Corero Network Security Team Members Shortlisted for Prestigious Women in Tech Excellence Awards

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Corero Network Security (AIM: CNS) (OTCQB: DDOSF) announces two team members shortlisted for The Channel Co.'s Women in Tech Excellence Awards. Sadiat Jimo, Team Leader of the Security Operations Center (SOC), is nominated for Role Model of the Year - Tech. Teressa Carlin, Manager of the Threat Research Team, is up for Transformation Leader of the Year.

The awards, set for November 27, 2024, in London, celebrate women's achievements in technology. Corero's SOC boasts a 35% female workforce and represents 12 nationalities. CEO Carl Herberger expressed pride in the nominations, highlighting their significance for Corero and the cybersecurity community. The event aims to inspire female talent and promote diversity in tech.

Corero Network Security (AIM: CNS) (OTCQB: DDOSF) annuncia che due membri del team sono stati selezionati per i Women in Tech Excellence Awards di The Channel Co. Sadiat Jimo, Team Leader del Security Operations Center (SOC), è nominata per il titolo di Modello da Seguire dell'Anno - Tech. Teressa Carlin, Manager del Threat Research Team, è candidata per il titolo di Leader della Trasformazione dell'Anno.

I premi, in programma per il 27 novembre 2024 a Londra, celebrano i successi delle donne nella tecnologia. Il SOC di Corero vanta una forza lavoro composta dal 35% di donne e rappresenta 12 nazionalità. Il CEO Carl Herberger ha espresso orgoglio per le nomination, sottolineando la loro importanza per Corero e per la comunità della cyber sicurezza. L'evento mira a ispirare il talento femminile e a promuovere la diversità nel settore tecnologico.

Corero Network Security (AIM: CNS) (OTCQB: DDOSF) anuncia que dos miembros del equipo han sido seleccionados para los Women in Tech Excellence Awards de The Channel Co. Sadiat Jimo, Líder del Security Operations Center (SOC), está nominada para el Modelo a Seguir del Año - Tech. Teressa Carlin, Gerente del Threat Research Team, está en la lista para Líder de Transformación del Año.

Los premios, programados para el 27 de noviembre de 2024 en Londres, celebran los logros de las mujeres en la tecnología. El SOC de Corero cuenta con un 35% de personal femenino y representa a 12 nacionalidades. El CEO Carl Herberger expresó su orgullo por las nominaciones, destacando su importancia para Corero y la comunidad de ciberseguridad. El evento tiene como objetivo inspirar el talento femenino y promover la diversidad en la tecnología.

Corero Network Security (AIM: CNS) (OTCQB: DDOSF)는 두 팀원들이 The Channel Co.의 Women in Tech Excellence Awards에 선정되었음을 발표했습니다. Sadiat Jimo는 보안 운영 센터(SOC)의 팀 리더로서 올해의 기술 롤 모델 부문에 노미네이트 되었습니다. Teressa Carlin은 위협 연구팀의 매니저로서 올해의 변혁 리더 부문에 지명되었습니다.

이 상은 2024년 11월 27일 런던에서 열리며, 기술 분야에서 여성의 업적을 기립니다. Corero의 SOC는 35%의 여성 인력을 보유하고 있으며 12개 국적을 대표합니다. CEO Carl Herberger는 이 노미네이션에 대한 자부심을 표명하며, 이는 Corero와 사이버 보안 커뮤니티에 중요한 의미가 있다고 강조했습니다. 이 행사는 여성 인재를 고취하고 기술 분야의 다양성을 촉진하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Corero Network Security (AIM: CNS) (OTCQB: DDOSF) annonce que deux membres de l'équipe ont été sélectionnés pour les Women in Tech Excellence Awards de The Channel Co. Sadiat Jimo, leader de l'équipe du Security Operations Center (SOC), est nominée pour le Titre de Modèle à Suivre de l'Année - Tech. Teressa Carlin, responsable de l'équipe de recherche sur les menaces, est en lice pour le Titre de Leader de la Transformation de l'Année.

Les prix, prévus le 27 novembre 2024 à Londres, célèbrent les réalisations des femmes dans la technologie. Le SOC de Corero compte 35 % de femmes et représente 12 nationalités. Le PDG Carl Herberger a exprimé sa fierté concernant les nominations, soulignant leur importance pour Corero et la communauté de la cybersécurité. L'événement vise à inspirer les talents féminins et à promouvoir la diversité dans le secteur technologique.

Corero Network Security (AIM: CNS) (OTCQB: DDOSF) gibt bekannt, dass zwei Teammitglieder für die Women in Tech Excellence Awards von The Channel Co. nominiert wurden. Sadiat Jimo, Teamleiterin des Security Operations Centers (SOC), ist für das Vorbild des Jahres - Technik nominiert. Teressa Carlin, Managerin des Threat Research Teams, ist für die Führungskraft der Transformation des Jahres im Rennen.

Die Preisverleihung findet am 27. November 2024 in London statt und feiert die Errungenschaften von Frauen in der Technologie. Coreros SOC hat einen Frauenanteil von 35 % und vertritt 12 Nationalitäten. CEO Carl Herberger äußerte seinen Stolz auf die Nominierungen und hob deren Bedeutung für Corero und die Cybersecurity-Community hervor. Die Veranstaltung soll weibliches Talent inspirieren und Vielfalt in der Technologie fördern.

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MARLBOROUGH, Mass., Aug. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Corero Network Security (AIM: CNS) (OTCQB: DDOSF), the distributed denial of service (DDoS) protection specialists, is proud to announce that two of its team members have been shortlisted for The Channel Co.'s Women in Tech Excellence Awards. These awards, now in their eighth year, celebrate the remarkable achievements of women in the technology sector, recognizing individuals who are making significant strides in an industry where they remain underrepresented.

Sadiat Jimo, Team Leader, Security Operations Center (SOC), and a valued member of Corero's team, has been shortlisted for the Role Model of the Year - Tech category. Sadiat's dedication to excellence in cybersecurity, her focus on mentoring, and her instrumental role in helping the SOC achieve a 35% female workforce have earned her this well-deserved recognition.

Teressa Carlin, Manager, Threat Research Team, has been shortlisted for the Transformation Leader of the Year category. Teressa's leadership in advancing threat intelligence, driving innovative security solutions, and contributing to blogs and industry articles have positioned her as a transformative figure within the industry.

The SOC continues to be a model of diversity at Corero, with employees representing 12 different nationalities.

The Women in Tech Excellence Awards, which will take place on November 27, 2024, at the Hilton Park Lane in London, aim to recognize and inspire female talent at all career levels. The event highlights the contributions of women making significant impacts in technology, serving as a platform to promote diversity and gender parity in the field.

Commenting on the nominations, Carl Herberger, CEO of Corero Network Security, said, "We are immensely proud of Sadiat and Teressa for being shortlisted for these prestigious awards. Their nominations are a testament to their hard work, dedication, and the significant contributions they have made not only to Corero but to the wider cybersecurity community. They are both exemplary leaders who inspire us all and embody the values of innovation and excellence that drive our company forward."

The Women in Tech Excellence Awards are highly anticipated within the technology community, with extensive media coverage that amplifies the achievements of the nominees, reaching hundreds of thousands of professionals in the industry. By honoring trailblazers like Sadiat and Teressa, these awards not only celebrate individual accomplishments but also inspire the next generation of women leaders in technology.

About Corero Network Security
Corero Network Security is a leading provider of DDoS protection solutions, specializing in automatic detection and protection solutions with network visibility, analytics, and reporting tools. Corero's technology protects against external and internal DDoS threats in complex edge and subscriber environments, ensuring internet service availability. With operational centers in Marlborough, Massachusetts, USA, and Edinburgh, UK, Corero is headquartered in London and listed on the London Stock Exchange's AIM market (ticker: CNS) and the US OTCQB Market (OTCQB: DDOSF).


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Which Corero Network Security employees were shortlisted for the Women in Tech Excellence Awards in 2024?

Sadiat Jimo, Team Leader of the Security Operations Center, and Teressa Carlin, Manager of the Threat Research Team, were shortlisted for the 2024 Women in Tech Excellence Awards.

What categories were the Corero employees nominated for in the Women in Tech Excellence Awards?

Sadiat Jimo was nominated for Role Model of the Year - Tech, while Teressa Carlin was nominated for Transformation Leader of the Year.

When and where will the Women in Tech Excellence Awards 2024 take place?

The Women in Tech Excellence Awards will take place on November 27, 2024, at the Hilton Park Lane in London.

What is the female workforce percentage in Corero's Security Operations Center?

Corero's Security Operations Center (SOC) has achieved a 35% female workforce.

How many nationalities are represented in Corero's Security Operations Center?

Corero's Security Operations Center (SOC) represents 12 different nationalities.

What is Corero Network Security's stock symbol on the OTCQB market?

Corero Network Security's stock symbol on the OTCQB market is DDOSF.



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