Dow Announces Bio-Based NORDEL(TM) REN EPDM

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Dow (NYSE:DOW) has launched NORDEL™ REN EPDM, a bio-based version of its EPDM rubber material used in automotive, infrastructure, and consumer applications. This new product aims to support industries in lowering their Scope 3 emissions and achieving sustainability goals. Key features include:

- Made from bio residues from other industries, avoiding competition with food resources
- Produced through an ISCC PLUS certified mass balance system
- Offers identical performance to virgin material without requalification
- Part of Dow's commitment to deliver 3 million metric tons of circular and renewable solutions by 2030

The production process uses 24% less energy and has a 39% lower carbon footprint compared to conventional methods, as validated by a third-party life cycle analysis.

Dow (NYSE:DOW) ha lanciato NORDEL™ REN EPDM, una versione bio-based del suo materiale in gomma EPDM utilizzato in ambito automotive, infrastrutture e applicazioni per i consumatori. Questo nuovo prodotto mira a sostenere le industrie nel ridurre le loro emissioni di Scope 3 e raggiungere obiettivi di sostenibilità. Le principali caratteristiche includono:

- Realizzato con residui biologici provenienti da altre industrie, evitando la competizione con le risorse alimentari
- Prodotto attraverso un sistema di bilanciamento di massa certificato ISCC PLUS
- Offre prestazioni identiche a quelle del materiale vergine senza necessità di riqualificazione
- Parte dell'impegno di Dow di fornire 3 milioni di tonnellate metriche di soluzioni circolari e rinnovabili entro il 2030

Il processo di produzione utilizza 24% in meno di energia e ha un 39% in meno di impronta di carbonio rispetto ai metodi convenzionali, come convalidato da un'analisi del ciclo di vita di terza parte.

Dow (NYSE:DOW) ha lanzado NORDEL™ REN EPDM, una versión bio-based de su material de goma EPDM utilizado en aplicaciones automotrices, de infraestructuras y de consumo. Este nuevo producto tiene como objetivo ayudar a las industrias a reducir sus emisiones de Alcance 3 y alcanzar metas de sostenibilidad. Las características clave incluyen:

- Hecho de residuos biológicos de otras industrias, evitando la competencia con los recursos alimentarios
- Producido a través de un sistema de balance de masa certificado ISCC PLUS
- Ofrece un rendimiento idéntico al material virgen sin necesidad de re-calificación
- Parte del compromiso de Dow de proporcionar 3 millones de toneladas métricas de soluciones circulares y renovables para 2030

El proceso de producción utiliza un 24% menos de energía y tiene una huella de carbono un 39% menor en comparación con los métodos convencionales, tal como lo valida un análisis de ciclo de vida realizado por terceros.

Dow (NYSE:DOW)은 NORDEL™ REN EPDM을 출시했습니다. 이는 자동차, 인프라 및 소비자 응용 분야에 사용되는 EPDM 고무 소재의 바이오 기반 버전입니다. 이 새로운 제품은 업계가 Scope 3 배출량을 줄이고 지속 가능성 목표를 달성할 수 있도록 돕는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:

- 식량 자원과의 경쟁을 피하기 위해 다른 산업의 생물 잔여물로 제작됨
- ISCC PLUS 인증 대량 균형 시스템을 통해 생산됨
- 재자격화 없이 원자재와 동일한 성능 제공
- 2030년까지 300만 미터톤의 순환 및 재생 가능 솔루션을 제공하겠다는 Dow의 약속의 일환

생산 과정에서 24% 적은 에너지를 사용하고 있으며, 기존 방법에 비해 39% 낮은 탄소 발자국을 가지고 있습니다. 이는 제3자의 생애 주기 분석을 통해 검증되었습니다.

Dow (NYSE:DOW) a lancé NORDEL™ REN EPDM, une version bio-sourcée de son matériau en caoutchouc EPDM utilisé dans les secteurs de l'automobile, des infrastructures et des applications grand public. Ce nouveau produit a pour objectif d'aider les industries à réduire leurs émissions de portée 3 et à atteindre leurs objectifs de durabilité. Les caractéristiques clés incluent :

- Fabriqué à partir de résidus biologiques d'autres industries, évitant la concurrence avec les ressources alimentaires
- Produit par un système de balance de masse certifié ISCC PLUS
- Offre des performances identiques au matériau vierge sans nécessité de re-qualification
- Partie de l'engagement de Dow à fournir 3 millions de tonnes métriques de solutions circulaires et renouvelables d'ici 2030

Le processus de production utilise 24 % moins d'énergie et présente une empreinte carbone 39 % inférieure par rapport aux méthodes conventionnelles, comme validé par une analyse du cycle de vie réalisée par un tiers.

Dow (NYSE:DOW) hat NORDEL™ REN EPDM eingeführt, eine bio-basierte Version seines EPDM-Gummimaterials, das in der Automobil-, Infrastruktur- und Verbraucherindustrie verwendet wird. Dieses neue Produkt soll den Branchen dabei helfen, ihre Scope 3-Emissionen zu senken und Nachhaltigkeitsziele zu erreichen. Zu den Hauptmerkmalen gehören:

- Hergestellt aus biologischen Rückständen anderer Industrie, um Konkurrenz zu Nahrungsressourcen zu vermeiden
- Produziert durch ein ISCC PLUS zertifiziertes Massenbilanzsystem
- Bietet dieselbe Leistung wie das Ausgangsmaterial ohne erneute Qualifizierung
- Teil von Dows Engagement, bis 2030 3 Millionen metrische Tonnen zirkuläre und erneuerbare Lösungen zu liefern

Der Produktionsprozess benötigt 24% weniger Energie und hat einen 39% geringeren Kohlenstoff-Fußabdruck im Vergleich zu herkömmlichen Methoden, validiert durch eine Lebenszyklusanalyse von Dritten.

  • Launch of bio-based NORDEL™ REN EPDM to support customers' decarbonization efforts
  • Product offers identical performance to virgin material, requiring no requalification
  • Production process uses 24% less energy and has 39% lower carbon footprint than conventional methods
  • Contributes to Dow's goal of delivering 3 million metric tons of circular and renewable solutions by 2030
  • None.

Dow's launch of NORDEL™ REN EPDM represents a significant step forward for the company and its clients in terms of sustainability. For investors, this launch indicates Dow's proactive approach to environmentally friendly innovations, which can be a strong market differentiator. The emphasis on bio-based materials and the ISCC PLUS certification suggests Dow is not just following industry trends but setting them.

From a market perspective, this product can help Dow capture a greater share in the growing market for sustainable materials. Industries such as automotive and construction are under increasing pressure to reduce their carbon footprints, making NORDEL™ REN EPDM an attractive option. This could also lead to new long-term contracts and a stable revenue stream for Dow.

In the short term, the launch may not significantly boost revenues but positions Dow favorably for future growth as industries continue to pivot towards sustainability. This strategic alignment with global decarbonization goals could also enhance Dow's brand reputation and stakeholder trust, potentially leading to a positive impact on stock prices over time.

The introduction of NORDEL™ REN EPDM highlights Dow's commitment to sustainability and carbon neutrality. By using bio residues and an ISCC PLUS certified mass balance system, Dow ensures that the product helps reduce Scope 3 emissions without compromising performance. This approach aligns with global sustainability trends, making Dow a leader in the move towards greener materials.

For investors, this is more than just a new product; it is a validation of Dow's long-term sustainability strategy. The efficient production process of NORDEL™ EPDM, which already boasts a lower carbon footprint, further underscores Dow's innovative capabilities. Such innovations are critical as regulatory pressures on carbon emissions intensify worldwide.

In the long term, NORDEL™ REN EPDM could drive down costs associated with carbon taxes and compliance, offering a competitive edge. It exemplifies how Dow is positioning itself as a forward-thinking, environmentally responsible company, which could enhance its attractiveness to eco-conscious investors and funds.

Dow's announcement regarding NORDEL™ REN EPDM is impactful from a financial analysis standpoint. The product is likely to support Dow's goal of delivering 3 million metric tons per year of circular and renewable solutions by 2030, indicating a strong future revenue stream from sustainable products. This aligns well with Dow's broader 'Path to Zero' strategy, potentially lowering long-term operational risks and costs associated with carbon emissions.

Financially, launching a bio-based EPDM that does not require requalification means Dow can quickly supply the market without incurring additional costs for new production lines or customer requalification. This efficiency could result in higher margins for the new product line.

Investors should keep an eye on how quickly and effectively Dow can scale the production of NORDEL™ REN EPDM and capture market share. While immediate financial impacts might be modest, the strategic move positions Dow well for increased market share and profitability as sustainability becomes a key purchase driver across industries.

Recent addition to Dow's growing portfolio of sustainable materials aims to help automotive, infrastructure and consumer industries lower their Scope 3 emissions

WIESBADEN, GERMANY / ACCESSWIRE / July 23, 2024 / Dow (NYSE:DOW) recently announced the launch of NORDEL™ REN Ethylene Propylene Diene Terpolymers (EPDM), a bio-based version of Dow's EPDM rubber material that goes into automotive, infrastructure and consumer applications.

A key component of automotive weatherseals and hoses, Dow aims to support not just the automotive industry in achieving its sustainability goals with the launch of NORDEL™ REN EPDM, but as EPDM also goes into building profiles, roofing membranes, wire and cable, among others, NORDEL™ REN EPDM can help the decarbonization of building and construction and more.

"At Dow, we recognize the necessity to support our customers in their decarbonization journeys, as we drive towards our own carbon neutrality," said Zshelyz Lee, Global Automotive Plastics Circularity Team Leader. "With our commitment to deliver 3 million metric tons per year of circular and renewable solutions by 2030, we are proud to bring NORDEL™ REN EPDM as the newest offering to help our customers achieve their ambitious sustainability goals and create a better tomorrow."

By using bio residues from other industries as raw material, NORDEL™ REN EPDM can further support Dow customers in the rubber industry to offer their own customers a lower-carbon product. As only waste residues or by-products from an alternative production process are utilized, these raw feedstock materials will not consume extra land resources nor compete with the food chain.

The plant-based EPDM will be made through an ISCC PLUS certified mass balance system which traces the flow of bio-based raw material through a complex value chain and attributes it through verifiable bookkeeping. Crucially, the resulting product offers identical performance to virgin material with no requalification required, helping customers accelerate their transition to more sustainable options without the need for additional time or carbon emissions from the construction and maintenance of a new parallel production stream.

Dow's Path to Zero

The arrival of NORDEL™ REN EPDM is part of Dow's continuous endeavors towards carbon neutrality. The technology behind NORDEL™ EPDM production, Dow's Advanced Molecular Catalyst, already results in a highly efficient process that uses 24% less energy than the conventional Ziegler-Natta process, and thus 39% lower carbon footprint for the standard NORDEL™ EPDM grades, which has been validated by a third-party life cycle analysis (LCA).

Aside from extending its range of innovative low-carbon options to help customers reduce their Scope 3 emissions, the company is also accelerating investments in renewables and transformative next-generation technologies to reduce its own Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, achieve net zero and protect the planet.

About Dow
Dow (NYSE:DOW) is one of the world's leading materials science companies, serving customers in high-growth markets such as packaging, infrastructure, mobility and consumer applications. Our global breadth, asset integration and scale, focused innovation, leading business positions and commitment to sustainability enable us to achieve profitable growth and help deliver a sustainable future. We operate manufacturing sites in 31 countries and employ approximately 35,900 people. Dow delivered sales of approximately $45 billion in 2023. References to Dow or the Company mean Dow Inc. and its subsidiaries. Learn more about us and our ambition to be the most innovative, customer-centric, inclusive and sustainable materials science company in the world by visiting


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What is Dow's new NORDEL™ REN EPDM product and how does it contribute to sustainability?

NORDEL™ REN EPDM is a bio-based rubber material launched by Dow (NYSE:DOW) for automotive, infrastructure, and consumer applications. It helps lower Scope 3 emissions by using bio residues as raw materials, offering identical performance to virgin material without requalification, and is produced through an ISCC PLUS certified mass balance system.

How does the production of NORDEL™ REN EPDM compare to conventional methods in terms of energy efficiency?

The production of NORDEL™ REN EPDM uses Dow's Advanced Molecular Catalyst technology, which results in 24% less energy consumption and a 39% lower carbon footprint compared to the conventional Ziegler-Natta process. This has been validated by a third-party life cycle analysis.

What is Dow's (NYSE:DOW) commitment to circular and renewable solutions by 2030?

Dow (NYSE:DOW) has committed to delivering 3 million metric tons per year of circular and renewable solutions by 2030. The launch of NORDEL™ REN EPDM is part of this commitment, supporting customers in achieving their sustainability goals and creating a more sustainable future.

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