DuPont Launches Tyvek® with Renewable Attribution in Support of Sustainable Healthcare Packaging
DuPont has launched Tyvek® with Renewable Attribution (RA), an extension of its healthcare packaging portfolio featuring a reduced carbon footprint. The improvement comes from partially replacing fossil fuel feedstock with certified bio-circular feedstock in raw materials production, using mass balance approach certified by ISCC PLUS. The product maintains the same performance while enabling lower CO2 emissions compared to current Tyvek® products. DuPont's Tyvek® facilities in Richmond, Virginia, and Luxembourg have achieved ISCC PLUS Certification, ensuring credible tracking of bio-circular feedstocks. This initiative aligns with DuPont's commitment to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050.
DuPont ha lanciato Tyvek® con Attribuzione Rinnovabile (RA), un'estensione del suo portafoglio di imballaggio per la sanità con un'impronta di carbonio ridotta. Il miglioramento deriva dalla parziale sostituzione delle materie prime derivate da combustibili fossili con materie prime bio-circolari certificate nella produzione dei materiali, utilizzando un approccio di bilancio di massa certificato da ISCC PLUS. Il prodotto mantiene le stesse prestazioni, consentendo una riduzione delle emissioni di CO2 rispetto ai prodotti Tyvek® attuali. Gli impianti Tyvek® di DuPont a Richmond, Virginia, e in Lussemburgo hanno ottenuto la Certificazione ISCC PLUS, garantendo un tracciamento credibile delle materie prime bio-circolari. Questa iniziativa è in linea con l'impegno di DuPont di raggiungere emissioni nette di carbonio pari a zero entro il 2050.
DuPont ha lanza Tyvek® con Atribución Renovable (RA), una extensión de su cartera de empaques para el sector salud con una huella de carbono reducida. La mejora proviene de la sustitución parcial de materias primas derivadas de combustibles fósiles por materias primas bio-circulares certificadas en la producción de materiales, utilizando un enfoque de balance de masa certificado por ISCC PLUS. El producto mantiene el mismo rendimiento y permite una reducción de las emisiones de CO2 en comparación con los productos Tyvek® actuales. Las instalaciones de Tyvek® de DuPont en Richmond, Virginia, y en Luxemburgo han obtenido la Certificación ISCC PLUS, asegurando un seguimiento creíble de las materias primas bio-circulares. Esta iniciativa se alinea con el compromiso de DuPont de alcanzar emisiones netas de carbono cero para 2050.
듀폰은 재생 가능 속성을 가진 타벡®(Tyvek®)을 출시했습니다. 이는 탄소 발자국을 줄인 의료 포장 제품군의 확장입니다. 이 개선은 화석 연료 원료 일부를 인증된 바이오 순환 원료로 대체하여 소재 생산 과정에서 ISCC PLUS로 인증된 대량 균형 접근 방식을 사용함으로써 이루어졌습니다. 이 제품은 동일한 성능을 유지하면서도 현재의 타벡® 제품과 비교하여 CO2 배출량을 줄일 수 있습니다. 듀폰의 타벡® 시설은 미국 버지니아주 리치몬드와 룩셈부르크에 위치하고 있으며, ISCC PLUS 인증을 획득하여 바이오 순환 원료에 대한 신뢰할 수 있는 추적을 보장하고 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 2050년까지 탄소 배출량을 제로로 달성하겠다는 듀폰의 약속과 일치합니다.
DuPont a lancé Tyvek® avec Attribution Renouvelable (RA), une extension de son portefeuille d'emballage pour la santé, présentant une empreinte carbone réduite. L'amélioration provient de la substitution partielle des matières premières dérivées des combustibles fossiles par des matières premières bio-circulaires certifiées dans la production des matériaux, en utilisant une approche de bilan de masse certifiée par l'ISCC PLUS. Le produit conserve les mêmes performances tout en permettant une réduction des émissions de CO2 par rapport aux produits Tyvek® actuels. Les installations Tyvek® de DuPont à Richmond, en Virginie, et au Luxembourg ont obtenu la certification ISCC PLUS, garantissant un suivi crédible des matières premières bio-circulaires. Cette initiative est en accord avec l'engagement de DuPont d'atteindre des émissions nettes de carbone nulles d'ici 2050.
DuPont hat Tyvek® mit Erneuerbarer Attribuierung (RA) eingeführt, eine Erweiterung seines Gesundheitsverpackungsportfolios mit einem reduzierten CO2-Fußabdruck. Die Verbesserung stammt von der teilweisen Ersetzung fossiler Rohstoffe durch zertifizierte bio-zirkulare Rohstoffe in der Rohstoffproduktion, unter Verwendung eines von ISCC PLUS zertifizierten Massenbilanzansatzes. Das Produkt behält die gleiche Leistung bei und ermöglicht geringere CO2-Emissionen im Vergleich zu aktuellen Tyvek®-Produkten. Die Tyvek®-Anlagen von DuPont in Richmond, Virginia, und Luxemburg haben die ISCC PLUS-Zertifizierung erreicht, die eine glaubwürdige Verfolgung der bio-zirkulären Rohstoffe gewährleistet. Diese Initiative steht im Einklang mit dem Engagement von DuPont zur Erreichung von Netto-Null-CO2-Emissionen bis 2050.
- Achieved 58% reduction in Scopes 1 and 2 emissions from 2019 baseline
- Achieved 39% reduction in Scope 3 emissions from 2020 baseline
- Manufacturing facilities source 100% electricity from renewable energy certificates
- Product maintains same performance while reducing carbon footprint
- ISCC PLUS certification obtained for manufacturing facilities
- None.
This product launch represents a strategic shift towards sustainable healthcare packaging, aligning with growing ESG demands in the medical sector. The introduction of Tyvek® with Renewable Attribution offers significant potential for market expansion by addressing healthcare companies' sustainability goals and Scope 3 emission reduction targets.
The mass balance approach using bio-circular feedstock provides a practical solution that maintains product quality while reducing environmental impact. The ISCC PLUS certification adds credibility and positions DuPont favorably in the growing sustainable packaging market. The company's achievement of
While immediate revenue impact may be modest, this development strengthens DuPont's competitive position in the healthcare packaging segment and supports long-term growth potential as sustainability regulations tighten globally.
Tyvek® with Renewable Attribution is designed to help reduce the carbon footprint of a product while providing a drop-in solution that can be seamlessly integrated into existing healthcare packaging products. The use of certified bio-circular feedstock attributed to Tyvek® using the mass balance approach enables significantly lower CO2 emissions compared to current Tyvek® products and helps to reduce the use of fossil fuels. DuPont has achieved ISCC PLUS Certification for its Tyvek® facilities at the
"Tyvek® has long been a trusted choice for helping to enable patient safety through superior microbial barrier, exceptional strength and durability, breathability, and recyclability. We are proud to continue this dedicated focus on product performance, quality and reliability, in a manner that now also supports the healthcare packaging industry's efforts to advance sustainability." said David Domnisch, Vice President and General Manager, Tyvek® and Typar® at DuPont. "Tyvek® with Renewable Attribution reflects our steadfast commitment towards taking action to deliver more sustainable products that can be seamlessly integrated into existing healthcare packaging production processes, while helping enable meaningful Scope 3 emission reductions in the healthcare packaging value chain, in line with our core value of protecting the planet."
The RA extension of Tyvek® Healthcare Packaging products further advances DuPont's global strategy of enabling a circular economy and working with global supply chains to help reduce Scope 3 emissions. DuPont issued an announcement on September 19, 2024, committing to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050. The net-zero commitment builds on the significant progress DuPont has achieved since 2019 when the company established its Acting on Climate Goal as part of its overall sustainability strategy. As announced in April 2024, DuPont has exceeded its climate targets – achieving a
Note: Tyvek® is made of HDPE and products made of
About DuPont Water & Protection
DuPont Water and Protection is a global leader in creating water, shelter and safety solutions for a more sustainable world; enabling its customers to win through unique capabilities, global scale and iconic brands including Kevlar®, Nomex®, Tyvek®, Corian® Design, GreatStuff™, Styrofoam™, and FilmTec™.
About DuPont
DuPont (NYSE: DD) is a global innovation leader with technology-based materials and solutions that help transform industries and everyday life. Our employees apply diverse science and expertise to help customers advance their best ideas and deliver essential innovations in key markets including electronics, transportation, construction, water, healthcare and worker safety. More information about the company, its businesses and solutions can be found at Investors can access information included on the Investor Relations section of the website at
DuPont™, the DuPont Oval Logo, and all trademarks and service marks denoted with ™, SM or ® are owned by affiliates of DuPont de Nemours, Inc. unless otherwise noted.
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This communication contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the federal securities laws, including Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. In this context, forward-looking statements often address expected future business and financial performance and financial condition, and often contain words such as "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "believe," "seek," "see," "will," "would," "target," "stabilization," "confident," "preliminary," "initial," "drive," "innovate" and similar expressions and variations or negatives of these words.
Forward-looking statements address matters that are, to varying degrees, uncertain and subject to risks, uncertainties, and assumptions, many of which that are beyond DuPont's control, that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are not representations or warranties or guarantees of future results.
Forward-looking statements include statements which relate to the purpose, ambitions, commitments, targets, plans, objectives, and results of DuPont's sustainability strategy, including its activities related to substances of concern. Forward-looking statements include statements related to the standards and measurement of progress against the company's sustainability goals, including metrics, data and other information, which are based on estimates and assumptions believed to be reasonable at the time. The actual conduct of the company's activities and results thereof, including the development, implementation, achievement or continuation of any goal, program, policy or initiative discussed or expected in connection with DuPont's sustainability strategy may differ materially from the statements made herein. The use of the word "material" for the purposes of statements regarding our sustainability strategy and goals should not be read as equating to any use of the word in the company's other disclosures or filings with the
On May 22, 2024, DuPont announced a plan to separate the company into three distinct, publicly traded companies. Under the plan, DuPont would execute the proposed separations of its Electronics and Water businesses in a tax-free manner to its shareholders leaving DuPont to continue as a diversified industrial company following completion of the separations. DuPont expects to complete the separations within 18 to 24 months of the announcement date. The separation transactions will not require a shareholder vote and are subject to satisfaction of customary conditions, including final approval by DuPont's Board of Directors, receipt of tax opinion from counsel, the filing and effectiveness of Form 10 registration statements with the
See DuPont's most recent annual report and subsequent current and periodic reports filed with the
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