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Desert Mountain Energy Corp. (DMEHF) has provided an operational update for its New Mexico and Arizona operations. In New Mexico, the West Pecos Abo Gas Field helium processing facilities are now operational after resolving initial software and component issues. The company expects to fill a helium truckload every 18-21 days based on current production volumes.

The company is selling natural gas monthly and exploring data center opportunities in the Rozwell area, including a pilot project for cryptocurrency mining. DME owns a workover rig for efficient well maintenance and has implemented cost-saving measures with no wells requiring artificial lift.

In Arizona, DME is working with regulatory agencies to establish helium production guidelines and collaborating with Beam Earth and Hethos on hydrogen opportunities. The company's legal action with Flagstaff has seen three more claims dismissed, reducing total claims from 11 to 6.

Financially, DME reported a 66% decrease in net loss from 0.14 to 0.05 cents per share in 2024 audited financials, with management expressing optimism about achieving profitability in 2025.

Desert Mountain Energy Corp. (DMEHF) ha fornito un aggiornamento operativo per le sue operazioni in Nuovo Messico e Arizona. In Nuovo Messico, gli impianti di lavorazione dell'elio nel West Pecos Abo Gas Field sono ora operativi dopo aver risolto iniziali problemi software e di componenti. L'azienda prevede di riempire un camion di elio ogni 18-21 giorni in base ai volumi di produzione attuali.

L'azienda sta vendendo gas naturale mensilmente ed esplorando opportunità per data center nell'area di Rozwell, inclusa una fase pilota per il mining di criptovalute. DME possiede un impianto di recupero per una manutenzione efficiente dei pozzi e ha implementato misure di risparmio sui costi senza pozzi che richiedano sollevamento artificiale.

In Arizona, DME sta collaborando con agenzie di regolamentazione per stabilire linee guida per la produzione di elio e collaborando con Beam Earth e Hethos su opportunità relative all'idrogeno. L'azione legale dell'azienda con Flagstaff ha visto tre ulteriori richieste respinte, riducendo il numero totale di richieste da 11 a 6.

Dal punto di vista finanziario, DME ha riportato una diminuzione del 66% della perdita netta, passando da 0,14 a 0,05 centesimi per azione nei bilanci auditati del 2024, con la direzione che esprime ottimismo riguardo al raggiungimento della redditività nel 2025.

Desert Mountain Energy Corp. (DMEHF) ha proporcionado una actualización operativa para sus operaciones en Nuevo México y Arizona. En Nuevo México, las instalaciones de procesamiento de helio en el West Pecos Abo Gas Field ya están operativas después de resolver problemas iniciales de software y componentes. La compañía espera llenar un camión de helio cada 18-21 días, según los volúmenes de producción actuales.

La empresa está vendiendo gas natural mensualmente y explorando oportunidades para centros de datos en el área de Rozwell, incluyendo un proyecto piloto para la minería de criptomonedas. DME posee un equipo de trabajo para un mantenimiento eficiente de los pozos y ha implementado medidas de ahorro de costos sin pozos que requieran elevación artificial.

En Arizona, DME está trabajando con agencias regulatorias para establecer directrices de producción de helio y colaborando con Beam Earth y Hethos en oportunidades de hidrógeno. La acción legal de la compañía con Flagstaff ha visto tres reclamaciones más desestimadas, reduciendo el total de reclamaciones de 11 a 6.

Desde el punto de vista financiero, DME reportó una disminución del 66% en la pérdida neta, de 0,14 a 0,05 centavos por acción en los estados financieros auditados de 2024, con la dirección expresando optimismo sobre alcanzar la rentabilidad en 2025.

Desert Mountain Energy Corp. (DMEHF)는 뉴멕시코 및 애리조나에서의 운영 업데이트를 제공했습니다. 뉴멕시코에서 West Pecos Abo 가스전의 헬륨 가공 시설이 초기 소프트웨어 및 부품 문제를 해결한 후 운영을 시작했습니다. 현재 생산량에 따라 18-21일마다 헬륨 트럭 한 대를 채울 것으로 예상하고 있습니다.

회사는 매월 천연가스를 판매하고 로즈웰 지역의 데이터 센터 기회를 탐색하고 있으며, 암호화폐 채굴을 위한 시범 프로젝트도 포함되어 있습니다. DME는 효율적인 우물 유지를 위해 작업over 기계를 보유하고 있으며 인공 리프트가 필요한 우물이 없는 상태에서 비용 절감 조치를 시행했습니다.

애리조나에서는 DME가 헬륨 생산 지침 마련을 위해 규제 기관과 협력하고 Beam Earth 및 Hethos와 수소 기회에 대해 협력하고 있습니다. 회사의 플래그스태프와의 법적 소송에서 세 건의 청구가 추가로 기각되어 총 청구 건수가 11건에서 6건으로 줄었습니다.

재무적으로 DME는 2024년 감사 재무제표에서 주당 손실이 0.14에서 0.05 센트로 66% 감소했다고 보고했으며 경영진은 2025년 수익성 달성에 대한 낙관적인 입장을 보이고 있습니다.

Desert Mountain Energy Corp. (DMEHF) a fourni une mise à jour opérationnelle concernant ses activités au Nouveau-Mexique et en Arizona. Au Nouveau-Mexique, les installations de traitement de l'hélium du champ gazier West Pecos Abo sont désormais opérationnelles après avoir résolu des problèmes initiaux de logiciel et de composants. La société s'attend à remplir une cargaison de camion d'hélium tous les 18 à 21 jours en fonction des volumes de production actuels.

La société vend mensuellement du gaz naturel et explore des opportunités de centres de données dans la région de Rozwell, y compris un projet pilote pour le minage de cryptomonnaies. DME possède un équipement de travail pour un entretien efficace des puits et a mis en œuvre des mesures d'économie de coûts sans que des puits nécessitent un levage artificiel.

En Arizona, DME collabore avec des agences réglementaires pour établir des directives de production d'hélium et travaille en collaboration avec Beam Earth et Hethos sur des opportunités d'hydrogène. L'action en justice de la société avec Flagstaff a vu trois nouvelles demandes rejetées, réduisant le nombre total de réclamations de 11 à 6.

Sur le plan financier, DME a signalé une diminution de 66 % de la perte nette, passant de 0,14 à 0,05 cent par action dans les états financiers audités de 2024, la direction exprimant son optimisme quant à l'atteinte de la rentabilité en 2025.

Desert Mountain Energy Corp. (DMEHF) hat ein operatives Update zu seinen Aktivitäten in New Mexico und Arizona bereitgestellt. In New Mexico sind die Heliumverarbeitungsanlagen im West Pecos Abo Gasfeld nun betriebsbereit, nachdem anfängliche Software- und Komponentenprobleme gelöst wurden. Das Unternehmen rechnet damit, alle 18-21 Tage einen Helium-Lkw zu füllen, basierend auf den aktuellen Produktionsmengen.

Das Unternehmen verkauft monatlich Erdgas und erkundet Möglichkeiten für Rechenzentren im Gebiet Rozwell, einschließlich eines Pilotprojekts zur Krypto-Mining. DME besitzt eine Workover-Rig für eine effiziente Brunnenwartung und hat Kostensenkungsmaßnahmen umgesetzt, ohne dass Brunnen eine künstliche Förderung benötigen.

In Arizona arbeitet DME mit Regulierungsbehörden zusammen, um Richtlinien für die Heliumproduktion zu etablieren, und kooperiert mit Beam Earth und Hethos zu Wasserstoffmöglichkeiten. Die rechtlichen Schritte des Unternehmens gegen Flagstaff haben zur Ablehnung von drei weiteren Ansprüchen geführt, wodurch sich die Gesamtzahl der Ansprüche von 11 auf 6 verringert hat.

Finanziell berichtete DME von einem Rückgang des Nettoverlusts um 66% von 0,14 auf 0,05 Cent pro Aktie in den geprüften Finanzunterlagen für 2024, wobei das Management optimistisch äußerte, dass die Rentabilität im Jahr 2025 erreicht werden kann.

  • Helium processing facilities in New Mexico now operational
  • 66% reduction in net loss per share (from 0.14 to 0.05 cents)
  • Cost savings from owned workover rig and no artificial lift requirements
  • Three legal claims dismissed in Flagstaff case
  • Initial software and component issues in helium processing facilities
  • Company still operating at a loss
  • Ongoing legal disputes with City of Flagstaff

Frankfurt: QM01

VANCOUVER, BC, Jan. 29, 2025 /PRNewswire/ - DESERT MOUNTAIN ENERGY CORP. (the "Company") (TSXV: DME) (U.S. OTC: DMEHF) (Frankfurt: QM01) From the President of the Company. Desert Mountain Energy Corp. (DME) is pleased to share an update on its operations in New Mexico and Arizona, as well as a review of the audited financials for 2024.

New Mexico Operations

The helium processing facilities at the West Pecos Abo Gas Field in New Mexico were brought online over a span of several months. As stated in a press release dated October 30, 2024, we faced various software issues that were present from the initial assembly, as well as instances of incorrect, substandard, and missing components. All of the issues have since been rectified, and the plant is now successfully separating helium from the natural gas stream. It is anticipated that the first truckload of helium will depart from the project site shortly. Based on current gas production volumes, the Company looks toward filling a truckload every 18-21 days depending upon customer specifications. This will change as gas volumes and helium percentages increase.

DME is currently selling natural gas on a monthly basis, without any sales being made into the Waha hub. The Company is actively engaged in negotiations to secure a more favorable long-term natural gas agreement.

Recently, the DME gas field in the Rozwell area has been identified as having significant potential for hosting data centers. The Company has been conducting a pilot project on its West Pecos Gas Field to assess the feasibility of operating small modular cryptocurrency mining equipment and small data centers. Additionally, a local gas producer has partnered with a major data operator to construct a 250 MW net-zero energy data center. DME is actively investigating the streamlining of the collection system to facilitate the increase in the percentage of helium and the transportation of processed gas to a mainline for use by a data center.

Continuing to own its workover rig allows DME to efficiently and economically carry out targeted maintenance on its wells, avoiding additional expenses such as mobilization, rig up, rig down, and standby costs. This enables DME to selectively assess and test different perforations, identifying and isolating those perforations with the most productive gas-bearing zones.

Additionally, DME has conducted maintenance on various sections of older pipelines as a proactive measure to prevent leaks and spills. As of now, there are no wells in the field that require artificial lift for extracting saltwater to boost gas production, resulting in substantial cost savings for the company.

The Company has developed and finalized plans for near, interim, and long-term strategies to achieve the goal of maximizing natural gas and helium production from the existing wells in the field within the next 24-36 months. Over 60% of our leases in New Mexico are situated on Federal BLM properties, and the transition in the administration in Washington, DC is expected to bring further favorable impacts to our operations in both New Mexico and Arizona.

Arizona Operations

The Company is in ongoing talks with regulatory agencies and lawmakers to establish definitive guidelines that will foster helium production in Arizona. DME appreciates the input received from the Federal Arizona delegation, state legislators, the Arizona Chamber of Commerce, and particularly the Tech Council members.

DME continues to collaborate with Beam Earth Ltd. and Hethos Ltd. to advance its hydrogen opportunities alongside its helium projects in Arizona and New Mexico. The company is engaging in conversations with Beam Ltd. and Hethos Ltd. regarding the possibility of utilizing hydrogen cells to fuel a joint helium and hydrogen processing facility in Arizona. Additionally, talks involve the potential use of DME's plant design in various regions. The focus of these discussions is centered on energy efficiency, as DME's plant design is believed to operate with an 18% reduction in electricity consumption.

In relation to the current legal action with the City of Flagstaff, the Company continues its claim and multiple defences. On January 8, 2025, the trial court dismissed three more claims against the Company, reducing the total to six out of the original 11 claims.

2024 Audited Financials

The Company changed auditors last year, and the new team finalized the fully audited financials, submitting them before the deadline. DME achieved a 66% decrease in net loss, from 0.14 to 0.05 cents per share. Management is optimistic about achieving profitability in 2025.   

To view the 2024 audited financial reports, visit Sedar+


Desert Mountain Energy Corp. is a publicly traded resource company primarily focused on the exploration, development and production of helium, hydrogen and natural gas. The Company is focused on helium extraction from different raw gas sources in an environmental and economical manner, supplying elements deemed critical to the renewable energy and high technology industries.

We seek safe harbor

"Robert Rohlfing"
Robert Rohlfing
Exec Chairman & CEO

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in polices of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. The statements made in this press release may contain certain forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties.  Actual events or results may differ from the Company's expectations.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This news release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. Such forward looking statements and information herein include but are not limited to statements regarding the Company's anticipated performance in the future the planned exploration activities, receipt of positive results from drilling, the completion of further drilling and exploration work, and the timing and results of various activities.

Forward-looking statements or information involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of the Company and its operations to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such statements. Such factors include, among others, changes in national and local governments, legislation, taxation, controls, regulations and political or economic developments in Canada and the United States; financial risks due to helium prices, operating or technical difficulties in exploration and development activities; risks and hazards and the speculative nature of resource exploration and related development; risks in obtaining necessary licenses and permits, and challenges to the Company's title to properties.

Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions management believes to be reasonable, including but not limited to the continued operation of the Company's exploration operations, no material adverse change in the market price of commodities, and such other assumptions and factors as set out herein. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or information, there may be other factors that cause results to be materially different from those anticipated, described, estimated, assessed or intended. There can be no assurance that any forward-looking statements or information will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements or information. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information. The Company does not intend to, and nor does not assume any obligation to update such forward-looking statements or information, other than as required by applicable law.

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What is Desert Mountain Energy's (DMEHF) expected helium production schedule in New Mexico?

Based on current gas production volumes, DMEHF expects to fill a truckload of helium every 18-21 days, depending on customer specifications.

How much did DMEHF reduce its net loss per share in 2024?

DMEHF achieved a 66% decrease in net loss, reducing from 0.14 to 0.05 cents per share in 2024.

What is the status of DMEHF's legal dispute with Flagstaff as of January 2025?

As of January 8, 2025, three more claims against DMEHF were dismissed, reducing the total from 11 to 6 claims.

What new business opportunities is DMEHF exploring in the Rozwell area?

DMEHF is exploring data center opportunities, including a pilot project for cryptocurrency mining equipment and small data centers.

What partnerships is DMEHF developing for hydrogen production?

DMEHF is collaborating with Beam Earth and Hethos to advance hydrogen opportunities alongside its helium projects in Arizona and New Mexico.

Desert Mountain Energy


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Oil & Gas E&P
United States