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Keurig Dr Pepper (NASDAQ: KDP) announced new water stewardship commitments on March 22, 2021, coinciding with World Water Day. The company joined the Texas Water Action Collaborative, targeting water quality improvements in the Trinity River. KDP set a goal to support regenerative agriculture on 250,000 acres by 2030, which will protect water resources and improve soil health. Existing water use efficiency goals aim to enhance operations by 20% by 2025 and replenish water used for beverages in high-risk communities. By 2019, KDP had replenished 73% of water used in such areas.
Keurig Dr Pepper (NASDAQ: KDP) announced the appointment of Debra Sandler as a new director on its Board, effective March 5, 2021. With nearly 35 years of experience in the consumer and healthcare sectors, Sandler previously held key positions at Mars, Inc. and Johnson & Johnson. As the founder and CEO of Mavis Foods, her expertise spans marketing and business development. KDP's CEO, Bob Gamgort, expressed enthusiasm for her addition, citing her valuable perspective. KDP operates with over $11 billion in annual revenue and more than 125 brands in its portfolio.
Keurig Dr Pepper (NASDAQ: KDP) has declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.15 per share. This dividend will be payable on January 22, 2021 to shareholders of record on January 8, 2021. With annual revenues exceeding $11 billion and a diverse portfolio of over 125 brands, KDP remains a leader in the North American beverage market. The company emphasizes responsible sourcing and sustainability through its corporate responsibility platform.
Keurig Dr Pepper Inc. (NASDAQ: KDP) has announced significant changes to its Executive Leadership Team, effective November 1, 2020. These changes aim to enhance operational efficiency and better position the company for future growth, following successful merger metrics. Key appointments include Fernando Cortes overseeing beverage concentrate manufacturing in Ireland, Ozan Dokmecioglu managing Canadian and Mexican markets, and Derek Hopkins expanding his role in cold beverage portfolio management. Jim Trebilcock and Andrew Loucks will retire at year's end, marking the end of significant tenures.