A1 Telekom Austria Selects Amdocs to Modernize its Monetization Platforms

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Amdocs (NASDAQ:DOX) has been chosen by A1 Telekom Austria to upgrade and modernize its monetization platforms in a multi-year project. The initiative aims to consolidate and future-proof the Austrian operator's billing, charging, and catalog solutions. This cloud-based platform will enable A1 Telekom Austria to:

1. Launch new services and products across all customer segments faster
2. Deliver an enhanced user experience
3. Drive new revenue growth
4. Bring operational efficiencies
5. Support new monetization use cases for 5G, IoT, and other advanced services

The project also aligns with A1 Group's strategy to create a common IT foundation. Amdocs' solution will provide advanced security and compliance with the latest industry standards, ensuring A1 remains agile and efficient in its operations.

Amdocs (NASDAQ:DOX) è stata scelta da A1 Telekom Austria per aggiornare e modernizzare le sue piattaforme di monetizzazione in un progetto pluriennale. L'iniziativa mira a consolidare e rendere a prova di futuro le soluzioni di fatturazione, addebito e catalogo dell'operatore austriaco. Questa piattaforma basata sul cloud permetterà ad A1 Telekom Austria di:

1. Lanciare nuovi servizi e prodotti più rapidamente per tutti i segmenti di clientela
2. Offrire un'esperienza utente migliorata
3. Stimolare nuove opportunità di crescita del fatturato
4. Portare efficienze operative
5. Supportare nuovi casi d'uso di monetizzazione per 5G, IoT e altri servizi avanzati

Il progetto è anche in linea con la strategia del Gruppo A1 di creare una base IT comune. La soluzione di Amdocs garantirà avanzate sicurezze e conformità agli ultimi standard del settore, assicurando che A1 rimanga agile ed efficiente nelle sue operazioni.

Amdocs (NASDAQ:DOX) ha sido elegida por A1 Telekom Austria para actualizar y modernizar sus plataformas de monetización en un proyecto a largo plazo. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo consolidar y preparar para el futuro las soluciones de facturación, cobro y catálogo del operador austriaco. Esta plataforma basada en la nube permitirá a A1 Telekom Austria:

1. Lanzar nuevos servicios y productos más rápidamente en todos los segmentos de clientes
2. Ofrecer una experiencia de usuario mejorada
3. Impulsar un nuevo crecimiento de ingresos
4. Aportar eficiencias operativas
5. Apoyar nuevos casos de uso de monetización para 5G, IoT y otros servicios avanzados

El proyecto también está alineado con la estrategia del Grupo A1 para crear una base informática común. La solución de Amdocs proporcionará seguridad avanzada y cumplimiento con los últimos estándares de la industria, asegurando que A1 se mantenga ágil y eficiente en sus operaciones.

Amdocs (NASDAQ:DOX)는 A1 Telekom Austria에 의해 그들의 수익화 플랫폼을 업그레이드하고 현대화하기 위한 다년간 프로젝트로 선택되었습니다. 이 이니셔티브의 목표는 오스트리아 운영자의 청구, 요금 및 카탈로그 솔루션을 통합하고 미래에 대비하는 것입니다. 이 클라우드 기반 플랫폼은 A1 Telekom Austria가 다음을 가능하게 할 것입니다:

1. 모든 고객 세그먼트에서 새로운 서비스와 제품을 더 빠르게 출시하기
2. 향상된 사용자 경험 제공하기
3. 새로운 수익 성장 주도하기
4. 운영 효율성 향상하기
5. 5G, IoT 및 기타 고급 서비스에 대한 새로운 수익화 사용 사례 지원하기

이 프로젝트는 A1 그룹의 공동 IT 기반 생성 전략과도 일치합니다. Amdocs의 솔루션은 고급 보안 기능과 최신 업계 표준 준수를 제공하여 A1이 운영에서 민첩하고 효율적일 수 있도록 보장합니다.

Amdocs (NASDAQ:DOX) a été sélectionnée par A1 Telekom Austria pour mettre à niveau et moderniser ses plateformes de monétisation dans le cadre d'un projet pluriannuel. Cette initiative vise à consolider et préparer à l’avenir les solutions de facturation, de tarification et de catalogue de l’opérateur autrichien. Cette plateforme basée sur le cloud permettra à A1 Telekom Austria de :

1. Lancer de nouveaux services et produits plus rapidement dans tous les segments clients
2. Offrir une expérience utilisateur améliorée
3. Stimuler la croissance de nouveaux revenus
4. Apporter des gains d'efficacité opérationnelle
5. Soutenir de nouveaux cas d'utilisation de monétisation pour la 5G, l'IoT et d'autres services avancés

Le projet s'aligne également avec la stratégie du Groupe A1 de créer une base informatique commune. La solution d'Amdocs garantira une sécurité avancée et une conformité avec les derniers standards de l'industrie, garantissant qu'A1 demeure agile et efficace dans ses opérations.

Amdocs (NASDAQ:DOX) wurde von A1 Telekom Austria ausgewählt, um deren Monetarisierungsplattformen in einem mehrjährigen Projekt zu modernisieren und zu aktualisieren. Diese Initiative zielt darauf ab, die Abrechnungs-, Gebühren- und Kataloglösungen des österreichischen Anbieters zu konsolidieren und zukunftssicher zu machen. Diese cloudbasierte Plattform wird A1 Telekom Austria in die Lage versetzen:

1. Neue Dienstleistungen und Produkte schneller in sämtlichen Kundensegmenten einzuführen
2. Eine verbesserte Benutzererfahrung zu liefern
3. Neues Umsatzwachstum zu fördern
4. Betriebseffizienzen zu schaffen
5. Neue Monetarisierungsanwendungsfälle für 5G, IoT und andere fortschrittliche Dienstleistungen zu unterstützen

Das Projekt steht auch im Einklang mit der Strategie der A1-Gruppe, eine gemeinsame IT-Basis zu schaffen. Die Lösung von Amdocs wird fortschrittliche Sicherheit und die Einhaltung der neuesten Branchenstandards bieten, um sicherzustellen, dass A1 flexibel und effizient in seinen Abläufen bleibt.

  • Multi-year strategic engagement with A1 Telekom Austria
  • Consolidation of billing, charging, and catalog solutions into a fully convergent platform
  • Faster time to market for new services and products
  • Enhanced user experience for subscribers
  • Support for new monetization use cases in 5G and IoT
  • Alignment with A1 Group's strategy for a common IT foundation
  • None.

This partnership between Amdocs and A1 Telekom Austria is strategically significant for both companies. For Amdocs (NASDAQ:DOX), it represents a multi-year revenue stream and strengthens its position in the European telecom market. The deal's long-term nature suggests stable, recurring revenue for Amdocs, which is typically viewed favorably by investors.

For A1 Telekom Austria, the investment in modernizing its monetization platforms indicates a forward-looking approach to capitalize on emerging technologies like 5G and IoT. This could potentially drive revenue growth and improve operational efficiency, both key metrics for telecom investors. However, the financial terms of the deal are not disclosed, making it challenging to quantify the immediate impact on either company's financials.

Investors should monitor future earnings reports for indications of how this partnership affects Amdocs' revenue and A1 Telekom Austria's operational costs and new service rollouts.

The modernization of A1 Telekom Austria's monetization platforms represents a significant technological upgrade. The move to a cloud-based, fully convergent platform is in line with industry trends towards more flexible, scalable systems. This should enable A1 to:

  • Launch new services more rapidly, important in the competitive telecom market
  • Support advanced monetization models for 5G and IoT services
  • Improve system efficiency and reduce operational costs

The emphasis on a common IT foundation for A1 Group suggests a broader strategy of technological standardization, which could lead to group-wide efficiencies and easier integration of future innovations. However, large-scale IT transformations in telecom often face challenges in implementation and migration, which investors should be aware of.

This partnership highlights several key market trends in the telecom industry:

  • Digital transformation: Operators are investing heavily in modernizing legacy systems to stay competitive.
  • 5G and IoT focus: There's a clear push to prepare for monetizing next-gen services.
  • Customer experience prioritization: Enhanced billing and charging systems are seen as important for improving customer satisfaction.
  • Vendor consolidation: Long-term partnerships with key suppliers are becoming more common, as seen in the 25-year Amdocs-A1 relationship.

For investors, this deal underscores the ongoing capex requirements in the telecom sector, particularly as operators prepare for the 5G era. It also demonstrates the strong market position of established vendors like Amdocs in the telecom software space.

Multi-year project will consolidate and future-proof Austrian operator's billing, charging, and catalog solutions to drive new revenue growth, bring operational efficiencies, and improve the customer experience

JERSEY CITY, NJ / ACCESSWIRE / August 7, 2024 / Amdocs (NASDAQ:DOX), a leading provider of software and services to communications and media companies, today announced it has been selected by A1 Telekom Austria, the Austrian subsidiary of A1 Group, a leading Central and Eastern Europe service provider, to upgrade and modernize its monetization platforms.

The multi-year project will future-proof the Austrian operator's billing, charging, and catalog solutions, simplifying systems, and providing the basis for the consolidation of A1 Telekom Austria's monetization engines into a fully convergent platform. The cloud-based platform will enable A1 Telekom Austria to launch new services and products across all its customer segments with faster time to market and deliver an enhanced user experience.

"Amdocs has been a proven partner for the past 25 years and we are excited to build on this relationship to unlock support for new monetization use cases, enabling revenue growth and improved customer experience as our subscribers enjoy the benefits of 5G, IoT, and other advanced services," said Helmut Rogge-Wiltsche, Director, ICS Information Communication Service at A1 Telekom Austria. "Alongside operational efficiencies, advanced security, and compliance with the latest industry standards, the new platform will also drive towards a common IT foundation for A1 Group, in line with the group's strategy and structure."

"This strategic engagement is the next major step in the long collaboration between A1 Telekom Austria and Amdocs," said Anthony Goonetilleke, Group President of Technology and Head of Strategy at Amdocs. "Our cloud-based monetization platform will ensure A1 is agile and efficient, while providing flexibility to support nearly limitless monetization strategies and improved experiences for their customers."

Supporting Resources

About Amdocs

Amdocs helps those who build the future to make it amazing. With our market-leading portfolio of software products and services, we unlock our customers' innovative potential, empowering them to provide next-generation communication and media experiences for both the individual end user and enterprise customers. Our approximately 29,000 employees around the globe are here to accelerate service providers' migration to the cloud, enable them to differentiate in the 5G era, and digitalize and automate their operations. Listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market, Amdocs had revenue of $4.89 billion in fiscal 2023. For more information, visit

Amdocs' Forward-Looking Statement

This press release includes information that constitutes forward-looking statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provision of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including statements about Amdocs' growth and business results in future quarters and years. Although we believe the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based upon reasonable assumptions, we can give no assurance that our expectations will be obtained or that any deviations will not be material. Such statements involve risks and uncertainties that may cause future results to differ from those anticipated. These risks include, but are not limited to, the effects of general macro-economic conditions, prevailing level of macroeconomic, business and operational uncertainty, including as a result of geopolitical events and the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as the current inflationary environment, and the effects of these conditions on the company's customers' businesses and levels of business activity, including the effect of the current economic uncertainty and industry pressure on the spending decisions of the company's customers, Amdocs' ability to grow in the business markets that it serves, Amdocs' ability to successfully integrate acquired businesses, adverse effects of market competition, rapid technological shifts that may render the Company's products and services obsolete, potential loss of a major customer, our ability to develop long-term relationships with our customers, our ability to successfully and effectively implement artificial intelligence and Generative AI in the company's offerings and operations and risks associated with operating businesses in the international market. Amdocs may elect to update these forward-looking statements at some point in the future; however, Amdocs specifically disclaims any obligation to do so. These and other risks are discussed at greater length in Amdocs' filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2023 filed on December 13, 2023 and our Form 6-K furnished for the first quarter of fiscal 2024 on February 20, 2024, and for the second quarter of fiscal 2024 on May 20, 2024.

Media Contacts

Mario Hajiloizi
Amdocs Public Relations

Holly Abbott
Babel PR for Amdocs
Tel: +44 (0)7527 521057
Email: /

SOURCE: Amdocs Management Limited

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What is the purpose of A1 Telekom Austria selecting Amdocs (DOX) for its monetization platforms?

A1 Telekom Austria has selected Amdocs to upgrade and modernize its monetization platforms, aiming to consolidate and future-proof its billing, charging, and catalog solutions. This will drive new revenue growth, bring operational efficiencies, and improve the customer experience.

How will the Amdocs (DOX) cloud-based platform benefit A1 Telekom Austria?

The Amdocs cloud-based platform will enable A1 Telekom Austria to launch new services and products across all customer segments with faster time to market, deliver an enhanced user experience, and support new monetization use cases for 5G, IoT, and other advanced services.

What are the key features of the Amdocs (DOX) monetization platform for A1 Telekom Austria?

The key features of the Amdocs monetization platform for A1 Telekom Austria include operational efficiencies, advanced security, compliance with the latest industry standards, and the ability to support nearly limitless monetization strategies while improving customer experiences.

How does the Amdocs (DOX) project align with A1 Group's strategy?

The Amdocs project aligns with A1 Group's strategy by driving towards a common IT foundation for the group, in line with their overall structure and strategic goals.

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