100 New Moms Celebrated at Community Baby Shower Hosted by Q4HE Grantee
Quest Diagnostics grantee Bread of Life, Inc. hosted its third annual Community Baby Shower in Houston, supporting 100 expectant moms with essential baby items and health education. The event, part of the Quest for Health Equity (Q4HE) initiative, provided car seats, diaper bags, and other necessities to parents who may not have access to traditional baby showers.
Bread of Life Academy, which assists Houston's vulnerable population through education and workforce development, partnered with Community Health Choice to invite parents from their monthly distributions and outreach programs. The organization's community health workers addressed social determinants of health and provided connections to services.
This event is part of the ongoing collaboration between Bread of Life and the Quest Diagnostics Foundation, which began in 2022 with the launch of the Healthy Houston Collective program. The initiative aims to improve access to affordable healthcare and reduce health disparities in marginalized communities in Houston and surrounding areas.
Quest Diagnostics ha concessato a Bread of Life, Inc. di ospitare il suo terzo Baby Shower Comunitario annuale a Houston, sostenendo 100 mamme in attesa con articoli essenziali per i bambini e educazione alla salute. L'evento, parte dell'iniziativa Quest for Health Equity (Q4HE), ha fornito seggiolini per auto, borse per pannolini e altre necessità a genitori che potrebbero non avere accesso ai tradizionali baby shower.
Bread of Life Academy, che assiste la popolazione vulnerabile di Houston attraverso l'istruzione e lo sviluppo della forza lavoro, ha collaborato con Community Health Choice per invitare i genitori dalle loro distribuzioni mensili e programmi di sensibilizzazione. I lavoratori della salute della comunità hanno affrontato i determinanti sociali della salute e fornito collegamenti ai servizi.
Questo evento è parte della collaborazione in corso tra Bread of Life e la Quest Diagnostics Foundation, iniziata nel 2022 con il lancio del programma Healthy Houston Collective. L'iniziativa mira a migliorare l'accesso a cure sanitarie accessibili e ridurre le disparità sanitarie nelle comunità emarginate di Houston e nelle aree circostanti.
Quest Diagnostics otorgó a Bread of Life, Inc. la posibilidad de organizar su tercer Baby Shower Comunitario anual en Houston, apoyando a 100 mamás embarazadas con artículos esenciales para bebés y educación sobre salud. El evento, parte de la iniciativa Quest for Health Equity (Q4HE), proporcionó asientos de auto, bolsas de pañales y otras necesidades a padres que quizás no tengan acceso a los tradicionales baby showers.
Bread of Life Academy, que asiste a la población vulnerable de Houston a través de la educación y el desarrollo laboral, se unió a Community Health Choice para invitar a padres de sus distribuciones mensuales y programas de divulgación. Los trabajadores de salud comunitaria abordaron los determinantes sociales de la salud y proporcionaron conexiones a los servicios.
Este evento es parte de la colaboración continua entre Bread of Life y la Quest Diagnostics Foundation, que comenzó en 2022 con el lanzamiento del programa Healthy Houston Collective. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo mejorar el acceso a atención médica asequible y reducir las disparidades en salud en comunidades marginadas de Houston y sus alrededores.
Quest Diagnostics의 보조금으로 Bread of Life, Inc.가 휴스턴에서 제3회 연례 지역사회 아기 샤워를 주최하여 100명의 임신한 엄마들에게 필수 아기 용품과 건강 교육을 제공했습니다. 이 행사는 Quest for Health Equity (Q4HE) 이니셔티브의 일환으로, 전통적인 아기 샤워에 접근하지 못할 수 있는 부모들에게 자동차 시트, 기저귀 가방 등 필수품을 제공했습니다.
Bread of Life Academy는 교육 및 직업 개발을 통해 휴스턴의 취약한 인구를 돕고 있으며, Community Health Choice와 협력하여 월별 배급 및 홍보 프로그램에 참여하는 부모들을 초청했습니다. 지역 사회 건강 담당자가 건강의 사회적 결정 요인에 대해 다루고 서비스와의 연결을 제공했습니다.
이번 행사는 2022년 Healthy Houston Collective 프로그램 출범과 함께 시작된 Bread of Life와 Quest Diagnostics Foundation 간의 지속적인 협력의 일환입니다. 이 이니셔티브는 휴스턴 및 주변 지역의 소외된 커뮤니티에서 저렴한 의료 서비스에 대한 접근성을 향상하고 건강 격차를 줄이는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
Quest Diagnostics a accordé à Bread of Life, Inc. d'organiser son troisième Baby Shower communautaire annuel à Houston, soutenant 100 mamans enceintes avec des articles essentiels pour bébés et une éducation à la santé. L'événement, qui fait partie de l'initiative Quest for Health Equity (Q4HE), a fourni des sièges auto, des sacs à couches et d'autres nécessités aux parents qui pourraient ne pas avoir accès aux traditionnels baby showers.
Bread of Life Academy, qui aide la population vulnérable de Houston par l'éducation et le développement de la main-d'œuvre, s'est associée à Community Health Choice pour inviter des parents de leurs distributions mensuelles et programmes de sensibilisation. Les travailleurs de la santé communautaire ont abordé les déterminants sociaux de la santé et ont fourni des liens vers des services.
Cet événement fait partie de la collaboration continue entre Bread of Life et la Quest Diagnostics Foundation, qui a commencé en 2022 avec le lancement du programme Healthy Houston Collective. L'initiative vise à améliorer l'accès aux soins de santé abordables et à réduire les disparités en matière de santé dans les communautés marginalisées de Houston et des environs.
Quest Diagnostics vergab an Bread of Life, Inc. die Möglichkeit, die dritte jährliche Community Baby Shower in Houston auszurichten und damit 100 werdende Mütter mit wichtigen Babyartikeln und Gesundheitsbildung zu unterstützen. Die Veranstaltung, Teil der Quest for Health Equity (Q4HE) Initiative, stellte Autositze, Wickeltaschen und weitere notwendige Dinge für Eltern zur Verfügung, die möglicherweise keinen Zugang zu traditionellen Baby-Shower-Veranstaltungen haben.
Bread of Life Academy, die der verletzlichen Bevölkerung von Houston durch Bildung und Berufsentwicklung hilft, arbeitete mit Community Health Choice zusammen, um Eltern aus ihren monatlichen Verteilungen und Outreach-Programmen einzuladen. Die Mitarbeiter der Gemeindegesundheit sprachen über soziale Determinanten der Gesundheit und boten Verbindungen zu Dienstleistungen an.
Diese Veranstaltung ist Teil der fortlaufenden Zusammenarbeit zwischen Bread of Life und der Quest Diagnostics Foundation, die 2022 mit dem Start des Healthy Houston Collective-Programms begann. Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, den Zugang zu erschwinglicher Gesundheitsversorgung zu verbessern und gesundheitliche Ungleichheiten in marginalisierten Gemeinschaften in Houston und den umliegenden Gebieten zu verringern.
- None.
- None.
NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 26, 2024 / Quest Diagnostics

Bread of Life, Inc., a Quest for Health Equity (Q4HE) grantee, recently hosted its third annual Community Baby Shower in Houston, where 100 expectant moms and their guests were showered with refreshments, games, entertainment-and plenty of baby gear.
Guests received giveaway prizes of car seats, diaper bags, high chairs, playpens, and more, and had the opportunity to stock up on essentials like formula, bottles, diapers, and clothing.
"Having a baby is not an easy feat and is often very costly," said Dr. Morgan Rasmus, Vice President of Education, Bread of Life. "The Community Baby Shower provides parents items they need to support the start of their parenthood journey."
Bread of Life Academy, which assists Houston's historically vulnerable population through education and workforce development, and its baby shower program partner, Community Health Choice, a local nonprofit managed care organization committed to helping improve the health and well-being of Texas residents, invited parents who may not have access to a traditional baby shower. Many of the new moms in attendance were sourced through Bread of Life's monthly food and supply distributions and other outreach programs.
Bread of Life's network of community health workers worked to empower these first-time parents by addressing social determinant barriers and providing health education and connections to services.
Bread of Life, Inc., a nonprofit organization formed by St. John's Church in Houston that provides a full spectrum of services and addresses inequities impacting individuals and families, receives support from the Quest Diagnostics Foundation as part of the Quest for Health Equity (Q4HE) initiative. The Q4HE initiative aims to address health disparities in marginalized communities across the US by providing resources, funding, donated testing services, and education.
Bread of Life and the Quest Diagnostics Foundation first teamed up in 2022, launching the Healthy Houston Collective program to improve access to affordable healthcare and reduce health disparities in marginalized communities in Houston and the surrounding area.
To learn more about Bread of Life and its programs, visit www.breadoflifeinc.org.
View additional multimedia and more ESG storytelling from Quest Diagnostics on 3blmedia.com.
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SOURCE: Quest Diagnostics
View the original press release on accesswire.com
What was the purpose of the Community Baby Shower hosted by Quest Diagnostics grantee?
What items were given away at the Quest Diagnostics-supported Community Baby Shower?
How does the Community Baby Shower relate to Quest Diagnostics' Q4HE initiative?
When did Quest Diagnostics Foundation and Bread of Life start their collaboration?