Dollar General Literacy Foundation Awards More Than $4 Million in Youth Literacy Grants

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The Dollar General Literacy Foundation (DGLF) has awarded over $4 million in youth literacy grants to support more than 730 schools, libraries, and nonprofit organizations across the United States. These grants are expected to positively impact over 380,000 students, providing funds for books, technology, equipment, and materials to enhance K-12 education.

Since its inception in 1993, the DGLF has contributed more than $254 million to support literacy and basic education initiatives. This latest round of grants complements the Foundation's $10.6 million grant announcement in May for adult, family, and summer literacy programs. Additionally, the DGLF is currently running its fifth annual Yellow Glasses Project to raise funds for literacy programs.

La Fondazione per l'Alfabetizzazione Dollar General (DGLF) ha assegnato oltre 4 milioni di dollari in sovvenzioni per l'alfabetizzazione giovanile per supportare più di 730 scuole, biblioteche e organizzazioni non profit in tutta gli Stati Uniti. Queste sovvenzioni dovrebbero avere un impatto positivo su oltre 380.000 studenti, fornendo fondi per libri, tecnologia, attrezzature e materiali per migliorare l'istruzione K-12.

Fin dalla sua creazione nel 1993, la DGLF ha contribuito con oltre 254 milioni di dollari a supportare iniziative di alfabetizzazione e istruzione di base. Questo ultimo ciclo di sovvenzioni integra l'annuncio della Fondazione di un investimento di 10,6 milioni di dollari a maggio per programmi di alfabetizzazione per adulti, famiglie e estivi. Inoltre, la DGLF sta attualmente conducendo il suo quinto Progetto Occhiali Gialli per raccogliere fondi per programmi di alfabetizzazione.

La Fundación de Alfabetización Dollar General (DGLF) ha otorgado más de 4 millones de dólares en subvenciones de alfabetización juvenil para apoyar a más de 730 escuelas, bibliotecas y organizaciones sin fines de lucro en los Estados Unidos. Se espera que estas subvenciones impacten positivamente a más de 380,000 estudiantes, proporcionando fondos para libros, tecnología, equipos y materiales para mejorar la educación K-12.

Desde su creación en 1993, la DGLF ha contribuido con más de 254 millones de dólares para apoyar iniciativas de alfabetización y educación básica. Esta última ronda de subvenciones complementa el anuncio de la Fundación de una subvención de 10,6 millones de dólares en mayo para programas de alfabetización para adultos, familias y de verano. Además, la DGLF está llevando a cabo su quinto Proyecto de Gafas Amarillas para recaudar fondos para programas de alfabetización.

달러 제너럴 문해 재단(DGLF)은 미국 전역의 730개 이상의 학교, 도서관 및 비영리 단체를 지원하기 위해 400만 달러 이상의 청소년 문해 보조금을 수여했습니다. 이 보조금은 38만 명 이상의 학생들에게 긍정적인 영향을 미칠 것으로 예상되며, K-12 교육을 개선하기 위한 책, 기술, 장비 및 자료에 대한 자금을 제공합니다.

1993년 설립 이후 DGLF는 문해력 및 기초 교육 이니셔티브를 지원하기 위해 2억 5400만 달러 이상을 기여해왔습니다. 이번 보조금 라운드는 성인, 가족 및 여름 문해 프로그램을 위한 1060만 달러 보조금 발표를 5월에 진행한 재단의 지원을 보완하는 것입니다. 또한, DGLF는 문해 프로그램을 위한 기금을 모으기 위해 현재 제5회 노란 안경 프로젝트를 진행 중입니다.

La Fondation pour la lecture Dollar General (DGLF) a attribué plus de 4 millions de dollars en subventions à la lecture pour les jeunes afin de soutenir plus de 730 écoles, bibliothèques et organisations à but non lucratif à travers les États-Unis. Ces subventions devraient avoir un impact positif sur plus de 380 000 étudiants, fournissant des fonds pour des livres, des technologies, des équipements et des matériaux afin d'améliorer l'éducation K-12.

Depuis sa création en 1993, la DGLF a contribué à hauteur de plus de 254 millions de dollars pour soutenir des initiatives d'alphabétisation et d'éducation de base. Ce dernier tour de subventions complète l'annonce d'une subvention de 10,6 millions de dollars en mai pour des programmes d'alphabétisation pour adultes, familles et d'été. De plus, la DGLF mène actuellement son cinquième Projet de Lunettes Jaunes pour collecter des fonds pour des programmes d'alphabétisation.

Die Dollar General Literacy Foundation (DGLF) hat über 4 Millionen Dollar an Jugend-Lesehilfen bewilligt, um mehr als 730 Schulen, Bibliotheken und gemeinnützige Organisationen in den Vereinigten Staaten zu unterstützen. Es wird erwartet, dass diese Stipendien über 380.000 Schüler positiv beeinflussen, indem sie Mittel für Bücher, Technologie, Ausrüstung und Materialien bereitstellen, um die K-12-Ausbildung zu verbessern.

Seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 1993 hat die DGLF über 254 Millionen Dollar zur Unterstützung von Lese- und Grundbildung bereitgestellt. Diese neueste Runde von Zuschüssen ergänzt die Ankündigung über eine Förderung von 10,6 Millionen Dollar im Mai für Programme zur Leseförderung für Erwachsene, Familien und im Sommer. Darüber hinaus führt die DGLF derzeit ihr fünftes jährliches Projekt Gelbe Brille zur Beschaffung von Mitteln für Leseprogramme durch.

  • Dollar General Literacy Foundation awarded over $4 million in youth literacy grants
  • Grants expected to impact more than 380,000 students across the U.S.
  • DGLF has contributed over $254 million to literacy initiatives since 1993
  • Additional $10.6 million granted in May for adult, family, and summer literacy programs
  • None.

GOODLETTSVILLE, Tenn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today, the Dollar General Literacy Foundation (DGLF) awarded more than $4 million to support 730+ schools, libraries and nonprofit organizations in the communities that Dollar General (NYSE: DG) calls home. Expecting to positively impact more than 380,000 students across the continental United States, recipients plan to use the funds to purchase books, technology, equipment or materials to help extend a brighter future for K-12 students. A complete list of grant recipients is available online at

“We understand investing in youth literacy means investing in the future of students and our collective communities,” shared Denine Torr, executive director of the Dollar General Literacy Foundation. “Through these grants, we hope to enhance the programs’ efforts to foster students’ critical thinking skills, creativity and confidence so they can unlock their potential and achieve their dreams.”

Since its inception in 1993, the DGLF has awarded more than $254 million to support nonprofit organizations working to advance literacy and basic education. Today’s grants complement the Foundation’s more than $10.6 million grant announcement in May to support adult, family and summer literacy programs, which reflected a milestone of serving more than 20 million individuals since its inception.

To shine an additional light on literacy, the DGLF is also currently hosting its fifth annual Yellow Glasses Project through September 8 (or while supplies last). Customers can purchase yellow sunglasses at Dollar General stores for $2 each, and all proceeds benefit the Foundation.

To learn more about the Dollar General Literacy Foundation’s support of adult, family, youth, and summer literacy programs and upcoming grant cycles visit

About the Dollar General Literacy Foundation

The Dollar General Literacy Foundation is proud to support initiatives that help others improve their lives through literacy and education. Since 1993, the Foundation has awarded more than $254 million in grants to nonprofit organizations, helping more than 21.8 million individuals take their first steps toward literacy, a general education diploma or English proficiency. Each year, the Dollar General Literacy Foundation provides financial support to schools, nonprofit organizations and libraries within a 15-mile radius of Dollar General stores and distribution centers. To learn more about the Dollar General Literacy Foundation or apply for a literacy grant, visit


Dollar General Media Relations

Source: Dollar General Literacy Foundation


How much did Dollar General Literacy Foundation award in youth literacy grants?

The Dollar General Literacy Foundation awarded more than $4 million in youth literacy grants to support over 730 schools, libraries, and nonprofit organizations.

How many students are expected to benefit from Dollar General's (DG) recent literacy grants?

The recent literacy grants from Dollar General (DG) are expected to positively impact more than 380,000 students across the continental United States.

What is the total amount Dollar General Literacy Foundation has awarded since its inception?

Since its inception in 1993, the Dollar General Literacy Foundation has awarded more than $254 million to support nonprofit organizations working to advance literacy and basic education.

What is the Yellow Glasses Project by Dollar General (DG)?

The Yellow Glasses Project is an annual fundraising initiative by Dollar General (DG) where customers can purchase yellow sunglasses for $2 each at Dollar General stores, with all proceeds benefiting the Dollar General Literacy Foundation.

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