Ginkgo Bioworks Launches New Protein LLM and Model API Built on Google Cloud Technology

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Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA) has launched two new offerings to accelerate drug development, building on its partnership with Google Cloud. The first is a protein large language model (LLM) built with Google Cloud Consulting, designed to give researchers and companies insights from Ginkgo's private data. The second is a model API, allowing direct access to biological AI models.

The protein LLM, one of the first of its kind in the industry, will be available on Google Cloud's Vertex AI Model Garden. The model API is already publicly accessible on Ginkgo's website. These tools aim to streamline research pipelines, optimize lead identification, and bring medicines to market faster. Ginkgo's first model, ginkgo-AA-0-650m, is trained on over 2 billion proprietary protein sequences.

Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA) ha lanciato due nuove offerte per accelerare lo sviluppo di farmaci, basandosi sulla sua partnership con Google Cloud. La prima è un modello di linguaggio di grandi dimensioni per proteine (LLM), realizzato con Google Cloud Consulting, progettato per fornire a ricercatori e aziende informazioni dai dati privati di Ginkgo. La seconda è un API modello, che consente accesso diretto ai modelli di intelligenza artificiale biologica.

Il modello proteico LLM, uno dei primi nel settore, sarà disponibile nel Google Cloud's Vertex AI Model Garden. L'API modello è già accessibile pubblicamente sul sito web di Ginkgo. Questi strumenti mirano a semplificare i flussi di ricerca, ottimizzare l'identificazione dei candidati e portare i farmaci sul mercato più rapidamente. Il primo modello di Ginkgo, ginkgo-AA-0-650m, è addestrato su oltre 2 miliardi di sequenze proteiche proprietarie.

Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA) ha lanzado dos nuevas ofertas para acelerar el desarrollo de medicamentos, construyendo sobre su asociación con Google Cloud. La primera es un modelo de lenguaje de grandes proteínas (LLM) desarrollado con Google Cloud Consulting, diseñado para proporcionar a investigadores y empresas información de los datos privados de Ginkgo. La segunda es una API de modelo, que permite acceso directo a modelos de IA biológica.

El LLM de proteínas, uno de los primeros de su tipo en la industria, estará disponible en el Google Cloud Vertex AI Model Garden. La API de modelo ya es accesible públicamente en el sitio web de Ginkgo. Estas herramientas tienen como objetivo simplificar los flujos de investigación, optimizar la identificación de candidatos y llevar medicamentos al mercado más rápido. El primer modelo de Ginkgo, ginkgo-AA-0-650m, se ha entrenado en más de 2 mil millones de secuencias de proteínas propietarias.

징코 바이오웍스(Ginkgo Bioworks, NYSE: DNA)가 구글 클라우드와의 파트너십을 바탕으로 약물 개발을 가속화하기 위해 두 가지 새로운 솔루션을 출시했습니다. 첫 번째는 구글 클라우드 컨설팅으로 구축된 단백질 대형 언어 모델(LLM)으로, 연구자와 기업이 징코의 비공식 데이터에서 통찰력을 얻을 수 있도록 설계되었습니다. 두 번째는 생물학적 AI 모델에 직접 액세스할 수 있는 모델 API입니다.

단백질 LLM은 업계에서 가장 처음으로 제공되는 모델 중 하나로, 구글 클라우드의 Vertex AI 모델 가든에서 사용할 수 있습니다. 모델 API는 이미 징코의 웹사이트에서 공개적으로 액세스할 수 있습니다. 이러한 도구는 연구 파이프라인을 간소화하고 리드 식별을 최적화하며 약물을 더 빠르게 시장에 내놓는 것을 목표로 합니다. 징코의 첫 번째 모델인 ginkgo-AA-0-650m은 20억 개 이상의 독점 단백질 서열로 훈련되었습니다.

Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA) a lancé deux nouvelles offres pour accélérer le développement de médicaments, en s'appuyant sur son partenariat avec Google Cloud. La première est un modèle de langage large pour les protéines (LLM) construit avec Google Cloud Consulting, conçu pour fournir aux chercheurs et aux entreprises des informations provenant des données privées de Ginkgo. La seconde est une API de modèle, permettant un accès direct aux modèles d'IA biologique.

Le modèle de protéines LLM, l'un des premiers de son genre dans l'industrie, sera disponible sur le Google Cloud Vertex AI Model Garden. L'API de modèle est déjà accessible publiquement sur le site Web de Ginkgo. Ces outils visent à rationaliser les pipelines de recherche, à optimiser l'identification des pistes et à commercialiser les médicaments plus rapidement. Le premier modèle de Ginkgo, ginkgo-AA-0-650m, est formé sur plus de 2 milliards de séquences de protéines propriétaires.

Ginkgo Bioworks (NYSE: DNA) hat zwei neue Angebote zur Beschleunigung der Arzneimittelentwicklung gestartet, aufbauend auf der Partnerschaft mit Google Cloud. Das erste ist ein großes Sprachmodell für Proteine (LLM), das in Zusammenarbeit mit Google Cloud Consulting entwickelt wurde und darauf abzielt, Forschern und Unternehmen Einblicke aus Ginkgos privaten Daten zu geben. Das zweite ist eine Modell-API, die den direkten Zugriff auf biologische KI-Modelle ermöglicht.

Das Protein-LLM, eines der ersten seiner Art in der Branche, wird im Google Cloud Vertex AI Model Garden verfügbar sein. Die Modell-API ist bereits öffentlich auf der Website von Ginkgo zugänglich. Diese Werkzeuge zielen darauf ab, Forschungsabläufe zu optimieren, die Kandidatenauswahl zu verbessern und Medikamente schneller auf den Markt zu bringen. Ginkgos erstes Modell, ginkgo-AA-0-650m, wurde mit über 2 Milliarden proprietären Proteinsequenzen trainiert.

  • Launch of a protein large language model (LLM) to accelerate drug development
  • Introduction of a model API for direct access to biological AI models
  • Collaboration with Google Cloud enhancing AI capabilities
  • Potential to streamline research pipelines and optimize lead identification in drug discovery
  • Competitive pricing for API access, including a free tier
  • None.


Ginkgo Bioworks' launch of a protein LLM and Model API represents a significant advancement in AI-driven drug development. This move could potentially accelerate revenue growth and expand market share in the biotech sector. The collaboration with Google Cloud adds credibility and scalability to the offering. However, the financial impact remains uncertain in the short term.

The competitive pricing strategy ($0.18 per million tokens) and free tier could drive rapid adoption, potentially leading to increased user base and data acquisition. This could create a network effect, enhancing the value of Ginkgo's platform over time. Investors should monitor user adoption rates and any subsequent partnerships with pharmaceutical companies as key indicators of long-term value creation.

Ginkgo's new protein LLM represents a major leap in AI-assisted drug discovery. By leveraging their proprietary dataset of 2+ billion protein sequences, Ginkgo has created a potentially game-changing tool for the industry. The ability to generate novel insights and accelerate therapeutic discovery could significantly reduce time-to-market for new drugs.

The open API strategy is particularly intriguing, as it democratizes access to advanced AI tools in biology. This could foster innovation across the entire biotech ecosystem, potentially leading to breakthrough discoveries. However, the true value of these tools will depend on their accuracy and ability to generate actionable insights in real-world drug development scenarios.

Ginkgo's protein LLM, built on Google Cloud's Vertex AI, showcases the growing convergence of AI and biotechnology. The use of large language models for protein analysis is a cutting-edge application that could revolutionize drug discovery processes. The model's ability to handle masked language modeling and embedding calculations demonstrates its versatility.

The open API approach is particularly noteworthy, as it aligns with current trends in AI democratization. By offering competitive pricing and a free tier, Ginkgo is positioning itself to become a central hub for AI-driven biological research. This strategy could lead to rapid iteration and improvement of the models, potentially creating a virtuous cycle of innovation. However, the success of this approach will depend on the quality and uniqueness of insights generated by the models.

  • Protein large language model (LLM) designed to help enterprises accelerate drug development coming to Google Cloud's Vertex AI Model Garden soon; one of the first-of-its-kind in the industry
  • Model API programmable interface now available for individual scientists and researchers to quickly test and advance work

BOSTON, Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ginkgo Bioworks Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: DNA), which is building the leading platform for cell programming and biosecurity, today announced two new offerings that will make it easier for pharmaceutical and biotech companies to develop new medicines, building on the partnership announced with Google Cloud last year. The first launch is one of the first-of-its-kind in the industry – a protein large language model (LLM) built in collaboration with Google Cloud Consulting that will give individual researchers and enterprise companies the ability to develop medicines with insights from Ginkgo's private data. Secondly, Ginkgo is launching its model API, a powerful tool designed to bring biological AI models directly to machine learning scientists. The API is publicly available on Ginkgo's website today, and enterprise companies will be able to access the protein-based LLM Google Cloud's Vertex AI Model Garden soon.

Jason Kelly, CEO of Ginkgo Bioworks: "I'm excited to see how the community builds on top of these models and our API. AA-0 is the first model we have released trained on Ginkgo's proprietary data – we're opening it to data scientists and bioinformaticians so they can build new models and applications on top. We believe that the low cost for tokens and our other customer-friendly terms, like the lack of royalties, and our commitment to not re-use customer data, will allow users to build tools like iterative protein design programs that call our protein generation API or to use our embedding API to compute features for a clustering algorithm."

These new offerings demonstrate how Ginkgo is enabling the life sciences industry in new ways, helping them improve and accelerate the drug development process.

  • Protein LLM for individual researchers and enterprise companies: Built on Vertex AI in collaboration with Google Cloud Consulting and trained on Ginkgo's extensive proprietary dataset, this and future LLMs empower companies to generate novel insights and accelerate the discovery of new therapeutics. By harnessing the power of AI to analyze and understand complex protein structures and interactions, researchers and enterprises can streamline their research pipelines, optimize lead identification, and ultimately bring life-saving medicines to market faster and more efficiently. Building on models that learn from Ginkgo's private data, unavailable to the public, can enable companies to unlock hidden patterns and potential therapeutic targets that would otherwise remain elusive.

  • Open API for scientists and researchers: With this programmer-friendly ultra-low cost API, Ginkgo is making its internally-developed AI tools available to anyone. The interface provides an easy and scalable way to access sophisticated models trained on protein and DNA data, starting with its first release: a machine learning model trained on a proprietary Ginkgo dataset. (Read more about Ginkgo's first model — ginkgo-AA-0-650m, a large-scale model trained on 2+ billion proprietary Ginkgo protein sequences — here.)

Chris Sakalosky, vice president of Strategic Industries, Google Cloud: "Ginkgo's new protein LLM and open API mark a major step forward in making advanced AI tools accessible for drug discovery and biological research. By leveraging Google Cloud's infrastructure and AI capabilities, Ginkgo is empowering both enterprises and individual scientists to accelerate their work and drive innovation in the life sciences. Ginkgo is leading the way in democratizing access to cutting-edge AI models, to increase value to pharma companies using Ginkgo's platform and to ultimately help people live healthier lives."

Ginkgo has a multitude of models under development, spanning machine learning methods like language modeling and diffusion for conditional design. Ginkgo's first protein language model release will support two use-cases:

  • Generation via Masked Language Modeling: given a sequence of amino acids with one or more <mask> tokens, the model will complete the sequence.
  • Embedding calculation: Calculate the final hidden layer of the trained model to extract valuable representations for downstream tasks. To begin, Ginkgo's model returns the mean-pooled representation across the length axis.

Over the next year, Ginkgo will roll out more models and expand the API's capabilities, building a robust suite of tools that will enable you to solve complex problems in drug discovery, synthetic biology, genomics, and more using the latest machine learning methods. Access the portal today and be among the first to explore our new API.

Ankit Gupta, General Manager of Ginkgo AI: "Flexibility is everything. Alongside our first proprietary model, which leverages unique datasets from Ginkgo, you'll also have access to publicly available models like ESM2. This means you can explore and experiment with different approaches, all through a single streamlined platform. We're also deeply committed to making advanced machine learning tools accessible, which is why our API comes with competitive pricing and a free tier. We've structured our costs to make it easy for you to jump in, experiment, and get predictions without worrying about high fees. Our initial models will have a free tier and our introductory pricing is approximately $0.18 per million tokens. This means for a protein with around 500 amino acids, users should be able to get predictions on 2000 sequences for roughly 10 cents. In the age of generative biology, with engineers designing thousands to millions of sequences at a time, we hope to enable them with enormous amounts of computational scale."

About Ginkgo Bioworks
Ginkgo Bioworks is the leading horizontal platform for cell programming, providing flexible, end-to-end services that solve challenges for organizations across diverse markets, from food and agriculture to pharmaceuticals to industrial and specialty chemicals. Ginkgo Biosecurity is building and deploying the next-generation infrastructure and technologies that global leaders need to predict, detect, and respond to a wide variety of biological threats. For more information, visit and, read our blog, or follow us on social media channels such as X (@Ginkgo and @Ginkgo_Biosec), Instagram (@GinkgoBioworks), Threads (@GinkgoBioworks), or LinkedIn.



Forward-Looking Statements of Ginkgo Bioworks

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws, including statements regarding the capabilities and potential success of the partnership, Ginkgo's model API and Ginkgo's cell programming platform. These forward-looking statements generally are identified by the words "believe," "can," "project," "potential," "expect," "anticipate," "estimate," "intend," "strategy," "future," "opportunity," "plan," "may," "should," "will," "would," "will be," "will continue," "will likely result," and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are predictions, projections and other statements about future events that are based on current expectations and assumptions and, as a result, are subject to risks and uncertainties. Many factors could cause actual future events to differ materially from the forward-looking statements in this press release, including but not limited to: (i) volatility in the price of Ginkgo's securities due to a variety of factors, including changes in the competitive and highly regulated industries in which Ginkgo operates and plans to operate, variations in performance across competitors, and changes in laws and regulations affecting Ginkgo's business, (ii) the ability to implement business plans, forecasts, and other expectations, and to identify and realize additional business opportunities, (iii) the risk of downturns in demand for products using synthetic biology, (iv) the uncertainty regarding the demand for passive monitoring programs and biosecurity services, (v) changes to the biosecurity industry, including due to advancements in technology, emerging competition and evolution in industry demands, standards and regulations, (vi) the outcome of any pending or potential legal proceedings against Ginkgo, (vii) our ability to realize the expected benefits from and the success of our Foundry platform programs, (viii) our ability to successfully develop engineered cells, bioprocesses, data packages or other deliverables, and (ix) the product development or commercialization success of our customers. The foregoing list of factors is not exhaustive. You should carefully consider the foregoing factors and the other risks and uncertainties described in the "Risk Factors" section of Ginkgo's annual report on Form 10-K filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") on February 29, 2024, Ginkgo's most recent quarterly report on Form 10-Q, and other documents filed by Ginkgo from time to time with the SEC. These filings identify and address other important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements, and Ginkgo assumes no obligation and does not intend to update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. Ginkgo does not give any assurance that it will achieve its expectations.

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What new products has Ginkgo Bioworks (DNA) launched?

Ginkgo Bioworks has launched a protein large language model (LLM) and a model API to accelerate drug development, built on their partnership with Google Cloud.

How will Ginkgo Bioworks' (DNA) new protein LLM benefit researchers?

The protein LLM will give researchers and companies insights from Ginkgo's private data, potentially unlocking hidden patterns and therapeutic targets to accelerate drug discovery.

What is the pricing for Ginkgo Bioworks' (DNA) new model API?

Ginkgo Bioworks offers competitive pricing for their API, including a free tier. The introductory pricing is approximately $0.18 per million tokens.

When will Ginkgo Bioworks' (DNA) protein LLM be available on Google Cloud?

The protein LLM will be available on Google Cloud's Vertex AI Model Garden soon, according to the announcement on September 17, 2024.

Ginkgo Bioworks Holdings, Inc.


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