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Dr. John Khoury of The Oncology Institute has been honored with the "40 Under 40 in Cancer" award for the second consecutive year, recognized by the Association for Value-Based Cancer Care. Dr. Khoury, a triple board-certified physician, emphasizes patient-centric care and is involved in clinical trials. The Oncology Institute is set to become publicly traded via a business combination with DFP Healthcare on November 12, 2021. This event is pivotal for both companies and aims to enhance their market position in oncology care.
DFP Healthcare Acquisitions Corp. (DFPH) has scheduled a special meeting of stockholders for November 12, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. ET, to approve a business combination with The Oncology Institute (TOI), a leader in value-based oncology care. The definitive proxy statement/prospectus has been filed and distributed to stockholders as of the September 23, 2021 record date. Approval of the transaction is pending stockholder consent and customary conditions, with closing expected soon after the meeting.
DFP Healthcare Acquisitions Corp (NASDAQ: DFPH, DFPHW) announced a definitive merger agreement with The Oncology Institute (TOI), a leader in value-based oncology care. This integration aims to disrupt the $200 billion U.S. oncology market, enhancing patient access to quality care and managing treatment costs. The transaction values the combined entity at roughly $842 million, with significant financial backing from top healthcare investors. Following the merger, DFP will be renamed TOI and expects an initial market cap of about $1.06 billion. The closing is anticipated in Q3 or Q4 of 2021.