Dario Publishes New Research Revealing How Physical Activity Mediates the Impact of Depression on Blood Glucose Levels in Individuals with Diabetes or Prediabetes

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DarioHealth Corp. (Nasdaq: DRIO) has published a new study in Frontiers in Endocrinology, demonstrating the effectiveness of its cardiometabolic solution for individuals with diabetes or prediabetes and depression. The research, involving 989 users over 12 months, reveals:

  • Members with depression showed higher average blood glucose (BG) levels than those without
  • Both groups experienced significant BG decreases in the first 4 months of platform usage
  • A statistically significant association between depression status, BG levels, and average number of steps
  • Monthly average steps fully mediate the association between self-reported depression and monthly average BG
  • Users averaging over 400 steps daily showed significant decreases in monthly average BG

The study supports integrating walking into treatment protocols as a cost-effective intervention for glycemic control and depressive symptom alleviation in people with type 2 diabetes and depression.

DarioHealth Corp. (Nasdaq: DRIO) ha pubblicato un nuovo studio su Frontiers in Endocrinology, dimostrando l'efficacia della sua soluzione cardiometabolica per individui con diabete o prediabete e depressione. La ricerca, che ha coinvolto 989 utenti per 12 mesi, rivela:

  • I membri con depressione hanno mostrato livelli medi di glucosio nel sangue (BG) più elevati rispetto a quelli senza
  • Entrambi i gruppi hanno vissuto significative diminuzioni del BG nei primi 4 mesi di utilizzo della piattaforma
  • Un'associazione statisticamente significativa tra stato di depressione, livelli di BG e numero medio di passi
  • I passi medi mensili mediano completamente l'associazione tra depressione autoriportata e BG medio mensile
  • Gli utenti che mediamente superano i 400 passi al giorno hanno mostrato significative diminuzioni nel BG medio mensile

Lo studio supporta l'integrazione della camminata nei protocolli di trattamento come intervento economico per il controllo glicemico e l'alleviamento dei sintomi depressivi nelle persone con diabete di tipo 2 e depressione.

DarioHealth Corp. (Nasdaq: DRIO) ha publicado un nuevo estudio en Frontiers in Endocrinology, demostrando la efectividad de su solución cardiometabólica para personas con diabetes o prediabetes y depresión. La investigación, que involucró a 989 usuarios durante 12 meses, revela:

  • Los miembros con depresión mostraron niveles promedio de glucosa en sangre (BG) más altos que aquellos sin depresión
  • Ambos grupos experimentaron disminuciones significativas en los niveles de BG en los primeros 4 meses de uso de la plataforma
  • Una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre el estado de depresión, los niveles de BG y el número promedio de pasos
  • Los pasos promedio mensuales median completamente la asociación entre la depresión autoinformada y el BG promedio mensual
  • Los usuarios que promediaron más de 400 pasos diarios mostraron disminuciones significativas en el BG promedio mensual

El estudio respalda la integración de la caminata en los protocolos de tratamiento como una intervención económica para el control glucémico y el alivio de los síntomas depresivos en personas con diabetes tipo 2 y depresión.

DarioHealth Corp. (Nasdaq: DRIO)는 Frontiers in Endocrinology에 새로운 연구를 발표하여 당뇨병 또는 당뇨 전 단계 및 우울증이 있는 개인을 위한 심혈관 대사 솔루션의 효과를 입증했습니다. 이 연구는 12개월 동안 989명의 사용자가 참여하였으며, 다음과 같은 결과를 보였습니다:

  • 우울증이 있는 회원은 우울증이 없는 회원보다 평균 혈당(BG) 수치가 더 높았습니다.
  • 두 그룹 모두 플랫폼 사용 초기 4개월 동안 BG 수치의 유의미한 감소를 경험했습니다.
  • 우울증 상태, BG 수준 및 평균 걸음 수 간의 통계적으로 유의미한 연관성이 있었습니다.
  • 자기 보고된 우울증과 월 평균 BG 간의 연관성은 월 평균 걸음 수에 의해 완전히 매개됩니다.
  • 하루 평균 400걸음 이상 걷는 사용자는 월 평균 BG 수치가 유의미하게 감소했습니다.

이 연구는 제2형 당뇨병과 우울증이 있는 사람들을 위한 혈당 조절 및 우울증 증상 완화를 위한 비용 효과적인 중재로 걷기를 치료 프로토콜에 통합하는 것을 지원합니다.

DarioHealth Corp. (Nasdaq: DRIO) a publié une nouvelle étude dans Frontiers in Endocrinology, démontrant l'efficacité de sa solution cardiométabolique pour les personnes atteintes de diabète ou de prédiabète et de dépression. La recherche, impliquant 989 utilisateurs sur 12 mois, révèle :

  • Les membres avec dépression avaient des niveaux moyens de glucose dans le sang (BG) plus élevés que ceux sans dépression
  • Les deux groupes ont connu des baisses significatives de BG au cours des 4 premiers mois d'utilisation de la plateforme
  • Une association statistiquement significative entre le statut dépressif, les niveaux de BG et le nombre moyen de pas
  • Les étapes mensuelles moyennes médiatisent complètement l'association entre la dépression autodéclarée et le BG moyen mensuel
  • Les utilisateurs qui faisaient en moyenne plus de 400 pas par jour ont montré des réductions significatives du BG moyen mensuel

L'étude soutient l'intégration de la marche dans les protocoles de traitement comme une intervention économique pour le contrôle glycémique et l'atténuation des symptômes dépressifs chez les personnes atteintes de diabète de type 2 et de dépression.

DarioHealth Corp. (Nasdaq: DRIO) hat eine neue Studie in Frontiers in Endocrinology veröffentlicht, die die Wirksamkeit seiner kardiometabolischen Lösung für Personen mit Diabetes oder Prädiabetes und Depressionen zeigt. Die Forschung, die 989 Nutzer über 12 Monate umfasste, zeigt:

  • Mitglieder mit Depressionen wiesen höhere durchschnittliche Blutzuckerwerte (BG) auf als diejenigen ohne
  • Beide Gruppen verzeichneten in den ersten 4 Monaten der Nutzung der Plattform signifikante BG-Rückgänge
  • Ein statistisch signifikanter Zusammenhang zwischen dem Depressionsstatus, den BG-Werten und der durchschnittlichen Anzahl der Schritte
  • Die monatlichen Durchschnittsschritte vermitteln vollständig die Beziehung zwischen selbstberichteter Depression und dem monatlichen durchschnittlichen BG
  • Nutzer, die im Durchschnitt über 400 Schritte pro Tag zurücklegten, zeigten signifikante Rückgänge beim monatlichen durchschnittlichen BG

Die Studie unterstützt die Integration von Gehen in die Behandlungsprotokolle als kostengünstige Intervention zur Blutzuckerregulation und zur Linderung depressiver Symptome bei Menschen mit Typ-2-Diabetes und Depressionen.

  • Publication of research in peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Endocrinology
  • Study demonstrates effectiveness of Dario's cardiometabolic solution for diabetes/prediabetes and depression
  • Data shows significant decrease in blood glucose levels during initial 4 months of platform usage
  • Research supports Dario's integrated, data-driven approach to health management
  • Study reveals walking can mitigate negative impact of depression on blood glucose levels
  • None.

This study offers significant insights into the relationship between depression, physical activity and blood glucose (BG) levels in individuals with diabetes or prediabetes. The research demonstrates that:

  • Regular walking can mitigate the negative impact of depression on BG levels
  • Dario members with depression showed higher average BG levels
  • A significant decrease in BG levels was observed during the first 4 months of platform usage
  • The monthly average number of steps fully mediates the association between self-reported depression and monthly average BG

These findings underscore the importance of integrated approaches in managing comorbid conditions, potentially leading to improved health outcomes and reduced healthcare costs.

This research publication could have positive implications for Dario's market position and financial performance. Key points to consider:

  • Validates Dario's integrated, data-driven approach to health management
  • Demonstrates the effectiveness of Dario's cardiometabolic solution for a significant market segment (18-25% of T2D patients with depression)
  • Potential to attract more clients (employers and health plans) seeking cost-effective solutions for managing comorbid conditions
  • Enhances Dario's competitive edge in the digital health market

While the direct financial impact isn't quantified, this study could lead to increased adoption of Dario's solutions, potentially driving revenue growth in the medium to long term.

New Research Confirms the Benefit of Dario's Integrated, Data-Driven Approach to Health and Chronic Condition Management

NEW YORK, Sept. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- DarioHealth Corp. (Nasdaq: DRIO) ("Dario" or the "Company"), a leader in the global digital health market announced today the publication of a new study in the peer-reviewed journal Frontiers in Endocrinology. The study demonstrates the effectiveness of Dario's cardiometabolic solution for members living with diabetes or prediabetes and depression.

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Approximately 18%25% of people living with type 2 diabetes (T2D) experience depression1. The co-occurrence of these conditions can lead to poor health outcomes and increased costs for employers and payers, driving demand for integrated solutions to help improve clinical and financial results2,3. Dario's cardiometabolic solution offers members with T2D and prediabetes highly individualized journeys to help manage conditions with a holistic approach that includes integrated mental health support. Data captured from each member's journey, including clinical data such as blood glucose (BG) readings and behavioral data from engagement in digital tools, are integrated in a single, comprehensive data environment to support continuous personalization. This approach allows Dario to better understand the interconnected nature of depression and chronic conditions.

Dario's capability to integrate data through the pedometer of a smart mobile device or steps being tracked by Apple Health enables a new way to assess the relationship between depressive symptoms and blood glucose levels in individuals with T2D over time, with a particular focus on walking activity as a potential behavioral mediator.

"This new research shows the importance of providing a holistic approach to health management. People living with chronic health needs are often trying to manage multiple needs at once, and we believe that Dario's focus on driving healthy behaviors is necessary to improve health and realize better outcomes overall. We are excited to share this data and add new insights to reinforce the impact Dario offers to its members and partners," said Yifat Hershcovitz, PhD., Vice President of Clinical and Scientific Affairs at Dario. 

"Dario is uniquely positioned to help shed light on the relationship between physical and mental health thanks to the rich volume of data we are able to gather and analyze for insights that benefit our members and our partners. This new research exemplifies the advantages of our data-driven approach to digital health and supports the value of our integrated approach to help employers and health plans to tackle costly and frequently co-morbid conditions," said Omar Manejwala, M.D., Chief Medical Officer at Dario. 

Improving Outcomes for Members with Co-Occurring Conditions

The new research used retrospective data from 989 users who regularly tracked their steps levels and BG levels for 12 months using Dario's cardiometabolic solution.

This study demonstrates how regular walking can mitigate the negative impact of depression on blood glucose levels in individuals with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes, revealing the following:  

  • Dario members who reported depression exhibited higher average BG levels compared to those without depression. In both cases members experienced a significant decrease in BG levels during the initial 4 months of platform usage, followed by a stable period during months 4-12 of the monitoring.
  • A statistically significant association was found between the depression status and BG levels. Also, a statistically significant association was found between the depression status and monthly average number of steps.
  • The monthly average number of steps fully mediates the association between self-reported depression and monthly average BG.
  • A significant decrease in monthly average blood glucose for users with monthly average number of steps a day above 400.

The new study supports the incorporation of walking into treatment protocols as a cost-effective and accessible intervention strategy to improve glycemic control and alleviate depressive symptoms in people living with T2D and depression.

The research was conducted in partnership with Integrative Pain Laboratory, the School of Public Health at the University of Haifa, Israel.

You can read the full study here.


  1. Darwish L, Beroncal E, Sison MV, Swardfager W. Depression in people with type 2 diabetes: current perspectives. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes. (2018) 11:333–43.
  2. Fisher E, Chan J, Nan H, Sartorius N, Oldenburg B. Co-occurrence of diabetes and depression: Conceptual considerations for an emerging global health challenge. J Affect Disord. (2012) 142 Suppl:S56–66.
  3. Egede L, Walker R, Bishu K, Dismuke C. Trends in Costs of Depression in Adults with Diabetes in the United States: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, 2004–2011. J Gen Intern Med, (2016) 31(6): 615-622.

About DarioHealth Corp. 

DarioHealth Corp. (Nasdaq: DRIO) is a leading digital health company revolutionizing how people with chronic conditions manage their health through a user-centric, multi-chronic condition digital therapeutics platform. Dario's platform and suite of solutions deliver personalized and dynamic interventions driven by data analytics and one-on-one coaching for diabetes, hypertension, weight management, musculoskeletal pain and behavioral health. 

Dario's user-centric platform offers people continuous and customized care for their health, disrupting the traditional episodic approach to healthcare. This approach empowers people to holistically adapt their lifestyles for sustainable behavior change, driving exceptional user satisfaction, retention and results and making the right thing to do the easy thing to do. 

Dario provides its highly user-rated solutions globally to health plans and other payers, self-insured employers, providers of care and consumers. To learn more about Dario and its digital health solutions, or for more information, visit

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This news release and the statements of representatives and partners of DarioHealth Corp. related thereto contain or may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Statements that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. For example, the Company is using forward-looking statements in this press release when it discusses the effectiveness of Dario's cardiometabolic solution for members living with diabetes or prediabetes and depression, and its ability to improve health and tackle costly and frequently co-morbid conditions.  Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, words such as "plan," "project," "potential," "seek," "may," "will," "expect," "believe," "anticipate," "intend," "could," "estimate" or "continue" are intended to identify forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned that certain important factors may affect the Company's actual results and could cause such results to differ materially from any forward-looking statements that may be made in this news release. Factors that may affect the Company's results include, but are not limited to, regulatory approvals, product demand, market acceptance, impact of competitive products and prices, product development, commercialization or technological difficulties, the success or failure of negotiations and trade, legal, social and economic risks, and the risks associated with the adequacy of existing cash resources. Additional factors that could cause or contribute to differences between the Company's actual results and forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, those risks discussed in the Company's filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Readers are cautioned that actual results (including, without limitation, the timing for and results of the Company's commercial and regulatory plans for Dario™ as described herein) may differ significantly from those set forth in the forward-looking statements. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.

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SOURCE DarioHealth Corp.


What did DarioHealth's new research reveal about depression and blood glucose levels?

DarioHealth's research revealed that members with depression exhibited higher average blood glucose levels compared to those without depression. However, both groups experienced a significant decrease in blood glucose levels during the initial 4 months of using Dario's platform.

How does physical activity impact blood glucose levels in Dario's study?

The study found that the monthly average number of steps fully mediates the association between self-reported depression and monthly average blood glucose. Users with a monthly average of over 400 steps a day showed a significant decrease in monthly average blood glucose levels.

What is the significance of DarioHealth's (DRIO) new research for diabetes management?

The research supports incorporating walking into treatment protocols as a cost-effective and accessible intervention strategy to improve glycemic control and alleviate depressive symptoms in people living with type 2 diabetes and depression. This validates Dario's integrated approach to health management.

How many users were involved in DarioHealth's (DRIO) study on diabetes and depression?

DarioHealth's study involved 989 users who regularly tracked their steps and blood glucose levels for 12 months using Dario's cardiometabolic solution.

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