Trump Media Joins Rumble Lawsuit to Stop Censorship
Trump Media and Technology Group (Nasdaq: DJT), operator of Truth Social, Truth+, and Truth.Fi, has joined Rumble in a lawsuit filed in U.S. federal court in Tampa, Florida. The legal action challenges Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes's attempts to force Rumble to censor accounts of a U.S.-based Brazilian user.
The lawsuit aims to counter gag orders that demand account suspensions, prohibit account creation, require disclosure of account-holder information, impose daily fines, and potentially force Rumble shutdowns. TMTG CEO Devin Nunes emphasized the company's commitment to free expression, noting that compliance with these orders would directly impact TMTG's operations, as Truth Social's platform is powered by Rumble servers.
Trump Media and Technology Group (Nasdaq: DJT), operatore di Truth Social, Truth+ e Truth.Fi, ha unito le forze con Rumble in una causa legale presentata in un tribunale federale degli Stati Uniti a Tampa, Florida. L'azione legale contesta i tentativi del Giudice della Corte Suprema brasiliana Alexandre de Moraes di costringere Rumble a censurare gli account di un utente brasiliano con sede negli Stati Uniti.
La causa mira a contrastare gli ordini restrittivi che richiedono la sospensione degli account, vietano la creazione di nuovi account, richiedono la divulgazione delle informazioni sui titolari degli account, impongono multe giornaliere e potrebbero potenzialmente forzare la chiusura di Rumble. Il CEO di TMTG Devin Nunes ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda per la libertà di espressione, notando che la conformità a questi ordini influenzerebbe direttamente le operazioni di TMTG, poiché la piattaforma di Truth Social è alimentata dai server di Rumble.
Trump Media and Technology Group (Nasdaq: DJT), operador de Truth Social, Truth+ y Truth.Fi, se ha unido a Rumble en una demanda presentada en un tribunal federal de EE. UU. en Tampa, Florida. La acción legal desafía los intentos del juez del Supremo Tribunal de Brasil, Alexandre de Moraes, de obligar a Rumble a censurar las cuentas de un usuario brasileño radicado en EE. UU.
La demanda tiene como objetivo contrarrestar las órdenes de silencio que exigen la suspensión de cuentas, prohíben la creación de cuentas, requieren la divulgación de información sobre los titulares de cuentas, imponen multas diarias y podrían potencialmente forzar el cierre de Rumble. El CEO de TMTG, Devin Nunes, enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa con la libertad de expresión, señalando que el cumplimiento de estas órdenes impactaría directamente las operaciones de TMTG, ya que la plataforma de Truth Social está impulsada por los servidores de Rumble.
트럼프 미디어 및 기술 그룹 (Nasdaq: DJT), Truth Social, Truth+ 및 Truth.Fi의 운영자는 플로리다주 탬파에 있는 미국 연방 법원에 제기된 소송에서 럼블과 함께했습니다. 이 법적 조치는 브라질 대법원 판사 알렉산드르 드 모라이스가 미국에 거주하는 브라질 사용자의 계정을 검열하도록 럼블에 강요하려는 시도에 도전합니다.
이 소송은 계정 정지, 계정 생성 금지, 계정 소유자 정보 공개 요구, 일일 벌금 부과 및 잠재적으로 럼블의 폐쇄를 강요하는 금지 명령에 반대하고자 합니다. TMTG의 CEO인 데빈 누네스는 회사의 표현의 자유에 대한 헌신을 강조하며, 이러한 명령을 준수하는 것이 TMTG의 운영에 직접적인 영향을 미칠 것이라고 언급했습니다. Truth Social 플랫폼은 럼블 서버에 의해 구동됩니다.
Trump Media and Technology Group (Nasdaq: DJT), opérateur de Truth Social, Truth+ et Truth.Fi, s'est associé à Rumble dans une action en justice déposée devant un tribunal fédéral américain à Tampa, en Floride. L'action judiciaire conteste les tentatives du juge de la Cour suprême brésilienne Alexandre de Moraes de contraindre Rumble à censurer les comptes d'un utilisateur brésilien basé aux États-Unis.
La plainte vise à contrecarrer les ordonnances de silence qui exigent des suspensions de comptes, interdisent la création de comptes, exigent la divulgation des informations sur les titulaires de comptes, imposent des amendes quotidiennes et pourraient potentiellement forcer la fermeture de Rumble. Le PDG de TMTG, Devin Nunes, a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise en faveur de la liberté d'expression, notant que le respect de ces ordonnances aurait un impact direct sur les opérations de TMTG, car la plateforme de Truth Social est alimentée par les serveurs de Rumble.
Trump Media and Technology Group (Nasdaq: DJT), Betreiber von Truth Social, Truth+ und Truth.Fi, hat sich in einer Klage, die vor einem US-Bundesgericht in Tampa, Florida, eingereicht wurde, mit Rumble zusammengeschlossen. Die rechtlichen Schritte richten sich gegen die Versuche des brasilianischen Obersterichtsrichters Alexandre de Moraes, Rumble zu zwingen, die Konten eines in den USA ansässigen brasilianischen Nutzers zu zensieren.
Die Klage zielt darauf ab, gegen einstweilige Verfügungen vorzugehen, die Kontensperrungen verlangen, die Erstellung von Konten verbieten, die Offenlegung von Informationen über Kontoinhaber erfordern, tägliche Geldstrafen auferlegen und potenziell Rumble-Schließungen zur Folge haben könnten. TMTG-CEO Devin Nunes betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens für die Meinungsfreiheit und wies darauf hin, dass die Einhaltung dieser Anordnungen direkte Auswirkungen auf die Betriebsabläufe von TMTG hätte, da die Plattform von Truth Social von Rumble-Servern betrieben wird.
- Strategic alliance with Rumble in defending platform independence
- Proactive legal action to protect infrastructure partner relationship
- Potential operational risk if Rumble faces service disruption
- Legal expenses and uncertainty from involvement in international dispute
- Risk of platform accessibility issues in Brazilian market
This legal action represents a critical juncture for TMTG's business operations and highlights significant risks that investors should carefully consider. The company's decision to join Rumble's lawsuit against Brazilian judicial censorship orders carries both strategic benefits and potential risks:
Infrastructure Dependencies: TMTG's Truth Social platform relies entirely on Rumble's server infrastructure, creating a critical business continuity risk. If Rumble faces operational restrictions or financial penalties in Brazil that force compliance with the censorship orders, it could potentially impact their ability to maintain service levels for TMTG's platforms. Daily fines and potential shutdown threats against Rumble represent indirect risks to TMTG's operational stability.
Strategic Implications: The lawsuit serves multiple strategic purposes for TMTG:
- Reinforces the company's brand positioning as a free speech advocate
- Protects its technical infrastructure by supporting its key technology partner
- Potentially establishes favorable legal precedents for future international operations
Business Risk Factors: This situation highlights several critical considerations:
- International regulatory exposure could affect TMTG's ability to expand globally
- The company's dependence on a single infrastructure provider (Rumble) creates concentration risk
- Legal costs and potential regulatory complications could impact operational expenses
The outcome of this legal challenge could set important precedents for how U.S.-based social media platforms navigate international content regulation demands. For investors, this represents both a governance test for TMTG's management and a critical moment in defining the company's operational resilience against regulatory pressures.
Brazil Supreme Court Justice’s Gag Orders Challenged
SARASOTA, Fla., Feb. 19, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Trump Media and Technology Group Corp. (Nasdaq: DJT) ("TMTG"), operator of the social media platform Truth Social, the streaming platform Truth+, and the FinTech brand Truth.Fi, joined Rumble today in filing a lawsuit to halt attempts by Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes to force Rumble to censor accounts belonging to a U.S.-based Brazilian user.
The lawsuit, filed in U.S. federal court in Tampa, Florida, aims to free Rumble from Moraes gag orders clearly intended to suppress the political opinions of a Rumble user. Such censorship would violate TMTG’s and Rumble’s commitment to free speech and—if enforced in the United States—violate the First Amendment as well as other laws.
TMTG CEO and Chairman Devin Nunes said, “TMTG is firmly committed to upholding the right to free expression. This is not just a slogan, it’s the core mission of this company. We’re proud to join our partner Rumble in standing against unjust demands for political censorship regardless of who makes them.”
Moraes’s gag orders demand the suspension and prohibit the creation of accounts, require Rumble to turn over account-holder information, impose daily fines, and compel potential shutdowns of Rumble. Compliance with the gag orders would directly harm TMTG—whose global online platform Truth Social is powered by Rumble servers.
The text of the lawsuit is available at this link.
About TMTG
The mission of TMTG is to end Big Tech's s assault on free speech by opening up the Internet and giving people their voices back. TMTG operates Truth Social, a social media platform established as a safe harbor for free expression amid increasingly harsh censorship by Big Tech corporations, as well as Truth+, a TV streaming platform focusing on family-friendly live TV channels and on-demand content. TMTG is also launching Truth.Fi, a financial services and FinTech brand incorporating America First investment vehicles.
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Shannon Devine (MZ Group | Managing Director - MZ North America)
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