Dräger Unveils ProAir: Next-Gen Respiratory Protection for Government Operations
Dräger (DGWPF) has unveiled the NIOSH-certified ProAir, an advanced closed-circuit breathing apparatus (CCBA) designed for Federal Government operations. The device provides up to four hours of continuous oxygen supply, significantly surpassing traditional SCBAs' 45-60 minute capacity.
The ProAir features innovative technology including:
- Proprietary CO2 scrubber with RFID tracking
- Two cooling options: Ice Cooler and Phase Change Material system
- Flame resistance up to 1,742°F
- Electronic Control Unit for real-time status monitoring
- Integrated radio and voice amplification features
The device is specifically designed for hazardous environments including below-deck ship incidents, confined spaces, subterranean operations, and HAZMAT operations. It aims to enhance operational capabilities for federal agencies, armed forces, law enforcement, and emergency responders by eliminating frequent cylinder changes during prolonged engagements.
Dräger (DGWPF) ha presentato il ProAir, un avanzato apparato respiratorio a circuito chiuso (CCBA) certificato NIOSH, progettato per le operazioni del governo federale. Il dispositivo fornisce fino a quattro ore di fornitura continua di ossigeno, superando significativamente la capacità di 45-60 minuti degli SCBA tradizionali.
Il ProAir è dotato di tecnologia innovativa che include:
- Filtro CO2 proprietario con tracciamento RFID
- Due opzioni di raffreddamento: Ice Cooler e sistema di materiale a cambiamento di fase
- Resistenza al fuoco fino a 1.742°F
- Unità di controllo elettronica per il monitoraggio dello stato in tempo reale
- Funzioni integrate di radio e amplificazione della voce
Il dispositivo è specificamente progettato per ambienti pericolosi, tra cui incidenti sotto coperta su navi, spazi confinati, operazioni sotterranee e operazioni HAZMAT. Mira a migliorare le capacità operative per agenzie federali, forze armate, forze dell'ordine e soccorritori, eliminando la necessità di frequenti cambi di bombola durante impegni prolungati.
Dräger (DGWPF) ha presentado el ProAir, un avanzado aparato respiratorio de circuito cerrado (CCBA) certificado por NIOSH, diseñado para operaciones del gobierno federal. El dispositivo proporciona hasta cuatro horas de suministro continuo de oxígeno, superando significativamente la capacidad de 45-60 minutos de los SCBA tradicionales.
El ProAir cuenta con tecnología innovadora que incluye:
- Filtro de CO2 propietario con seguimiento RFID
- Dos opciones de refrigeración: Ice Cooler y sistema de material de cambio de fase
- Resistencia al fuego de hasta 1.742°F
- Unidad de control electrónico para el monitoreo del estado en tiempo real
- Funciones integradas de radio y amplificación de voz
El dispositivo está específicamente diseñado para entornos peligrosos, incluidos incidentes en la parte inferior de los barcos, espacios confinados, operaciones subterráneas y operaciones HAZMAT. Su objetivo es mejorar las capacidades operativas para agencias federales, fuerzas armadas, fuerzas del orden y socorristas, eliminando la necesidad de cambios frecuentes de cilindro durante compromisos prolongados.
Dräger (DGWPF)는 연방 정부 작업을 위해 설계된 NIOSH 인증 폐쇄 회로 호흡 장치(CCBA)인 ProAir를 공개했습니다. 이 장치는 최대 4시간의 지속적인 산소 공급을 제공하여 전통적인 SCBA의 45-60분 용량을 크게 초과합니다.
ProAir는 혁신적인 기술을 특징으로 합니다:
- RFID 추적이 가능한 독점 CO2 스크러버
- 두 가지 냉각 옵션: 아이스 쿨러 및 상변화 물질 시스템
- 1,742°F까지의 화염 저항
- 실시간 상태 모니터링을 위한 전자 제어 장치
- 통합된 라디오 및 음성 증폭 기능
이 장치는 선박의 아래 갑판 사건, 밀폐된 공간, 지하 작업 및 HAZMAT 작업을 포함한 위험한 환경을 위해 특별히 설계되었습니다. 이는 연방 기관, 군대, 법 집행 기관 및 응급 구조대의 운영 능력을 향상시키고, 장기간의 작업 중 빈번한 실린더 교체를 제거하는 것을 목표로 합니다.
Dräger (DGWPF) a dévoilé le ProAir, un appareil respiratoire à circuit fermé (CCBA) certifié NIOSH, conçu pour les opérations du gouvernement fédéral. L'appareil fournit jusqu'à quatre heures d'approvisionnement continu en oxygène, dépassant de manière significative la capacité de 45 à 60 minutes des SCBA traditionnels.
Le ProAir dispose d'une technologie innovante, notamment :
- Filtre CO2 propriétaire avec suivi RFID
- Deux options de refroidissement : Ice Cooler et système de matériau à changement de phase
- Résistance aux flammes jusqu'à 1 742°F
- Unité de contrôle électronique pour la surveillance de l'état en temps réel
- Fonctions intégrées de radio et d'amplification de la voix
L'appareil est spécifiquement conçu pour des environnements dangereux, y compris des incidents sous le pont des navires, des espaces confinés, des opérations souterraines et des opérations HAZMAT. Il vise à améliorer les capacités opérationnelles des agences fédérales, des forces armées, des forces de l'ordre et des premiers intervenants en éliminant les changements fréquents de cylindre lors d'engagements prolongés.
Dräger (DGWPF) hat das NIOSH-zertifizierte ProAir vorgestellt, ein fortschrittliches Atemgerät mit geschlossenem Kreislauf (CCBA), das für die Operationen der Bundesregierung entwickelt wurde. Das Gerät bietet bis zu vier Stunden kontinuierliche Sauerstoffversorgung und übertrifft damit die 45-60 Minuten Kapazität herkömmlicher SCBAs erheblich.
Das ProAir verfügt über innovative Technologien, darunter:
- Proprietärer CO2-Filter mit RFID-Tracking
- Zwei Kühloptionen: Ice Cooler und Phasenwechselmaterial-System
- Flammenbeständigkeit bis zu 1.742°F
- Elektronische Steuereinheit zur Echtzeitstatusüberwachung
- Integrierte Radio- und Sprachverstärkungsfunktionen
Das Gerät ist speziell für gefährliche Umgebungen konzipiert, einschließlich Vorfällen unter Deck, engen Räumen, unterirdischen Einsätzen und HAZMAT-Operationen. Es zielt darauf ab, die operativen Fähigkeiten für Bundesbehörden, Streitkräfte, Strafverfolgungsbehörden und Rettungskräfte zu verbessern, indem häufige Zylinderwechsel während längerer Einsätze vermieden werden.
- Advanced CCBA technology extends operational time from 45-60 minutes to 4 hours
- Innovative cooling systems enhance user comfort and operational efficiency
- NIOSH certification validates product safety and reliability
- Targets specific government market segment with high-value contracts potential
- market scope focusing only on government/federal agencies
- Product availability restricted in certain countries
- High development and manufacturing costs for specialized equipment
Advanced, Four-Hour Breathing Apparatus for Federal Government Operations in Extreme Conditions
- Closed-circuit breathing Apparatus
- CO2 Scrubbing Technology
- Prolonged Breathing Comfort
- Customizable Cooling Options
The ProAir can enhance operational readiness for federal agencies, including the armed forces, law enforcement, emergency responders, and environmental protection agencies. By providing an uninterrupted oxygen supply, the ProAir enables personnel to focus on high-risk situations, such as search and rescue missions, decontamination efforts, and HAZMAT response, alongside other critical tasks.
David Warnacut,
Adding Time to Critical Missions
The ProAir represents a significant advancement in personal safety gear, providing extended respiratory protection under some of the most challenging conditions. Designed to complement traditional SCBAs, the ProAir maximizes operational capabilities by eliminating the need for frequent cylinder changes during prolonged engagements. This additional time helps federal personnel to consolidate focus, complete intricate tasks without interruption, confidently navigate lengthy routes, and handle emergencies without worrying about the clock. By maximizing crucial operational time, the ProAir helps federal teams carry out their missions, increasing the safety and efficiency of high-stakes scenarios.
Innovative Scrubbing and Cooling Technology
The ProAir incorporates a proprietary carbon dioxide scrubber embedded in a positive pressure breathing circuit. This technology efficiently removes carbon dioxide and enriches the air with oxygen, removing the reliance on bulky air cylinders. The new RFID chip on the canister enables the ProAir to track the soda lime's life.
Expanding its versatility, the ProAir introduces two advanced cooling options: the Ice Cooler with durable ice packs and the groundbreaking Phase Change Material (PCM) system, making its debut in
Securing the Lower Decks
The ProAir extends operational time for responders handling below-deck emergencies, where rapid response and sustained action are critical. Its advanced air management system helps service members handle long and hazardous tasks effectively, reducing risks from exposure to smoke and harmful fumes. This is crucial for maintaining crew safety and readiness during a maritime crisis, giving additional time to address hazards and navigate complex below-deck configurations.
Confined Space and Sub-T Operations
The ProAir excels in subterranean (Sub-T) environments, where confined spaces and hazardous air conditions can pose significant risks. This solution helps personnel breathe safely and in underground facilities, tunnels, and passageways, allowing teams to execute intricate maneuvers, navigate treacherous terrains, and respond to emergencies confidently. Its robust, extended air supply minimizes the need for frequent cylinder changes, offering continuous protection.
HAZMAT Resilience
The ProAir is purpose-built to help counter HAZMAT threats, providing critical breathing protection during attacks, rescue missions, decontamination, and containment operations. Unlike traditional SCBAs that are limited to 45-60 minutes, the ProAir extends operational time with up to four hours of breathable air, reducing cylinder changeovers and minimizing downtime. This added capacity allows responders to remain in hazardous environments for extended periods, supporting sustained containment, decontamination, and cleanup efforts while improving overall operational efficiency.
Innovative Features for Enhanced Performance:
- Withstands Flames: The ProAir endures direct exposure to flames up to 1,742°F, meeting the highest safety and performance standards.
- Boosts Visibility: Enhances team awareness with Buddy Lights displaying cylinder pressure.
- Handles Extremes: Built to resist high temperatures, dust, debris, and sparks while ensuring agility with advanced ergonomic relief.
- Simplifies Maintenance: Easy, tool-free disassembly and servicing of the CCBA.
- Delivers Instant Updates: View critical supply status and alerts—such as cylinder pressure and time to whistle—on the palm-sized Electronic Control Unit (ECU).
- Enhances Communication: Stay connected with integrated radio features and voice amplification for clear communication in challenging environments.
- Tracks Usage: Leverage the built-in RFID chip to monitor soda lime life and streamline maintenance.
For more information, please visit the Dräger BG ProAir webpage.
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Note: Not all of the products named in this press release are available worldwide. Equipment packages can vary from country to country. We reserve the right to make changes to products. Up-to-date information is available on the Dräger website of your country or from your Dräger representative.
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SOURCE Draeger