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Delic Holdings Inc has announced the Meet Delic event, taking place on November 6-7, 2021 at AREA15, Las Vegas. This immersive experience will gather leading figures in the psychedelics and wellness industry, including keynote speaker Laura Dawn, who will discuss the relationship between psychedelics and creative problem-solving. The event features panels, entertainment, and one of the largest psychedelic business expos, addressing topics such as recovery and medicinal uses of psychedelics. Tickets are now available for this comprehensive edutainment experience.
Delic Holdings Inc. (CSE: DELC, OTCQB: DELCF) will host Meet Delic, a two-day psychedelic and wellness edutainment event at AREA15 in Las Vegas on November 6-7, 2021. Headlining the event is Luke Storey, creator of The Life Stylist podcast with over 7 million downloads. The event will feature talks on psychedelics' therapeutic applications, entertainment, and the world's largest psychedelic business expo. Tickets are available now, promising an immersive experience for participants interested in psychedelic wellness and personal growth.
Delic Corp (DELCF) announced that Professor Glenn Sammis, Scientific Advisor of Delic Labs, has been granted a full professorship at the University of British Columbia. Taking a twelve-month sabbatical, he will focus on developing intellectual property (IP) in cannabis and psilocybin research. Delic Labs, a licensed research lab, aims to create innovative products and IP, including psilocybin vaporization technology for distribution in the U.S. This initiative seeks to capitalize on early testing of lesser-known compounds, providing a competitive edge in the psychedelic medical field.
Delic Holdings Inc. (CSE: DELC, OTCQB: DELCF) announced the upcoming event Meet Delic, a two-day immersive edutainment experience in Las Vegas, NV, from November 6-7, 2021. Itefayo Harvey, a renowned advocate for drug policy reform, will be a featured speaker. The event promises a blend of education, wellness, and entertainment, including discussions on the practical applications of psychedelics. Attendees can expect panels, keynotes, and a psychedelic business expo. Tickets are available now at meetdelic.com.
Delic Holdings (CSE: DELC, OTCQB: DELCF) has announced the upcoming Meet Delic event, scheduled for November 6-7, 2021 in Las Vegas, Nevada. This immersive edutainment experience will feature Aubrey Marcus, founder of ONNIT, as a headline speaker. The event aims to explore the intersection of psychedelics and wellness through dynamic presentations and the world's largest psychedelic business expo. Attendees can look forward to engaging panels on topics like MDMA therapy and microdosing. Tickets are available at meetdelic.com.
DELIC Corp (CSE: DELC; OTCQB: DELCF) announced that Dr. Markus Roggen, President and CEO of DELIC Labs, will speak at MJBizCon 2021 on October 21, 2021, at 2:00 PM PT. His presentation, titled "Cost of the Status Quo: An Economic Look at Extraction Optimization," will address the challenges in cannabis extraction and the need for process analytics. DELIC Labs specializes in psilocybin and cannabis research, focusing on extraction and analytical testing, aiming to develop innovative products and intellectual property for the psychedelic wellness industry.
Delic Holdings Inc. (CSE: DELC, OTCQB: DELCF) has unveiled the initial lineup of business speakers for Meet DELIC, the first-ever psychedelic wellness event, scheduled for November 6-7, 2021, at AREA15 in Las Vegas. The two-day conference promises an immersive experience combining business panels, entertainment, and the largest psychedelic business expo. Industry leaders will engage on various topics, including psychedelic investments and therapy innovations. Tickets are now available for this groundbreaking event.
Delic Holdings (CSE: DELC, OTCQB: DELCF) has successfully completed the acquisition of Ketamine Infusion Centers (KIC), enhancing its ecosystem in psychedelic wellness. KIC operates two clinics in Arizona and California, generating over USD $1.5 million in revenue since 2019. The acquisition, valued at up to USD $3.05 million, will enable Delic to expand its clinic footprint to four locations and leverage its media platforms to drive patient acquisition. The management team from KIC, with extensive industry experience, is expected to position Delic as a national leader in legal psychedelic treatments.
Delic Corp (DELC, DELCF) has announced a strategic partnership between its subsidiary, DELIC Labs, and Agilent, a leading company in life sciences and analytics. This collaboration aims to enhance the reach of both companies in the cannabis and hemp analytics sector. Under the agreement, Agilent will refer clients to DELIC Labs for cannabis-related analytics, while DELIC Labs will recommend Agilent's analytical equipment. Executives from both companies emphasize the partnership's potential to tackle challenges in cannabis product development.
Delic Corp (CSE: DELC, OTCQB: DELCF) has rebranded Complex Biotech Discovery Ventures Ltd. as DELIC Labs, a federally-authorized psilocybin and cannabis research lab. Located in Vancouver, DELIC Labs focuses on extraction, analytical testing, and chemical process development. With a recent Section 56 Exemption from Health Canada, it aims to build an intellectual property portfolio in psychedelics. The lab has a profitable history, offering enhanced services to a growing patient base through DELIC's platforms.