Terex Completes Acquisition of Environmental Solutions Group from Dover Corporation

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Terex (NYSE: TEX) has completed its acquisition of Environmental Solutions Group (ESG) from Dover for $2.0 billion, or $1.725 billion net of expected tax benefits. This strategic move is expected to:

1. Reduce cyclicality and lower capital intensity
2. Deliver financial accretion and unlock ~$25 million in synergies by 2026
3. Enhance Terex's presence in the waste & recycling segment
4. Expand its North American addressable market

ESG, known for its industry-leading brands like Heil and Marathon, has demonstrated a 7%+ long-term organic revenue CAGR over the past decade. The acquisition is anticipated to be double-digit percentage adjusted EPS accretive in 2025, with significant growth thereafter. Terex expects this move to drive increased revenue growth, free cash flow, EBITDA margin, and EPS accretion.

Terex (NYSE: TEX) ha completato l'acquisizione di Environmental Solutions Group (ESG) da Dover per 2,0 miliardi di dollari, ovvero 1,725 miliardi di dollari al netto dei benefici fiscali attesi. Questa mossa strategica dovrebbe:

1. Ridurre la ciclicità e abbassare l'intensità di capitale
2. Generare un'accresciuta finanziaria e sbloccare circa 25 milioni di dollari in sinergie entro il 2026
3. Potenziare la presenza di Terex nel segmento dei rifiuti e del riciclaggio
4. Espandere il mercato indirizzabile in Nord America

ESG, conosciuta per i suoi marchi leader nel settore come Heil e Marathon, ha dimostrato un CAGR organico dei ricavi a lungo termine superiore al 7% nell'ultimo decennio. Si prevede che l'acquisizione produca un aumento percentuale a doppia cifra nell'EPS rettificato nel 2025, con una crescita significativa successivamente. Terex si aspetta che questa operazione porti a un incremento della crescita dei ricavi, del cash flow libero, del margine EBITDA e dell’accrescimento dell'EPS.

Terex (NYSE: TEX) ha completado su adquisición de Environmental Solutions Group (ESG) de Dover por 2,0 mil millones de dólares, o 1,725 mil millones de dólares netos de los beneficios fiscales esperados. Este movimiento estratégico se espera que:

1. Reduzca la cíclicidad y disminuya la intensidad de capital
2. Proporcione un incremento financiero y desbloquee aproximadamente 25 millones de dólares en sinergias para 2026
3. Mejore la presencia de Terex en el segmento de residuos y reciclaje
4. Amplíe su mercado disponible en América del Norte

ESG, conocida por sus marcas líderes en la industria como Heil y Marathon, ha demostrado un CAGR de ingresos orgánicos a largo plazo superior al 7% durante la última década. Se anticipa que la adquisición sea acumulativa en porcentaje de dos dígitos en EPS ajustado en 2025, con un crecimiento significativo después. Terex espera que este movimiento impulse el crecimiento de los ingresos, el flujo de caja libre, el margen EBITDA y la acumulación de EPS.

테렉스 (NYSE: TEX)는 도버로부터 환경 솔루션 그룹 (ESG)20억 달러에 인수 완료했으며, 예상 세금 혜택을 고려하면 17억 2500만 달러입니다. 이 전략적 움직임은 다음과 같은 효과가 있을 것으로 예상됩니다:

1. 주기성 감소 및 자본 집약도 낮추기
2. 재무적 증가를 제공하고 2026년까지 약 2500만 달러의 시너지를 발휘하기
3. 테렉스의 폐기물 및 재활용 부문에서의 입지를 강화하기
4. 북미 시장 확장하기

헬과 마라톤과 같은 업계 선도 브랜드로 알려진 ESG는 지난 10년간 7% 이상의 장기 유기 수익 CAGR을 보여주었습니다. 이번 인수는 2025년 EPS 조정 비율에서 두 자릿수 퍼센트 증가가 예상되며, 이후에도 상당한 성장이 기대됩니다. 테렉스는 이번 인수가 수익 성장, 자유 현금 흐름, EBITDA 마진 및 EPS 증가를 촉진할 것이라고 기대하고 있습니다.

Terex (NYSE: TEX) a finalisé son acquisition de Environmental Solutions Group (ESG) auprès de Dover pour 2,0 milliards de dollars, soit 1,725 milliard de dollars nets des avantages fiscaux attendus. Ce mouvement stratégique devrait :

1. Réduire la cyclicité et abaisser l'intensité du capital
2. Générer des gains financiers et débloquer environ 25 millions de dollars de synergies d'ici 2026
3. Renforcer la présence de Terex dans le secteur des déchets et du recyclage
4. Élargir son marché adressable en Amérique du Nord

ESG, connue pour ses marques leaders comme Heil et Marathon, a affiché un CAGR organique des revenus à long terme supérieur à 7% au cours de la dernière décennie. On s'attend à ce que l'acquisition soit accrétive à deux chiffres pour le résultat par action ajusté en 2025, avec une croissance significative par la suite. Terex prévoit que ce mouvement favorisera la croissance des revenus, le flux de trésorerie libre, la marge EBITDA et l'accroissement du BPA.

Terex (NYSE: TEX) hat die Übernahme der Environmental Solutions Group (ESG) von Dover für 2,0 Milliarden Dollar abgeschlossen, was einem Nettobetrag von 1,725 Milliarden Dollar netto nach erwarteten Steuervorteilen entspricht. Dieser strategische Schritt soll:

1. Die Zyklik reduzieren und die Kapitalintensität senken
2. Finanzielle Akzisen liefern und bis 2026 Synergien von rund 25 Millionen Dollar freisetzen
3. Die Präsenz von Terex im Bereich Abfall und Recycling stärken
4. Den adressierbaren Markt in Nordamerika erweitern

ESG, bekannt für führende Marken wie Heil und Marathon, hat in den letzten zehn Jahren ein langfristiges organisches Umsatzwachstum von über 7% nachgewiesen. Es wird erwartet, dass die Übernahme im Jahr 2025 einen zweistelligen prozentualen Anstieg des bereinigten EPS bringt, mit erheblichem Wachstum danach. Terex erwartet, dass dieser Schritt das Umsatzwachstum, den freien Cashflow, die EBITDA-Marge und die EPS-Akkretion steigert.

  • Acquisition expected to be double-digit percentage adjusted EPS accretive in 2025
  • ESG has demonstrated a 7%+ long-term organic revenue CAGR over the past 10 years
  • Expected to unlock ~$25 million of cost and revenue synergies by 2026
  • Increases Terex's North American revenue contribution from 61% to 67%
  • ESG's EBITDA margin including run rate synergies expected to add 140 basis points of margin accretion
  • Acquisition represents 8.4x 2024E EBITDA including expected run-rate synergies
  • Significant upfront cost of $2.0 billion for the acquisition
  • Potential integration challenges and risks associated with large-scale acquisitions


The acquisition of Environmental Solutions Group (ESG) by Terex for $2.0 billion ($1.725 billion net of tax benefits) is a significant move that strengthens Terex's market position and financial outlook. Key points:

  • Expected double-digit percentage adjusted EPS accretion in 2025
  • Acquisition price represents 8.4x 2024E EBITDA including synergies
  • Increases North American revenue contribution from 61% to 67%
  • ESG has shown 7%+ long-term organic revenue CAGR over 10 years
  • Anticipated $25 million in cost and revenue synergies by 2026
  • 140 basis points EBITDA margin accretion expected

This acquisition reduces cyclicality, improves free cash flow and expands Terex's presence in the growing waste & recycling segment. The deal appears strategically sound and financially accretive, potentially driving long-term value for Terex shareholders.

Terex's acquisition of ESG is a strategic move that significantly enhances its position in the waste and recycling equipment market. ESG's #1 position in North America for refuse collection vehicles and waste compaction equipment complements Terex's existing portfolio. The deal brings together industry-leading brands like Heil, Marathon and Curotto-Can with Terex's global reach.

This acquisition is particularly noteworthy because:

  • It expands Terex's addressable market in a less cyclical, high-growth sector
  • Combines ESG's digital solutions (3rd Eye and Soft-Pak) with Terex's equipment expertise
  • Enhances aftermarket opportunities through ESG's Parts Central
  • Aligns with environmental trends, supporting waste management and recycling efforts

The integration of ESG's turnkey solutions with Terex's existing offerings could create a powerful force in the environmental equipment solutions market, potentially leading to increased market share and customer retention.

  • Purchase price of $2.0 billion; $1.725 billion net of expected tax benefits
  • Reduces cyclicality, delivers financial accretion and lowers capital intensity
  • Expected to Unlock ~$25 million of cost and revenue synergies by 2026
  • Enhances presence in waste & recycling segment; expands North American addressable market

NORWALK, Conn., Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Terex Corporation (NYSE: TEX) ("Terex" or "Company") today announced completion of its acquisition of Environmental Solutions Group ("ESG") from Dover Corporation (NYSE: DOV). Terex anticipates that ESG will drive increased revenue growth, free cash flow, earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization ("EBITDA") margin, and EPS accretion. The transaction is expected to be double-digit percentage adjusted EPS accretive in 2025, with meaningful growth thereafter. The all-cash transaction is for $2.0 billion, or $1.725 billion when adjusted for the present value of expected tax benefits of approximately $275 million. The acquisition represents approximately 8.4x 2024E earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) including expected run-rate synergies. With ESG, Terex will now derive 67% of its total revenue from North America, an increase from 61% based on trailing 12 months results ended Q2 2024.

ESG has demonstrated a track record of consistent, resilient growth, delivering a 7%+ long-term organic revenue compound annual growth rate ("CAGR") over the past 10 years. ESG holds the #1 position in North America in refuse collection vehicles, waste compaction equipment, and associated parts and digital solutions. ESG's industry-leading product brands include Heil, Marathon, Curotto-Can, Bayne Thinline, and Parts Central as well as digital solutions offerings 3rd Eye and Soft-Pak. ESG's turnkey products and services across equipment, digital, and aftermarket offerings are complementary to Terex's businesses, and will allow Terex to expand its customer base, providing customers with a broader suite of environmental equipment solutions, and realizing economies of scale. 

Simon Meester, Terex President and CEO said: "We're delighted to welcome ESG into the Terex family of businesses. ESG is a non-cyclical, financially accretive, market-leading business that will complement and strengthen Terex's portfolio with synergies in the fast-growing waste and recycling end market. ESG is led by a world-class management team and has a strong track record of operational excellence. We look forward to working with ESG to drive long-term, sustainable value for all our stakeholders."

Mr. Meester added that Patrick Carroll, President of Environmental Solutions Group for the past 14 years, will continue in that role. Mr. Carroll has extensive experience leading manufacturing businesses including serving as President of Terex Utilities from 2001 through 2005. 

Julie Beck, Terex SVP and CFO said: "This acquisition significantly strengthens Terex's portfolio and creates a path for accelerated, sustainable growth. ESG has demonstrated a sustained track record of resilient, high-single digit organic growth through the cycle. Its EBITDA margin including run rate synergies is expected to add 140 basis points of margin accretion. ESG's efficient operating model with low net working capital will drive a meaningful improvement in free cash flow accretion. And finally, Terex expects ~$25 million of identified synergies to be achieved by the end of 2026.

Mr. Carroll said: "At ESG, our vision has always been to improve the lives of our team members, our customers, and our communities. We are looking forward to becoming part of Terex, because we see it as a great cultural fit with opportunities to expand our positive impact. We are looking forward to greater scale and access to new markets."

UBS Investment Bank served as exclusive financial advisor and Fried Frank and Pryor Cashman served as legal advisors to Terex.

About Terex
Terex Corporation is a global industrial equipment manufacturer of materials processing machinery, waste and recycling solutions, mobile elevating work platforms (MEWPs), and equipment for the electric utility industry. We design, build, and support products used in maintenance, manufacturing, energy, minerals and materials management, construction, waste and recycling, and the entertainment industry. We provide best-in-class lifecycle support to our customers through our global parts and services organization, and offer complementary digital solutions, designed to help our customers maximize their return on their investment. Certain Terex products and solutions enable customers to reduce their impact on the environment including electric and hybrid offerings that deliver quiet and emission-free performance, products that support renewable energy, and products that aid in the recovery of useful materials from various types of waste. Our products are manufactured in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific and sold worldwide. For more information, please visit

About ESG
Environmental Solutions Group ("ESG") encompasses industry-leading brands, such as Heil, Marathon, 3rd Eye, Soft-Pak, Parts Central, Currotto-Can, and Bayne Thinline to create a premier, fully integrated equipment group serving the solid waste and recycling industry. Through extensive voice-of-customer outreach, in-house engineering and manufacturing capabilities, a wide-reaching service network, and proven industry expertise, ESG is focused on solving customer problems through environmentally responsible products and providing world-class support.

Forward Looking Statements
Certain information in this press release includes forward-looking statements (within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995) regarding future events or Terex's future financial performance that involve certain contingencies and uncertainties, including those discussed in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, and subsequent reports the Company files with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time, in the sections entitled "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations – Contingencies and Uncertainties." In addition, when included in this press release, the words "may," "expects," "should," "intends," "anticipates," "believes," "plans," "projects," "estimates," "will" and the negatives thereof and analogous or similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. However, the absence of these words does not mean that the statement is not forward-looking. The Company has based these forward-looking statements on current expectations and projections about future events. These statements are not guarantees of future performance. Such statements are inherently subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those reflected in such forward-looking statements.

Actual events or the actual future results of Terex may differ materially from any forward-looking statement due to these and other risks, uncertainties and material factors. The forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this release. Terex expressly disclaims any obligation or undertaking to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statement included in this release to reflect any changes in expectations with regard thereto or any changes in events, conditions, or circumstances on which any such statement is based.

Contact Information
Derek Everitt
VP Investor Relations

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SOURCE Terex Corporation


What is the value of Terex's acquisition of Environmental Solutions Group?

Terex acquired Environmental Solutions Group for $2.0 billion, or $1.725 billion net of expected tax benefits of approximately $275 million.

How will the ESG acquisition affect Terex's (TEX) earnings per share?

The acquisition is expected to be double-digit percentage adjusted EPS accretive in 2025, with meaningful growth thereafter.

What synergies does Terex (TEX) expect from the ESG acquisition?

Terex expects to unlock approximately $25 million of cost and revenue synergies by 2026 from the ESG acquisition.

How will the ESG acquisition impact Terex's (TEX) North American market presence?

With the ESG acquisition, Terex will now derive 67% of its total revenue from North America, an increase from 61% based on trailing 12 months results ended Q2 2024.

What is Environmental Solutions Group's (ESG) market position in North America?

ESG holds the #1 position in North America in refuse collection vehicles, waste compaction equipment, and associated parts and digital solutions.

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