Dynasty Gold Begins Phase Two 2024 Drilling at Thundercloud

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Dynasty Gold Corp. (TSXV: DYG) (OTC Pink: DGDCF) has begun phase two of its 2024 exploration program at the Thundercloud property in northwestern Ontario. Recent drill results confirmed grades up to 24.53 g/t gold within a broad zone of mineralization at Pelham, expanding the resource in tonnage and grade. The company anticipates further resource expansion with additional drilling, especially considering gold prices above $2,600 an ounce.

Drilling at the Pelham Zone has delineated mineralization over a 450m strike length and 150m to 200m vertical extent, with typical intercepts averaging between 1 and 8.4 g/t gold. The fall drilling program will focus on testing targets in the West Contact Zone, prioritizing areas associated with chargeability highs and anomalous rock chip samples. Dynasty plans to conduct additional drilling in late 2024 or early 2025 to test for down-dip extensions to the mineralization in the Eastern Pelham Zone.

Dynasty Gold Corp. (TSXV: DYG) (OTC Pink: DGDCF) ha avviato la fase due del suo programma di esplorazione 2024 presso la proprietà Thundercloud nel nord-ovest dell'Ontario. I recenti risultati dei sondaggi hanno confermato gradi fino a 24,53 g/t di oro all'interno di una vasta zona di mineralizzazione a Pelham, ampliando le risorse in termini di tonnellaggio e grado. L'azienda prevede un ulteriore ampliamento delle risorse con perforazioni aggiuntive, soprattutto considerando i prezzi dell'oro superiori a 2.600 dollari l'oncia.

Le perforazioni nella Zona Pelham hanno delimitato la mineralizzazione su una lunghezza di colpo di 450m e un estensione verticale di 150m a 200m, con intercettazioni tipiche che variano tra 1 e 8.4 g/t di oro. Il programma di perforazione autunnale si concentrerà sul testare obiettivi nella Zona di Contatto Ovest, dando priorità alle aree associate ad picchi di carica e campioni di roccia anomali. Dynasty prevede di effettuare ulteriori perforazioni alla fine del 2024 o all'inizio del 2025 per testare le estensioni in profondità della mineralizzazione nella Zona Pelham Orientale.

Dynasty Gold Corp. (TSXV: DYG) (OTC Pink: DGDCF) ha comenzado la fase dos de su programa de exploración 2024 en la propiedad Thundercloud en el noroeste de Ontario. Los recientes resultados de perforación confirmaron grados de hasta 24.53 g/t de oro dentro de una amplia zona de mineralización en Pelham, ampliando los recursos en tonelaje y grado. La compañía anticipa una expansión adicional de recursos con perforaciones adicionales, especialmente considerando que los precios del oro superan los 2,600 dólares la onza.

La perforación en la Zona Pelham ha delineado la mineralización a lo largo de una longitud de 450m y una extensión vertical de 150m a 200m, con intercepciones típicas que promedian entre 1 y 8.4 g/t de oro. El programa de perforación de otoño se centrará en probar objetivos en la Zona de Contacto Oeste, priorizando áreas asociadas a altos de cargabilidad y muestras de roca anómalas. Dynasty planea realizar perforaciones adicionales a finales de 2024 o principios de 2025 para probar extensiones en profundidad de la mineralización en la Zona Pelham Oriental.

다이너스티 골드 코퍼레이션 (TSXV: DYG) (OTC Pink: DGDCF)이 북서 온타리오의 썬더클라우드 지역에서 2024년 탐사 프로그램의 두 번째 단계를 시작했습니다. 최근 드릴링 결과는 펠햄에서 24.53 g/t 금까지의 품위를 확인하였고, 이는 광물화 지역의 폭넓은 구역에서 나타났으며, 자원의 톤수와 품위가 확장되었습니다. 회사는 특히 금 가격이 2,600 달러 이상인 점을 감안하여 추가 드릴링을 통해 자원 확장이 이루어질 것으로 예상하고 있습니다.

펠햄 구역에서의 드릴링은 450m의 길이150m에서 200m의 수직 범위에서 광물화를 구분하였으며, 평균적인 인터셉트는 1에서 8.4 g/t 금 사이입니다. 가을 드릴링 프로그램은 웨스트 접촉 지역의 목표를 테스트하는 데 초점을 맞추고 있으며, 고전도와 비정상적인 암석 칩 샘플과 관련된 지역을 우선시할 것입니다. 다이너스티는 동부 펠햄 구역의 광물화에 대한 심층 확장을 검사하기 위해 2024년 말이나 2025년 초에 추가 드릴링을 실시할 계획입니다.

Dynasty Gold Corp. (TSXV: DYG) (OTC Pink: DGDCF) a commencé la phase deux de son programme d'exploration 2024 sur la propriété Thundercloud, dans le nord-ouest de l'Ontario. Les résultats récents de forage ont confirmé des teneurs allant jusqu'à 24,53 g/t d'or au sein d'une vaste zone de minéralisation à Pelham, élargissant ainsi la ressource en tonnage et en teneur. La société anticipe une nouvelle expansion des ressources avec des forages supplémentaires, d'autant plus que les prix de l'or dépassent 2 600 dollars l'once.

Le forage dans la zone de Pelham a délimité la minéralisation sur une longueur de 450m et une extension verticale de 150m à 200m, avec des intervalles typiques de 1 à 8,4 g/t d'or. Le programme de forage d'automne se concentrera sur l'évaluation des cibles dans la zone de contact ouest, en donnant la priorité aux zones associées à des pics de chargeabilité et à des échantillons de roche anormaux. Dynasty prévoit de réaliser des forages supplémentaires à la fin de 2024 ou au début de 2025 pour tester les extensions en profondeur de la minéralisation dans la zone de Pelham Est.

Dynasty Gold Corp. (TSXV: DYG) (OTC Pink: DGDCF) hat die zweite Phase seines Explorationsprogramms 2024 im Thundercloud-Gebiet im Nordwesten Ontarios begonnen. Die jüngsten Bohrergebnisse haben Gehalte von bis zu 24,53 g/t Gold innerhalb einer breiten Mineralisierungszone in Pelham bestätigt und die Ressource in Bezug auf Tonnage und Gehalt erweitert. Das Unternehmen erwartet mit weiteren Bohrungen eine weitere Erweiterung der Ressourcen, insbesondere im Hinblick auf Goldpreise über 2.600 Dollar pro Unze.

Die Bohrungen in der Pelham-Zone haben die Mineralisierung über eine 450 m lange Strecke und eine vertikale Ausdehnung von 150 m bis 200 m abgegrenzt, wobei die typischen Interzeptwerte zwischen 1 und 8,4 g/t Gold liegen. Das Herbstbohrprogramm wird sich auf die Erprobung von Zielen in der Westkontaktzone konzentrieren und Bereiche priorisieren, die mit hohen Ladefaktoren und anomalen Gesteinsproben assoziiert sind. Dynasty plant, Ende 2024 oder Anfang 2025 weitere Bohrungen durchzuführen, um nach Abfallserweiterungen der Mineralisierung in der östlichen Pelham-Zone zu suchen.

  • Drill results confirmed high-grade gold up to 24.53 g/t, expanding the resource in tonnage and grade
  • Mineralization at Pelham Zone delineated over 450m strike length and 150-200m vertical extent
  • 90% of the property remains unexplored, providing potential for significant resource expansion
  • Current high gold prices (above $2,600/oz) may positively impact project economics
  • Current drilling to shallow holes less than 250 meters deep
  • Resource expansion potential yet to be confirmed through additional drilling and updated NI 43-101 report

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - October 1, 2024) - Dynasty Gold Corp. (TSXV: DYG) (FSE: D5G1) (OTC Pink: DGDCF) ("Dynasty" or the "Company") is pleased to announce phase two of the Company's 2024 exploration program has started and its crew arrived at its Thundercloud property in the Archean Manitou-Stormy Lakes Greenstone belt, 47 kilometers southeast of Dryden in northwestern Ontario.

"Drill results released on September 23, confirming grades up to 24.53 g/t gold within a broad zone of mineralization at Pelham, demonstrate the continuity of high-grade gold discovered in 2022 and 2023. These high-grade assay results have significantly expanded the resource (NI 43-101 Resource Estimate Report, dated September 27, 2021) in tonnage and grade," said Ivy Chong, president and CEO of Dynasty Gold Corp. "With additional drilling this fall and into next year, and gold trading above $2,600 an ounce, we anticipate the resource could expand considerably when the NI 43-101 Resource Estimate Report is updated."

Chong continues: "Drilling on the property in the last two years are shallow holes of less than 250 meters (m). Mineralization is open at depth and along strike and 90% of the property has not been systematically explored, providing excellent potential for resource expansion."

Pelham Zone Drilling Results

Drilling over the last three years at the Pelham Zone, in the central portion of the property, has delineated a zone of mineralization over a strike length of 450m and vertical extent of 150m to 200m, with typical intercepts from 50m to 160m averaging between 1 and 8.4 g/t gold with narrower, higher-grade intervals of 3m to 12m between 10 to 65 g/t.

*See Table 1 for selected sample results with intervals between 3m to 12m assaying above 10 g/t gold.

Table 1. Selected Results with Assays above 10 g/t Gold between 2022 to 2024 (This list is not exclusive. It does not include many 1.5m assays above 10 g/t in the data sets.)

 Hole NumberFrom (m)To (m)Interval (m)Au (g/t)


Fall Drilling Plans Prioritized

Based on recent reprocessing of magnetic and IP data, the Pelham Zone mineralization is shown to coincide with magnetic and chargeability highs, which are believed to be associated with disseminated and veinlet pyrite and associated biotite-magnetite alteration. Several similar trending coincident magnetic and chargeability highs have been recognized in the West Contact Zone approximately 500 meters to 2,000 meters south of Pelham. In a follow-up to July's drilling, the remaining 4,000-meter drill program (announced on June 18, 2024) will drill test three to four targets in the West Contact Zone. Plans include prioritizing those targets that are known to be associated with chargeability high and anomalous rock chip samples from previous trenching and historic workings.

A reinterpretation of the structural controls for mineralization intersected in the first phase drilling in the Pelham Zone is currently underway. It is anticipated that following this review, an additional phase of drilling will be conducted in late 2024 or early 2025 to test for down-dip extensions to the mineralization, particularly in the Eastern Pelham Zone where Dynasty defined the high-grade core to the mineralization with its 2022 and 2023 drill programs.

The technical content of this release has been reviewed and approved by E. Max Baker Ph.D. (F.AusIMM), Technical Director of the Company and a "Qualified Person" ("QP") as defined in National Instrument 43- 101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

About Dynasty Gold Corp.

Dynasty Gold Corp. is a Canadian mineral exploration company currently focused on gold exploration in North America with projects located in the Manitou-Stormy Lake greenstone belt in Ontario and in the Midas gold camp in Nevada. The Company is currently advancing its Thundercloud gold resource in northwest Ontario. A NI 43-101 Independent Technical Report, dated Sept. 27, 2021, can be found on the Company's and SEDAR websites. The 100% owned Golden Repeat gold project in the Midas gold camp in Elko County, Nevada, is surrounded by a number of large-scale operating mines. For more information, please visit the Company's website


"Ivy Chong"_____________
Ivy Chong, President & CEO

For additional information please contact:

Vancouver Office:
Ivy Chong
Phone: 604.633.2100. Email:

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What are the recent drill results for Dynasty Gold's Thundercloud property?

Recent drill results at Dynasty Gold's Thundercloud property confirmed grades up to 24.53 g/t gold within a broad zone of mineralization at the Pelham Zone, expanding the resource in tonnage and grade.

What is the extent of mineralization discovered at the Pelham Zone of Dynasty Gold's Thundercloud property?

Drilling at the Pelham Zone has delineated mineralization over a 450m strike length and 150m to 200m vertical extent, with typical intercepts averaging between 1 and 8.4 g/t gold.

What are Dynasty Gold's (DGDCF) plans for future drilling at Thundercloud?

Dynasty Gold plans to conduct a 4,000-meter drill program in the West Contact Zone, testing 3-4 targets. Additional drilling is planned for late 2024 or early 2025 to test down-dip extensions of mineralization in the Eastern Pelham Zone.

How much of Dynasty Gold's Thundercloud property remains unexplored?

According to the press release, 90% of Dynasty Gold's Thundercloud property has not been systematically explored, providing excellent potential for resource expansion.



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