Dream Finders Announces Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2024 Results
Dream Finders Homes (NYSE: DFH) announced its financial results for Q4 and FY 2024, reporting record revenues and significant growth. Q4 Highlights:
- Homebuilding revenues rose 35% to $1.5B
- Home closings increased 40% to 3,008
- Net new orders up 46% to 1,611
- Net income grew 27% to $129M
- Pre-tax income increased 24% to $169M
FY 2024 Highlights:
- Homebuilding revenues increased 18% to $4.4B
- Home closings rose 17% to 8,583
- Net new orders up 17% to 6,727
- Net income grew 13% to $335M
- Pre-tax income increased 8% to $438M
Other notable metrics include a Return on Participating Equity of 29.7%, a controlled lot pipeline of 54,698, and total liquidity of $816M. The company repurchased 291,229 Class A shares for $8M.
CEO Patrick Zalupski highlighted the company's strategic acquisitions, including Crescent Homes and Jet HomeLoans, contributing to record results. DFH expects 9,250 home closings in 2025, reflecting continued growth.
Dream Finders Homes (NYSE: DFH) ha annunciato i risultati finanziari per il quarto trimestre e l'anno fiscale 2024, riportando ricavi record e una crescita significativa. Risultati del Q4:
- I ricavi della costruzione di case sono aumentati del 35% a 1,5 miliardi di dollari
- Le chiusure di case sono aumentate del 40% a 3.008
- Gli ordini netti sono aumentati del 46% a 1.611
- Il reddito netto è cresciuto del 27% a 129 milioni di dollari
- Il reddito ante imposte è aumentato del 24% a 169 milioni di dollari
Risultati dell'anno fiscale 2024:
- I ricavi della costruzione di case sono aumentati del 18% a 4,4 miliardi di dollari
- Le chiusure di case sono aumentate del 17% a 8.583
- Gli ordini netti sono aumentati del 17% a 6.727
- Il reddito netto è cresciuto del 13% a 335 milioni di dollari
- Il reddito ante imposte è aumentato dell'8% a 438 milioni di dollari
Altri indicatori notevoli includono un Ritorno sul Capitale Partecipativo del 29,7%, un portafoglio di lotti controllati di 54.698 e una liquidità totale di 816 milioni di dollari. L'azienda ha riacquistato 291.229 azioni di Classe A per 8 milioni di dollari.
Il CEO Patrick Zalupski ha evidenziato le acquisizioni strategiche dell'azienda, tra cui Crescent Homes e Jet HomeLoans, che hanno contribuito ai risultati record. DFH prevede 9.250 chiusure di case nel 2025, a testimonianza di una continua crescita.
Dream Finders Homes (NYSE: DFH) anunció sus resultados financieros para el cuarto trimestre y el año fiscal 2024, reportando ingresos récord y un crecimiento significativo. Aspectos destacados del Q4:
- Los ingresos por construcción de viviendas aumentaron un 35% a 1.5 mil millones de dólares
- Las cerraduras de viviendas aumentaron un 40% a 3,008
- Los nuevos pedidos netos subieron un 46% a 1,611
- Los ingresos netos crecieron un 27% a 129 millones de dólares
- Los ingresos antes de impuestos aumentaron un 24% a 169 millones de dólares
Aspectos destacados del año fiscal 2024:
- Los ingresos por construcción de viviendas aumentaron un 18% a 4.4 mil millones de dólares
- Las cerraduras de viviendas aumentaron un 17% a 8,583
- Los nuevos pedidos netos subieron un 17% a 6,727
- Los ingresos netos crecieron un 13% a 335 millones de dólares
- Los ingresos antes de impuestos aumentaron un 8% a 438 millones de dólares
Otros indicadores notables incluyen un Retorno sobre el Capital Participativo del 29.7%, una cartera de terrenos controlados de 54,698 y una liquidez total de 816 millones de dólares. La empresa recompró 291,229 acciones Clase A por 8 millones de dólares.
El CEO Patrick Zalupski destacó las adquisiciones estratégicas de la compañía, incluyendo Crescent Homes y Jet HomeLoans, que contribuyeron a los resultados récord. DFH espera 9,250 cierres de viviendas en 2025, reflejando un crecimiento continuo.
드림 파인더스 홈즈 (NYSE: DFH)는 2024년 4분기 및 회계연도에 대한 재무 결과를 발표하며 기록적인 수익과 상당한 성장을 보고했습니다. 4분기 하이라이트:
- 주택 건설 수익이 35% 증가하여 15억 달러에 달했습니다.
- 주택 인도가 40% 증가하여 3,008건에 달했습니다.
- 순 신규 주문이 46% 증가하여 1,611건에 달했습니다.
- 순이익이 27% 증가하여 1억 2,900만 달러에 달했습니다.
- 세전 소득이 24% 증가하여 1억 6,900만 달러에 달했습니다.
2024 회계연도 하이라이트:
- 주택 건설 수익이 18% 증가하여 44억 달러에 달했습니다.
- 주택 인도가 17% 증가하여 8,583건에 달했습니다.
- 순 신규 주문이 17% 증가하여 6,727건에 달했습니다.
- 순이익이 13% 증가하여 3억 3,500만 달러에 달했습니다.
- 세전 소득이 8% 증가하여 4억 3,800만 달러에 달했습니다.
기타 주목할 만한 지표로는 참여 자본 수익률이 29.7%, 관리 중인 토지 파이프라인이 54,698개, 총 유동성이 8억 1,600만 달러입니다. 회사는 291,229주 Class A 주식을 800만 달러에 재매입했습니다.
CEO 패트릭 잘룹스키는 크레센트 홈즈 및 제트 홈론즈를 포함한 회사의 전략적 인수를 강조하며 기록적인 결과에 기여했다고 언급했습니다. DFH는 2025년 9,250건의 주택 인도를 예상하며 지속적인 성장을 반영하고 있습니다.
Dream Finders Homes (NYSE: DFH) a annoncé ses résultats financiers pour le quatrième trimestre et l'exercice 2024, rapportant des revenus records et une croissance significative. Points forts du Q4:
- Les revenus de la construction de maisons ont augmenté de 35 % pour atteindre 1,5 milliard de dollars
- Les closings de maisons ont augmenté de 40 % pour atteindre 3 008
- Les nouvelles commandes nettes ont augmenté de 46 % pour atteindre 1 611
- Le bénéfice net a augmenté de 27 % pour atteindre 129 millions de dollars
- Le bénéfice avant impôts a augmenté de 24 % pour atteindre 169 millions de dollars
Points forts de l'exercice 2024:
- Les revenus de la construction de maisons ont augmenté de 18 % pour atteindre 4,4 milliards de dollars
- Les closings de maisons ont augmenté de 17 % pour atteindre 8 583
- Les nouvelles commandes nettes ont augmenté de 17 % pour atteindre 6 727
- Le bénéfice net a augmenté de 13 % pour atteindre 335 millions de dollars
- Le bénéfice avant impôts a augmenté de 8 % pour atteindre 438 millions de dollars
D'autres indicateurs notables incluent un Retour sur Capital Participatif de 29,7 %, un pipeline de terrains contrôlés de 54 698 et une liquidité totale de 816 millions de dollars. L'entreprise a racheté 291 229 actions de Classe A pour 8 millions de dollars.
Le PDG Patrick Zalupski a souligné les acquisitions stratégiques de l'entreprise, y compris Crescent Homes et Jet HomeLoans, qui ont contribué à des résultats records. DFH prévoit 9 250 closings de maisons en 2025, reflétant une croissance continue.
Dream Finders Homes (NYSE: DFH) hat seine finanziellen Ergebnisse für das vierte Quartal und das Geschäftsjahr 2024 bekannt gegeben und dabei Rekordumsätze und signifikantes Wachstum gemeldet. Highlights des Q4:
- Die Umsätze im Hausbau stiegen um 35% auf 1,5 Milliarden Dollar
- Die Hausübergaben erhöhten sich um 40% auf 3.008
- Die Nettoneubestellungen stiegen um 46% auf 1.611
- Der Nettogewinn wuchs um 27% auf 129 Millionen Dollar
- Das Vorsteuerergebnis stieg um 24% auf 169 Millionen Dollar
Highlights des Geschäftsjahres 2024:
- Die Umsätze im Hausbau stiegen um 18% auf 4,4 Milliarden Dollar
- Die Hausübergaben erhöhten sich um 17% auf 8.583
- Die Nettoneubestellungen stiegen um 17% auf 6.727
- Der Nettogewinn wuchs um 13% auf 335 Millionen Dollar
- Das Vorsteuerergebnis stieg um 8% auf 438 Millionen Dollar
Weitere bemerkenswerte Kennzahlen sind eine Rendite auf das Beteiligungskapital von 29,7%, eine kontrollierte Grundstückspipeline von 54.698 und eine Gesamtl liquidität von 816 Millionen Dollar. Das Unternehmen hat 291.229 Aktien der Klasse A für 8 Millionen Dollar zurückgekauft.
CEO Patrick Zalupski hob die strategischen Übernahmen des Unternehmens hervor, darunter Crescent Homes und Jet HomeLoans, die zu den Rekordergebnissen beigetragen haben. DFH erwartet 9.250 Hausübergaben im Jahr 2025, was auf ein kontinuierliches Wachstum hinweist.
- Q4 homebuilding revenues up 35% to $1.5B
- Q4 net income increased 27% to $129M
- FY homebuilding revenues up 18% to $4.4B
- FY net income grew 13% to $335M
- Controlled lot pipeline increased to 54,698
- Total liquidity of $816M
- Homebuilding gross margin decreased to 17.7% in Q4
- Adjusted homebuilding gross margin fell to 26.9% in Q4
- Net homebuilding debt to net capitalization increased to 33.7%
Company Record Homebuilding Revenues of
Net Income Up
Return on Participating Equity of
Fourth Quarter 2024 Highlights (As Compared to Fourth Quarter 2023)
Homebuilding revenues increased
35% to from$1.5 billion $1.1 billion -
Home closings increased
40% to 3,008 from 2,153 -
Net new orders increased
46% to 1,611 from 1,106 -
Homebuilding gross margin of
17.7% compared to20.5% -
Adjusted homebuilding gross margin (non-GAAP) of
26.9% compared to28.1% -
Pre-tax income increased
24% to from$169 million $135 million -
Net income attributable to DFH increased
27% to , or$129 million per basic share, from$1.35 , or$102 million per basic share$1.06 -
Financial services pre-tax income increased
94% to from$11 million $6 million
Full Year 2024 Highlights (As Compared to Full Year 2023, Unless Otherwise Noted)
Homebuilding revenues increased
18% to from$4.4 billion $3.7 billion -
Home closings increased
17% to 8,583 from 7,314 -
Net new orders increased
17% to 6,727 from 5,744 -
Homebuilding gross margin of
18.3% compared to19.4% -
Adjusted homebuilding gross margin (non-GAAP) of
27.0% compared to27.2% -
Pre-tax income increased
8% to from$438 million $404 million -
Net income attributable to DFH increased
13% to , or$335 million per basic share, from$3.44 , or$296 million per basic share$3.03 -
Financial services pre-tax income increased
62% to from$32 million $20 million - Controlled lot pipeline of 54,698 as of December 31, 2024 compared to 29,748 as of December 31, 2023
Total liquidity of
as of December 31, 2024, comprised of cash and cash equivalents and availability under the revolving credit facility$816 million -
Net homebuilding debt to net capitalization (non-GAAP) of
33.7% as of December 31, 2024 compared to23.3% as of December 31, 2023 -
Return on participating equity of
29.7% compared to36.3% -
Repurchased 291,229 Class A common shares for
during the year ended December 31, 2024$8 million
Management Commentary
Patrick Zalupski, Dream Finders Homes Chairman and CEO, said, “In 2024, we were pleased to achieve another year of growth. We ended on a high note — our fourth quarter was by far the best quarter of the year, and, arguably, the best in Company history. The team worked hard to produce outstanding results and to position us for another year of growth in 2025. Highlighting fourth quarter key metrics: we closed 3,008 homes, up
From an annual perspective, the team delivered another really solid year. All of the following results are absolute Company records. Annual closings were up
We had an active year on the M&A front, completing acquisitions of Crescent Homes and Jet HomeLoans, while also announcing definitive purchase agreements of Liberty Communities (closed in January 2025) and Alliant Title Insurance (currently pending regulatory approval). We believe all four of these acquisitions are highly accretive and will contribute materially to DFH's future earnings growth.
While we are gratified regarding our results from the quarter and 2024 year, we want to be quick to acknowledge these achievements and shift our focus to 2025. We are always oriented toward the future and continuing to grow our earnings and produce above-average shareholder returns. We have set the foundation to continue to scale, drive sustainable growth and generate long-term value. We initiate our 2025 full year guidance of approximately 9,250 expected home closings.”
Fourth Quarter 2024 Results
Homebuilding revenues in the fourth quarter of 2024 increased
Homebuilding gross margin percentage in the fourth quarter of 2024 was
Adjusted homebuilding gross margin in the fourth quarter of 2024 was
Selling, general and administrative expense (“SG&A”) in the fourth quarter of 2024 increased
Consolidated net income attributable to DFH in the fourth quarter of 2024 increased
Net new orders in the fourth quarter of 2024 were 1,611, an increase of
Our total available liquidity as of December 31, 2024 was
Fourth Quarter 2024 Backlog
As of December 31, 2024, DFH had a backlog of 2,599 homes, valued at
The following table shows the backlog units and ASP as of December 31, 2024 by homebuilding segment:
As of December 31, 2024 (unaudited) |
Backlog: |
Units |
Average Sales Price |
Southeast |
1,150 |
$ |
406,246 |
Mid-Atlantic |
678 |
464,798 |
Midwest |
771 |
677,234 |
Total |
2,599 |
$ |
501,910 |
Subsequent Events
Liberty Communities Acquisition
On January 23, 2025, DFH acquired the majority of the homebuilding assets of privately held homebuilder, Liberty Communities, LLC (“Liberty Communities” or “Liberty”). The consideration given for the Liberty Communities acquisition was cash in the amount of
Full Year 2025 Outlook
Dream Finders Homes expects approximately 9,250 home closings for the full year 2025, inclusive of those from the Liberty Communities acquisition.
About Dream Finders Homes, Inc.
Dream Finders Homes (NYSE: DFH) is a homebuilder based in
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes forward-looking statements regarding future events which include, but are not limited to, projected 2025 home closings and market conditions, possible or assumed future results of operations, benefits of the Liberty Communities and Alliant acquisitions and statements regarding the Company’s strategies and expectations as they relate to market opportunities and growth. All forward-looking statements are based on Dream Finders Homes’ beliefs as well as assumptions made by and information currently available to Dream Finders Homes. These statements reflect Dream Finders Homes’ current views with respect to future events and are subject to various risks, uncertainties and assumptions. These risks, uncertainties and assumptions are discussed in Dream Finders Homes’ Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2024 and other filings with the
Dream Finders Homes, Inc. |
Consolidated Balance Sheets |
(In thousands, except share and per share amounts) |
December 31,
December 31,
Assets |
Cash and cash equivalents |
$ |
274,384 |
$ |
494,145 |
Restricted cash |
65,441 |
54,311 |
Accounts receivable |
34,126 |
30,874 |
Inventories |
1,715,357 |
1,440,249 |
Lot deposits |
458,303 |
247,207 |
Other assets |
122,391 |
80,759 |
Investments in unconsolidated entities |
11,454 |
15,364 |
Mortgage loans held for sale |
303,393 |
— |
Property and equipment, net |
26,317 |
7,043 |
Right-of-use assets |
17,172 |
20,280 |
Goodwill |
300,313 |
172,207 |
Total assets |
$ |
3,328,651 |
$ |
2,562,439 |
Liabilities |
Accounts payable |
$ |
147,143 |
$ |
134,115 |
Accrued expenses |
263,317 |
207,389 |
Customer deposits |
125,601 |
172,574 |
Construction lines of credit |
701,386 |
530,384 |
Senior unsecured notes, net |
295,049 |
293,918 |
Mortgage warehouse facilities |
289,617 |
— |
Lease liabilities |
18,148 |
21,114 |
Contingent consideration |
68,030 |
116,795 |
Total liabilities |
1,908,291 |
1,476,289 |
Mezzanine Equity |
Redeemable preferred stock |
148,500 |
148,500 |
Redeemable noncontrolling interest |
21,451 |
— |
Equity |
Class A common stock, |
360 |
329 |
Class B common stock, |
577 |
602 |
Additional paid-in capital |
281,559 |
275,241 |
Retained earnings |
970,253 |
648,412 |
Treasury stock, at cost, 291,229 shares and no shares of Class A common stock as of December 31, 2024 and 2023, respectively |
(7,827 |
) |
— |
Total Dream Finders Homes, Inc. stockholders’ equity |
1,244,922 |
924,584 |
Noncontrolling interests |
5,487 |
13,066 |
Total equity |
1,250,409 |
937,650 |
Total liabilities, mezzanine equity and equity |
$ |
3,328,651 |
$ |
2,562,439 |
Dream Finders Homes, Inc. |
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income |
(In thousands, except share and per share amounts) |
Three Months Ended December 31, (unaudited) |
Year Ended December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Revenues: |
Homebuilding |
$ |
1,534,163 |
$ |
1,135,030 |
$ |
4,397,877 |
$ |
3,738,888 |
Financial services |
26,589 |
2,967 |
53,729 |
9,698 |
Total revenues |
1,560,752 |
1,137,997 |
4,451,606 |
3,748,586 |
Homebuilding cost of sales |
1,262,896 |
902,328 |
3,591,483 |
3,011,813 |
Financial services expense |
15,286 |
1,842 |
31,540 |
5,727 |
Selling, general and administrative expense |
116,806 |
92,520 |
395,751 |
303,068 |
Income from unconsolidated entities |
(266 |
) |
(5,856 |
) |
(10,567 |
) |
(18,075 |
) |
Contingent consideration revaluation |
146 |
13,982 |
13,939 |
46,590 |
Other income, net |
(2,714 |
) |
(2,251 |
) |
(8,394 |
) |
(4,962 |
) |
Income before taxes |
168,598 |
135,432 |
437,854 |
404,425 |
Income tax expense |
(38,106 |
) |
(30,483 |
) |
(97,272 |
) |
(96,483 |
) |
Net and comprehensive income |
130,492 |
104,949 |
340,582 |
307,942 |
Net and comprehensive income attributable to noncontrolling interests |
(1,239 |
) |
(2,999 |
) |
(5,241 |
) |
(12,042 |
) |
Net and comprehensive income attributable to Dream Finders Homes, Inc. |
$ |
129,253 |
$ |
101,950 |
$ |
335,341 |
$ |
295,900 |
Earnings per share |
Basic |
$ |
1.35 |
$ |
1.06 |
$ |
3.44 |
$ |
3.03 |
Diluted |
$ |
1.29 |
$ |
1.00 |
$ |
3.34 |
$ |
2.79 |
Weighted-average number of shares |
Basic |
93,455,979 |
93,108,277 |
93,507,905 |
93,066,564 |
Diluted |
100,391,557 |
102,029,755 |
100,297,139 |
106,027,548 |
Dream Finders Homes, Inc. |
Other Financial and Operating Data |
(Unaudited) |
Three Months Ended December 31, |
Year Ended December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Other Financial and Operating Data |
Home closings |
3,008 |
2,153 |
8,583 |
7,314 |
Average sales price of homes closed(1) |
$ |
507,477 |
$ |
520,940 |
$ |
509,249 |
$ |
505,764 |
Net new orders |
1,611 |
1,106 |
6,727 |
5,744 |
Cancellation rate |
18.8 |
% |
22.9 |
% |
16.6 |
% |
18.3 |
% |
Homebuilding gross margin (in thousands)(2) |
$ |
271,267 |
$ |
232,702 |
$ |
806,394 |
$ |
727,075 |
Homebuilding gross margin %(3) |
17.7 |
% |
20.5 |
% |
18.3 |
% |
19.4 |
% |
Adjusted homebuilding gross margin (in thousands)(4) |
$ |
412,118 |
$ |
319,348 |
$ |
1,186,019 |
$ |
1,015,624 |
Adjusted homebuilding gross margin %(3)(4) |
26.9 |
% |
28.1 |
% |
27.0 |
% |
27.2 |
% |
Active communities as of period end(5) |
242 |
221 |
Backlog - units |
2,599 |
3,978 |
Backlog - value (in thousands) |
$ |
1,304,463 |
$ |
1,887,368 |
Net homebuilding debt to net capitalization(4) |
33.7 |
% |
23.3 |
% |
Return on participating equity(6) |
29.7 |
% |
36.3 |
% |
(1) |
Average sales price of homes closed is calculated based on homebuilding revenues, adjusted for the impact of percentage of completion revenues, and excluding deposit forfeitures and land sales, over homes closed. |
(2) |
Homebuilding gross margin is homebuilding revenues less homebuilding cost of sales. |
(3) |
Calculated as a percentage of homebuilding revenues. |
(4) |
Adjusted homebuilding gross margin and net homebuilding debt to net capitalization are non-GAAP financial measures. For definitions of these non-GAAP financial measures and reconciliations to our most directly comparable financial measures calculated and presented in accordance with GAAP, see “Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures” below. |
(5) |
A community becomes active once the model is completed or the community has its fifth net sale. A community becomes inactive when it has fewer than five homesites remaining to sell. |
(6) |
Return on participating equity is calculated as net income attributable to DFH, less redeemable preferred stock distributions, divided by average beginning and ending total Dream Finders Homes, Inc. stockholders’ equity (“participating equity”) for the trailing twelve months. |
Three Months Ended December 31, |
Year Ended December 31, |
2024 (unaudited) |
2023 (unaudited) |
2024 (unaudited) |
2023 (unaudited) |
Home Closings: |
Units |
Average Sales Price |
Units |
Average Sales Price |
Units |
Average Sales Price |
Units |
Average Sales Price |
Southeast |
1,000 |
$ |
468,595 |
909 |
$ |
494,983 |
2,838 |
$ |
484,345 |
3,170 |
$ |
470,405 |
Mid-Atlantic |
890 |
457,164 |
453 |
422,596 |
2,594 |
446,667 |
1,597 |
396,462 |
Midwest |
1,118 |
582,309 |
791 |
607,091 |
3,151 |
583,198 |
2,547 |
618,306 |
Total |
3,008 |
$ |
507,477 |
2,153 |
$ |
520,940 |
8,583 |
$ |
509,249 |
7,314 |
$ |
505,764 |
Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Financial Measures
Management utilizes specific non-GAAP financial measures as supplementary tools to evaluate operating performance. These include adjusted homebuilding gross margin and net homebuilding debt to net capitalization. Other companies may not calculate non-GAAP financial measures in the same manner that we do. Accordingly, these non-GAAP financial measures should be considered only as a supplement to relevant GAAP information, as reconciled for each measure below. In the future, we may incorporate additional adjustments to these non-GAAP financial measures as we find them relevant and beneficial for both management and investors.
Adjusted Homebuilding Gross Margin
The following table presents a reconciliation of adjusted homebuilding gross margin to the GAAP financial measure of homebuilding gross margin for each of the periods indicated (unaudited and in thousands, except percentages):
Three Months Ended
Year Ended
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Homebuilding gross margin(1) |
$ |
271,267 |
$ |
232,702 |
$ |
806,394 |
$ |
727,075 |
Interest expense in homebuilding cost of sales(2) |
73,102 |
37,173 |
187,324 |
122,759 |
Amortization in homebuilding cost of sales(3) |
(827 |
) |
— |
5,087 |
— |
Commission expense |
68,576 |
49,473 |
187,214 |
165,790 |
Adjusted homebuilding gross margin |
$ |
412,118 |
$ |
319,348 |
$ |
1,186,019 |
$ |
1,015,624 |
Homebuilding gross margin %(4) |
17.7 |
% |
20.5 |
% |
18.3 |
% |
19.4 |
% |
Adjusted homebuilding gross margin %(4) |
26.9 |
% |
28.1 |
% |
27.0 |
% |
27.2 |
% |
(1) |
Homebuilding gross margin is homebuilding revenues less homebuilding cost of sales. |
(2) |
Includes interest charged to homebuilding cost of sales related to our construction lines of credit and senior unsecured notes, net, as well as lot option fees. |
(3) |
Represents amortization of purchase accounting adjustments from the Crescent Homes acquisition. |
(4) |
Calculated as a percentage of homebuilding revenues. |
We define adjusted homebuilding gross margin as homebuilding gross margin excluding the effects of capitalized interest, lot option fees, amortization included in homebuilding cost of sales (adjustments resulting from the application of purchase accounting in connection with acquisitions) and commission expense. Our management believes this information is meaningful because it isolates the impact that these excluded items have on homebuilding gross margin. We include internal and external commission expense in homebuilding cost of sales, not selling, general and administrative expense, and therefore commission expense is taken into account in homebuilding gross margin.
As a result, in order to provide a meaningful comparison to the public company homebuilders that include commission expense below the homebuilding gross margin line in selling, general and administrative expense, we have excluded commission expense from adjusted homebuilding gross margin. However, because adjusted homebuilding gross margin information excludes capitalized interest, lot option fees, purchase accounting amortization and commission expense, which have real economic effects and could impact our results of operations, the utility of adjusted homebuilding gross margin information as a measure of our operating performance may be limited.
Net Homebuilding Debt to Net Capitalization
The following table presents a reconciliation of net homebuilding debt to net capitalization to the GAAP financial measure of total debt to total capitalization for each of the periods indicated (unaudited and in thousands, except percentages):
As of December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
Total debt |
$ |
1,286,052 |
$ |
824,302 |
Total mezzanine equity |
169,951 |
148,500 |
Total equity |
1,250,409 |
937,650 |
Total capitalization |
$ |
2,706,412 |
$ |
1,910,452 |
Total debt to total capitalization |
47.5 |
% |
43.1 |
% |
Total debt |
$ |
1,286,052 |
$ |
824,302 |
Less: Mortgage warehouse facilities |
289,617 |
— |
Less: Cash and cash equivalents |
274,384 |
494,145 |
Net homebuilding debt |
$ |
722,051 |
$ |
330,157 |
Total mezzanine equity |
169,951 |
148,500 |
Total equity |
1,250,409 |
937,650 |
Net capitalization |
$ |
2,142,411 |
$ |
1,416,307 |
Net homebuilding debt to net capitalization |
33.7 |
% |
23.3 |
% |
We define net homebuilding debt to net capitalization as the sum of construction lines of credit and senior unsecured notes, net less cash and cash equivalents (“net homebuilding debt”), divided by the sum of net homebuilding debt, total mezzanine equity and total equity (“net capitalization”). Net homebuilding debt excludes borrowings under our mortgage warehouse facilities. Management believes the net homebuilding debt to net capitalization is meaningful as it is used to assess our consolidated performance and the performance of our homebuilding segments, as well as to establish targets for performance-based compensation. We also use this ratio as a measure of overall leverage.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250224265862/en/
Investor Contact: investors@dreamfindershomes.com
Media Contact: mediainquiries@dreamfindershomes.com
Source: Dream Finders Homes, Inc.
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