Daily Journal Corporation Announces Financial Results for the nine months ended June 30, 2024

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Daily Journal (NASDAQ:DJCO) reported consolidated revenues of $50,058,000 for the nine months ended June 30, 2024, a $3,899,000 increase from the prior year period. The increase was primarily due to higher license and maintenance fees from Journal Technologies and increased advertising revenues in the Traditional Business. Despite revenue growth, pretax income for both business segments decreased. The company's non-operating income significantly increased to $65,849,000, mainly due to realized gains on marketable securities sales and unrealized gains on marketable securities. Consolidated net income rose to $51,385,000 ($37.32 per share), compared to $27,937,000 ($20.29 per share) in the prior year period. The company also reduced its margin loan balance by approximately $47,500,000 during the period.

Daily Journal (NASDAQ:DJCO) ha riportato ricavi consolidati di $50.058.000 per i nove mesi conclusi il 30 giugno 2024, con un aumento di $3.899.000 rispetto all'anno precedente. L'aumento è stato principalmente dovuto a maggiori tariffe di licenza e manutenzione da Journal Technologies e a un incremento dei ricavi pubblicitari nel Settore Tradizionale. Nonostante la crescita dei ricavi, il reddito ante imposte per entrambi i segmenti aziendali è diminuito. Il reddito non operativo dell'azienda è aumentato significativamente a $65.849.000, principalmente grazie a guadagni realizzati dalla vendita di titoli negoziabili e guadagni non realizzati su titoli negoziabili. L'utile netto consolidato è aumentato a $51.385.000 ($37,32 per azione), rispetto ai $27.937.000 ($20,29 per azione) del periodo dell'anno precedente. L'azienda ha anche ridotto il proprio saldo prestiti di margine di circa $47.500.000 durante il periodo.

Daily Journal (NASDAQ:DJCO) informó ingresos consolidados de $50,058,000 para los nueve meses finalizados el 30 de junio de 2024, un aumento de $3,899,000 en comparación con el periodo del año anterior. El aumento se debió principalmente a tarifas más altas de licencias y mantenimiento de Journal Technologies y a un incremento en los ingresos publicitarios en el Negocio Tradicional. A pesar del crecimiento de los ingresos, el ingreso antes de impuestos para ambos segmentos de negocio disminuyó. Los ingresos no operativos de la compañía aumentaron significativamente a $65,849,000, principalmente debido a ganancias realizadas por ventas de valores negociables y ganancias no realizadas en valores negociables. El ingreso neto consolidado aumentó a $51,385,000 ($37.32 por acción), en comparación con $27,937,000 ($20.29 por acción) en el mismo periodo del año anterior. La compañía también redujo su saldo de préstamo de margen en aproximadamente $47,500,000 durante el periodo.

데일리 저널 (NASDAQ:DJCO)은 2024년 6월 30일로 끝나는 9개월 동안 통합 수익이 $50,058,000에 달했으며, 이는 전년 동기 대비 $3,899,000 증가한 수치라고 보고했습니다. 증가의 주된 원인은 Journal Technologies로부터의 라이선스 및 유지 보수 요금의 증가와 전통 사업에서의 광고 수익 증가 때문입니다. 수익이 증가했음에도 불구하고 두 사업 부문의 세전 소득은 감소했습니다. 회사의 영업 외 수익은 $65,849,000으로 크게 증가했으며, 이는 주로 유가 증권 판매에서의 실현 이익과 유가 증권에서의 미실현 이익 덕분입니다. 통합 순이익은 $51,385,000 ($37.32 주당)으로 증가했으며, 이는 전년 동기 $27,937,000 ($20.29 주당)과 비교됩니다. 또한 회사는 이 기간 동안 마진 대출 잔액을 약 $47,500,000 줄였습니다.

Daily Journal (NASDAQ:DJCO) a annoncé des revenus consolidés de $50.058.000 pour les neuf mois se terminant le 30 juin 2024, ce qui représente une augmentation de $3.899.000 par rapport à la période de l'année précédente. Cette augmentation est principalement due à des frais de licence et de maintenance plus élevés de Journal Technologies et à une augmentation des revenus publicitaires dans l'activité traditionnelle. Malgré la croissance des revenus, le revenu imposable des deux segments d'activité a diminué. Le revenu non opérationnel de la société a considérablement augmenté à $65.849.000, principalement en raison de gains réalisés sur la vente de titres négociables et de gains non réalisés sur des titres négociables. Le bénéfice net consolidé a augmenté à $51.385.000 ($37,32 par action), comparé à $27.937.000 ($20,29 par action) pour la même période l'année précédente. La société a également réduit son solde de prêt de marge d'environ $47.500.000 pendant la période.

Daily Journal (NASDAQ:DJCO) berichtete über konsolidierte Einnahmen von $50.058.000 für die neun Monate bis zum 30. Juni 2024, was einem Wachstum von $3.899.000 im Vergleich zum Vorjahreszeitraum entspricht. Der Anstieg war hauptsächlich auf höhere Lizenz- und Wartungsgebühren von Journal Technologies sowie gestiegene Werbeeinnahmen im traditionellen Geschäft zurückzuführen. Trotz des Umsatzwachstums sank das Betriebseinkommen in beiden Geschäftsbereichen. Das nicht operative Einkommen des Unternehmens stieg signifikant auf $65.849.000, hauptsächlich aufgrund realisierter Gewinne aus Verkauf von handelbaren Wertpapieren und nicht realisierten Gewinnen aus handelbaren Wertpapieren. Der konsolidierte Nettogewinn stieg auf $51.385.000 ($37,32 pro Aktie), verglichen mit $27.937.000 ($20,29 pro Aktie) im Vorjahreszeitraum. Außerdem reduzierte das Unternehmen während des Zeitraums den Saldo seiner Margenkredite um etwa $47.500.000.

  • Consolidated revenues increased by $3,899,000 to $50,058,000
  • Journal Technologies' license and maintenance fees grew by $3,438,000
  • Non-operating income increased by $31,494,000 to $65,849,000
  • Realized net gains on sales of marketable securities of $14,261,000
  • Net unrealized gains on marketable securities of $48,211,000
  • Consolidated net income rose to $51,385,000 ($37.32 per share)
  • Margin loan balance reduced by approximately $47,500,000
  • Traditional Business' pretax income decreased by $711,000 to $1,601,000
  • Journal Technologies' business segment pretax income decreased by $165,000 to $745,000
  • Increased operating expenses of $3,645,000 in Journal Technologies segment
  • Decrease in dividends and interest income of $1,262,000 to $5,857,000


Daily Journal 's financial results for the nine months ended June 30, 2024, show a mixed performance. The company's consolidated revenues increased by $3,899,000 to $50,058,000, primarily driven by growth in Journal Technologies' license and maintenance fees. However, the Traditional Business segment saw a decrease in pretax income by $711,000.

The most significant development is the substantial increase in non-operating income, which rose by $31,494,000 to $65,849,000. This was largely due to realized gains from the sale of marketable securities ($14,261,000) and unrealized gains ($48,211,000). The company's strategic decision to sell securities and pay down its margin loan by $47,500,000 demonstrates prudent financial management.

Overall, the consolidated net income increased significantly to $51,385,000 ($37.32 per share), up from $27,937,000 ($20.29 per share) in the prior year period. This 83.9% increase in EPS is a positive indicator for shareholders.

Daily Journal 's latest financial results reveal interesting market dynamics. The growth in Journal Technologies' revenues suggests increasing demand for case management software in the justice sector. This trend could indicate a broader digital transformation in government agencies, presenting potential growth opportunities for the company.

However, the decrease in consulting fees by $1,209,000 warrants attention. It could signal a shift in client preferences or increased competition in the consulting space. The company's investment in additional staff and operational efficiencies might be a strategic move to address these challenges and enhance its competitive position.

The company's substantial holdings in marketable securities ($325,021,000) with significant unrealized gains ($185,927,000) demonstrate a strong investment strategy. The decision to partially liquidate these holdings to reduce debt shows a balanced approach to risk management and capital allocation, which could positively influence investor sentiment.

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- During the nine months ended June 30, 2024, Daily Journal Corporation (NASDAQ:DJCO) had consolidated revenues of $50,058,000 as compared to $46,159,000 in the prior year period. This increase of $3,899,000 was primarily from increases in (i) Journal Technologies’ license and maintenance fees of $3,438,000, and other public service fees of $1,251,000, partially offset by decreased consulting fees of $1,209,000, and (ii) the Traditional Business’ advertising revenues of $441,000.

The Traditional Business’ pretax income decreased by $711,000 to $1,601,000 from $2,312,000 in the prior fiscal year period. This decrease was primarily from increased accrued personnel costs of $1,030,000, partially offset by an increase in revenues of $419,000 and a larger reduction of $585,000 to the long-term supplemental compensation accrual to arrive at a reduction of $1,380,000 as compared with a reduction of $795,000 in the prior fiscal year period. Journal Technologies’ business segment pretax income decreased by $165,000 to $745,000 from $910,000 in the prior fiscal year period primarily resulting from increased operating expenses of $3,645,000 mostly due to (i) increased personnel costs because of annual salary adjustments, (ii) additional contractor services and the hiring of additional staff members to strengthen operational efficiencies, conduct product development and address technical debt, and bolster teams working on the Company’s installation projects, and (iii) increased third-party hosting fees which were billed to clients. These increases in expenses were partially offset by increased operating revenues of $3,480,000.

At June 30, 2024, the Company held marketable securities valued at $325,021,000, including net pretax unrealized gains of $185,927,000, and accrued a deferred tax liability of $48,135,000, for estimated income taxes due only upon the sales of the net appreciated securities. During March 2024, the Company sold certain of its marketable securities for approximately $40,579,000, realizing net gains of $14,261,000, and used these proceeds and excess cash from operations to pay down the margin loan balance to $27,500,000 from $75,000,000 at September 30, 2023, aggregating a paydown of approximately $47,500,000 during the nine months ended June 30, 2024.

The Company’s non-operating income, net of expenses, increased by $31,494,000 to $65,849,000 from $34,355,000 in the prior fiscal year period primarily because of (i) the recording of realized net gains on sales of marketable securities of $14,261,000 as compared with $422,000 in the prior fiscal year period, and (ii) the recording of net unrealized gains on marketable securities of $48,211,000 as compared with $29,934,000 in the prior fiscal year period. These increases were partially offset by a decrease in dividends and interest income of $1,262,000 to $5,857,000 from $7,119,000.

Consolidated pretax income was $68,195,000, as compared to $37,577,000 in the prior fiscal year period. There was consolidated net income of $51,385,000 ($37.32 per share) for the nine months ended June 30, 2024, as compared with $27,937,000 ($20.29 per share) in the prior fiscal year period.

For the nine months ended June 30, 2024, the Company recorded an income tax provision of $16,810,000 on the pretax income of $68,195,000. The income tax provision consisted of tax provisions of $3,690,000 on the realized gains on marketable securities, $12,480,000 on the unrealized gains on marketable securities, $50,000 on income from foreign operations, and $1,440,000 on income from US operations and dividend income, partially offset by a tax benefit of $330,000 for the dividends received deduction and other permanent book and tax differences, and a tax benefit of $520,000 for the effect of a change in state apportionment on the beginning of the year’s deferred tax liability. Consequently, the overall effective tax rate for the nine months ended June 30, 2024 was 24.65%, after including the taxes on the realized and unrealized gains on marketable securities.


Daily Journal Corporation publishes newspapers and web sites covering California and Arizona, and produces several specialized information services. Journal Technologies, Inc. supplies case management software systems and related products to courts and other justice agencies.

This press release includes “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Certain statements contained in this press release are “forward-looking” statements that involve risks and uncertainties that may cause actual future events or results to differ materially from those described in the forward-looking statements. Words such as “expects,” “intends,” “anticipates,” “should,” “believes,” “will,” “plans,” “estimates,” “may,” variations of such words and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. We disclaim any intention or obligation to revise any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future developments, or otherwise. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, we can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to have been correct. Additional information concerning factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements is contained from time to time in documents we file with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

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What was Daily Journal 's (DJCO) revenue for the nine months ended June 30, 2024?

Daily Journal reported consolidated revenues of $50,058,000 for the nine months ended June 30, 2024.

How much did Daily Journal 's (DJCO) net income increase in the reported period?

Daily Journal 's consolidated net income increased to $51,385,000 ($37.32 per share), compared to $27,937,000 ($20.29 per share) in the prior year period.

What was the main driver of Daily Journal 's (DJCO) increased non-operating income?

The main drivers were realized gains on marketable securities sales of $14,261,000 and unrealized gains on marketable securities of $48,211,000.

How much did Daily Journal (DJCO) reduce its margin loan balance?

Daily Journal reduced its margin loan balance by approximately $47,500,000 during the nine months ended June 30, 2024.

Daily Journal Corp


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