MWC 2025: Amdocs Launches Cross-Industry AI Apps on Snowflake Marketplace to Assist Businesses Prevent Fraud, Non-Payment, and Customer Churn

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Amdocs (NASDAQ:DOX) has announced a collaboration with Snowflake to launch three AI-powered applications on Snowflake Marketplace aimed at helping businesses prevent fraud, non-payment, and customer churn. These turnkey solutions are designed to transform raw data into actionable insights about consumer behavior.

The three ready-to-use apps include:

  • Amdocs Purchase Debt Risk App: Analyzes payment patterns to assess customer default likelihood
  • Amdocs Customer Satisfaction Prediction App: Provides insights to predict and prevent billing-related customer complaints
  • Amdocs Purchase Fraud Risk App: Scores fraud risk of individual transactions

This collaboration leverages Amdocs' expertise in data and AI with Snowflake's platform infrastructure, allowing businesses to deploy these apps on their datasets without investing in costly in-house models. Kieran Kennedy, Global Head of Data Cloud Products at Snowflake, emphasized the importance of data-driven decision making, while Ronen Levkovich, Group President of Amdocs Global Services, highlighted these apps as part of Amdocs Studios' commitment to empower businesses with AI capabilities.

Amdocs will showcase its products at Mobile World Congress Barcelona, March 3-6, 2025.

Amdocs (NASDAQ:DOX) ha annunciato una collaborazione con Snowflake per lanciare tre applicazioni alimentate dall'IA su Snowflake Marketplace, mirate ad aiutare le aziende a prevenire frodi, mancati pagamenti e abbandono dei clienti. Queste soluzioni pronte all'uso sono progettate per trasformare i dati grezzi in informazioni utili sul comportamento dei consumatori.

Le tre app pronte all'uso includono:

  • Amdocs Purchase Debt Risk App: Analizza i modelli di pagamento per valutare la probabilità di default dei clienti
  • Amdocs Customer Satisfaction Prediction App: Fornisce informazioni per prevedere e prevenire i reclami dei clienti legati alla fatturazione
  • Amdocs Purchase Fraud Risk App: Valuta il rischio di frode delle singole transazioni

Questa collaborazione sfrutta l'expertise di Amdocs in dati e IA con l'infrastruttura della piattaforma di Snowflake, consentendo alle aziende di implementare queste app sui propri dataset senza investire in costosi modelli interni. Kieran Kennedy, Responsabile Globale dei Prodotti Cloud per i Dati di Snowflake, ha sottolineato l'importanza del processo decisionale basato sui dati, mentre Ronen Levkovich, Presidente del Gruppo dei Servizi Globali di Amdocs, ha evidenziato queste app come parte dell'impegno di Amdocs Studios per potenziare le aziende con capacità di IA.

Amdocs presenterà i suoi prodotti al Mobile World Congress di Barcellona, dal 3 al 6 marzo 2025.

Amdocs (NASDAQ:DOX) ha anunciado una colaboración con Snowflake para lanzar tres aplicaciones impulsadas por IA en Snowflake Marketplace, destinadas a ayudar a las empresas a prevenir fraudes, impagos y la pérdida de clientes. Estas soluciones listas para usar están diseñadas para transformar datos en bruto en información útil sobre el comportamiento del consumidor.

Las tres aplicaciones listas para usar incluyen:

  • Amdocs Purchase Debt Risk App: Analiza los patrones de pago para evaluar la probabilidad de incumplimiento del cliente
  • Amdocs Customer Satisfaction Prediction App: Proporciona información para predecir y prevenir quejas de clientes relacionadas con la facturación
  • Amdocs Purchase Fraud Risk App: Evalúa el riesgo de fraude de transacciones individuales

Esta colaboración aprovecha la experiencia de Amdocs en datos e IA con la infraestructura de la plataforma de Snowflake, permitiendo a las empresas implementar estas aplicaciones en sus conjuntos de datos sin necesidad de invertir en costosos modelos internos. Kieran Kennedy, Jefe Global de Productos de Nube de Datos en Snowflake, enfatizó la importancia de la toma de decisiones basada en datos, mientras que Ronen Levkovich, Presidente del Grupo de Servicios Globales de Amdocs, destacó estas aplicaciones como parte del compromiso de Amdocs Studios para empoderar a las empresas con capacidades de IA.

Amdocs presentará sus productos en el Mobile World Congress de Barcelona, del 3 al 6 de marzo de 2025.

Amdocs (NASDAQ:DOX)Snowflake와 협력하여 Snowflake Marketplace에서 사기 방지, 미납 및 고객 이탈 방지를 목표로 하는 AI 기반 애플리케이션 세 가지를 출시한다고 발표했습니다. 이 즉시 사용 가능한 솔루션은 원시 데이터를 소비자 행동에 대한 실행 가능한 통찰력으로 변환하도록 설계되었습니다.

세 가지 즉시 사용 가능한 앱은 다음과 같습니다:

  • Amdocs Purchase Debt Risk App: 고객의 채무 불이행 가능성을 평가하기 위해 지불 패턴을 분석합니다.
  • Amdocs Customer Satisfaction Prediction App: 청구 관련 고객 불만을 예측하고 방지하기 위한 통찰력을 제공합니다.
  • Amdocs Purchase Fraud Risk App: 개별 거래의 사기 위험을 평가합니다.

이번 협업은 Amdocs의 데이터 및 AI 전문성과 Snowflake의 플랫폼 인프라를 활용하여 기업들이 비용이 많이 드는 내부 모델에 투자하지 않고도 이러한 앱을 자신의 데이터 세트에 배포할 수 있도록 합니다. Snowflake의 데이터 클라우드 제품 글로벌 책임자인 Kieran Kennedy는 데이터 기반 의사 결정의 중요성을 강조했으며, Amdocs 글로벌 서비스 그룹의 회장인 Ronen Levkovich는 이러한 앱을 Amdocs Studios의 AI 역량 강화 약속의 일환으로 강조했습니다.

Amdocs는 2025년 3월 3일부터 6일까지 바르셀로나에서 열리는 모바일 월드 콩그레스에서 자사 제품을 선보일 예정입니다.

Amdocs (NASDAQ:DOX) a annoncé une collaboration avec Snowflake pour lancer trois applications alimentées par l'IA sur Snowflake Marketplace, visant à aider les entreprises à prévenir la fraude, les impayés et l'abandon de clients. Ces solutions prêtes à l'emploi sont conçues pour transformer des données brutes en informations exploitables sur le comportement des consommateurs.

Les trois applications prêtes à l'emploi incluent :

  • Amdocs Purchase Debt Risk App: Analyse les modèles de paiement pour évaluer la probabilité de défaut des clients
  • Amdocs Customer Satisfaction Prediction App: Fournit des informations pour prédire et prévenir les plaintes des clients liées à la facturation
  • Amdocs Purchase Fraud Risk App: Évalue le risque de fraude des transactions individuelles

Cette collaboration tire parti de l'expertise d'Amdocs en matière de données et d'IA avec l'infrastructure de la plateforme Snowflake, permettant aux entreprises de déployer ces applications sur leurs ensembles de données sans avoir à investir dans des modèles internes coûteux. Kieran Kennedy, Responsable Mondial des Produits Cloud de Données chez Snowflake, a souligné l'importance de la prise de décision basée sur les données, tandis que Ronen Levkovich, Président du Groupe des Services Mondiaux d'Amdocs, a mis en avant ces applications comme faisant partie de l'engagement d'Amdocs Studios à renforcer les entreprises grâce aux capacités d'IA.

Amdocs présentera ses produits au Mobile World Congress à Barcelone, du 3 au 6 mars 2025.

Amdocs (NASDAQ:DOX) hat eine Zusammenarbeit mit Snowflake angekündigt, um drei KI-gestützte Anwendungen im Snowflake Marketplace zu lancieren, die darauf abzielen, Unternehmen bei der Betrugsprävention, der Vermeidung von Zahlungsausfällen und der Reduzierung von Kundenabwanderung zu unterstützen. Diese schlüsselfertigen Lösungen sind darauf ausgelegt, Rohdaten in umsetzbare Erkenntnisse über das Verbraucherverhalten zu verwandeln.

Die drei einsatzbereiten Apps umfassen:

  • Amdocs Purchase Debt Risk App: Analysiert Zahlungstrends, um die Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Kundenausfalls zu bewerten
  • Amdocs Customer Satisfaction Prediction App: Bietet Einblicke zur Vorhersage und Vermeidung von kundenbezogenen Beschwerden im Zusammenhang mit Rechnungen
  • Amdocs Purchase Fraud Risk App: Bewertet das Betrugsrisiko einzelner Transaktionen

Diese Zusammenarbeit nutzt die Expertise von Amdocs in den Bereichen Daten und KI sowie die Infrastruktur der Snowflake-Plattform, sodass Unternehmen diese Apps in ihren Datensätzen implementieren können, ohne in kostspielige interne Modelle investieren zu müssen. Kieran Kennedy, Global Head of Data Cloud Products bei Snowflake, betonte die Bedeutung datengestützter Entscheidungsfindung, während Ronen Levkovich, Gruppenpräsident der Amdocs Global Services, diese Apps als Teil des Engagements von Amdocs Studios hervorhob, Unternehmen mit KI-Fähigkeiten zu stärken.

Amdocs wird seine Produkte auf dem Mobile World Congress in Barcelona vom 3. bis 6. März 2025 präsentieren.

  • Strategic partnership with Snowflake expands Amdocs' market reach
  • Three new AI-powered applications launched on Snowflake Marketplace
  • Solutions target critical business challenges: fraud, non-payment, and churn
  • Recognition as Snowflake's Telecom AI Data Cloud Services Partner of the Year in 2024
  • Expansion beyond telecom into broader business applications
  • No financial terms or revenue projections disclosed for the partnership
  • No metrics on expected market adoption or sales targets
  • Competitive positioning against other AI solutions not addressed


Amdocs' new AI applications on Snowflake Marketplace represent a strategic expansion beyond its traditional telecom focus into cross-industry AI solutions. This move leverages Amdocs' data science expertise while potentially opening new revenue streams in the growing market for turnkey AI applications.

The three applications target critical business challenges with significant financial implications:

  • The Purchase Debt Risk App addresses credit risk management, particularly valuable for businesses offering installment payment options in an increasingly credit-dependent consumer economy
  • The Customer Satisfaction Prediction App tackles the costly problem of customer churn by identifying billing-related dissatisfaction before it leads to customer defection
  • The Purchase Fraud Risk App helps businesses combat transaction fraud, a problem costing businesses billions annually

What makes this announcement particularly noteworthy is that it represents Amdocs' continued execution on two key strategic initiatives: diversifying beyond its telecom client base and monetizing its AI capabilities through productized offerings. The mention of "Amdocs Studios" signals a formalized approach to developing and marketing these cross-industry solutions.

The Snowflake partnership is significant given Snowflake's strong position in the data cloud market. Being named Snowflake's Telecom AI Data Cloud Services Partner of the Year in 2024 validates Amdocs' AI capabilities and could accelerate adoption of these new applications.

For investors, this represents Amdocs' effort to tap into the broader enterprise AI market while leveraging its core strengths in data management and analytics. While the near-term revenue impact may be modest, this move positions Amdocs in the rapidly growing market for specialized AI applications, particularly appealing to organizations lacking resources for custom AI development.

The "ready-to-use" nature of these applications aligns with the growing demand for AI solutions that deliver quick time-to-value without requiring specialized data science teams. This could prove particularly attractive to small and mid-sized businesses that have been traditionally underserved by enterprise AI solutions.

Available on Snowflake Marketplace, these three turnkey solutions help small and medium-sized businesses mitigate financial risk by transforming raw data into actionable insights

JERSEY CITY, NJ / ACCESS Newswire / February 25, 2025 / Amdocs (NASDAQ:DOX), a leading provider of software and services to communications and media companies, today announced a collaboration with Snowflake, the AI Data Cloud company, designed to assist small and mid-sized businesses, as well as enterprises, prevent fraud, non-payment and customer churn. By using the Amdocs AI-powered applications, available on Snowflake Marketplace, data-driven teams are able to transform raw data into actionable insights around potential consumer behavior.

This collaboration, which utilizes Amdocs' deep expertise in data and AI and Snowflake's platform, provides businesses with three ready-to-use apps, which they can deploy on their own datasets to unlock predictive insights quickly and without the need to invest in time-consuming, price-heavy in-house models. The apps are:

  • Amdocs Purchase Debt Risk App: Analyze payment patterns to assess the likelihood of customer default with essential insights for businesses offering credit or installment payment options.

  • Amdocs Customer Satisfaction Prediction App: Data-driven insights to help businesses predict and prevent customer complaints related to billing issues. Amdocs Customer Satisfaction Prediction App leverages advanced analytics to uncover patterns in billing errors, incorrect charges and other problem areas that lead to customer dissatisfaction.

  • Amdocs Purchase Fraud Risk App: Assess and score the fraud risk of individual transactions by analyzing various factors that contribute to fraudulent activity and assigning a numerical score to each purchase.

"Harnessing data for meaningful insights is crucial for businesses aiming to make data-driven decisions with confidence," said Kieran Kennedy, Global Head, Data Cloud Products at Snowflake. "Our collaboration with Amdocs, our Telecom AI Data Cloud Services Partner of the Year in 2024, will empower organizations from across industries to improve and accelerate decision-making by enabling them to build custom machine learning models and generate real-time predictions tailored to their needs."

Ronen Levkovich, Group President Amdocs Global Services, said: "We are delighted to collaborate with Snowflake as part of the enhanced offerings developed by our recently established Amdocs Studios. These apps, which seamlessly integrate with Snowflake's infrastructure, are part of our commitment to empower businesses of all sizes to manage, prepare and leverage their data for advanced AI and generative AI use cases."

Amdocs will be showcasing its market-leading products and services at Mobile World Congress Barcelona, March 3-6, 2025.

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About Amdocs

Amdocs helps those who build the future to make it amazing. With our market-leading portfolio of software products and services, we unlock our customers' innovative potential, empowering them to provide next-generation communication and media experiences for both the individual end user and enterprise customers. Our employees around the globe are here to accelerate service providers' migration to the cloud, enable them to differentiate in the 5G era, and digitalize and automate their operations. Listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market, Amdocs had revenue of $5.00 billion in fiscal 2024. For more information, visit

Amdocs' Forward-Looking Statement

This press release includes information that constitutes forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provision of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements about Amdocs' growth and business results in future quarters and years. Although we believe the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, we can give no assurance that our expectations will be obtained or that any deviations will not be material. Such statements involve risks and uncertainties that may cause future results to differ from those anticipated. These risks include, but are not limited to, the effects of general macro-economic conditions, prevailing level of macroeconomic, business and operational uncertainty, including as a result of geopolitical events or other regional events or pandemics, as well as the current inflationary environment, and the effects of these conditions on the company's customers' businesses and levels of business activity, including the effect of the current economic uncertainty and industry pressure on the spending decisions of the company's customers, Amdocs' ability to grow in the business markets that it serves, Amdocs' ability to successfully integrate acquired businesses, adverse effects of market competition, rapid technological shifts that may render the Company's products and services obsolete, security incidents, including breaches and cyberattacks to our systems and networks and those of our partners or customers, potential loss of a major customer, our ability to develop long-term relationships with our customers, our ability to successfully and effectively implement artificial intelligence and Generative AI in the company's offerings and operations and risks associated with operating businesses in the international market. Amdocs may elect to update these forward-looking statements at some point in the future; however, Amdocs specifically disclaims any obligation to do so. These and other risks are discussed at greater length in Amdocs' filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2024 filed on December 17, 2024 and our Form 6-K furnished for the first quarter of fiscal 2025 on February 18, 2025.

Media Contacts -

Swati Sharma
Amdocs Public Relations

SOURCE: Amdocs Management Limited

View the original press release on ACCESS Newswire


What are the three AI apps Amdocs (DOX) launched on Snowflake Marketplace in February 2025?

Amdocs launched three AI-powered applications: the Purchase Debt Risk App (assessing likelihood of customer default), Customer Satisfaction Prediction App (predicting billing-related complaints), and Purchase Fraud Risk App (scoring transaction fraud risk).

How will Amdocs' (DOX) AI apps on Snowflake benefit small and medium-sized businesses?

The apps help small and medium-sized businesses mitigate financial risk by transforming raw data into actionable insights without requiring expensive in-house models, allowing them to predict fraud, non-payment, and customer churn.

When will Amdocs (DOX) showcase its AI solutions announced in February 2025?

Amdocs will showcase its market-leading products and services, including the newly announced AI apps, at Mobile World Congress Barcelona, March 3-6, 2025.

What recognition did Amdocs (DOX) receive from Snowflake prior to their February 2025 collaboration?

According to the announcement, Amdocs was named Snowflake's Telecom AI Data Cloud Services Partner of the Year in 2024, preceding their February 2025 collaboration.

What is the purpose of Amdocs' (DOX) Customer Satisfaction Prediction App released in 2025?

The Amdocs Customer Satisfaction Prediction App uses advanced analytics to predict and prevent customer complaints related to billing issues by uncovering patterns in billing errors, incorrect charges, and other problem areas leading to customer dissatisfaction.

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