DuPont Water Solutions Receives Global Sustainability Leadership Award for Implementing UN SDG-6: Water for All
DuPont Water Solutions has received the Global Sustainability Leadership Award for implementing UN SDG-6: Water for All from the International Desalination and Reuse Association (IDRA). The award recognizes DuPont's contributions to sustainable water management and universal access to clean water.
The company's impact includes helping solve water issues in Cristo Rei, Brazil, supporting the world's largest nanofiltration plant in JiaXing City, China, and assisting Carlsberg in eliminating wastewater. DuPont introduced the Water Solutions Sustainability Navigator, a digital tool for comparing water treatment scenarios' sustainability impacts.
DuPont's technologies currently purify over 50 million gallons of water per minute across 112 countries. The company also supports communities through partnerships with and WaterEquity, including projects in Tanzania and Kenya providing clean water access to thousands.
DuPont Water Solutions ha ricevuto il Global Sustainability Leadership Award per l'implementazione dell'UN SDG-6: Acqua per Tutti dall'International Desalination and Reuse Association (IDRA). Il premio riconosce i contributi di DuPont nella gestione sostenibile dell'acqua e nell'accesso universale all'acqua pulita.
L'impatto dell'azienda include la risoluzione di problemi idrici a Cristo Rei, Brasile, il supporto alla più grande pianta di nanofiltrazione del mondo a JiaXing City, Cina, e l'assistenza a Carlsberg nell'eliminazione delle acque reflue. DuPont ha introdotto il Water Solutions Sustainability Navigator, uno strumento digitale per confrontare gli impatti sostenibili dei diversi scenari di trattamento dell'acqua.
Le tecnologie di DuPont attualmente purificano oltre 50 milioni di galloni d'acqua al minuto in 112 paesi. L'azienda supporta anche le comunità attraverso collaborazioni con e WaterEquity, inclusi progetti in Tanzania e Kenya che forniscono accesso all'acqua pulita a migliaia di persone.
DuPont Water Solutions ha recibido el Global Sustainability Leadership Award por implementar el ODS 6 de la ONU: Agua para Todos de la Asociación Internacional de Desalinización y Reutilización (IDRA). El premio reconoce las contribuciones de DuPont a la gestión sostenible del agua y al acceso universal a agua limpia.
El impacto de la empresa incluye ayudar a resolver problemas de agua en Cristo Rei, Brasil, apoyar la planta de nanofiltración más grande del mundo en JiaXing City, China, y ayudar a Carlsberg a eliminar aguas residuales. DuPont presentó el Water Solutions Sustainability Navigator, una herramienta digital para comparar los impactos de sostenibilidad de los diferentes escenarios de tratamiento del agua.
Las tecnologías de DuPont purifican actualmente más de 50 millones de galones de agua por minuto en 112 países. La empresa también apoya a las comunidades a través de asociaciones con y WaterEquity, incluidos proyectos en Tanzania y Kenia que brindan acceso a agua limpia a miles de personas.
듀폰 워터 솔루션은 국제 탈염 및 재사용 협회(IDRA)로부터 유엔 SDG-6: 모두를 위한 물을 구현한 글로벌 지속 가능성 리더십 상을 받았습니다. 이 상은 지속 가능한 물 관리와 깨끗한 물에 대한 보편적 접근을 위한 듀폰의 기여를 인정합니다.
회사의 영향력에는 브라질 크리스트레이의 물 문제 해결, 중국 자싱시에 있는 세계 최대의 나노필tration 공장 지원, 그리고 카르스버그의 폐수 제거 지원이 포함됩니다. 듀폰은 물 처리 시나리오의 지속 가능성 영향을 비교하기 위한 디지털 도구인 Water Solutions Sustainability Navigator를 도입했습니다.
듀폰의 기술은 현재 112개국에서 분당 5천만 갤런 이상의 물을 정화하고 있습니다. 회사는 또한 및 WaterEquity와의 파트너십을 통해 타지니아와 케냐에서 수천 명에게 깨끗한 물 접근을 제공하는 프로젝트를 포함하여 커뮤니티를 지원합니다.
DuPont Water Solutions a reçu le Global Sustainability Leadership Award pour la mise en œuvre de l'ODD 6 de l'ONU : L'eau pour tous de l'International Desalination and Reuse Association (IDRA). Ce prix reconnaît les contributions de DuPont à la gestion durable de l'eau et à l'accès universel à l'eau potable.
L'impact de l'entreprise inclut l'aide à la résolution des problèmes d'eau à Cristo Rei, Brésil, le soutien à la plus grande usine de nanofiltration au monde à JiaXing City, Chine, et l'assistance à Carlsberg pour éliminer les eaux usées. DuPont a introduit le Water Solutions Sustainability Navigator, un outil numérique permettant de comparer les impacts de durabilité des différents scénarios de traitement de l'eau.
Les technologies de DuPont purifient actuellement plus de 50 millions de gallons d'eau par minute dans 112 pays. L'entreprise soutient également les communautés grâce à des partenariats avec et WaterEquity, y compris des projets en Tanzanie et au Kenya, fournissant l'accès à l'eau potable à des milliers de personnes.
DuPont Water Solutions hat den Global Sustainability Leadership Award für die Umsetzung von UN SDG-6: Wasser für alle von der International Desalination and Reuse Association (IDRA) erhalten. Die Auszeichnung würdigt die Beiträge von DuPont zu einem nachhaltigen Wassermanagement und zum universellen Zugang zu sauberem Wasser.
Der Einfluss des Unternehmens umfasst die Lösung von Wasserproblemen in Cristo Rei, Brasilien, die Unterstützung der größten Nanofiltrationsanlage der Welt in JiaXing City, China, und die Unterstützung von Carlsberg bei der Beseitigung von Abwasser. DuPont hat den Water Solutions Sustainability Navigator eingeführt, ein digitales Werkzeug zum Vergleich der Nachhaltigkeitsauswirkungen verschiedener Wasserbehandlungsszenarien.
Die Technologien von DuPont reinigen derzeit über 50 Millionen Gallonen Wasser pro Minute in 112 Ländern. Darüber hinaus unterstützt das Unternehmen Gemeinschaften durch Partnerschaften mit und WaterEquity, einschließlich Projekten in Tansania und Kenia, die Tausenden von Menschen den Zugang zu sauberem Wasser ermöglichen.
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International Desalination and Reuse Association (IDRA) recognizes contributions to the realization of water and sanitation for all
Presented at the IDRA World Congress 2024 in
"Our team envisions a future where the world's eight billion people have daily access to safe, clean water and where producers have the necessary water to make the products, food and energy on which we rely," said Jeroen Bloemhard, Vice President and General Manager, DuPont Water Solutions. "We realize this purpose through the products we innovate and deliver to our customers and by offering our expertise to improve water use globally. We thank IDRA for recognizing the impact of our work."
DuPont Water Solutions most contributes to SDG-6 and global water access through its innovations and products addressing the challenges faced by water treatment municipalities, seawater desalination plants, and industrial water users. Recent examples include helping to solve water quality and quantity issues in Cristo Rei,
With sustainability critical to the water sector and SDG-6, the team recently introduced the Water Solutions Sustainability Navigator, the first digital tool to help users compare how different potential water treatment scenarios impact sustainability indicators such as carbon emissions, chemicals used, wastewater produced, solid-waste generated, and footprint needed—with calculations and indicators validated for ISO compliance by a third-party.
DuPont Water Solutions is also helping increase global water access by empowering communities most vulnerable to climate-driven water risks through social impact work, including philanthropic support of and impact investments in WaterEquity. For a Maasai community in
The team also shares knowledge to improve the global use of water—including offering free professional development for the water sector and advocating for the advantages of water reuse. By supporting Economist Impact in the creation of the City Water Index, there is now a common framework for cities to benchmark the critical factors that contribute to developing and maintaining an optimized, ample water supply. The Index was named an Official Water Action during the 2023 UN Water Conference.
DuPont Water Solutions' technologies are helping to purify more than 50 million gallons of water every minute in 112 countries across the world. DuPont offers market-leading technologies to address a variety of challenges faced by water treatment municipalities, seawater desalination plants, and industrial water users, including the microelectronics industry, through a broad portfolio of membranes, resins and complete systems. The team is also innovating solutions that can help balance the world's growing water and energy demands, with products that help maximize the availability of electricity, lithium and green hydrogen.
About DuPont
DuPont (NYSE: DD) is a global innovation leader with technology-based materials and solutions that help transform industries and everyday life. Our employees apply diverse science and expertise to help customers advance their best ideas and deliver essential innovations in key markets including electronics, transportation, construction, water, healthcare and worker safety. More information about the company, its businesses and solutions can be found at Investors can access information included on the Investor Relations section of the website at
DuPont™, the DuPont Oval Logo, and all trademarks and service marks denoted with ™, ℠ or ® are owned by affiliates of DuPont de Nemours, Inc. unless otherwise noted.
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