My Quest Story - Adam Slough

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Adam Slough shares his 29-year journey with Quest Diagnostics in St. Louis, Missouri. Starting as a Specimen Processor in 1995, he progressed to become a driver for the Logistics team, recently winning an employee recognition award. His experience includes roles as an independent courier and swing driver, serving parts of 4 states. Adam highlights Quest's role in his personal growth and mentions his family's involvement with the company, including his aunt, mother, and wife.

Adam emphasizes the importance of understanding how individual roles support the bigger picture at Quest, focusing on patient care. He expresses gratitude for the support he's received and hopes to continue serving for many more years. His story underscores Quest Diagnostics' commitment to employee development and patient-centered service.

Adam Slough condivide il suo viaggio di 29 anni con Quest Diagnostics a St. Louis, Missouri. Iniziando come Processore di Campioni nel 1995, è poi diventato un autista per il team Logistica, vincendo di recente un premio di riconoscimento per i dipendenti. La sua esperienza include ruoli come corriere indipendente e autista swing, servendo parti di 4 stati. Adam sottolinea il ruolo di Quest nella sua crescita personale e menziona il coinvolgimento della sua famiglia con l'azienda, inclusi sua zia, madre e moglie.

Adam enfatizza l'importanza di comprendere come i ruoli individuali supportino il quadro complessivo di Quest, concentrandosi sulla cura del paziente. Esprime gratitudine per il supporto ricevuto e spera di continuare a servire per molti altri anni. La sua storia sottolinea l'impegno di Quest Diagnostics nello sviluppo dei dipendenti e nel servizio orientato al paziente.

Adam Slough comparte su trayectoria de 29 años con Quest Diagnostics en St. Louis, Missouri. Comenzando como Procesador de Muestras en 1995, avanzó hasta convertirse en conductor para el equipo de Logística, ganando recientemente un premio de reconocimiento a los empleados. Su experiencia incluye roles como mensajero independiente y conductor alternativo, sirviendo en partes de 4 estados. Adam destaca el papel de Quest en su crecimiento personal y menciona la participación de su familia con la empresa, incluyendo a su tía, madre y esposa.

Adam enfatiza la importancia de entender cómo los roles individuales apoyan la visión general en Quest, centrándose en la atención al paciente. Expresa su gratitud por el apoyo recibido y espera seguir sirviendo durante muchos años más. Su historia subraya el compromiso de Quest Diagnostics con el desarrollo de los empleados y un servicio centrado en el paciente.

아담 슬라우는 미주리주 세인트루이스에서 퀘스트 진단과 함께한 29년의 여정을 공유합니다. 1995년 샘플 프로세서로 시작하여 물류 팀의 운전자로 승진하여 최근에는 직원 인정 상을 받았습니다. 그의 경험에는 독립 배달원 및 스윙 드라이버 역할이 포함되어 있으며, 4개 주의 일부 지역을 서비스했습니다. 아담은 퀘스트가 자신의 개인적 성장에 어떻게 기여했는지를 강조하며, 이모, 어머니, 아내를 포함한 가족의 회사에 대한 참여를 언급합니다.

아담은 개별 역할이 퀘스트의 큰 그림을 지원하는 방식을 이해하는 것이 중요하다고 강조하며 환자 치료에 중점을 둡니다. 그는 받은 지원에 감사하며 앞으로도 많은 해 동안 계속 봉사하기를 희망합니다. 그의 이야기는 퀘스트 진단의 직원 개발과 환자 중심 서비스에 대한 헌신을 강조합니다.

Adam Slough partage son parcours de 29 ans avec Quest Diagnostics à St. Louis, Missouri. Commencant comme Préparateur d'Échantillons en 1995, il a évolué pour devenir chauffeur de l'équipe Logistique, recevant récemment un prix de reconnaissance des employés. Son expérience comprend des rôles en tant que coursier indépendant et conducteur alterné, desservant des parties de 4 états. Adam souligne le rôle de Quest dans sa croissance personnelle et mentionne l'implication de sa famille dans l'entreprise, y compris sa tante, sa mère et sa femme.

Adam insiste sur l'importance de comprendre comment les rôles individuels soutiennent la vision globale chez Quest, en mettant l'accent sur les soins aux patients. Il exprime sa gratitude pour le soutien qu'il a reçu et espère continuer à servir pendant de nombreuses années encore. Son histoire souligne l'engagement de Quest Diagnostics envers le développement des employés et un service centré sur le patient.

Adam Slough teilt seine 29-jährige Reise mit Quest Diagnostics in St. Louis, Missouri. Begonnen als Probenverarbeiter im Jahr 1995, entwickelte er sich zum Fahrer des Logistikteams und gewann kürzlich einen Mitarbeiteranerkennungspreis. Seine Erfahrungen umfassen Rollen als unabhängiger Kurier und Wechsel-Fahrer, die Teile von 4 Bundesstaaten bedienen. Adam hebt die Rolle von Quest in seinem persönlichen Wachstum hervor und erwähnt die Beteiligung seiner Familie an dem Unternehmen, einschließlich seiner Tante, Mutter und Ehefrau.

Adam betont die Bedeutung, zu verstehen, wie individuelle Rollen das Gesamtbild bei Quest unterstützen, mit einem Fokus auf Patientenversorgung. Er drückt seine Dankbarkeit für die erhaltene Unterstützung aus und hofft, noch viele Jahre zu dienen. Seine Geschichte unterstreicht das Engagement von Quest Diagnostics für die Entwicklung der Mitarbeiter und den patientenorientierten Service.

  • Long-term employee retention, with Adam Slough serving for 29 years
  • Employee recognition program in place, as evidenced by Adam's recent award
  • Company culture promotes internal growth and skill development
  • Multiple family members employed, indicating positive work environment
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 18, 2024 / Over the past 29 years, my time with Quest Diagnostics in St. Louis, Missouri, has been more than just a job, but like a second home to me.

I first came to the company in 1995, when it was then Smith Kline Beecham, and worked as a Specimen Processor with many duties. In that role, I was a member of the ‘Late Team' whose primary task was locating what could sometimes be hundreds of specimens that needed to be tracked down from the manifest. I believe this role gave me the skills that led to my current position as a driver for the Logistics team and even recently winning an employee recognition award almost 30 years later.

In 2002, I became an independent courier and served as a swing driver exclusively for Quest for 11 years. In this position, I ran routes in parts of 4 states almost always ‘blind' (slang term for no training) and at a moment's notice. In late 2012, I became a regular route driver which I continue to do today. My experiences as a swing driver prepared me to be a full-time courier, including one incident where I discovered more than 200 specimens after getting a cancellation notice for a stop. I knew to still check the location, and there were patient samples, despite being told to skip that stop.

Quest has done a lot for my growth potential, both as a man and as a parent. When I first started, I was still a kid as far as maturity goes. My supervisors were always patient with me; they allowed me to make mistakes and grow from them. It's a pleasure for me to do my job every day, and my real family has also been a part of my Quest family. My aunt has been a microbiologist for 35 years, my mother was a courier for 10 years, and my wife has been a phlebotomist for 2 years. It's the people here who make it a pleasure to serve. They deserve a lot of the credit for me being here today. And knowing that we are helping patients make a difference in their lives can be very inspiring.

For others who may want to work here, it can be a great opportunity. Always remember that first and foremost, we are working for a patient whose test is on the line. That lifeline is what sets us apart from other companies. My best advice is to learn and understand the ‘big picture' and how your role supports that. It has been an honor to be here for 29 years. I only hope I can be fortunate to serve 29 more. Thank you to everyone who has supported me along the way.

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Spokesperson: Quest Diagnostics

SOURCE: Quest Diagnostics

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What positions has Adam Slough held at Quest Diagnostics (DGX) over his 29-year career?

Adam Slough has held several positions at Quest Diagnostics (DGX) over his 29-year career, including Specimen Processor, independent courier, swing driver, and currently, a regular route driver for the Logistics team.

How has Quest Diagnostics (DGX) contributed to Adam Slough's personal growth?

Quest Diagnostics (DGX) has contributed to Adam Slough's personal growth by providing patient supervisors who allowed him to make mistakes and learn from them, helping him mature both as a man and as a parent.

What advice does Adam Slough give to potential Quest Diagnostics (DGX) employees?

Adam Slough advises potential Quest Diagnostics (DGX) employees to remember that they are working for patients whose tests are on the line, and to learn and understand the 'big picture' and how their role supports it.

How many of Adam Slough's family members have worked for Quest Diagnostics (DGX)?

Three of Adam Slough's family members have worked for Quest Diagnostics (DGX): his aunt as a microbiologist for 35 years, his mother as a courier for 10 years, and his wife as a phlebotomist for 2 years.

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