Always Alpha Launches As First Management Firm of its Kind - Fully Focused on Women's Sports

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Dolphin (NASDAQ:DLPN) has launched Always Alpha, the first sports management firm fully focused on women's sports. Founded by Olympic legend Allyson Felix, her brother Wes Felix, and sports executive Cosette Chaput, Always Alpha aims to empower female athletes, broadcasters, and coaches in all aspects of their lives.

The firm seeks to address outdated talent management models and support the multidimensional nature of womanhood. Allyson Felix, the most decorated American track and field Olympian, brings her experience in diversifying her business across marketing, media, entrepreneurship, and impact. Cosette Chaput, known for her trailblazing work in sports marketing, emphasizes the billion-dollar potential of women's sports.

Always Alpha joins Dolphin's portfolio of celebrity and entertainment marketing companies, extending their reach into sports. Dolphin CEO Bill O'Dowd views this venture as a strategic move to support women's sports and provide comprehensive management for modern female athletes and sportscasters.

Dolphin (NASDAQ:DLPN) ha lanciato Always Alpha, la prima agenzia di gestione sportiva interamente dedicata agli sport femminili. Fondata dalla leggenda olimpica Allyson Felix, suo fratello Wes Felix e dall'executive sportivo Cosette Chaput, Always Alpha mira a dare potere alle atlete, ai broadcaster e agli allenatori in tutti gli aspetti delle loro vite.

L'azienda cerca di affrontare i modelli di gestione del talento obsoleti e supportare la natura multidimensionale della femminilità. Allyson Felix, la più decorata olimpionica americana nell'atletica leggera, porta la sua esperienza nel diversificare il suo business tra marketing, media, imprenditorialità e impatto. Cosette Chaput, conosciuta per il suo lavoro innovativo nel marketing sportivo, sottolinea il potenziale miliardario degli sport femminili.

Always Alpha si unisce al portfolio di aziende di marketing per celebrità e intrattenimento di Dolphin, ampliando la loro portata nel mondo dello sport. Il CEO di Dolphin, Bill O'Dowd, considera questa iniziativa un passo strategico per supportare gli sport femminili e fornire una gestione completa per le atlete moderne e le sportcaster.

Dolphin (NASDAQ:DLPN) ha lanzado Always Alpha, la primera agencia de gestión deportiva completamente enfocada en el deporte femenino. Fundada por la leyenda olímpica Allyson Felix, su hermano Wes Felix y la ejecutiva deportiva Cosette Chaput, Always Alpha tiene como objetivo empoderar a las atletas, a los broadcasters y a los entrenadores en todos los aspectos de sus vidas.

La firma busca abordar los modelos de gestión del talento anticuados y apoyar la naturaleza multidimensional de la feminidad. Allyson Felix, la olímpica estadounidense más decorada en atletismo, aporta su experiencia en la diversificación de su negocio a través de marketing, medios, emprendimiento e impacto. Cosette Chaput, conocida por su trabajo innovador en el marketing deportivo, enfatiza el potencial de miles de millones de dólares del deporte femenino.

Always Alpha se une al portafolio de empresas de marketing de celebridades y entretenimiento de Dolphin, ampliando su alcance en el deporte. El CEO de Dolphin, Bill O'Dowd, ve esta iniciativa como un movimiento estratégico para apoyar el deporte femenino y ofrecer una gestión integral a las atletas y locutoras modernas.

Dolphin (NASDAQ:DLPN)은 Always Alpha를 출시했습니다. 이는 여성 스포츠에 전적으로 초점을 맞춘 첫 번째 스포츠 관리 회사입니다. 올림픽 전설 앨리슨 펠릭스, 그녀의 형 Wes Felix, 그리고 스포츠 경영 전문가 코세트 샤퓨에 의해 설립된 Always Alpha는 여성 운동선수, 방송인 및 코치들이 삶의 모든 측면에서 힘을 얻도록 돕는 것을 목표로 합니다.

이 회사는 구식 인재 관리 모델을 해결하고 여성다움의 다차원적인 특성을 지원하는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다. 가장 다수의 메달을 보유한 미국 육상 올림픽 선수인 앨리슨 펠릭스는 마케팅, 미디어, 기업가 정신 및 사회적 임팩트 등 다양한 분야에서 비즈니스를 다각화한 경험을 제공합니다. 스포츠 마케팅 분야에서 선구적인 작업으로 유명한 코세트 샤퓨는 여성 스포츠의 수십억 달러 잠재력을 강조합니다.

Always Alpha는 Dolphin의 유명인 및 엔터테인먼트 마케팅 회사 포트폴리오에 합류하여 스포츠 분야로의 범위를 확장합니다. Dolphin의 CEO인 Bill O'Dowd는 이 사업을 여성 스포츠를 지원하고 현대 여성 운동선수 및 스포츠 방송인을 위한 포괄적인 관리를 제공하는 전략적 움직임으로 보고 있습니다.

Dolphin (NASDAQ:DLPN) a lancé Always Alpha, la première agence de gestion sportive entièrement axée sur le sport féminin. Fondée par la légende olympique Allyson Felix, son frère Wes Felix et l'exécutive sportive Cosette Chaput, Always Alpha vise à autonomiser les athlètes féminines, les diffuseurs et les entraîneurs dans tous les aspects de leur vie.

L'agence cherche à s'attaquer à des modèles de gestion des talents dépassés et à soutenir la nature multidimensionnelle de la féminité. Allyson Felix, la plus décorée des athlètes américaines en athlétisme, apporte son expérience dans la diversification de son entreprise à travers le marketing, les médias, l'entrepreneuriat et l'impact social. Cosette Chaput, reconnue pour ses travaux novateurs dans le marketing sportif, souligne le potentiel de plusieurs milliards de dollars du sport féminin.

Always Alpha rejoint le portefeuille d'entreprises de marketing de célébrités et de divertissement de Dolphin, élargissant ainsi leur portée dans le domaine du sport. Le PDG de Dolphin, Bill O'Dowd, considère cette initiative comme un mouvement stratégique pour soutenir le sport féminin et fournir une gestion complète aux athlètes modernes et aux commentateurs sportifs.

Dolphin (NASDAQ:DLPN) hat Always Alpha gegründet, die erste Sportmanagementfirma, die sich vollständig auf Frauen- und Mädchensport konzentriert. Gegründet von Olympia-Legende Allyson Felix, ihrem Bruder Wes Felix und der Sportmanagerin Cosette Chaput, hat Always Alpha das Ziel, weibliche Athleten, Rundfunkanstalten und Trainerinnen in allen Aspekten ihres Lebens zu stärken.

Das Unternehmen will überholte Talentmanagement-Modelle angehen und die multidimensionale Natur der Weiblichkeit unterstützen. Allyson Felix, die am meisten dekorierte US-amerikanische Olympionikin in der Leichtathletik, bringt ihre Erfahrung in die Diversifizierung ihres Geschäfts in den Bereichen Marketing, Medien, Unternehmertum und sozialem Einfluss ein. Cosette Chaput, bekannt für ihre bahnbrechenden Arbeiten im Sportmarketing, hebt das Milliarden-Dollar-Potenzial des Frauensports hervor.

Always Alpha ergänzt Dolphins Portfolio von Prominenten- und Unterhaltungsmarketingunternehmen und erweitert deren Reichweite in den Sportbereich. Der CEO von Dolphin, Bill O'Dowd, sieht dieses Vorhaben als strategischen Schritt zur Unterstützung des Frauensports und zur Bereitstellung umfassender Managementdienste für moderne Athletinnen und Sportkommentatoren.

  • Launch of Always Alpha, a new sports management firm focused on women's sports
  • Partnership with Olympic legend Allyson Felix, adding credibility and expertise
  • Expansion of Dolphin's portfolio into the growing women's sports market
  • Potential to tap into the underserved billion-dollar women's sports industry
  • None.


The launch of Always Alpha marks a significant milestone in women's sports management. This venture addresses a critical gap in the industry, focusing exclusively on the multifaceted needs of female athletes, broadcasters and coaches. The involvement of Allyson Felix, a highly decorated Olympian, adds substantial credibility and star power to the initiative.

From a market perspective, this move by Dolphin (NASDAQ: DLPN) is strategically sound. Women's sports is indeed an undervalued billion-dollar industry with immense growth potential. By leveraging Dolphin's existing portfolio in entertainment marketing and Felix's personal brand, Always Alpha is well-positioned to capitalize on this untapped market.

However, investors should note that while the potential is significant, the immediate financial impact on Dolphin may be given its current $14.4 million market cap. The success of Always Alpha will depend on its ability to attract high-profile clients and generate substantial revenue streams. Long-term, if executed well, this could become a major growth driver for Dolphin, potentially leading to increased valuation and investor interest in the company.

The launch of Always Alpha represents a savvy brand extension for Dolphin, aligning perfectly with current market trends favoring diversity, inclusion and women's empowerment. This move positions Dolphin at the forefront of a growing movement in sports and entertainment.

The partnership with Allyson Felix is particularly noteworthy. Her personal brand, which encompasses athletic excellence, entrepreneurship and advocacy, provides a powerful blueprint for the type of multidimensional talent Always Alpha aims to nurture. This aligns well with the evolving nature of celebrity in the digital age, where athletes are increasingly seen as influencers and brand ambassadors.

From a branding perspective, Always Alpha has the potential to become a thought leader in women's sports management, which could enhance Dolphin's overall brand equity. However, the challenge will be in execution - delivering on the promise of reimagined talent management while maintaining profitability. If successful, this could significantly elevate Dolphin's status in the entertainment industry and attract a new caliber of clients across its portfolio.

Founded by Allyson Felix - the Most Decorated American Track and Field Olympian of All Time - and CEO Cosette Chaput, Always Alpha Is a New Subsidiary of Dolphin (NASDAQ: DLPN)

Established to Support and Strengthen the Success of Female Athletes, Broadcasters and Coaches in Every Aspect of Their Lives

NEW YORK, NY / ACCESSWIRE / October 8, 2024 / Dolphin (NASDAQ:DLPN), a leading entertainment marketing, production and content development company, today announced the launch of the first sports management firm of its kind fully focused on women's sports - Always Alpha - to bolster the industry's limitless potential and address dated, transactional talent management models that were not built for today's multifaceted talent. Founded by Olympic legend and women's rights advocate Allyson Felix, her longtime business partner and brother Wes Felix and standout sports executive Cosette Chaput, the venture is supported by Dolphin's portfolio of best-in-class marketing and communications companies. With the ethos that womanhood is multidimensional and that personal management should be customized to reflect this, Always Alpha aims to empower modern women who are breaking barriers, owning their voices and creating a better future on and off the field of play.

"Young athletes often ask me how I've diversified and consistently grown my business across marketing, media, entrepreneurship, venture, entertainment and impact," said Allyson Felix. "Wes and I did it ourselves piece by piece, out of necessity - because there wasn't another option for transforming our vision into reality. With Always Alpha, we're taking everything we learned and creating the modern management firm I used to dream of existing to help the next generation of talent do the same and build the future they in turn dream of too."

"Women's sports is an underserved and undervalued billion dollar industry," said Chaput. "Women are more than athletes, more than an afterthought and more than the current system is built for. Always Alpha is reimagining modern talent management for today's athletes, investors, moms, entrepreneurs, broadcasters, coaches, advocates and change-makers."

Considered the most decorated track and field athlete in history, Allyson Felix holds a record 20 World Championship and 11 Olympic medals - including seven gold. Felix made history in 2022, winning Olympic gold while wearing her own shoe brand, Saysh. Co-founded with Wes Felix, an accomplished sprinter in his own right, Saysh is a women's lifestyle brand engineered by women, for women. The signature Saysh One sneaker was designed specifically for the unique contours of women's feet, setting a new standard in footwear, unlike traditional brands that size down men's shoes for women. Beyond the track, she has continued pushing for change - including this summer, when she launched the first-ever Olympic Village nursery at the Paris 2024 Games to support athletes with children. At the conclusion of the Games, Felix was elected to The International Olympic Committee Athletes' Commission by her peers.

Over the last decade, Chaput has cemented her reputation as an industry trailblazer - making history as the digital marketing lead behind the successful bid to bring the 2028 Olympic and Paralympic Games to Los Angeles, before becoming the first female vice president at the major sports agency where she was employed to represent golf's best broadcasters, coaches and the No. 1 player in the world. From delivering award-winning campaigns for global brands like CoverGirl and Beats by Dre to crafting record-setting endorsements, she continues to disrupt the sports industry and the future of women's sports through her unmatched drive and innovative thinking.

Always Alpha joins Dolphin's roster of best-in-class celebrity, influencer and entertainment marketing companies. As the most powerful collective working across entertainment, Dolphin clients received 24 Oscar nominations, 60 Emmy nominations and 25 Grammy nominations this year. Dolphin companies also handle many signature entertainment events, from the glamorous Academy Museum Gala to countless movie and television premieres each year, as well as multiple high fashion events for clients such as Chanel, Gucci and Valentino, among many others. Furthermore, Dolphin sources thousands of brand campaigns each year for its celebrity and influencer clients, and also assists its clients in their entrepreneurial pursuits - most recently partnering with client Rachael Ray in the development and launch of her first liquor brand, Staple Gin, this summer. Dolphin's Impact division also promotes dozens of worthwhile causes and charities, in areas ranging from racial and social justice issues to environmental concerns.

"Bringing our reach and influence into sports, and specifically to support women's sports, is both a natural extension and a strategic no-brainer for Dolphin," said Dolphin CEO Bill O'Dowd. "Modern female athletes and sportscasters have interests outside of their sports. They are celebrities and influencers in their own right. Many of them are also entrepreneurs, with dreams of launching their own products and businesses. And they all care about the world they live in, and want to use their influence to make a positive impact."

"All of those sentiments also perfectly describe Allyson Felix," continued O'Dowd. "I simply cannot think of a better role model or advocate for women in sports than Allyson. She is the most successful athlete in her field in history, which is amazing. But, incredibly, she is so much more. The face of leading brands. The builder of her own brand in Saysh. A woman making a positive impact on the world through her charitable and advocacy efforts in maternal health and other issues. And our mission together, with Always Alpha, is to make those opportunities available to all of our clients. Doing this together - with Allyson, Cosette and Wes - is really a dream come true."


Always Alpha is a modern talent management firm fully focused on the limitless potential of women's sports. Founded by Olympic legend Allyson Felix, led by CEO Cosette Chaput and powered by Dolphin (NASDAQ: DLPN), the first-of-its-kind firm is designed to elevate athletes, broadcasters, coaches and change-makers who are breaking barriers, owning their voices and creating a better future on and off the field of play.


Dolphin (NASDAQ: DLPN), founded in 1996 by Bill O'Dowd, has evolved from its origins as an Emmy-nominated television, digital and feature film content producer to a company with three dynamic divisions: Dolphin Entertainment, Dolphin Marketing and Dolphin Ventures.

Dolphin Entertainment: This legacy division, where it all began, has a rich history of producing acclaimed television shows, digital content and feature films. With high-profile partners like IMAX and notable projects including "The Blue Angels," Dolphin Entertainment continues to set the standard in quality storytelling and innovative content creation.

Dolphin Marketing: Established in 2017, this division has become a powerhouse in public relations, influencer marketing, management, branding strategy, talent booking and special events. Comprising top-tier companies such as 42West, The Door, Shore Fire Media, Special Projects, The Digital Dept., Elle Communications and now Always Alpha, Dolphin Marketing serves a wide range of industries - from entertainment, music and sports to hospitality, fashion and consumer products.

Dolphin Ventures: This division leverages Dolphin's best-in-class cross-marketing acumen and business development relationships to create, launch and/or accelerate innovative ideas and promising products, events and content in our areas of expertise. Key ventures include collaborations with Rachael Ray for Staple Gin and Mastercard Midnight Theatre.

This press release contains 'forward-looking statements' within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act. These forward-looking statements may address, among other things, Dolphin Entertainment Inc.'s offering of common stock as well as expected financial and operational results and the related assumptions underlying its expected results. These forward-looking statements are distinguished by the use of words such as "will," "would," "anticipate," "expect," "believe," "designed," "plan," or "intend," the negative of these terms, and similar references to future periods. These views involve risks and uncertainties that are difficult to predict and, accordingly, Dolphin Entertainment's actual results may differ materially from the results discussed in its forward-looking statements. Dolphin Entertainment's forward-looking statements contained herein speak only as of the date of this press release. Factors or events Dolphin Entertainment cannot predict, including those described in the risk factors contained in its filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, may cause its actual results to differ from those expressed in forward-looking statements. Although Dolphin Entertainment believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, it can give no assurance that its expectations will be achieved, and Dolphin Entertainment undertakes no obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.


James Carbonara/Hayden IR
(646) 755-7412

SOURCE: Dolphin

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What is Always Alpha and when was it launched by Dolphin (DLPN)?

Always Alpha is a new sports management firm fully focused on women's sports, launched by Dolphin (NASDAQ: DLPN) on October 8, 2024. It aims to support and strengthen the success of female athletes, broadcasters, and coaches in every aspect of their lives.

Who are the founders of Always Alpha, the new subsidiary of Dolphin (DLPN)?

Always Alpha was founded by Allyson Felix (Olympic legend and women's rights advocate), her brother Wes Felix, and sports executive Cosette Chaput. It is a subsidiary of Dolphin (NASDAQ: DLPN).

How does Always Alpha aim to differentiate itself in the sports management industry for Dolphin (DLPN)?

Always Alpha aims to differentiate itself by being the first management firm fully focused on women's sports, addressing outdated talent management models, and supporting the multidimensional nature of womanhood in sports. It leverages Dolphin's (DLPN) portfolio of marketing and communications companies.

What is the potential market opportunity for Always Alpha, Dolphin's (DLPN) new venture?

According to Cosette Chaput, CEO of Always Alpha, women's sports is an underserved and undervalued billion-dollar industry. This suggests a significant market opportunity for Dolphin's (DLPN) new venture in the women's sports management sector.

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