Quest Diagnostics Empowers Employees With Enhanced Education Assistance and Career Growth Programs, Achieving Record Engagement in 2023

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Quest Diagnostics has enhanced its education assistance and career growth programs, achieving record engagement in 2023. The company's My Quest for Education program offers up to $5,250 annually for career-related learning and up to $8,000 for business-critical degrees. The redesigned program led to over 1,000 employees enrolling, the highest rate in 5 years. From 2019 to 2023, ~64% of participants made at least one career move within Quest, and ~50% received at least one promotion.

Quest also implemented various leadership development initiatives, including the 90-Day Employee Experience Pilot, Stay Interviews, and LeadingQuest programs. The company's Employee Engagement Index Score was above the healthcare industry average in 2023. Quest's culture is guided by its 5Cs: Customer first, Care, Collaboration, Continuous improvement, and Curiosity, which are integrated into leadership development, peer recognition, and performance assessments.

Quest Diagnostics ha migliorato i suoi programmi di assistenza all'istruzione e crescita professionale, raggiungendo un coinvolgimento record nel 2023. Il programma dell'azienda My Quest for Education offre fino a 5.250 dollari all'anno per l'apprendimento legato alla carriera e fino a 8.000 dollari per titoli di studio fondamentali per il business. Il programma ristrutturato ha portato a oltre 1.000 dipendenti che si sono iscritti, il tasso più alto degli ultimi 5 anni. Dal 2019 al 2023, circa il 64% dei partecipanti ha effettuato almeno una mossa professionale all'interno di Quest, e circa il 50% ha ricevuto almeno una promozione.

Quest ha inoltre implementato varie iniziative di sviluppo della leadership, tra cui il Pilota sull'Esperienza del Dipendente di 90 Giorni, Interviste di Permanenza e il programma LeadingQuest. L'Indice di Coinvolgimento dei Dipendenti dell'azienda era al di sopra della media del settore sanitario nel 2023. La cultura di Quest è guidata dalle sue 5Cs: Cliente al primo posto, Cura, Collaborazione, Miglioramento continuo e Curiosità, che sono integrate nello sviluppo della leadership, nel riconoscimento tra pari e nelle valutazioni delle prestazioni.

Quest Diagnostics ha mejorado sus programas de asistencia educativa y crecimiento profesional, logrando un compromiso récord en 2023. El programa de la empresa My Quest for Education ofrece hasta 5,250 dólares anuales para el aprendizaje relacionado con la carrera y hasta 8,000 dólares para títulos críticos para el negocio. El programa rediseñado llevó a más de 1,000 empleados a inscribirse, la tasa más alta en 5 años. Desde 2019 hasta 2023, aproximadamente el 64% de los participantes realizó al menos un movimiento profesional dentro de Quest, y aproximadamente el 50% recibió al menos una promoción.

Quest también implementó diversas iniciativas de desarrollo de liderazgo, incluyendo el Piloto de Experiencia del Empleado de 90 Días, Entrevistas de Permanencia y los programas LeadingQuest. El Índice de Compromiso de Empleados de la empresa estuvo por encima del promedio de la industria de la salud en 2023. La cultura de Quest está guiada por sus 5Cs: Cliente primero, Cuidado, Colaboración, Mejora continua y Curiosidad, que se integran en el desarrollo del liderazgo, el reconocimiento entre pares y las evaluaciones de desempeño.

Quest Diagnostics는 2023년에 기록적인 참여를 달성하며 교육 지원 및 경력 성장 프로그램을 강화했습니다. 회사의 My Quest for Education 프로그램은 경력 관련 학습을 위해 연간 최대 5,250달러, 비즈니스 중요 학위에 대해 최대 8,000달러를 제공합니다. 재구성된 프로그램은 1,000명 이상의 직원이 등록하도록 이끌었으며, 이는 5년 만에 가장 높은 비율입니다. 2019년부터 2023년까지 참가자의 약 64%가 Quest 내에서 최소 한 번의 경력 이동을 했고, 약 50%는 최소 한 번의 승진을 받았습니다.

Quest는 또한 90일 직원 경험 파일럿, 스테이 인터뷰, LeadingQuest 프로그램을 포함한 다양한 리더십 개발 이니셔티브를 구현했습니다. 회사의 직원 참여 지수 점수는 2023년 의료 산업 평균을 초과했습니다. Quest의 문화는 고객 우선, 보살핌, 협력, 지속적인 개선 및 호기심이라는 5Cs로 안내되며, 이는 리더십 개발, 동료 인정 및 성과 평가에 통합됩니다.

Quest Diagnostics a amélioré ses programmes d'assistance éducative et de croissance professionnelle, atteignant un engagement record en 2023. Le programme de l'entreprise My Quest for Education offre jusqu'à 5 250 dollars par an pour l'apprentissage lié à la carrière et jusqu'à 8 000 dollars pour les diplômes critiques pour le secteur. Le programme repensé a conduit à plus de 1 000 employés s'inscrivant, le taux le plus élevé en 5 ans. De 2019 à 2023, environ 64 % des participants ont réalisé au moins un mouvement de carrière au sein de Quest, et environ 50 % ont reçu au moins une promotion.

Quest a également mis en œuvre diverses initiatives de développement du leadership, y compris le programme pilote d'expérience des employés de 90 jours, les entretiens de fidélisation et les programmes LeadingQuest. L'indice d'engagement des employés de l'entreprise était supérieur à la moyenne du secteur de la santé en 2023. La culture de Quest est guidée par ses 5Cs : Client d'abord, Soin, Collaboration, Amélioration continue et Curiosité, qui sont intégrées dans le développement du leadership, la reconnaissance entre pairs et les évaluations de performance.

Quest Diagnostics hat seine Bildungsunterstützungs- und Karrierewachstumsprogramme verbessert und im Jahr 2023 eine Rekordbeteiligung erzielt. Das Programm des Unternehmens My Quest for Education bietet jährlich bis zu 5.250 US-Dollar für berufsbezogene Weiterbildung und bis zu 8.000 US-Dollar für geschäftskritische Abschlüsse. Das neu gestaltete Programm führte dazu, dass über 1.000 Mitarbeiter sich einschrieben, was die höchste Rate in 5 Jahren darstellt. Von 2019 bis 2023 erzielten etwa 64 % der Teilnehmer mindestens einen Karriereschritt innerhalb von Quest, und etwa 50 % erhielten mindestens eine Beförderung.

Quest führte auch verschiedene Initiativen zur Führungskräfteentwicklung ein, darunter das 90-Tage-Mitarbeitererfahrungs-Pilotprojekt, Stay Interviews und die LeadingQuest-Programme. Der Engagement-Index-Score des Unternehmens lag im Jahr 2023 über dem Branchendurchschnitt im Gesundheitswesen. Die Kultur von Quest wird von den 5Cs geleitet: Kunde zuerst, Pflege, Zusammenarbeit, kontinuierliche Verbesserung und Neugier, die in die Führungskräfteentwicklung, die Anerkennung unter Kollegen und die Leistungsbewertungen integriert sind.

  • Record engagement in education assistance program with over 1,000 employees enrolling in 2023
  • 64% of education program participants made career moves within the company from 2019-2023
  • 50% of education program participants received promotions from 2019-2023
  • Employee Engagement Index Score above healthcare industry average in 2023
  • Implementation of various leadership development programs across all levels
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 29, 2024 / Quest Diagnostics:

Originally published in Quest Diagnostics' 2023 Corporate Responsibility Report

Our employees don't just hold jobs-they build careers. In 2023, we continued to focus on the hire-to-retire journey for our workforce. Learning and development programs, education assistance, and opportunities to improve our organizational culture make Quest a place to grow and advance.


Education provides a foundation for our employees to build the careers they want, and we're supporting them in pursuing their goals. Through our education assistance program, My Quest for Education, we offer up to $5,250 annually in reimbursement for career-related learning, courses, and degrees and up to $8,000 a year to pursue a business-critical degree such as medical laboratory science. Some programs offer eligible employees the opportunity to obtain a degree at little to no out-of-pocket cost.

In 2023, we redesigned the program to improve access and ease of use, leading to over 1,000 employees enrolling-our highest rate of engagement over the last 5 years. My Quest for Education also allows us to more readily promote from within as employees build the skills that match their career interests while meeting the talent needs of the organization. From 2019 through 2023, ~64% of participants in My Quest for Education have made at least 1 career move within our organization, and ~50% have received at least 1 promotion.

Supporting our employees' career journeys

From their first days of onboarding to leading at the executive level, we invest in our people.

New hires

90-Day Employee Experience Pilot: Comprehensive toolset for managers, including enhanced support for new hires, to onboard employees over a 90-day period. Our pilot with Frontline Logistics resulted in a 13% reduction in voluntary turnover in year 1.

Frontline employees

Patient Services Group Lead Role Development: Program built specifically for frontline group leads to develop peer-to-peer leadership skills and serve as a resource and role model for their colleagues. Piloted in 2023, with an expansion planned in 2024.

Supervisors and managers

Stay Interviews: Retention and trust-building touchpoint for people leaders. In 2023, Quest trained 600 people leaders in conducting Stay Interviews and held 6,000 conversations. This is in addition to 1,500 people leaders trained and 13,000 interviews conducted in 2022.

LeadingQuest Supervisor and Manager Core: Year-long program for supervisors and managers to build critical capabilities and skills, including emotional intelligence, cross-functional relationships, inclusive leadership, and leading change. In 2023, more than 500 new supervisors and managers participated in this training-with approximately 1,250 active frontline leaders developed since 2020.

Mid-level leaders

LeadingQuest for Business Impact: Leadership training specific to the needs of director-level leaders, focused on emotional intelligence, communication, cross-functional relationships, strategic thinking, and inclusion. Launched in 2023, 35 leaders have participated.

Elevate: High-potential program for future executives that includes classroom learning, team-based project work, and executive sponsorship. Piloted in 2023, 24 high-potential leaders have participated.

Executive leadership

Financial Acumen for Business Leaders: Program focused on honing financial skillsets for new and future general managers. To date, over 11% of our senior leadership team have participated.

Executive Coaching: Coaching is used to hone leadership skills and improve effectiveness for executive leaders to assimilate into new or expanded roles. The program is tailored to the individual's needs and development priorities based on 360-degree feedback.


Equity and health access Governance and ethics Our 5Cs-Customer first, Care, Collaboration, Continuous improvement, and Curiosity-exemplify our culture and are increasingly woven into our leadership development, peer recognition, and performance assessment practices. We frame employee accomplishments and opportunities for growth using the 5Cs and, starting in 2024, will use them to inform employee goals and objectives.


One of the ways we implement our 5Cs is by listening to our employees and acting on their feedback. We conduct regular pulse surveys that allow us to capture employee sentiment in real time. We've also set up an automated reminder system for managers to examine their results and collaboratively put an action plan in place with their team. These pulse surveys allow us to measure our Employee Engagement Index Score, which was above the healthcare industry average in 2023. We have exceeded the healthcare industry benchmark since launching our Employee Insights survey in 2020. In 2024, we will expand our listening strategy to include a new culture survey. This additional enterprise-wide assessment will help us continue to refine how we implement The Quest Way and our 5Cs across the organization.

The impact of the 5Cs extends beyond our team. Read more about how the 5Cs set Quest apart in the experience and care we provide for our patients. To learn about career opportunities at Quest, visit the Career page.

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Spokesperson: Quest Diagnostics

SOURCE: Quest Diagnostics

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What is Quest Diagnostics' annual reimbursement limit for career-related education?

Quest Diagnostics offers up to $5,250 annually in reimbursement for career-related learning, courses, and degrees through their My Quest for Education program.

How many Quest Diagnostics employees enrolled in the education assistance program in 2023?

Over 1,000 Quest Diagnostics employees enrolled in the My Quest for Education program in 2023, marking the highest rate of engagement over the last 5 years.

What percentage of Quest Diagnostics education program participants received promotions from 2019-2023?

Approximately 50% of participants in Quest Diagnostics' My Quest for Education program received at least one promotion from 2019 through 2023.

How does Quest Diagnostics' Employee Engagement Index Score compare to the industry average?

Quest Diagnostics' Employee Engagement Index Score was above the healthcare industry average in 2023, and has exceeded the industry benchmark since launching their Employee Insights survey in 2020.

What are Quest Diagnostics' 5Cs that guide their company culture?

Quest Diagnostics' 5Cs are Customer first, Care, Collaboration, Continuous improvement, and Curiosity. These principles guide their company culture and are integrated into leadership development, peer recognition, and performance assessments.

Quest Diagnostics Inc.


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