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Desert Mountain Energy Corp. (TSXV: DME, OTC: DMEHF) has achieved commercial production of helium from a complex natural gas stream. The company's processing plant is now operational and generating revenue, expected to cover overall corporate G&A expenses. However, this won't be reflected in the September 30, 2024 audited year-end financials.

The facility incorporates AI technology, currently in training, to adapt to varying chemical compositions of different wells. The plant is approaching autonomous operation. The geological team is reviewing data to optimize helium production and identify locations with higher helium grades. Some wells are showing increased hydrogen levels, warranting further investigation.

Desert Mountain Energy Corp. (TSXV: DME, OTC: DMEHF) ha raggiunto la produzione commerciale di elio da un complesso flusso di gas naturale. L'impianto di lavorazione dell'azienda è ora operativo e genera entrate, che si prevede copriranno le spese generali corporate. Tuttavia, questo non sarà riflesso nei bilanci finanziari verificati al 30 settembre 2024.

La struttura incorpora tecnologia AI, attualmente in fase di addestramento, per adattarsi alle diverse composizioni chimiche dei diversi pozzi. L'impianto si avvicina a un'operazione autonoma. Il team geologico sta esaminando i dati per ottimizzare la produzione di elio e identificare le posizioni con gradi più alti di elio. Alcuni pozzi mostrano livelli di idrogeno aumentati, rendendo necessaria un'ulteriore indagine.

Desert Mountain Energy Corp. (TSXV: DME, OTC: DMEHF) ha alcanzado la producción comercial de helio a partir de un complejo flujo de gas natural. La planta de procesamiento de la empresa ya está operativa y generando ingresos, que se espera cubran los gastos generales corporativos. Sin embargo, esto no se reflejará en los estados financieros auditados al 30 de septiembre de 2024.

La instalación incorpora tecnología de IA, actualmente en entrenamiento, para adaptarse a las diversas composiciones químicas de diferentes pozos. La planta se está acercando a una operación autónoma. El equipo geológico está revisando datos para optimizar la producción de helio e identificar lugares con mayores grados de helio. Algunos pozos muestran niveles aumentados de hidrógeno, lo que justifica una mayor investigación.

Desert Mountain Energy Corp. (TSXV: DME, OTC: DMEHF)는 복잡한 천연 가스 스트림에서 헬륨의 상업적 생산에 도달했습니다. 회사의 가공 공장은 현재 운영 중이며 수익을 창출하고 있습니다, 이는 전체 기업 관리 및 일반 경비를 충당할 것으로 예상됩니다. 그러나 이것은 2024년 9월 30일 감사된 회계연도 말 재무제표에 반영되지 않을 것입니다.

이 시설은 AI 기술을 통합하고 있으며, 현재 다양한 유정의 화학 조성에 적응하기 위해 훈련 중입니다. 이 공장은 자율 운영에 가까워지고 있습니다. 지질 팀은 헬륨 생산을 최적화하고 헬륨 등급이 높은 위치를 식별하기 위해 데이터를 검토하고 있습니다. 일부 유정은 수소 수치가 증가하고 있어 추가 연구가 필요합니다.

Desert Mountain Energy Corp. (TSXV: DME, OTC: DMEHF) a atteint la production commerciale d'hélium à partir d'un flux complexe de gaz naturel. L'usine de traitement de l'entreprise est désormais opérationnelle et génère des revenus, qui devraient couvrir les frais généraux de l'entreprise. Cependant, cela ne sera pas reflété dans les états financiers de fin d'année audités au 30 septembre 2024.

Les installations intègrent la technologie IA, actuellement en cours de formation, pour s'adapter aux diverses compositions chimiques des différents puits. L'usine se rapproche d'une opération autonome. L'équipe géologique examine les données pour optimiser la production d'hélium et identifier des emplacements avec des grades d'hélium plus élevés. Certains puits montrent des niveaux accrus d'hydrogène, nécessitant une enquête plus approfondie.

Desert Mountain Energy Corp. (TSXV: DME, OTC: DMEHF) hat die kommerzielle Produktion von Helium aus einem komplexen Erdgasstrom erreicht. Die Verarbeitungsanlage des Unternehmens ist nun betriebsbereit und erwirtschaftet Einnahmen, die voraussichtlich die gesamten Verwaltungs- und Gemeinkosten decken werden. Dies wird jedoch nicht in den zum 30. September 2024 geprüften Jahresabschlüssen reflektiert.

Die Anlage integriert KI-Technologie, die derzeit trainiert wird, um sich an unterschiedliche chemische Zusammensetzungen der verschiedenen Bohrungen anzupassen. Die Anlage nähert sich einer autonomen Betriebsweise. Das geologische Team überprüft Daten, um die Heliumproduktion zu optimieren und Standorte mit höheren Heliumgehalten zu identifizieren. Einige Bohrungen zeigen erhöhte Wasserstoffwerte, was eine weitere Untersuchung erforderlich macht.

  • Achieved commercial production of helium
  • Processing plant operational and generating revenue
  • Revenue expected to cover corporate G&A expenses
  • AI integration in the facility for improved efficiency
  • Plant nearing autonomous operation
  • Current production revenue not reflected in upcoming year-end financials
  • Gradual rise in sales volumes and revenue expected, indicating slow ramp-up
  • Presence of produced water, albeit in small percentages
  • Unexpected increased hydrogen levels in some wells requiring investigation

Frankfurt: QM01

VANCOUVER, BC, Sept. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - DESERT MOUNTAIN ENERGY CORP. (the "Company") (TSXV: DME) (OTC: DMEHF) (Frankfurt: QM01) From the President of the Company. Desert Mountain Energy Corp. is pleased to announce that the separation of commercial volumes of helium from a complex natural gas stream has been achieved. The processing plant has been recirculating and enriching helium with the end product going into an end user's tube trailer. The facility has been in commercial operation following the resolution of numerous issues by the DME team during the start-up phase.

Current production revenue is now expected to cover the overall corporate G&A but will not be reflected in the September 30, 2024, audited year- end financials. The Company anticipates a gradual rise in sales volumes and revenue, with a current emphasis on well workovers and reducing the overall small percentage of produced water.

During the facility's relocation from Arizona, an AI component was integrated. Currently, the AI is undergoing training through data collection while commercial processing remains ongoing. Data points are essential for the system to learn and function effectively as more wells are brought online. Each well possesses distinct chemical compositions that the plant must adapt to. The plant is nearing autonomy, requiring minimal human intervention for operation.

The geological team continues to review downhole data to determine the most viable wells for increased helium production. They are also examining regional data to enhance the understanding of geological controls and pinpoint locations with the potential for higher helium grades. Certain wells are showing increased levels of hydrogen, prompting a need for further investigation to determine the underlying causes of these occurrences.


Desert Mountain Energy Corp. is a publicly traded resource company primarily focused on the exploration, development and production of helium, hydrogen, natural gas and condensate. The Company is focused on helium extraction from different raw gas sources in an environmental and economic manner supplying elements deemed critical to the renewable energy and high technology industries

We seek safe harbor

"Robert Rohlfing"
Robert Rohlfing
Exec Chairman & CEO

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in polices of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. The statements made in this press release may contain certain forward-looking statements that involve a number of risks and uncertainties.  Actual events or results may differ from the Company's expectations.

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
This news release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities legislation. Such forward looking statements and information herein include but are not limited to statements regarding the Company's anticipated performance in the future the planned exploration activities, receipt of positive results from drilling, the completion of further drilling and exploration work, and the timing and results of various activities.

Forward-looking statements or information involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of the Company and its operations to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such statements. Such factors include, among others, changes in national and local governments, legislation, taxation, controls, regulations and political or economic developments in Canada and the United States; financial risks due to helium prices, operating or technical difficulties in exploration and development activities; risks and hazards and the speculative nature of resource exploration and related development; risks in obtaining necessary licenses and permits, and challenges to the Company's title to properties.

Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions management believes to be reasonable, including but not limited to the continued operation of the Company's exploration operations, no material adverse change in the market price of commodities, and such other assumptions and factors as set out herein. Although the Company has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or information, there may be other factors that cause results to be materially different from those anticipated, described, estimated, assessed or intended. There can be no assurance that any forward-looking statements or information will prove to be accurate as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements or information. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information. The Company does not intend to, and nor does not assume any obligation to update such forward-looking statements or information, other than as required by applicable law.

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SOURCE Desert Mountain Energy Corp.


What milestone has Desert Mountain Energy Corp. (DMEHF) recently achieved?

Desert Mountain Energy Corp. (DMEHF) has recently achieved commercial production of helium from a complex natural gas stream.

How is the AI component being integrated into Desert Mountain Energy's (DMEHF) helium production?

The AI component is currently undergoing training through data collection while commercial processing continues. It's designed to adapt to varying chemical compositions of different wells and is nearing autonomous operation.

Will Desert Mountain Energy's (DMEHF) current production revenue be reflected in the September 30, 2024 financials?

No, the current production revenue is not expected to be reflected in the September 30, 2024 audited year-end financials, despite covering overall corporate G&A expenses.

What unexpected element has been found in some of Desert Mountain Energy's (DMEHF) wells?

Some wells are showing increased levels of hydrogen, which requires further investigation to determine the underlying causes of these occurrences.



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