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The Delaware Enhanced Global Dividend and Income Fund (DEX) has declared a monthly distribution of $0.0612 per share, payable on April 29, 2022. Shareholders of record will receive the dividend if they own shares by the close of business on April 22, 2022, with the ex-dividend date set for April 21, 2022. Additionally, Aaron D. Young has been appointed as co-manager to assist in investment decisions for the Fund, which aims for current income and capital appreciation through diverse global investments and a targeted annual distribution rate of 7.0% of its average net asset value.
Delaware Enhanced Global Dividend and Income Fund (NYSE: DEX) has declared a monthly distribution of $0.0632 per share, payable on March 25, 2022, to shareholders of record as of March 18, 2022. The ex-dividend date is March 17, 2022. The Fund aims for current income and capital appreciation by investing globally in dividend-paying securities, utilizing strategies like dividend capture and option overwriting. It operates under a managed distribution policy targeting a 7.0% annual rate of the average NAV per share, though investment performance is not guaranteed.
Delaware Enhanced Global Dividend and Income Fund (DEX) announced a monthly distribution of $0.0641 per share, payable on February 25, 2022. Shareholders of record must own shares by the close on February 18, 2022, with an ex-dividend date of February 17, 2022. The Fund targets an annual distribution rate of 7.0% of its average NAV per share. The managed distribution policy aims to provide consistent income, sourced from net investment income, short-term capital gains, and long-term capital gains, although returns of capital may occur.
Delaware Enhanced Global Dividend and Income Fund (DEX) announced a monthly distribution of $0.0644 per share, payable on January 28, 2022, to shareholders of record as of January 21, 2022. The fund's investment strategy aims for current income and capital appreciation through global investments in dividend-paying and income-generating securities. It follows a managed distribution policy targeting a 7.0% annual distribution rate based on the fund’s average NAV. This policy involves distributions from net investment income, short-term and long-term capital gains, and potential return of capital.
Delaware Enhanced Global Dividend and Income Fund (DEX) announced a monthly distribution of