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Delic Holdings Corp has announced an impressive lineup for the Meet Delic event, scheduled for November 6-7, 2021 in Las Vegas, Nevada. This two-day psychedelic and wellness conference will feature renowned entertainers, including Lamar Odom and Duncan Trussell, along with groundbreaking presentations and visual experiences. Participants will explore the intersection of psychedelics, wellness, and business, attending panels on various topics such as the medical potential of psychedelics and the benefits of ketamine therapy.
Delic Holding Corp announced a new co-marketing partnership between its subsidiary, Delic Labs, and GT Research Inc. The collaboration will focus on providing genetic analysis of psychedelic mushrooms and cannabis for Canadian producers. Services include DNA extraction, whole-genome sequencing, and computational analysis. This partnership aims to enhance the quality of psychedelic and cannabis products by offering comprehensive genomic insights. Delic Labs is recognized as a leading research lab in Canada, specializing in the extraction and analysis of psilocybin and cannabis.
Delic Holdings announced the Meet Delic event scheduled for November 6-7, 2021, at AREA15 in Las Vegas. This immersive experience will gather leading voices from the psychedelic and wellness industries, with keynote speakers George Goldsmith and Ekaterina Malievskaia, M.D. from COMPASS Pathways. The event aims to explore psychedelic therapies and their potential in mental health care. Attendees can expect engaging discussions, performances, and the largest psychedelic business expo.
Delic Holdings Corp announces the Meet Delic event set for November 6-7, 2021 at AREA15, Las Vegas. Keynote speakers include George Goldsmith and Ekaterina Malievskaia from COMPASS Pathways, highlighting innovations in mental health and psychedelic therapies. The event aims to educate attendees on psychedelics, wellness, and business opportunities, featuring over 20 hours of discussions and entertainment. Tickets are available now on the official Meet Delic website.
Delic Holding Corp has announced a co-marketing agreement between its subsidiary, Delic Labs, and GT Research Inc. This partnership aims to provide advanced genetic analysis services for cannabis and psychedelic mushrooms to Canadian producers. Delic Labs will conduct comprehensive genomic analysis, including DNA extraction and whole-genome sequencing. The collaboration is expected to enhance product quality and control within the growing cannabis and psychedelic sectors. Delic Labs is recognized as a leading research facility in psilocybin and cannabis analytics in Canada.
Delic Holdings Corp announces the Meet Delic, an immersive two-day event focused on psychedelics, wellness, and business, at AREA15, Las Vegas, on November 6-7, 2021. Keynote speaker Brittany Hoogenboom, founder of Synergy Soul, will discuss integrating holistic approaches in business. The event promises to reframe discussions around psychedelics and features extensive panel discussions on various related topics. Tickets are available now, with events designed to benefit both attendees and the wider community.
Delic Holdings Corp (OTCQB: DELCF) announces the Meet Delic event, an immersive two-day experience for psychedelic and wellness leaders, scheduled for November 6-7, 2021 in Las Vegas. Keynote speaker Brittany Hoogenboom will address holistic approaches to business and wealth. The event aims to educate on the benefits of psychedelics, featuring panels, artists, and one of the largest psychedelic business expos. Delic's mission includes mainstreaming psychedelic wellness through various owned businesses, establishing their leadership in the industry.
Delic Holdings Corp announced partnerships between Ketamine Wellness Centers and the Veterans Administration Community Care Networks in Illinois and Minnesota. This initiative aims to provide free ketamine treatments for veterans suffering from PTSD, depression, and chronic pain. KWC, operating 10 clinics, has delivered over 60,000 treatments and plans to expand its services nationwide. Co-founder Matt Stang emphasized the importance of this program for veterans who have exhausted traditional treatments, ensuring they receive necessary care without financial burdens.
Delic Holdings Corp announced that Duncan Trussell will be a keynote speaker at Meet Delic, scheduled for November 6-7, 2021 in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event focuses on the intersection of psychedelics, wellness, and business, showcasing various topics including Psychedelics & Addiction and Microdosing. Attendees can expect panel discussions, entertainment, and opportunities to connect with industry leaders. Tickets for the event are available now through meetdelic.com.
Delic Holdings Corp announced that Duncan Trussell, actor and comedian, will be the keynote speaker at Meet Delic on November 6-7, 2021 in Las Vegas, Nevada. This event is the largest platform for exploring the intersection of psychedelics, wellness, and business, featuring a live recording of Trussell's podcast. Attendees can expect 20 hours of panels discussing various psychedelic-related topics, along with entertainment. Tickets are now available, and Delic aims to mainstream psychedelic wellness through various initiatives.