My Quest Story - Branda Burke

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Branda Burke shares her journey with Quest Diagnostics, highlighting how a chance encounter at her coffee shop job led to a career opportunity. She applied for a driver position, doubling her salary and gaining access to benefits. Despite being a high school dropout with a GED, Branda utilized Quest's Employee Education Assistance program to earn an Associate Degree in Arts in Information Technology with honors.

Branda praises her supervisor's leadership and the company's supportive environment. Her role involves covering routes in East Texas and North Louisiana, interacting with clients, and assisting with office tasks. She emphasizes the importance of both client interactions and behind-the-scenes work in specimen pack-out and supply management.

Branda Burke condivide il suo percorso con Quest Diagnostics, sottolineando come un incontro fortuito al suo lavoro in un caffè abbia portato a un'opportunità di carriera. Ha fatto domanda per una posizione da autista, raddoppiando il suo stipendio e ottenendo accesso ai benefici. Nonostante fosse una ragazza che ha lasciato la scuola superiore ma ha conseguito un GED, Branda ha utilizzato il programma di Assistenza all'Istruzione dei Dipendenti di Quest per conseguire un Diploma Associato in Arti nel settore della Tecnologia dell'Informazione con lode.

Branda elogia la leadership del suo supervisore e l'ambiente di sostegno dell'azienda. Il suo ruolo prevede la copertura di percorsi in Texas orientale e Louisiana del nord, interagendo con i clienti e assistendo con compiti d'ufficio. Sottolinea l'importanza sia delle interazioni con i clienti che del lavoro dietro le quinte nella preparazione dei campioni e nella gestione delle forniture.

Branda Burke comparte su viaje con Quest Diagnostics, destacando cómo un encuentro fortuito en su trabajo de café condujo a una oportunidad profesional. Solicitó un puesto como conductor, duplicando su salario y obteniendo acceso a beneficios. A pesar de haber dejado la escuela secundaria y contar con un GED, Branda utilizó el programa de Asistencia Educativa para Empleados de Quest para obtener un Título Asociado en Artes en Tecnología de la Información con honores.

Branda elogia el liderazgo de su supervisor y el entorno de apoyo de la empresa. Su papel implica cubrir rutas en el este de Texas y el norte de Louisiana, interactuando con los clientes y asistiendo con tareas de oficina. Enfatiza la importancia tanto de las interacciones con los clientes como del trabajo detrás de escena en la preparación de muestras y la gestión de suministros.

브란다 버크는 Quest Diagnostics와 함께한 여정을 공유하며 커피숍에서의 우연한 만남이 경력 기회로 이어졌음을 강조합니다. 그녀는 운전 직책에 지원하여 급여를 두 배로 늘리고 복지 혜택에 접근할 수 있었습니다. 고등학교를 중퇴했지만 GED를 보유한 브란다는 Quest의 직원 교육 지원 프로그램을 통해 정보 기술 분야의 준학사 학위를 수여받았습니다.

브란다는 상사의 리더십과 회사의 지원 환경을 칭찬합니다. 그녀의 역할은 동부 텍사스와 북부 루이지애나에서 경로를 커버하고 고객과 소통하며 사무 업무를 지원하는 것입니다. 서류 전산화 및 공급 관리와 같은 일의 배후 작업의 중요성도 강조합니다.

Branda Burke partage son parcours avec Quest Diagnostics, soulignant comment une rencontre fortuite lors de son travail dans un café a conduit à une opportunité de carrière. Elle a postulé pour un poste de conducteur, doublant ainsi son salaire et accédant à des avantages. Bien qu'elle ait quitté l'école secondaire avec un GED, Branda a profité du programme d'assistance à l'éducation des employés de Quest pour obtenir un diplôme associé en arts en technologies de l'information avec mention.

Branda loue le leadership de son superviseur et l'environnement de soutien de l'entreprise. Son rôle consiste à couvrir des itinéraires dans l'est du Texas et le nord de la Louisiane, à interagir avec les clients et à aider aux tâches de bureau. Elle souligne l'importance à la fois des interactions avec les clients et du travail en coulisses dans la préparation des échantillons et la gestion des fournitures.

Branda Burke teilt ihren Werdegang bei Quest Diagnostics und hebt hervor, wie eine zufällige Begegnung in ihrem Café-Job zu einer Karrieremöglichkeit führte. Sie bewarb sich um eine Fahrerposition, verdoppelte ihr Gehalt und erhielt Zugang zu Sozialleistungen. Trotz ihrer Abbruchschule und des erworbenen GEDs nutzte Branda das Mitarbeiterbildungsförderungsprogramm von Quest, um mit Auszeichnung einen Associate Degree in Kunst im Bereich Informationstechnologie zu erlangen.

Branda lobt die Führung ihres Vorgesetzten und die unterstützende Atmosphäre des Unternehmens. Ihre Rolle umfasst das Abdecken von Routen in Osttexas und Nordlouisiana, den Kontakt zu Kunden und die Unterstützung bei Büroarbeiten. Sie betont die Wichtigkeit sowohl der Kundeninteraktionen als auch der Arbeit im Hintergrund bei der Probenvorbereitung und dem Liefermanagement.

  • Employee Education Assistance program enabled career advancement
  • Supportive work environment with encouraging leadership
  • Opportunity for salary increase and benefits for entry-level position
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 10, 2024 / Quest Diagnostics

I refreshed my resume and emailed it on my lunch break in same day.

A Logistics supervisor and group lead were conducting interviews at the coffee shop where I worked. After multiple no-shows for interviews, I walked over to their table to check if they needed anything else. I asked them where they worked and what they were looking for in a candidate.

They worked with Quest Diagnostics, and they were looking for a driver. At the time, I didn't know anything about what Quest was or what they did, and I asked for more details. After learning what the position entailed, I asked for his business card and email address so I could send him my resume. I had previously worked as a contractor for a pharmacy, delivering large orders to rehab and nursing home facilities, and thought I might meet the qualifications for that position.

He didn't think I was serious - but I was. I had my interview in Shreveport about 3 weeks later, and the rest just fell into place after that.

When I joined Quest, I literally doubled my salary with a shift differential and benefits I would have never considered an option for someone in an entry-level position.

I'm a high school drop-out with a GED. Without the Employee Education Assistance program that Quest offers, I would never have considered furthering my education. Because of Quest's program and my incredibly encouraging supervisor, I finished my Associate Degree in Arts in Information Technology with honors.

My supervisor is one of the most compassionate and understanding leaders I've ever had the privilege to work with. He encouraged me to pursue my education, has helped me gain more knowledge and experience in the Logistics department, and offers the same to all of his team. He pushes us to achieve great things and to use our potential the best way possible, and he's never shy about showing how much he appreciates our hard work and efforts.

When I'm not covering a route in my service area of East Texas and North Louisiana, I'm helping my Group Leads and Supervisor with various tasks in our office or finding new ways to streamline things for the drivers in our hub.

Being on the road always feels like a bigger impact because I get to interact with our clients, but completing our specimen pack-out and ensuring supplies are readily available for our drivers is just as important.

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Spokesperson: Quest Diagnostics

SOURCE: Quest Diagnostics

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How did Branda Burke start her career at Quest Diagnostics (DGX)?

Branda Burke started her career at Quest Diagnostics after meeting Quest representatives conducting interviews at the coffee shop where she worked. She inquired about the job opportunity, sent her resume, and was hired as a driver after an interview in Shreveport.

What educational benefits does Quest Diagnostics (DGX) offer employees?

Quest Diagnostics offers an Employee Education Assistance program, which allowed Branda Burke, a high school dropout with a GED, to earn an Associate Degree in Arts in Information Technology with honors.

What areas does Branda Burke cover as a driver for Quest Diagnostics (DGX)?

Branda Burke covers routes in East Texas and North Louisiana as a driver for Quest Diagnostics.

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