DiagnaMed Partners with Texas Tech University to Pioneer Hydrogen Innovation
DiagnaMed Holdings (CSE: DMED, OTCQB: DGNMF), a frontrunner in hydrogen-producing technologies and AI medical applications, has announced a strategic partnership with Texas Tech University. This collaboration aims to commercialize a revolutionary technology (WO2023044149A1) for producing hydrogen directly from petroleum reservoirs and natural hydrogen fields.
Developed by Dr. Qingwang Yuan of the HOPE Group at Texas Tech, the technology combines hydraulic fracturing with electromagnetic wave heating to generate hydrogen from light oil, gas, and shale reservoirs, as well as ultramafic rock formations. With production costs potentially as low as $0.86 per kilogram, it aligns with the U.S. Department of Energy's goal of achieving $1/kg hydrogen by 2031.
Fabio Chianelli, Chairman and CEO of DiagnaMed, highlighted the technology's potential to transform over 25,000 active oil and gas fields globally and repurpose 2-3 million abandoned wells in the U.S. This innovation not only addresses global clean energy demands but also aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and deliver cost-effective, carbon-zero hydrogen.
Supported by a Techno-Economic Analysis from Argonne National Laboratory, this first-of-its-kind technology enhances energy efficiency and reduces costs and carbon footprints. As global hydrogen demand is expected to grow significantly, DiagnaMed’s partnership with Texas Tech positions it as a leader in the clean energy sector.
DiagnaMed Holdings (CSE: DMED, OTCQB: DGNMF), leader nelle tecnologie di produzione di idrogeno e nelle applicazioni mediche basate sull'AI, ha annunciato una partnership strategica con Texas Tech University. Questa collaborazione mira a commercializzare una tecnologia rivoluzionaria (WO2023044149A1) per la produzione di idrogeno direttamente da giacimenti petroliferi e campi di idrogeno naturali.
Sviluppata dal Dr. Qingwang Yuan del gruppo HOPE di Texas Tech, la tecnologia combina la fratturazione idraulica con il riscaldamento ad onde elettromagnetiche per generare idrogeno da giacimenti di petrolio leggero, gas e scisti, oltre a formazioni rocciose ultramafiche. Con costi di produzione potenzialmente ridotti a $0.86 per chilogrammo, si allinea con l'obiettivo del Dipartimento dell'Energia degli Stati Uniti di raggiungere $1/kg di idrogeno entro il 2031.
Fabio Chianelli, Presidente e CEO di DiagnaMed, ha sottolineato il potenziale della tecnologia di trasformare oltre 25.000 campi attivi di petrolio e gas a livello globale e di riutilizzare da 2 a 3 milioni di pozzi abbandonati negli Stati Uniti. Questa innovazione non solo risponde alle richieste globali di energia pulita, ma mira anche a ridurre le emissioni di gas serra e a fornire idrogeno a zero carbonio e a costi contenuti.
Sostenuta da un'analisi tecnico-economica dell'Argonne National Laboratory, questa tecnologia unica nel suo genere aumenta l'efficienza energetica e riduce costi e impronte di carbonio. Poiché la domanda globale di idrogeno è prevista in crescita significativa, la partnership tra DiagnaMed e Texas Tech la posiziona come leader nel settore dell'energia pulita.
DiagnaMed Holdings (CSE: DMED, OTCQB: DGNMF), líder en tecnologías de producción de hidrógeno y aplicaciones médicas basadas en IA, ha anunciado una asociación estratégica con Texas Tech University. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo comercializar una tecnología revolucionaria (WO2023044149A1) para producir hidrógeno directamente a partir de reservorios de petróleo y campos naturales de hidrógeno.
Desarrollada por el Dr. Qingwang Yuan del Grupo HOPE de Texas Tech, la tecnología combina la fracturación hidráulica con el calentamiento por ondas electromagnéticas para generar hidrógeno a partir de petróleo ligero, gas y reservorios de esquistos, así como formaciones rocosas ultramáficas. Con costos de producción que podrían ser tan bajos como $0.86 por kilogramo, se alinea con el objetivo del Departamento de Energía de EE. UU. de alcanzar $1/kg de hidrógeno para 2031.
Fabio Chianelli, presidente y CEO de DiagnaMed, destacó el potencial de la tecnología para transformar más de 25,000 campos activos de petróleo y gas a nivel mundial y reutilizar de 2 a 3 millones de pozos abandonados en EE. UU. Esta innovación no solo aborda la demanda global de energía limpia, sino que también busca reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero y ofrecer hidrógeno carbononeutro y rentable.
Respaldada por un análisis tecnoeconómico del Laboratorio Nacional Argonne, esta tecnología única mejora la eficiencia energética y reduce costos y huella de carbono. A medida que se espera que la demanda global de hidrógeno crezca significativamente, la asociación de DiagnaMed con Texas Tech la posiciona como líder en el sector de la energía limpia.
DiagnaMed Holdings (CSE: DMED, OTCQB: DGNMF)는 수소 생산 기술 및 AI 의료 응용 프로그램의 선두주자로 Texas Tech University와 전략적 파트너십을 발표했습니다. 이 협력의 목표는 석유 저수지 및 자연 수소 필드에서 직접 수소를 생산하는 혁신적인 기술 (WO2023044149A1)의 상용화입니다.
Texas Tech의 HOPE 그룹의 Dr. Qingwang Yuan이 개발한 이 기술은 유압 균열과 전자기파 가열을 결합하여 경질 오일, 가스 및 셰일 저수지뿐만 아니라 초마그네슘암에서 수소를 생성합니다. 생산비용이 킬로그램당 0.86달러로 낮아질 가능성이 있는 이 기술은 미국 에너지부의 2031년까지 킬로그램당 1달러의 수소 목표와 일치합니다.
DiagnaMed의 회장 겸 CEO인 Fabio Chianelli는 이 기술이 전 세계적으로 25,000개 이상의 활동 중인 석유 및 가스 필드를 혁신하고 미국에서 200만~300만 개의 폐기된 우물을 재활용할 수 있는 잠재력을 강조했습니다. 이 혁신은 전 세계的 청정 에너지 수요를 충족할 뿐만 아니라 온실가스 배출을 줄이고 비용 효율적이며 탄소 제로 수소를 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
Argonne National Laboratory의 기술경제 분석 지원을 받은 이 최초의 기술은 에너지 효율성을 높이고 비용 및 탄소 발자국을 줄입니다. 글로벌 수소 수요가 크게 증가할 것으로 예상됨에 따라 DiagnaMed의 Texas Tech와의 파트너십은 청정 에너지 분야의 리더로 자리매김합니다.
DiagnaMed Holdings (CSE: DMED, OTCQB: DGNMF), leader dans les technologies de production d'hydrogène et les applications médicales basées sur l'IA, a annoncé un partenariat stratégique avec Texas Tech University. Cette collaboration vise à commercialiser une technologie révolutionnaire (WO2023044149A1) pour produire de l'hydrogène directement à partir des réservoirs de pétrole et des champs d'hydrogène naturels.
Développée par le Dr. Qingwang Yuan du groupe HOPE de Texas Tech, la technologie combine la fracturation hydraulique et le chauffage par ondes électromagnétiques pour générer de l'hydrogène à partir de pétrole léger, de gaz et de réservoirs de schiste, ainsi que de formations rocheuses ultramafiques. Avec des coûts de production potentiellement aussi bas que 0,86 $ par kilogramme, cela s'aligne sur l'objectif du Département de l'Énergie des États-Unis d'atteindre 1 $/kg d'hydrogène d'ici 2031.
Fabio Chianelli, président et PDG de DiagnaMed, a souligné le potentiel de la technologie pour transformer plus de 25 000 champs de pétrole et de gaz actifs dans le monde et réutiliser de 2 à 3 millions de puits abandonnés aux États-Unis. Cette innovation répond non seulement aux demandes mondiales en matière d'énergie propre, mais vise également à réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre et à fournir un hydrogène sans carbone à moindre coût.
Soutenue par une analyse techno-économique du Laboratoire national d'Argonne, cette technologie unique améliore l'efficacité énergétique et réduit les coûts et l'empreinte carbone. Alors que la demande mondiale de l'hydrogène devrait croître considérablement, le partenariat de DiagnaMed avec Texas Tech la positionne comme un leader dans le secteur de l'énergie propre.
DiagnaMed Holdings (CSE: DMED, OTCQB: DGNMF) ist ein Vorreiter in der Wasserstoffproduktionstechnologie und AI-gestützten medizinischen Anwendungen und hat eine strategische Partnerschaft mit Texas Tech University angekündigt. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, eine revolutionäre Technologie (WO2023044149A1) zu kommerzialisieren, die es ermöglicht, Wasserstoff direkt aus Erdöllagerstätten und natürlichen Wasserstofffeldern zu produzieren.
Entwickelt von Dr. Qingwang Yuan der HOPE-Gruppe an der Texas Tech, kombiniert die Technologie hydraulisches Fracking mit elektromagnetischer Wellenerwärmung, um Wasserstoff aus leichten Ölen, Gasen und Schieferlagerstätten sowie ultramafischen Gesteinsformationen zu erzeugen. Mit Produktionskosten, die potenziell so niedrig wie $0,86 pro Kilogramm sein könnten, stimmt sie mit dem Ziel des US-Energieministeriums überein, bis 2031 Wasserstoff zu einem Preis von $1/kg zu erreichen.
Fabio Chianelli, Vorsitzender und CEO von DiagnaMed, betonte das Potenzial der Technologie, über 25.000 aktive Öl- und Gasfelder weltweit zu transformieren und 2-3 Millionen stillgelegte Brunnen in den USA wiederzuverwenden. Diese Innovation spricht nicht nur die globalen Anforderungen an saubere Energie an, sondern zielt auch darauf ab, die Treibhausgasemissionen zu reduzieren und kostengünstigen, kohlenstofffreien Wasserstoff bereitzustellen.
Gestützt auf eine techno-ökonomische Analyse des Argonne National Laboratory verbessert diese erstmalige Technologie die Energieeffizienz und senkt Kosten und CO2-Fußabdruck. Da die globale Wasserstoffnachfrage voraussichtlich erheblich wachsen wird, positioniert sich die Partnerschaft von DiagnaMed mit Texas Tech als führend im Bereich der sauberen Energie.
- Potential hydrogen production costs as low as $0.86 per kilogram.
- Technology aligns with the U.S. Department of Energy's goal of $1/kg hydrogen by 2031.
- Opportunity to transform over 25,000 active oil and gas fields globally.
- Potential to repurpose 2-3 million abandoned wells in the U.S.
- Technology enhances energy efficiency and reduces costs and carbon footprints.
- Global hydrogen market projected to grow from USD 262.13 billion in 2024 to USD 556.56 billion by 2034.
- None.
TORONTO, Jan. 07, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- DiagnaMed Holdings Corp. (“DiagnaMed” or the “Company”) (CSE: DMED) (OTCQB: DGNMF), a leading innovator in hydrogen-producing technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) medical applications, proudly announces it has entered into a limited license and option agreement with the Texas Tech University System to commercialize a ground-breaking technology (WO2023044149A1) that produces hydrogen directly from petroleum reservoirs and natural hydrogen fields.
This proprietary technology, developed by Dr. Qingwang Yuan of the HOPE Group in Texas Tech University’s (https://www.thehopegroup.tech/) Edward E. Whitacre, Jr. College of Engineering, integrates hydraulic fracturing with electromagnetic wave heating to generate hydrogen from light oil, gas, and shale reservoirs, as well as a potential application for stimulating geologic hydrogen from ultramafic rock formation. With potential hydrogen production costs as low as
Fabio Chianelli, Chairman and CEO of DiagnaMed, commented: "This collaboration marks a significant milestone in our mission to drive innovation in hydrogen production. By transforming over 25,000 active oil and gas fields globally and repurposing 2-3 million abandoned wells in the United States, this technology not only meets global clean energy demands but also strengthens our commitment to a sustainable future. DiagnaMed is dedicated to enabling petroleum companies and natural hydrogen explorers to unlock untapped potential, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and delivering cost-effective, carbon-zero hydrogen."
A Transformative Opportunity for the Energy Sector
This first-of-its-kind technology redefines hydrogen production by speeding up hydrocarbon cracking, enhancing energy efficiency, and significantly reducing costs and carbon footprints. Backed by a Techno-Economic Analysis by Argonne National Laboratory1, it represents a sustainable alternative to conventional methods. Reusing existing oil and gas infrastructure further reduces costs, offering a competitive advantage to hydrogen producers.
As global hydrogen demand surges, with the market projected to grow from USD 262.13 billion in 2024 to USD 556.56 billion by 20342, DiagnaMed’s commercialization initiatives with Texas Tech’s pioneering technology positions it at the forefront of the clean energy revolution. Together, we are driving the transformation of the energy landscape and supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy.
About DiagnaMed
DiagnaMed Holdings Corp. (CSE: DMED) (OTCQB: DGNMF) is a leading innovator in hydrogen-producing technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) medical applications. Visit DiagnaMed.com.
For more information, please contact:
Fabio Chianelli
Chairman and CEO
DiagnaMed Holdings Corp.
Tel: 416-800-2684
Email: info@diagnamed.com
Website: www.diagnamed.com
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- Argonne National Laboratory: Technoeconomic Analysis and Life Cycle Analysis on the In-situ Hydrogen Production with Electro-magnetic Heating.
- Precedence Research: Hydrogen Market Size, Share and Trends 2024 to 2034. Accessed January 2, 2025.

What is the significance of DiagnaMed's partnership with Texas Tech University?
How does DiagnaMed's new technology impact hydrogen production costs?
What is the potential market impact of DiagnaMed's hydrogen-producing technology?
What are the environmental benefits of DiagnaMed's hydrogen production technology?