DuPont Wins Two R&D 100 Awards

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DuPont (NYSE: DD) has won two 2024 R&D 100 Awards in the Mechanical/Materials category, recognizing the 100 most innovative technologies of the previous year. The winning products are:

1. BETAFORCE™ elastic structural adhesive: Developed for EV battery assembly, particularly pouch cell bonding. It bonds aluminum laminated film substrates without primers, offers durability and crashworthiness benefits, and contains 30% renewable and bio-based materials.

2. Tyvek® Trifecta™ A2 Breather Membrane: An A2 fire-rated breather membrane for high-rise buildings above 18 meters. It allows water vapor escape without ventilation and is compatible with UK building regulations for fire safety.

These awards demonstrate DuPont's strategic investments in advanced mobility and sustainable construction, showcasing their commitment to innovation and addressing global challenges.

DuPont (NYSE: DD) ha vinto due premi R&D 100 Awards 2024 nella categoria Meccanica/Materie, riconoscendo le 100 tecnologie più innovative dell'anno precedente. I prodotti vincitori sono:

1. BETAFORCE™ adesivo strutturale elastico: Sviluppato per l'assemblaggio delle batterie EV, in particolare per il fissaggio delle celle a sacchetto. Questo adesivo unisce i substrati in film laminato di alluminio senza primer, offre vantaggi in termini di durata e resistenza agli urti, e contiene il 30% di materiali rinnovabili e biobased.

2. Membrana traspirante Tyvek® Trifecta™ A2: Una membrana traspirante classificata A2 per edifici a più piani sopra i 18 metri. Permette la fuga del vapore acqueo senza ventilazione ed è conforme alle normative edilizie del Regno Unito per la sicurezza antincendio.

Questi premi dimostrano gli investimenti strategici di DuPont nella mobilità avanzata e nella costruzione sostenibile, evidenziando il loro impegno per l'innovazione e per affrontare le sfide globali.

DuPont (NYSE: DD) ha ganado dos premios R&D 100 Awards 2024 en la categoría Mecánica/Materiales, reconociendo las 100 tecnologías más innovadoras del año anterior. Los productos ganadores son:

1. BETAFORCE™ adhesivo estructural elástico: Desarrollado para el ensamblaje de baterías de vehículos eléctricos, especialmente para el encolado de celdas de pouch. Une substratos de película laminada de aluminio sin imprimaciones, ofrece durabilidad y beneficios en resistencia a impactos, y contiene 30% de materiales renovables y de origen biológico.

2. Membrana respirable Tyvek® Trifecta™ A2: Una membrana respirable con clasificación A2 para edificios de gran altura por encima de los 18 metros. Permite la escape de vapor de agua sin ventilación y es compatible con las regulaciones de construcción del Reino Unido para la seguridad contra incendios.

Estos premios demuestran las inversiones estratégicas de DuPont en movilidad avanzada y construcción sostenible, destacando su compromiso con la innovación y con hacer frente a los desafíos globales.

듀폰(DuPont) (NYSE: DD)는 기계/재료 부문에서 2024 R&D 100 어워드 2개를 수상하며, 지난해 가장 혁신적인 100개 기술을 인정받았습니다. 수상 제품은 다음과 같습니다:

1. BETAFORCE™ 탄성 구조용 접착제: EV 배터리 조립을 위해 개발되었으며, 특히 파우치 셀 접착에 사용됩니다. 이 제품은 프라이머 없이 알루미늄 라미네이트 필름 기판을 결합하며, 내구성과 충돌 저항성을 제공하고 30%의 재생 가능 및 생물 기반 소재를 포함하고 있습니다.

2. Tyvek® Trifecta™ A2 호흡막: 18미터 이상의 고층 건물을 위한 A2 방화 등급의 호흡막입니다. 통풍 없이 수증기가 빠져나가도록 허용되며, 영국의 화재 안전 건축 규정과 호환됩니다.

이 상들은 듀폰의 고급 이동성 및 지속 가능한 건설에 대한 전략적 투자와 혁신에 대한 헌신, 그리고 세계적 과제를 해결하기 위한 노력을 보여줍니다.

DuPont (NYSE: DD) a remporté deux prix R&D 100 Awards 2024 dans la catégorie Mécanique/Matériaux, reconnaissant les 100 technologies les plus innovantes de l'année précédente. Les produits gagnants sont :

1. BETAFORCE™ adhésif structural élastique : Développé pour l'assemblage des batteries EV, en particulier pour le collage des cellules en sachet. Il lie des substrats en film d'aluminium laminé sans apprêts, offre des avantages en termes de durabilité et de résistance aux chocs, et contient 30 % de matériaux renouvelables et biosourcés.

2. Membrane respirante Tyvek® Trifecta™ A2 : Une membrane respirante classée A2 pour les bâtiments de grande hauteur au-dessus de 18 mètres. Elle permet l'échappement de la vapeur d'eau sans ventilation et est conforme aux réglementations britanniques en matière de sécurité incendie.

Ces prix illustrent les investissements stratégiques de DuPont dans la mobilité avancée et la construction durable, mettant en avant leur engagement envers l'innovation et la résolution des défis mondiaux.

DuPont (NYSE: DD) hat zwei 2024 R&D 100 Awards in der Kategorie Mechanik/Materialien gewonnen, die die 100 innovativsten Technologien des vorherigen Jahres anerkennen. Die ausgezeichneten Produkte sind:

1. BETAFORCE™ elastischer Structural Adhesive: Entwickelt für die Montage von EV-Batterien, insbesondere für das Verkleben von Pouch-Zellen. Es verbindet Aluminium-Laminatfilm-Substrate ohne Primer, bietet Vorteile hinsichtlich Haltbarkeit und Crashsicherheit und enthält 30 % erneuerbare und biobasierte Materialien.

2. Tyvek® Trifecta™ A2 Atmungsmembran: Eine A2 feuerbeständige Atmungsmembran für Hochhäuser über 18 Metern. Sie ermöglicht das Entweichen von Wasserdampf ohne Belüftung und entspricht den britischen Bauvorschriften für Brandschutz.

Diese Auszeichnungen zeigen DuPonts strategische Investitionen in fortschrittliche Mobilität und nachhaltiges Bauen und unterstreichen ihr Engagement für Innovation und die Bewältigung globaler Herausforderungen.

  • DuPont won two prestigious R&D 100 Awards, recognizing their innovative technologies
  • BETAFORCE™ adhesive offers superior performance for EV battery assembly, potentially increasing market share in the growing EV sector
  • Tyvek® Trifecta™ A2 Breather Membrane complies with stringent UK fire safety regulations, opening new market opportunities in high-rise construction
  • None.

WILMINGTON, Del., Aug. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- DuPont (NYSE: DD) today announced that it has won two 2024 R&D 100 Awards in the Mechanical/Materials category. The R&D 100 Awards, sponsored by R&D World Magazine, recognizes the 100 most innovative technologies of the previous year.

"We're tremendously proud that our innovative solutions have once again been recognized for their game-changing impacts for our customers and society," said Alexa Dembek, DuPont Chief Technology & Sustainability Officer. "These awards are proof positive that our strategic investments in areas such as advanced mobility and sustainable and productive construction are delivering growth, and further demonstrate the commitment and dedication of our teams to be at the leading edge of innovation helping our customers address some of the world's most pressing challenges."

Our 2024 R&D 100 Award-winning products and innovations include:

BETAFORCE™ elastic structural adhesive – BETAFORCE™ elastic structural adhesive is developed for broad applications in EV battery assembly with a special focus on pouch cell bonding. It is differentiated from other adhesives due to its ability to bond aluminum laminated film substrates without the need for primers or pretreatment. Its elastic properties deliver durability and crashworthiness benefits that protect the cells during vehicle operation and charging. Further, BETAFORCE™ demonstrates excellent sustainability benefits through its formulation with 30% wt renewable and bio-based materials plus room temperature curing capabilities that avoid the use of high-temperature curing ovens. Other benefits include excellent open and working times due to its hydrophobic nature, as well as good flammability resistance. These qualities uniquely support all battery cell applications with superior performance for pouch cell batteries that are seeing increasing use in electric vehicles.

Tyvek® Trifecta™ A2 Breather Membrane – Tyvek® Trifecta™ sets a safety and performance standard as an ideal solution for a reliable A2 fire-rated breather membrane. Installed on the exterior side of insulation, it allows water vapor to escape without the need for ventilation. This breather membrane is specially designed with non-combustible material for use in high-rise and higher-risk commercial and residential buildings above 18 meters. The combination of Tyvek® Trifecta™ and AirGuard® A2 FR Tape creates a fire-retardant system compatible with the United Kingdom's stringent building regulations for fire safety. The patent pending design also enables a significantly lighter weight and longer UV resistance making it easier to install.

The R&D 100 Awards, now in its 62nd year, are widely recognized as the "Oscars of Innovation," as they identify and celebrate the top technology products and services of the year. This year, the R&D 100 Awards received entries from 16 different countries and regions and nominations were judged by 56 well-respected industry professionals from across the world.

About DuPont
DuPont (NYSE: DD) is a global innovation leader with technology-based materials and solutions that help transform industries and everyday life. Our employees apply diverse science and expertise to help customers advance their best ideas and deliver essential innovations in key markets including electronics, transportation, construction, water, healthcare and worker safety. More information about the company, its businesses and solutions can be found at Investors can access information included on the Investor Relations section of the website at

DuPont™, the DuPont Oval Logo, and all trademarks and service marks denoted with ™, SM or ® are owned by affiliates of DuPont de Nemours, Inc. unless otherwise noted. 

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What R&D 100 Awards did DuPont (DD) win in 2024?

DuPont (DD) won two 2024 R&D 100 Awards in the Mechanical/Materials category for BETAFORCE™ elastic structural adhesive and Tyvek® Trifecta™ A2 Breather Membrane.

How does DuPont's BETAFORCE™ adhesive benefit EV battery assembly?

BETAFORCE™ adhesive bonds aluminum laminated film substrates without primers, offers durability and crashworthiness benefits, contains 30% renewable materials, and supports all battery cell applications, especially pouch cell batteries used in EVs.

What are the key features of DuPont's Tyvek® Trifecta™ A2 Breather Membrane?

Tyvek® Trifecta™ A2 Breather Membrane is fire-rated for high-rise buildings above 18 meters, allows water vapor escape without ventilation, is lighter weight, has longer UV resistance, and complies with UK fire safety regulations.

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