Desert Mountain Energy Corp. (DMEHF) has signed an exclusive licensing agreement with Hethos for its proprietary helium extraction plant design in South West England. The agreement covers Cornwall, Devon, Bristol, and Gloucestershire, including offshore prospects drilled from onshore locations.
Under the terms, DME will receive a 5% royalty on extracted helium gases and retains rights to participate as operator for projects within the exclusive area. The company's autonomous plant design is energy-efficient, capable of operating with alternative energy sources like solar and wind power. DME's first plant, initially solar-powered in Arizona, was relocated to New Mexico's West Pecos Abo Gas Field due to regulatory delays and now operates using natural gas.
The partnership aims to leverage Hethos 's proprietary process for hydrogen extraction and processing for safe bulk transportation, while utilizing DME's energy-efficient modular plant design.
Desert Mountain Energy Corp. (DMEHF) ha firmato un accordo di licenza esclusivo con Hethos per il suo design proprietario di impianti di estrazione di elio nel sud-ovest dell'Inghilterra. L'accordo copre Cornwall, Devon, Bristol e Gloucestershire, inclusi i progetti offshore perforati da posizioni onshore.
Secondo i termini, DME riceverà una royalty del 5% sui gas di elio estratti e mantiene i diritti per partecipare come operatore nei progetti all'interno dell'area esclusiva. Il design autonomo dell'impianto dell'azienda è energeticamente efficiente, capace di operare con fonti di energia alternative come l'energia solare e eolica. Il primo impianto di DME, inizialmente alimentato a energia solare in Arizona, è stato trasferito nel campo gasifero West Pecos Abo del New Mexico a causa di ritardi normativi e ora funziona utilizzando gas naturale.
La partnership mira a sfruttare il processo proprietario di Hethos per l'estrazione e la lavorazione dell'idrogeno per un trasporto sicuro in grandi quantità, utilizzando nel contempo il design modulare energeticamente efficiente di DME.
Desert Mountain Energy Corp. (DMEHF) ha firmado un acuerdo de licencia exclusivo con Hethos para su diseño propietario de planta de extracción de helio en el suroeste de Inglaterra. El acuerdo abarca Cornwall, Devon, Bristol y Gloucestershire, incluidos los prospectos en alta mar perforados desde ubicaciones en tierra.
Según los términos, DME recibirá una regalía del 5% sobre los gases de helio extraídos y retiene los derechos para participar como operador en proyectos dentro del área exclusiva. El diseño autónomo de la planta de la empresa es energéticamente eficiente, capaz de operar con fuentes de energía alternativas como la solar y la eólica. La primera planta de DME, inicialmente alimentada por energía solar en Arizona, fue trasladada al campo de gas West Pecos Abo en Nuevo México debido a retrasos regulatorios y ahora opera utilizando gas natural.
La asociación tiene como objetivo aprovechar el proceso propietario de Hethos para la extracción y procesamiento de hidrógeno para un transporte seguro a granel, mientras utiliza el diseño modular energéticamente eficiente de DME.
Desert Mountain Energy Corp. (DMEHF)는 남서부 영국에 있는 자사의 독점 헬륨 추출 플랜트 설계에 대해 Hethos와 독점 라이센스 계약을 체결했습니다. 이 계약은 콘월, 데본, 브리스틀 및 글로스터셔를 포함하며, 육상 위치에서 드릴링된 해상 전망을 포함합니다.
계약 조건에 따라 DME는 추출된 헬륨 가스에 대해 5%의 로열티를 받으며, 독점 지역 내 프로젝트의 운영자로 참여할 권리를 유지합니다. 회사의 자율 플랜트 설계는 에너지 효율적이며, 태양광 및 풍력과 같은 대체 에너지원으로 운영할 수 있습니다. DME의 첫 번째 플랜트는 애리조나에서 태양광으로 운영되었으나 규제 지연으로 인해 뉴멕시코의 웨스트 페코스 아보 가스 필드로 이전되었으며, 현재는 천연가스를 사용하여 운영되고 있습니다.
파트너십은 Hethos의 안전한 대량 운송을 위한 수소 추출 및 가공에 대한 독점 프로세스를 활용하고, DME의 에너지 효율적인 모듈형 플랜트 설계를 활용하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
Desert Mountain Energy Corp. (DMEHF) a signé un accord de licence exclusif avec Hethos pour son design propriétaire d'usine d'extraction d'hélium dans le sud-ouest de l'Angleterre. L'accord couvre la Cornouaille, le Devon, Bristol et le Gloucestershire, y compris les projets offshore forés depuis des emplacements onshore.
Selon les termes, DME recevra une redevance de 5% sur les gaz d'hélium extraits et conserve les droits de participer en tant qu'opérateur pour les projets dans la zone exclusive. Le design autonome de l'usine de l'entreprise est économe en énergie, capable de fonctionner avec des sources d'énergie alternatives telles que l'énergie solaire et éolienne. La première usine de DME, initialement alimentée par l'énergie solaire en Arizona, a été déplacée vers le champ de gaz West Pecos Abo au Nouveau-Mexique en raison de retards réglementaires et fonctionne désormais avec du gaz naturel.
Le partenariat vise à tirer parti du processus propriétaire de Hethos pour l'extraction et le traitement de l'hydrogène pour un transport en vrac sûr, tout en utilisant le design modulaire économe en énergie de DME.
Desert Mountain Energy Corp. (DMEHF) hat einen exklusiven Lizenzvertrag mit Hethos für das proprietäre Design seiner Helium-Extraktionsanlage im Südwesten Englands unterzeichnet. Der Vertrag umfasst Cornwall, Devon, Bristol und Gloucestershire, einschließlich Offshore-Projekte, die von Onshore-Standorten aus gebohrt werden.
Gemäß den Bedingungen erhält DME eine 5%ige Lizenzgebühr auf die extrahierten Heliumgase und behält das Recht, als Betreiber für Projekte im exklusiven Gebiet teilzunehmen. Das autonome Anlagendesign des Unternehmens ist energieeffizient und in der Lage, mit alternativen Energiequellen wie Solar- und Windkraft zu arbeiten. Die erste Anlage von DME, die ursprünglich solarbetrieben in Arizona war, wurde aufgrund von regulatorischen Verzögerungen ins West Pecos Abo Gasfeld in New Mexico verlegt und arbeitet nun mit Erdgas.
Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, den proprietären Prozess von Hethos für die Wasserstoffextraktion und -verarbeitung für einen sicheren Großtransport zu nutzen, während das energieeffiziente modulare Anlagendesign von DME verwendet wird.
- Secured exclusive licensing agreement for helium extraction in South West England
- 5% royalty stream from helium extraction
- Retained operator rights in licensed territory
- Energy-efficient plant design reduces operational costs
- Previous regulatory delays forced plant relocation from Arizona to New Mexico
- Switched from solar to natural gas power, increasing operational costs
Hethos Ltd. is focused on a cost-effective proprietary process to extract hydrogen and then process it into a form suitable for safe bulk transportation. Desert Mountain Energy's autonomously operating plant is designed to be highly energy-efficient, allowing it to operate using alternative energy sources like solar and wind power. This design significantly reduces energy consumption compared to other processing plants. The first plant built by DME was initially powered by solar energy in
This agreement is between Desert Mountain Energy Corp. (DME), a Canadian publicly traded company currently producing processed natural gas and helium, and Hethos Ltd, a
Desert Mountain Energy Corp. is a publicly traded resource company primarily focused on the exploration, development and production of helium, hydrogen and natural gas. The Company is focused on helium extraction from different raw gas sources in an environmental and economic manner, supplying elements deemed critical to the renewable energy and high technology industries.
We seek safe harbor
"Robert Rohlfing"
Robert Rohlfing
Exec Chairman & CEO
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This news release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. Such forward looking statements and information herein include but are not limited to statements regarding the Company's anticipated performance in the future the planned exploration activities, receipt of positive results from drilling, the completion of further drilling and exploration work, and the timing and results of various activities.
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Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions management believes to be reasonable, including but not limited to the continued operation of the Company's exploration operations, no material adverse change in the market price of commodities, and such other assumptions and factors as set out herein. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or information, there may be other factors that cause results to be materially different from those anticipated, described, estimated, assessed or intended. There can be no assurance that any forward-looking statements or information will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements or information. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information. The Company does not intend to, and nor does not assume any obligation to update such forward-looking statements or information, other than as required by applicable law.
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SOURCE Desert Mountain Energy Corp.
What are the terms of DMEHF's licensing agreement with Hethos ?
Where is DMEHF's helium extraction plant currently operating?
What energy sources can DMEHF's helium extraction plant use?