Douglas Emmett Declares Quarterly Cash Dividend

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Douglas Emmett, Inc. (NYSE: DEI), a real estate investment trust (REIT), has declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.19 per share on its common stock. This equates to $0.76 on an annualized basis. The dividend will be paid on October 16, 2024 to shareholders of record as of September 30, 2024.

Douglas Emmett is one of the largest owners and operators of high-quality office and multifamily properties in premier coastal submarkets of Los Angeles and Honolulu. The company focuses on owning and acquiring top-tier office properties and premier multifamily communities in neighborhoods with significant supply constraints, high-end executive housing, and key lifestyle amenities.

Douglas Emmett, Inc. (NYSE: DEI), un fondo di investimento immobiliare (REIT), ha dichiarato un dividendo in contante trimestrale di $0.19 per azione sul suo capitale sociale. Questo si traduce in $0.76 su base annualizzata. Il dividendo sarà pagato il 16 ottobre 2024 agli azionisti registrati al 30 settembre 2024.

Douglas Emmett è uno dei maggiori proprietari e gestori di immobili per uffici di alta qualità e proprietà multifamiliari nei principali mercati costieri di Los Angeles e Honolulu. L'azienda si concentra sull'acquisto e sulla proprietà di immobili per uffici di prim'ordine e comunità multifamiliari di prestigio in quartieri con significative restrizioni di offerta, alloggi di lusso per dirigenti e importanti servizi di lifestyle.

Douglas Emmett, Inc. (NYSE: DEI), un fideicomiso de inversión inmobiliaria (REIT), ha declarado un dividendo en efectivo trimestral de $0.19 por acción sobre sus acciones ordinarias. Esto equivale a $0.76 en base anualizada. El dividendo se pagarán el 16 de octubre de 2024 a los accionistas registrados a partir del 30 de septiembre de 2024.

Douglas Emmett es uno de los mayores propietarios y operadores de oficinas de alta calidad y propiedades multifamiliares en los principales submercados costeros de Los Ángeles y Honolulu. La empresa se centra en poseer y adquirir propiedades de oficinas de primera categoría y comunidades multifamiliares destacadas en vecindarios con restricción significativa de suministro, vivienda ejecutiva de alta gama y comodidades clave de estilo de vida.

더글라스 에미트 주식회사(Douglas Emmett, Inc., NYSE: DEI)는 부동산 투자 신탁(REIT)으로 분기별 현금 배당금으로 주당 $0.19를 선언했습니다. 이는 연간 기준으로 $0.76에 해당합니다. 배당금은 2024년 10월 16일2024년 9월 30일 기준 주주에게 지급될 것입니다.

더글라스 에미트는 로스앤젤레스와 호놀룰루의 주요 해안 서브 마켓에서 고품질 오피스 및 다가구 부동산의 가장 큰 소유자 및 운영자 중 하나입니다. 이 회사는 공급 제약이 큰 지역에서 최고급 오피스 부동산과 프리미엄 다가구 커뮤니티의 소유와 취득에 집중하고 있습니다.

Douglas Emmett, Inc. (NYSE: DEI), un fonds d'investissement immobilier (REIT), a déclaré un dividende en espèces trimestriel de 0,19 $ par action sur son action ordinaire. Cela équivaut à 0,76 $ sur une base annualisée. Le dividende sera versé le 16 octobre 2024 aux actionnaires inscrits au 30 septembre 2024.

Douglas Emmett est l'un des plus grands propriétaires et opérateurs de bureaux de haute qualité et de propriétés multifamiliales dans les sous-marchés côtiers de premier plan de Los Angeles et d'Honolulu. L'entreprise se concentre sur la possession et l'acquisition de propriétés de bureaux de premier ordre et de communautés multifamiliales de prestige dans des quartiers avec des contraintes d'offre significatives, un logement exécutif haut de gamme et des commodités essentielles au style de vie.

Douglas Emmett, Inc. (NYSE: DEI), ein Immobilien-Investmentfonds (REIT), hat eine quartalsmäßige Barausschüttung von 0,19 $ pro Aktie auf seine Stammaktien erklärt. Dies entspricht einer jährlichen Ausschüttung von 0,76 $. Die Dividende wird am 16. Oktober 2024 an die Aktionäre ausgeschüttet, die am 30. September 2024 im Aktienregister stehen.

Douglas Emmett gehört zu den größten Eigentümern und Betreibern von hochwertigen Büro- und Multifamilienimmobilien in erstklassigen Küstenuntermarktplätzen von Los Angeles und Honolulu. Das Unternehmen konzentriert sich auf den Erwerb und das Eigentum an erstklassigen Büroimmobilien und erstklassigen Wohnanlagen in Stadtteilen mit signifikanten Angebotsengpässen, hochwertigem Führungskräfte-Wohnraum und wichtigen Lifestyle-Annehmlichkeiten.

  • Consistent dividend payment demonstrates financial stability
  • Annualized dividend of $0.76 per share provides income for shareholders
  • Strong market position in premium real estate locations
  • Focus on high-quality properties in supply-constrained areas
  • None.

SANTA MONICA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Douglas Emmett, Inc. (NYSE: DEI), a real estate investment trust (REIT), announced today that its Board of Directors has declared a quarterly cash dividend on each share of its common stock of $0.19, or $0.76 on an annualized basis, to be paid on October 16, 2024 to shareholders of record as of September 30, 2024.

About Douglas Emmett, Inc.

Douglas Emmett, Inc. (DEI) is a fully integrated, self-administered and self-managed real estate investment trust (REIT), and one of the largest owners and operators of high-quality office and multifamily properties located in the premier coastal submarkets of Los Angeles and Honolulu. Douglas Emmett focuses on owning and acquiring a substantial share of top-tier office properties and premier multifamily communities in neighborhoods that possess significant supply constraints, high-end executive housing and key lifestyle amenities. Please visit our website at for more information about Douglas Emmett.

Safe Harbor Statement

Except for the historical facts, the statements in this press release regarding Douglas Emmett’s business activities are forward-looking statements based on the beliefs of, assumptions made by, and information currently available to us about known and unknown risks, trends, uncertainties and factors that are beyond our control or ability to predict. Although we believe that our assumptions are reasonable, they are not guarantees of future performance and some will inevitably prove to be incorrect. As a result, our actual future results can be expected to differ from our expectations, and those differences may be material. Accordingly, investors should use caution in relying on forward-looking statements to anticipate future results or trends. For a discussion of some of the risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ from those contained in the forward-looking statements, see “Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for 2023, filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Stuart McElhinney, Vice President – Investor Relations


Source: Douglas Emmett, Inc.


What is Douglas Emmett's (DEI) quarterly dividend amount for 2024?

Douglas Emmett (DEI) has declared a quarterly cash dividend of $0.19 per share for 2024.

When will Douglas Emmett (DEI) pay its next dividend?

Douglas Emmett (DEI) will pay its next dividend on October 16, 2024.

What is the annual dividend yield for Douglas Emmett (DEI) based on the latest declaration?

Based on the latest declaration, Douglas Emmett's (DEI) annualized dividend is $0.76 per share. The yield would depend on the current stock price.

What types of properties does Douglas Emmett (DEI) focus on?

Douglas Emmett (DEI) focuses on high-quality office properties and premier multifamily communities in Los Angeles and Honolulu.

Douglas Emmett, Inc.


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REIT - Office
Real Estate Investment Trusts
United States of America