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BNY Mellon Municipal Bond Infrastructure Fund, Inc. (NYSE: DMB) has declared a distribution of $0.0530 per share, payable on September 1, 2021, to shareholders on record as of August 18, 2021. The ex-dividend date is August 17, 2021. This follows the same distribution amount announced in July 2021. The Fund aims to maintain consistent monthly distributions, which may occasionally involve paying out less than net investment income or returning capital, depending on market conditions and performance.
BNY Mellon Municipal Bond Infrastructure Fund (NYSE: DMB) announced a dividend of $0.0530 per share, payable on August 2, 2021, to shareholders of record as of July 20, 2021. The ex-dividend date is July 19, 2021. This marks the same dividend amount as announced previously in June. The Fund aims for regular monthly distributions based on projected performance, with the possibility of adjusting payouts as needed based on market conditions.
BNY Mellon Municipal Bond Infrastructure Fund (NYSE: DMB) announced a dividend of $0.0530 per share, payable on July 1, 2021, to shareholders of record by the close of business on June 17, 2021. The ex-dividend date is set for June 16, 2021. This is consistent with the previous dividend of $0.0530 announced in May. The Fund aims for regular monthly distributions but may adjust payouts based on market conditions and performance.
BNY Mellon Municipal Bond Infrastructure Fund (NYSE: DMB) declared a monthly dividend of $0.0530 per share, payable on June 1, 2021, to shareholders on record as of May 19, 2021. The ex-dividend date is set for May 18, 2021. The Fund aims to sustain regular distributions, adjusting payouts based on performance, which may include returning capital. As of March 31, 2021, BNY Mellon Investment Management boasts $2.2 trillion in assets under management.
BNY Mellon Municipal Bond Infrastructure Fund, Inc. (NYSE: DMB) has declared a monthly distribution of $0.0530 per share, to be paid on May 3, 2021, for shareholders on record by April 20, 2021. The ex-dividend date is April 19, 2021. This distribution matches the prior month's dividend. The Fund aims to continue regular distributions, which may include net investment income and return of capital depending on market conditions and performance.
BNY Mellon Municipal Bond Infrastructure Fund (NYSE: DMB) announced a monthly dividend of $0.0530 per share, payable on April 1, 2021, to shareholders on record by March 17, 2021. The ex-dividend date is March 16, 2021. The fund aims to maintain regular distributions, which may sometimes involve returning capital or utilizing accumulated undistributed income. Despite projected stability, market conditions could influence future distribution rates and policies.
BNY Mellon Municipal Bond Infrastructure Fund, Inc. (NYSE: DMB) has declared a monthly distribution of $0.0530 per share, payable on March 1, 2021, to shareholders of record on February 18, 2021. The ex-dividend date is set for February 17, 2021. This distribution matches the previous month's amount, indicating stability. The Fund aims to maintain consistent distributions, which may fluctuate based on portfolio performance. BNY Mellon Investment Management oversees the Fund, managing $2.2 trillion in assets as of December 31, 2020.
BNY Mellon Municipal Bond Infrastructure Fund (NYSE: DMB) announced a monthly dividend of $0.0530 per common share, payable on February 1, 2021. Shareholders of record as of January 21, 2021 will receive this distribution, with an ex-dividend date on January 20, 2021. The Fund aims to maintain stable distributions, but may occasionally pay out less than its net investment income to ensure consistent payments. The investment adviser, part of BNY Mellon Investment Management, oversees $2.0 trillion in assets, reflecting robust management capabilities.
BNY Mellon Municipal Bond Infrastructure Fund (NYSE: DMB) announced a monthly dividend of $0.0530 per share, payable on January 4, 2021. Shareholders of record by December 17, 2020 will receive this distribution, with an ex-dividend date of December 16, 2020. This payout matches the previous dividend declared in November. The Fund aims to maintain steady distributions based on its performance, occasionally distributing less than its net investment income or returning capital as market conditions evolve.
BNY Mellon Municipal Bond Infrastructure Fund, Inc. (NYSE: DMB) has declared a dividend of $0.0530 per share, payable on December 1, 2020, to shareholders on record as of November 19, 2020. The ex-dividend date is November 18, 2020. This is consistent with the previous month’s dividend. The Fund aims for regular monthly distributions based on projected performance, which may fluctuate based on market conditions and portfolio performance, including the potential use of accumulated undistributed income.
What is the current stock price of BNY Mellon Municipal Bond Infrastructure Fund (DMB)?