Dow Announces the Launch of Two New REVOLOOP(TM) Recycled Plastics Resins With up to 100% PCR for Shrink Films

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Dow (NYSE:DOW) has announced the launch of two new grades of REVOLOOP™ Recycled Plastics Resins for non-food contact packaging applications. One grade contains 100% post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastics, while the other is a formulated grade with up to 85% PCR plastics derived from household waste. This expansion aligns with Dow's goal to Transform the Waste and commercialize three million metric tons of circular and renewable solutions annually by 2030.

In collaboration with RKW Group, Dow has developed a collation shrink film containing PCR plastics from household waste, addressing challenges in maximizing recycled plastics for demanding applications. This partnership combines Dow's material science expertise with RKW's extrusion and printing capabilities to create a flexible packaging solution that meets mechanical recyclability requirements and contributes to the circular economy.

Dow (NYSE:DOW) ha annunciato il lancio di due nuovi gradi di REVOLOOP™ Resine per Plastiche Riciclate per applicazioni di imballaggi non destinati al contatto con alimenti. Un grado contiene 100% plastica riciclata post-consumo (PCR), mentre l'altro è un grado formulato con fino all'85% di plastica PCR derivata dai rifiuti domestici. Questa espansione è in linea con l'obiettivo di Dow di Trasformare i Rifiuti e commercializzare tre milioni di tonnellate metriche di soluzioni circolari e rinnovabili all'anno entro il 2030.

In collaborazione con il Gruppo RKW, Dow ha sviluppato una contenente plastica PCR da rifiuti domestici, affrontando le sfide nel massimizzare l'uso di plastiche riciclate per applicazioni esigenti. Questa partnership combina l'esperienza di Dow nella scienza dei materiali con le capacità di estrusione e stampa di RKW per creare una soluzione di imballaggio flessibile che soddisfa i requisiti di riciclabilità meccanica e contribuisce all'economia circolare.

Dow (NYSE:DOW) ha anunciado el lanzamiento de dos nuevos grados de REVOLOOP™ Resinas de Plásticos Reciclados para aplicaciones de envases que no están en contacto con alimentos. Un grado contiene 100% de plásticos reciclados post-consumo (PCR), mientras que el otro es un grado formulado con hasta un 85% de plásticos PCR derivados de residuos domésticos. Esta expansión se alinea con el objetivo de Dow de Transformar los Residuos y comercializar tres millones de toneladas métricas de soluciones circulares y renovables anualmente para 2030.

En colaboración con el Grupo RKW, Dow ha desarrollado una película retráctil de collation que contiene plásticos PCR de residuos domésticos, abordando los desafíos de maximizar los plásticos reciclados para aplicaciones exigentes. Esta asociación combina la experiencia de Dow en ciencia de materiales con las capacidades de extrusionado e impresión de RKW para crear una solución de envase flexible que cumple con los requisitos de reciclabilidad mecánica y contribuye a la economía circular.

Dow (NYSE:DOW)는 비식품 포장 응용 분야를 위한 두 가지 새로운 REVOLOOP™ 재활용 플라스틱 수지 등급의 출시를 발표했습니다. 한 등급은 100% 소비 후 재활용(PCR) 플라스틱을 포함하고 있으며, 다른 등급은 최대 85%의 PCR 플라스틱이 가정 쓰레기에서 유래된 포뮬레이션 등급입니다. 이 확장은 Dow의 목표인 폐기물 변환2030년까지 매년 300만 메트릭 톤의 순환 및 재생 가능한 솔루션 상업화와 일치합니다.

RKW 그룹과의 협력을 통해 Dow는 가정 쓰레기에서 PCR 플라스틱을 포함하는 콜레이션 수축 필름을 개발하여 까다로운 응용 분야를 위한 재활용 플라스틱의 최대화를 위한 도전과제를 해결했습니다. 이 파트너십은 재료 과학에 대한 Dow의 전문 지식과 RKW의 압출 및 인쇄 능력을 결합하여 기계적 재활용 요구 사항을 충족하고 순환 경제에 기여하는 유연한 포장 솔루션을 만듭니다.

Dow (NYSE:DOW) a annoncé le lancement de deux nouveaux grades de REVOLOOP™ Plastiques Recyclés pour des applications d'emballage ne contactant pas des aliments. Un grade contient 100% de plastiques recyclés post-consommation (PCR), tandis que l'autre est un grade formulé avec jusqu'à 85% de plastiques PCR dérivés des déchets ménagers. Cette expansion s'aligne avec l'objectif de Dow de Transformer les Déchets et de commercialiser trois millions de tonnes métriques de solutions circulaires et renouvelables chaque année d'ici 2030.

En collaboration avec le groupe RKW, Dow a développé un film rétractable pour collation contenant des plastiques PCR issus de déchets ménagers, s'attaquant aux défis de maximisation des plastiques recyclés pour des applications exigeantes. Ce partenariat combine l'expertise de Dow en science des matériaux avec les capacités d'extrusion et d'impression de RKW pour créer une solution d'emballage flexible qui répond aux exigences de recyclabilité mécanique et contribue à l'économie circulaire.

Dow (NYSE:DOW) hat die Einführung von zwei neuen Qualitäten von REVOLOOP™ Recycelten Kunststoffharzen für nicht lebensmittelkontaktierende Verpackungsanwendungen bekannt gegeben. Eine Qualität enthält 100% post-consumer recycelte (PCR) Kunststoffe, während die andere eine formulierte Qualität mit bis zu 85% PCR-Kunststoffen aus Haushaltsabfällen ist. Diese Erweiterung steht im Einklang mit Dows Ziel, Abfall zu transformieren und bis 2030 jährlich drei Millionen metrische Tonnen zirkulärer und erneuerbarer Lösungen zu kommerzialisieren.

In Zusammenarbeit mit der RKW-Gruppe hat Dow eine Zusammenklebe-Schrumpffolie entwickelt, die PCR-Kunststoffe aus Haushaltsabfällen enthält und Herausforderungen bei der Maximierung von recycelten Kunststoffen für anspruchsvolle Anwendungen angeht. Diese Partnerschaft kombiniert Dows Materialwissenschaftsexpertise mit den Extrusions- und Druckfähigkeiten von RKW, um eine flexible Verpackungslösung zu schaffen, die die Anforderungen an die mechanische Recycelbarkeit erfüllt und zur Kreislaufwirtschaft beiträgt.

  • Launch of two new REVOLOOP™ Recycled Plastics Resins grades with up to 100% PCR content
  • Collaboration with RKW Group to develop shrink film using household waste recycled plastics
  • Expansion of sustainability portfolio to support circularity and low-emissions solutions
  • Addressing industry challenges in maximizing recycled plastics for demanding applications
  • None.

Dow's launch of two new REVOLOOP™ Recycled Plastics Resins represents a significant step towards the company's sustainability goals, particularly its aim to commercialize three million metric tons of circular and renewable solutions annually by 2030. This move aligns with the growing trend of sustainable packaging in the chemicals industry, potentially positioning Dow as a leader in this space.

From a financial perspective, this initiative could have several implications:

  • Potential for increased market share in the sustainable packaging segment, which is experiencing rapid growth due to consumer and regulatory pressures.
  • Possible premium pricing for these innovative products, potentially boosting profit margins.
  • Mitigation of future risks associated with stricter environmental regulations and plastic waste reduction mandates.

However, investors should consider the following:

  • Initial costs associated with developing and scaling up production of these new resins.
  • Potential impact on profit margins if the new products require more expensive production processes.
  • Market acceptance and adoption rates, which will be important for the success of these new products.

While the long-term outlook appears positive, short-term financial impacts may be until these products gain significant market traction. Investors should monitor Dow's future earnings reports for indications of how these new products are contributing to revenue and profitability.

Dow's introduction of REVOLOOP™ Recycled Plastics Resins with up to 100% post-consumer recycled (PCR) content is a significant advancement in plastic recycling technology. This innovation addresses several key environmental challenges:

  • Reduction of virgin plastic use, conserving fossil fuel resources and reducing carbon emissions associated with new plastic production.
  • Diversion of plastic waste from landfills and oceans, contributing to cleaner ecosystems.
  • Promotion of a circular economy model in the plastics industry, which has long been criticized for its linear 'take-make-dispose' approach.

The collaboration with RKW Group to develop shrink film containing household waste recycled plastics is particularly noteworthy. Household plastic waste is typically more challenging to recycle due to contamination issues, making this achievement even more impressive.

However, it's important to consider potential limitations:

  • The energy intensity and environmental impact of the recycling process itself.
  • The need for efficient collection and sorting systems to ensure a steady supply of PCR plastics.
  • The challenge of maintaining material quality over multiple recycling cycles.

Overall, this development represents a positive step towards more sustainable plastic use, but its full environmental impact will depend on successful scaling and integration into broader waste management systems.

Dow's launch of new REVOLOOP™ Recycled Plastics Resins taps into several key market trends:

  • Growing consumer demand for sustainable packaging solutions, driven by increasing environmental awareness.
  • Stricter regulations on single-use plastics and packaging waste in many regions, creating a need for alternative solutions.
  • Brand owners' commitments to increase recycled content in their packaging, aligning with corporate sustainability goals.

The collaboration with RKW Group to develop shrink film with recycled content is particularly strategic, as it addresses a specific market need. Shrink films are widely used in the beverage and consumer goods industries, sectors that are under pressure to improve packaging sustainability.

Market potential for these products could be significant, considering:

  • The global shrink film market was valued at $4.36 billion in 2020 and is projected to reach $6.74 billion by 2028, according to recent market reports.
  • The recycled plastics market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 6.8% from 2021 to 2028, driven by increasing adoption in packaging applications.

However, challenges remain:

  • Competition from other sustainable packaging solutions, including bioplastics and paper-based alternatives.
  • Potential resistance from some consumers or industries due to perceived quality issues with recycled content.
  • Price sensitivity in some market segments, particularly if recycled content commands a premium.

Dow's success in this market will depend on its ability to deliver products that meet performance requirements while offering a compelling sustainability narrative and competitive pricing.

Dow and RKW Group join forces to develop a shrink film containing household waste recycled plastics

HORGEN, SWITZERLAND / ACCESSWIRE / July 25, 2024 / Dow (NYSE:DOW) announces the development and launch of an expansion to its innovative family of REVOLOOP™ Recycled Plastics Resins. This launch marks a milestone in Dow's commitment to advancing circularity and Transforming the Waste.

By 2030, Dow aims to Transform the Waste and commercialize three million metric tons of circular and renewable solutions annually. To help achieve this, Dow is expanding its efforts to advance circular and sustainable packaging. Aligned with their Transform the Waste target, the launch of two new grades of REVOLOOP™ Recycled Plastics Resins comes with a new opportunity to unlock even more value in plastic waste for customers and partners.

The Company is launching two new grades of REVOLOOP™ Recycled Plastics Resins which are approved for non-food contact packaging applications. One contains 100% post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastics and the other is a formulated grade that contains up to 85% PCR plastics derived from household waste.

"With the launch of our new grades of REVOLOOP™ Recycled Plastics Resins, we continue to expand our sustainability portfolio, working with brands, converters and recyclers to design new ways to use less plastic in packaging and to help that what is used is designed for recyclability," said Fabrice Digonnet, Plastics Mechanical Recycling Strategy Leader EMEA, Dow Packaging & Specialty Plastics. "The launch of these two new grades is an exciting evolution in our recycling story and enables us to further support circularity and low-emissions solutions."

Addressing challenges by maximizing resources

Until now, the plastics industry has struggled to maximize recycled plastics household waste to reach demanding applications such as collation shrink films, as it is more prone to contamination than waste from commercial or industrial sources. These new grades of REVOLOOP™ Recycled Plastics Resins address these challenges, marking an exciting evolution in the recycling narrative.

Through collaboration, Dow and the RKW Group, one of Europe´s leading manufacturer of shrink films, are achieving new circularity and low-emissions milestones with the use of REVOLOOP™ Recycled Plastics Resins. By combining Dow's material science expertise with RKW's extrusion and printing expertise, they are maximizing the value of recycled plastics household waste streams to achieve historically demanding applications.

"This collaboration brings a brand-new collation shrink film to the market," said Konrad Noniewicz, Director R&D & Application Engineering at RKW Group. "By integrating REVOLOOP™ Recycled Plastics Resins, we create a flexible packaging solution that meets the requirements for mechanical recyclability, ensuring compatibility with existing recycling processes and contributing to the transition towards a circular economy."

The final product is a collation shrink film containing PCR plastics, partially derived from recycled plastics household waste, which meets the high requirements of well-known brand owners around the world.

This collaboration between Dow and RKW is a testament for a strong and effective relationship across the value chain, pushing the limits of mechanical recycling and accelerating the circular economy.

About Dow
Dow (NYSE: DOW) is one of the world's leading materials science companies, serving customers in high-growth markets such as packaging, infrastructure, mobility and consumer applications. Our global breadth, asset integration and scale, focused innovation, leading business positions and commitment to sustainability enable us to achieve profitable growth and help deliver a sustainable future. We operate manufacturing sites in 31 countries and employ approximately 35,900 people. Dow delivered sales of approximately $45 billion in 2023. References to Dow or the Company mean Dow Inc. and its subsidiaries. Learn more about us and our ambition to be the most innovative, customer-centric, inclusive and sustainable materials science company in the world by visiting

About RKW
RKW Group is one of the world's leading manufacturers of polyolefin-based film solutions. Our innovative and sustainable films enable customers to improve the daily life of consumers all over the world. We are a market leader in the areas of hygiene and agricultural films as well as films for the food and beverage industries and powdery goods. Moreover, we supply films and nonwovens for the chemical and processing industries as well as the medical, automotive and construction sectors. Our independent family-owned company is headquartered in Mannheim, Germany and employs approximately 2,800 people across 17 locations worldwide.


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What are the new REVOLOOP™ Recycled Plastics Resins grades announced by Dow (DOW)?

Dow announced two new grades of REVOLOOP™ Recycled Plastics Resins: one containing 100% post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastics and another formulated grade containing up to 85% PCR plastics derived from household waste, both for non-food contact packaging applications.

How does Dow's new REVOLOOP™ product align with its sustainability goals?

The new REVOLOOP™ Recycled Plastics Resins align with Dow's 'Transform the Waste' target, aiming to commercialize three million metric tons of circular and renewable solutions annually by 2030, advancing circular and sustainable packaging efforts.

What is the collaboration between Dow (DOW) and RKW Group for?

Dow and RKW Group collaborated to develop a collation shrink film containing post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastics partially derived from recycled household waste, addressing challenges in maximizing recycled plastics for demanding applications like shrink films.

What are the benefits of Dow's new REVOLOOP™ Recycled Plastics Resins for the packaging industry?

The new REVOLOOP™ Recycled Plastics Resins enable the use of recycled household waste in demanding applications like collation shrink films, support circularity, offer low-emissions solutions, and meet mechanical recyclability requirements, contributing to the transition towards a circular economy.

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Plastic Materials, Synth Resins & Nonvulcan Elastomers
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