Definitive Healthcare launches powerful consumer analytics and activation solution to more industries with Population Intelligence expansion

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Definitive Healthcare (Nasdaq: DH) has expanded its Population Intelligence platform to serve a wider range of industries selling into healthcare. The platform now supports businesses in sectors like advertising, marketing, telehealth, staffing, and medical supply to enhance marketing campaigns and digital advertising performance.

Population Intelligence combines clinical and consumer data on over 250 million unique consumers aged 18+, offering 300+ clinical propensity, social determinants of health, and media channel models. This allows businesses to create precise audience segments and launch targeted marketing campaigns, driving efficient consumer activation.

The platform enables teams to segment markets, build campaign audiences, and activate audiences for digital advertising. It integrates with organizations' internal systems while keeping first-party data secure, promoting compliance with data privacy standards.

Definitive Healthcare (Nasdaq: DH) ha ampliato la sua piattaforma di Intelligenza Popolazione per servire un'ampia gamma di settori che operano nel campo della salute. La piattaforma ora supporta aziende in settori come pubblicità, marketing, telemedicina, assunzioni e forniture mediche per migliorare le campagne di marketing e le performance della pubblicità digitale.

L'Intelligenza Popolazione combina dati clinici e di consumo su oltre 250 milioni di consumatori unici di età superiore ai 18 anni, offrendo oltre 300 modelli di propensione clinica, determinanti sociali della salute e canali media. Questo consente alle aziende di creare segmenti di pubblico precisi e lanciare campagne di marketing mirate, attivando in modo efficiente i consumatori.

La piattaforma consente ai team di segmentare i mercati, costruire audience per le campagne e attivare i pubblici per la pubblicità digitale. Si integra con i sistemi interni delle organizzazioni mantenendo sicuri i dati di prima parte e promuovendo la conformità agli standard di privacy dei dati.

Definitive Healthcare (Nasdaq: DH) ha ampliado su plataforma de Inteligencia Poblacional para servir a un rango más amplio de industrias en el sector de la salud. La plataforma ahora apoya a empresas en sectores como publicidad, marketing, telemedicina, contratación y suministros médicos para mejorar las campañas de marketing y el rendimiento de la publicidad digital.

La Inteligencia Poblacional combina datos clínicos y de consumidores sobre más de 250 millones de consumidores únicos mayores de 18 años, ofreciendo más de 300 modelos de propensión clínica, determinantes sociales de la salud y canales de medios. Esto permite a las empresas crear segmentos de audiencia precisos y lanzar campañas de marketing orientadas, impulsando la activación eficiente del consumidor.

La plataforma permite a los equipos segmentar mercados, construir audiencias para campañas y activar audiencias para la publicidad digital. Se integra con los sistemas internos de las organizaciones mientras mantiene seguro los datos de primera parte, promoviendo el cumplimiento de las normas de privacidad de datos.

Definitive Healthcare (Nasdaq: DH)는 건강 관리 분야에 판매하는 다양한 산업을 위해 인구 인텔리전스 플랫폼을 확장했습니다. 이 플랫폼은 이제 광고, 마케팅, 원격 의료, 인력 관리 및 의료 공급과 같은 분야의 기업을 지원하여 마케팅 캠페인 및 디지털 광고 성능을 향상시킵니다.

인구 인텔리전스는 18세 이상의 2억 5천만 명이 넘는 고유 소비자에 대한 임상 및 소비자 데이터를 통합하여 300개 이상의 임상 성향, 건강의 사회적 결정 요인 및 미디어 채널 모델을 제공합니다. 이를 통해 기업은 정교한 청중 세그먼트를 만들고 목표 마케팅 캠페인을 시작하여 소비자의 효율적인 활성화를 촉진할 수 있습니다.

이 플랫폼은 팀이 시장 세분화, 캠페인 청중 구축 및 디지털 광고를 위한 청중 활성화를 가능하게 합니다. 조직의 내부 시스템과 통합되며 제1자 데이터를 안전하게 유지하여 데이터 프라이버시 기준을 준수합니다.

Definitive Healthcare (Nasdaq: DH) a élargi sa plateforme d'Intelligence Populaire pour servir une gamme plus large d'industries se vendant dans le domaine de la santé. La plateforme prend désormais en charge des entreprises dans des secteurs tels que la publicité, le marketing, la télémédecine, le recrutement et les fournitures médicales pour améliorer les campagnes marketing et la performance de la publicité numérique.

L'Intelligence Populaire combine des données cliniques et de consommation sur plus de 250 millions de consommateurs uniques âgés de 18 ans et plus, offrant plus de 300 modèles de propension clinique, de déterminants sociaux de la santé et de canaux médiatiques. Cela permet aux entreprises de créer des segments d'audience précis et de lancer des campagnes marketing ciblées, favorisant une activation efficace des consommateurs.

La plateforme permet aux équipes de segmenter les marchés, de constituer des audiences pour les campagnes et d'activer les audiences pour la publicité numérique. Elle s'intègre aux systèmes internes des organisations tout en gardant les données de première partie sécurisées, promouvant ainsi la conformité aux normes de confidentialité des données.

Definitive Healthcare (Nasdaq: DH) hat seine Population Intelligence-Plattform erweitert, um eine breitere Palette von Branchen im Gesundheitsbereich zu bedienen. Die Plattform unterstützt nun Unternehmen in Sektoren wie Werbung, Marketing, Telemedizin, Personalvermittlung und medizinische Versorgung, um Marketingkampagnen und die Leistung digitaler Werbung zu verbessern.

Population Intelligence kombiniert klinische und Verbraucherdaten von über 250 Millionen einzigartigen Verbrauchern ab 18 Jahren und bietet über 300 klinische Neigungsmuster, soziale Determinanten von Gesundheit und Medienkanalmuster. Dies ermöglicht es Unternehmen, präzise Zielgruppensegmente zu erstellen und zielgerichtete Marketingkampagnen zu starten, um eine effiziente Konsumentenaktivierung zu fördern.

Die Plattform ermöglicht es Teams, Märkte zu segmentieren, Zielgruppen für Kampagnen aufzubauen und Zielgruppen für digitale Werbung zu aktivieren. Sie integriert sich in die internen Systeme der Organisationen, während sie die Erstsourcedaten sicher hält und die Einhaltung der Datenschutzstandards fördert.

  • Expansion of Population Intelligence platform to new industries beyond healthcare providers
  • Platform combines data on 250+ million consumers with 300+ clinical and media models
  • Enables creation of precise audience segments for targeted marketing campaigns
  • Integrates with internal systems while maintaining data privacy compliance
  • Eliminates need for first-party data exchange, reducing risk for clients
  • None.

Definitive Healthcare's expansion of Population Intelligence marks a significant strategic move. By broadening its reach beyond healthcare providers to sectors like advertising, marketing and telehealth, the company is tapping into new revenue streams. The platform's combination of clinical and consumer data creates a unique value proposition, potentially giving Definitive Healthcare a competitive edge in the $300 billion global digital advertising market.

The expansion could lead to accelerated growth and diversified income for Definitive Healthcare. However, investors should monitor how quickly new industries adopt this solution and its impact on the company's financials. The move also positions Definitive Healthcare to capitalize on the growing trend of personalized healthcare marketing, which could drive long-term value.

Population Intelligence's technological capabilities are impressive. The platform's ability to process data on 250+ million consumers and apply 300+ propensity models demonstrates significant computational power. The integration of DSP/DMP connectors for digital advertising activation is a key technical advantage, streamlining the process from data analysis to campaign execution.

The platform's design to work without first-party data exchange is a crucial feature in today's privacy-conscious environment. This approach could give Definitive Healthcare a competitive edge, especially as data protection regulations tighten globally. However, the challenge lies in maintaining data accuracy and relevance without direct access to first-party data, which could impact the platform's long-term effectiveness.

Population Intelligence empowers businesses to improve marketing campaigns and digital advertising performance with combined clinical and consumer insights

FRAMINGHAM, Mass., Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Definitive Healthcare (Nasdaq: DH), a leader in healthcare commercial intelligence, today announced the expansion of its Population Intelligence platform to a broader range of industries selling into healthcare. Building on its success in offering healthcare provider organizations patient and consumer analytics, Population Intelligence now supports businesses in additional sectors—such as advertising, marketing, telehealth, staffing, and medical supply—to drive stronger performance for marketing campaigns and digital advertising.

“A deep understanding of our target markets is crucial for our success. With Population Intelligence, we can develop advanced personas and pinpoint exactly who we need to reach, cutting down on marketing spend while helping us get to new markets faster,” said Osama Usmani, CEO of Salubrum, a medical tourism company. “It ensures our resources are spent on the most promising opportunities for audience activation.”

Population Intelligence combines robust clinical and consumer data to create a powerful tool for precision marketing. With data on 250+ million unique consumers aged 18+ and over, 300 clinical propensity, social determinants of health, and media channel models, businesses can identify consumers who are most likely to have a specific condition or need certain healthcare services. This allows organizations to create more precise audience segments and launch highly targeted marketing campaigns, driving more efficient consumer activation.

“Population Intelligence is a major leap forward in how businesses understand and activate their DTC audience segments,” said Bill Moschella, Chief Product and Technology Officer of Definitive Healthcare. “Our clinical propensity models, DSP/DMP connectors, and dynamic visualizations can deliver significant speed to value. These tools help companies fine-tune their marketing strategies, enhance advertising performance, and ultimately enable them to accelerate growth. By eliminating the need for first-party data exchange, our solution can reduce risk while helping clients reach their ideal healthcare consumers.”

Population Intelligence enables teams to:

  • Segment the market: Understand the overall market potential and pinpoint ideal customer segments using demographic data and a vast library of propensity models.
  • Build campaign audiences: Integrate consumer records into a CRM or marketing automation platform to create targeted campaign audiences.
  • Activate audiences: Quickly onboard a targeted audience for digital advertising through a demand-side platform.

In addition to its front-end portal, Population Intelligence offers a trusted, scalable way to integrate with organizations’ internal systems, while enabling first-party data to remain securely in-house. By eliminating the need for third-party data sharing, Population Intelligence stands out as a tool for achieving improved marketing and advertising effectiveness while enabling compliance with data privacy standards.

For more information about Population Intelligence, visit:

About Definitive Healthcare

At Definitive Healthcare, our mission is to transform data, analytics, and expertise into healthcare commercial intelligence. We help clients uncover the right markets, opportunities, and people, so they can shape tomorrow’s healthcare industry. Our SaaS products and solutions create new paths to commercial success in the healthcare market, so companies can identify where to go next. Learn more at

Media Contacts:
Bethany Swackhamer

Investor Relations Contact:
Brian Denyeau
ICR for Definitive Healthcare


What is Definitive Healthcare's Population Intelligence platform?

Population Intelligence is a platform that combines clinical and consumer data to create precise audience segments for targeted marketing campaigns in healthcare-related industries. It offers data on 250+ million consumers and 300+ clinical and media models.

How does Population Intelligence benefit businesses selling to healthcare?

Population Intelligence helps businesses in advertising, marketing, telehealth, staffing, and medical supply industries improve their marketing campaigns and digital advertising performance by enabling precise audience segmentation and targeting.

What new features does the expanded Population Intelligence platform offer?

The expanded platform offers market segmentation tools, campaign audience building capabilities, and audience activation for digital advertising. It also integrates with internal systems while maintaining data privacy compliance.

How does Population Intelligence address data privacy concerns?

Population Intelligence eliminates the need for first-party data exchange by integrating with organizations' internal systems while keeping first-party data secure, thus promoting compliance with data privacy standards.

What is Definitive Healthcare's stock symbol?

Definitive Healthcare's stock symbol is DH, and it is listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange.

Definitive Healthcare Corp.


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Health Information Services
Services-prepackaged Software
United States of America