Patent mit dem Titel „Zusammensetzungen zur Behandlung von Hauterkrankungen“ wird automatisch drei Monate nach der Annahme erteilt, es sei denn, eine dritte Partei erhebt Einspruch. Dermata hat auch ein erteiltes Patent in Japan, das ihr DMT410-Programm zur Behandlung von Hyperhidrose abdeckt.

  • Australian Patent Office accepted DRMA's patent application for DMT410
  • Clinical Trial Collaboration Agreement with Revance Therapeutics
  • Phase 2a study planned for axillary hyperhidrosis treatment
  • Already has an issued patent in Japan for DMT410
  • Technology potentially applicable to multiple skin conditions beyond hyperhidrosis
  • Patent not yet fully issued - still subject to potential third-party opposition
  • Clinical trials for DMT410 still in early phases (Phase 2a)
  • No revenue or commercialization timeline mentioned


Dermata Therapeutics' patent acceptance in Australia represents a significant intellectual property milestone for its DMT410 hyperhidrosis treatment program. This development, combined with their existing Japanese patent and recent Revance collaboration, creates a potentially valuable inflection point for this $6.4 million market cap biotech.

The global hyperhidrosis treatment market, valued at approximately $1.6 billion and growing at 5.9% annually, represents a substantial opportunity. Current treatments are dominated by botulinum toxin injections, which are effective but invasive and painful. Dermata's innovation lies in its proprietary Spongilla technology (XYNGARI™), which creates microchannels in the skin allowing for topical delivery of botulinum toxin – potentially transforming the treatment paradigm from painful injections to a simple topical application.

The collaboration with Revance Therapeutics is particularly strategic. Revance's DAXXIFY® is a next-generation botulinum toxin with demonstrated longer duration than BOTOX®. By combining Dermata's delivery technology with Revance's neurotoxin, DMT410 could offer patients a needle-free alternative with extended efficacy. For Dermata, this partnership provides access to Revance's resources and expertise, potentially accelerating development while sharing costs.

From an investment perspective, several factors merit attention:

  • Dermata's patent portfolio now spans multiple major markets, creating potential licensing opportunities beyond their direct commercialization efforts
  • The upcoming Phase 2a study represents a near-term catalyst; positive data could dramatically revalue the company
  • The technology platform has applications beyond hyperhidrosis, including aesthetic indications like acne and rosacea, multiplying the potential market opportunity

However, investors should recognize that Dermata, like most microcap biotechs, faces significant challenges. With cash reserves, the company will likely require additional financing before commercialization. Additionally, while the patent acceptance strengthens their position, the Phase 2a study results remain the critical value driver – clinical success is far from guaranteed at this stage of development.

This patent acceptance ultimately enhances Dermata's competitive positioning in the hyperhidrosis market while providing additional validation for their innovative drug delivery platform. The Revance collaboration adds credibility to their approach and could potentially accelerate their path to market.

- This would be Dermata's second patent for DMT410, if issued, using its Spongilla technology to topically deliver botulinum toxin for hyperhidrosis -

- The Company recently entered into a Clinical Trial Collaboration Agreement with Revance to study DMT410 for the treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis -

- The Company also has an issued patent in Japan covering their DMT410 program for the treatment of hyperhidrosis -

SAN DIEGO, CA / ACCESS Newswire / February 25, 2025 / Dermata Therapeutics, Inc. (NASDAQ:DRMA)(NASDAQ:DRMAW) ("Dermata" or the "Company"), a late-stage biotechnology company focusing on the treatment of medical and aesthetic skin diseases and conditions, today announced the Australian Patent Office has accepted its patent application for its DMT410 program for the treatment of hyperhidrosis. The patent, entitled "Compositions for the treatment of skin conditions," (Australian Patent Application No. 2109284621) continues to strengthen Dermata's global intellectual property portfolio for DMT410 for the treatment of hyperhidrosis. The patent will be automatically issued three months after acceptance unless a third party files an opposition.

"We are thrilled to receive this acceptance as we believe it further validates DMT410's innovative approach to delivering botulinum toxin topically for the treatment of hyperhidrosis," said Gerry Proehl, Dermata's Chairman, President, and CEO. "We see significant opportunities for our DMT410 program, and we are eager to move forward with our planned Phase 2a study in collaboration with Revance Therapeutics, who also has DAXXIFY® approved in Australia. This Phase 2a study will explore DMT410, which combines a single application of XYNGARI™ followed by a topical application of DAXXIFY® for the treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis. Beyond hyperhidrosis, we believe DMT410 holds promise as a versatile treatment for a range of skin conditions, including acne, rosacea, melasma, acne scars, and other aesthetic concerns that are in need of more effective solutions," Mr. Proehl added.

About DMT410

DMT410 is the Company's combination treatment regimen that uses the unique mechanical features of the Company's XYNGARI™ product candidate to facilitate the intradermal delivery of botulinum toxin by topical application rather than through multiple injections with a needle. The treatment consists of an initial topical application of XYNGARI™ to the treatment area where the microscopic spicules penetrate the stratum corneum to create microchannels into the dermis allowing for the topical application and penetration of botulinum toxin. The Company has successfully completed proof-of-concept Phase 1 clinical trials using DMT410 in combination with BOTOX® for the treatment of primary axillary hyperhidrosis and for the treatment of multiple aesthetic skin conditions. Both studies showed promising efficacy results and appeared to be safe and well tolerated by patients. The Company is also planning to initiate a Phase 2a study of DMT410 (XYNGARI™ with DAXXIFY®) for the treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis.

About Dermata Therapeutics

Dermata Therapeutics is a late-stage biotechnology company focusing on the treatment of medical and aesthetic skin diseases and conditions. Dermata's lead product candidate, XYNGARI™ (formerly DMT310), is its first product candidate being developed from its Spongilla technology platform. XYNGARI™ is a once-weekly, topical product candidate derived from a naturally sourced freshwater sponge with multiple unique mechanisms of action. In addition to acne, XYNGARI™ has been studied for the treatment of psoriasis and rosacea. Dermata's second program, uses XYNGARI™ as a new method for needle-free intradermal delivery of botulinum toxin for the treatment of multiple aesthetic and medical skin diseases and conditions. Dermata is headquartered in San Diego, California. For more information, please visit

Forward-Looking Statements

Statements in this press release that are not strictly historical in nature are forward-looking statements. These statements are based on the Company's current beliefs and expectations and new risks may emerge from time to time. Forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions, and other factors including, but are not limited to, statements related to: expectations with regard to the timing of meetings and/or responses from submissions with regulatory bodies, including the FDA; the uncertainties inherent in clinical trials; expectations with regard to any potential partnership opportunities for any of the Company's product candidates; the Company's expectations with regard to current cash and cash equivalents and the amount of time it will fund operations; the success, cost, and timing of its product candidate DMT410 development activities and ongoing and planned clinical trials; whether the results of any planned clinical trials of DMT410 will lead to future product development; whether pending patent applications will proceed to allowance without interruption, if at all; and whether pending, accepted, or issued patents will provide adequate protection for the Company's product candidates, if approved. These statements are only predictions based on current information and expectations and involve a number of risks and uncertainties. Actual events or results may differ materially from those projected in any of such statements due to various factors, including the risks and uncertainties inherent in drug development, approval, and commercialization, and the fact that past results of clinical trials may not be indicative of future trial results. For a discussion of these and other factors, please refer to Dermata's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. You are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date hereof. This caution is made under the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All forward-looking statements are qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement and Dermata undertakes no obligation to revise or update this press release to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof, except as required by law.

Cliff Mastricola
Investor Relations

SOURCE: Dermata Therapeutics

View the original press release on ACCESS Newswire


What is Dermata's DMT410 technology for hyperhidrosis treatment?

DMT410 is Dermata's technology that uses Spongilla to topically deliver botulinum toxin for treating hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). It combines a single application of XYNGARI™ followed by a topical application of DAXXIFY®, eliminating the need for injections typically required with botulinum toxin treatments.

What milestone did DRMA achieve with the Australian Patent Office?

Dermata (DRMA) received notice of acceptance for its Australian patent application (No. 2109284621) titled "Compositions for the treatment of skin conditions" for its DMT410 program to treat hyperhidrosis. The patent will automatically issue in three months unless opposed by a third party.

What clinical trials is Dermata (DRMA) planning for DMT410?

Dermata is planning a Phase 2a clinical trial for DMT410 in collaboration with Revance Therapeutics to study its effectiveness in treating axillary hyperhidrosis (underarm sweating). The study will evaluate the combination of XYNGARI™ with topically applied DAXXIFY®.

What other skin conditions could Dermata's DMT410 potentially treat beyond hyperhidrosis?

According to Dermata, DMT410 holds promise for treating various skin conditions beyond hyperhidrosis, including acne, rosacea, melasma, acne scars, and other aesthetic concerns that need more effective solutions.

How does Dermata's patent acceptance in Australia strengthen its global intellectual property portfolio?

The Australian patent acceptance complements Dermata's existing Japanese patent for DMT410, strengthening its global intellectual property protection for the hyperhidrosis treatment. This expanded patent coverage helps secure Dermata's market position and validates its innovative topical botulinum toxin delivery approach.

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