DuPont Files Complaint with the International Trade Commission

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DuPont (NYSE:DD) has filed a complaint with the United States International Trade Commission (ITC) against Xiamen Dangsheng New Materials, Jiangsu Qingyun New Materials, and their affiliates. The complaint aims to block the importation of products that infringe on DuPont's intellectual property related to its Tyvek® brand and products.

DuPont is requesting the ITC to investigate its claims and issue a general exclusion order to bar the importation of any infringing materials into the United States. This would include all applications where the infringing material is imported as a stand-alone product or incorporated into a converted or finished good.

The company emphasizes its commitment to defending its proprietary technology advancements, supporting its scientists, and protecting customers who rely on Tyvek® products for critical applications. DuPont states it will pursue all available enforcement options in the U.S. and other global jurisdictions to ensure fair competition and protect its IP rights.

DuPont (NYSE:DD) ha presentato un reclamo presso la Commissione per il commercio internazionale degli Stati Uniti (ITC) contro Xiamen Dangsheng New Materials, Jiangsu Qingyun New Materials e le loro affiliate. Il reclamo mira a bloccare l'importazione di prodotti che violano la proprietà intellettuale di DuPont relativa al suo marchio Tyvek® e ai prodotti connessi.

DuPont chiede all'ITC di indagare sulle proprie affermazioni e di emettere un ordine di esclusione generale per vietare l'importazione di qualsiasi materiale che infringe i diritti in materia di proprietà intellettuale negli Stati Uniti. Ciò includerebbe tutte le applicazioni in cui il materiale infrangente viene importato come prodotto autonomo o incorporato in un prodotto convertito o finito.

L'azienda sottolinea il proprio impegno a difendere i propri progressi tecnologici proprietari, supportare i propri scienziati e proteggere i clienti che si affidano ai prodotti Tyvek® per applicazioni critiche. DuPont afferma che perseguirà tutte le opzioni di enforcement disponibili negli Stati Uniti e in altre giurisdizioni globali per garantire una concorrenza leale e proteggere i propri diritti di proprietà intellettuale.

DuPont (NYSE:DD) ha presentado una queja ante la Comisión de Comercio Internacional de los Estados Unidos (ITC) contra Xiamen Dangsheng New Materials, Jiangsu Qingyun New Materials y sus afiliados. La queja tiene como objetivo bloquear la importación de productos que infringen la propiedad intelectual de DuPont relacionada con su marca y productos Tyvek®.

DuPont solicita a la ITC que investigue sus reclamaciones y emita una orden de exclusión general para prohibir la importación de cualquier material infractor en los Estados Unidos. Esto incluiría todas las aplicaciones donde el material infractor se importa como un producto independiente o se incorpora a un artículo convertido o terminado.

La empresa enfatiza su compromiso de defender sus avances tecnológicos propios, apoyar a sus científicos y proteger a los clientes que dependen de los productos Tyvek® para aplicaciones críticas. DuPont declara que perseguirá todas las opciones de cumplimiento disponibles en los EE.UU. y en otras jurisdicciones globales para garantizar una competencia justa y proteger sus derechos de propiedad intelectual.

듀폰(DuPont, NYSE:DD)은 자국의 지적 재산권을 침해하는 제품 수입을 차단하기 위한 불만을 제기하기 위해 미국 국제 무역 위원회(ITC)에 시안멘 당셴 신소재(Xiamen Dangsheng New Materials), 장쑤 칭윈 신소재(Jiangsu Qingyun New Materials) 및 그들의 계열사를 상대로 소송을 제기했습니다.

듀폰은 ITC에게 자신의 주장을 조사하고 미국에 침해하는 모든 재료의 수입을 금지하는 일반 배제 명령을 발부해 줄 것을 요청하고 있습니다. 이는 침해 재료가 독립된 제품으로 수입되거나 변환 또는 완제품에 포함되는 모든 응용 프로그램을 포함합니다.

회사는 자체 기술 발전을 방어하는 것에 대한 헌신과 과학자들을 지원하고 중요한 응용 프로그램을 위해 Tyvek® 제품에 의존하는 고객을 보호하려는 의지를 강조합니다. 듀폰은 공정한 경쟁을 보장하고 지적 재산권을 보호하기 위해 미국과 다른 글로벌 관할권에서 가능한 모든 집행 옵션을 추구할 것이라고 밝혔습니다.

DuPont (NYSE:DD) a déposé une plainte auprès de la Commission américaine du commerce international (ITC) contre Xiamen Dangsheng New Materials, Jiangsu Qingyun New Materials et leurs affiliés. La plainte vise à bloquer l'importation de produits enfreignant la propriété intellectuelle de DuPont liée à sa marque et ses produits Tyvek®.

DuPont demande à l'ITC d'examiner ses allégations et d'émettre un arrêté d'exclusion général pour interdire l'importation de tout matériel contrefaisant aux États-Unis. Cela inclurait toutes les applications où le matériel contrefaisant est importé en tant que produit autonome ou intégré dans un bien transformé ou fini.

L'entreprise souligne son engagement à défendre ses avancées technologiques propriétaires, à soutenir ses scientifiques et à protéger les clients qui s'appuient sur les produits Tyvek® pour des applications critiques. DuPont déclare qu'elle poursuivra toutes les options de mise en œuvre disponibles aux États-Unis et dans d'autres juridictions mondiales pour garantir une concurrence équitable et protéger ses droits de propriété intellectuelle.

DuPont (NYSE:DD) hat eine Beschwerde bei der United States International Trade Commission (ITC) gegen Xiamen Dangsheng New Materials, Jiangsu Qingyun New Materials und deren Tochtergesellschaften eingereicht. Die Beschwerde zielt darauf ab, die Einfuhr von Produkten zu blockieren, die gegen DuPonts geistiges Eigentum verstoßen, das mit seiner Marke und den Produkten Tyvek® verbunden ist.

DuPont fordert die ITC auf, ihre Ansprüche zu prüfen und eine allgemeine Ausschlussanordnung zu erlassen, um die Einfuhr von jeder Material, die das geistige Eigentum verletzt, in die Vereinigten Staaten zu verhindern. Dies würde alle Anwendungen umfassen, in denen das verletzende Material als eigenständiges Produkt oder in ein umgewandeltes oder fertiges Produkt integriert importiert wird.

Das Unternehmen betont sein Engagement zur Verteidigung seiner eigenen technischen Fortschritte, zur Unterstützung seiner Wissenschaftler und zum Schutz der Kunden, die auf Tyvek®-Produkte für kritische Anwendungen angewiesen sind. DuPont erklärt, dass es alle verfügbaren Durchsetzungsoptionen in den USA und anderen globalen Gerichtsbarkeiten verfolgen wird, um einen fairen Wettbewerb zu gewährleisten und seine IP-Rechte zu schützen.

  • DuPont is taking proactive steps to protect its intellectual property and market position
  • The action aims to prevent potential revenue loss from counterfeit or infringing products
  • Demonstrates commitment to maintaining the quality and reputation of the Tyvek® brand
  • Potential legal costs associated with the ITC complaint and subsequent proceedings
  • Possible disruption in the supply chain if infringing products are currently in use by customers


DuPont's complaint to the ITC is a significant move to protect its intellectual property rights for Tyvek® products. The request for a general exclusion order is particularly noteworthy, as it would broadly prohibit the import of infringing materials, regardless of the manufacturer. This could have far-reaching implications for the market and DuPont's competitors. The company's aggressive stance in defending its IP suggests confidence in the strength of its patents and technology. If successful, this action could reinforce DuPont's market position and potentially increase barriers to entry for competitors. However, the process can be lengthy and complex, with no guaranteed outcome. Investors should monitor the ITC's response and any counter-actions from the named companies, as these could impact DuPont's future revenue streams and market share in the specialty materials sector.

This legal action by DuPont underscores the competitive landscape in the specialty materials market and the importance of IP protection in maintaining market leadership. Tyvek® is a significant product for DuPont, used in various applications from construction to medical packaging. By targeting companies like Xiamen Dangsheng and Jiangsu Qingyun, DuPont is likely responding to increased competition from Chinese manufacturers. The outcome of this complaint could have ripple effects across the supply chain, potentially affecting industries that rely on Tyvek®-like materials. For investors, this move signals DuPont's commitment to defending its high-margin products and could lead to improved long-term profitability if successful. However, it also highlights the ongoing challenges faced by multinational corporations in protecting their IP globally, especially in rapidly evolving markets like China.

WILMINGTON, Del., Oct. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- DuPont (NYSE:DD) today announced it has filed a complaint with the United States International Trade Commission (ITC) against Xiamen Dangsheng New Materials and affiliates ("Dangs") and Jiangsu Qingyun New Materials and affiliates ("Kingwills"), among others, to block importation of products that infringe DuPont intellectual property (IP) related to its Tyvek® brand and products.

The ITC is an independent, non-partisan agency that investigates and makes determinations in proceedings involving imports claimed to injure a domestic industry or violate U.S. intellectual property rights. DuPont is asking the ITC to investigate its claims and issue a general exclusion order to bar the importation of any infringing materials into the United States. This would include all applications where the infringing material is imported as a stand-alone product or incorporated into a converted or finished good.

"For many decades, DuPont has been investing to deliver world class innovation with our technology and products, which is why so many customers trust the superior quality and performance of authentic Tyvek® products in their most vital applications. This is why we take actions to defend our proprietary technology advancements, our scientists who develop them, and our customers who utilize Tyvek® products in life-critical applications," said David Domnisch – DuPont Vice President & General Manager, DuPont™ Tyvek®. "We are committed to fight for fair competition, vigorously defending our IP rights when they are being infringed and will pursue all available enforcement options in the U.S. and other global jurisdictions."

About Tyvek®
DuPontTyvek® has been a world leader in nonwoven technology for over 50 years and has enabled new dimensions of protection, security, and safety in a wide variety of industries and applications, including Medical Packaging, Personal Protection, Graphics & Protective Packaging, and Building Envelope solutions. Through collaborative and engaging relationships, DuPontTyvek® continues to innovate and exceed customers' expectations to keep them, and the world moving >Forward Together™. Learn more at

About DuPont
DuPont (NYSE: DD) is a global innovation leader with technology-based materials and solutions that help transform industries and everyday life. Our employees apply diverse science and expertise to help customers advance their best ideas and deliver essential innovations in key markets including electronics, transportation, construction, water, healthcare and worker safety. More information about the company, its businesses and solutions can be found at Investors can access information included on the Investor Relations section of the website at

DuPont™, the DuPont Oval Logo, and all trademarks and service marks denoted with ™, SM or ® are owned by affiliates of DuPont de Nemours, Inc. unless otherwise noted.

Cautionary Statement about Forward-Looking Statements
All express and implied statements in this communication, other than statements of historical fact, are forward-looking statements within the meaning of the US federal securities laws, including statements regarding management's plans, objectives and strategies, and the expected outcomes, for defending DuPont's intellectual property. See DuPont's most recent annual report and subsequent current and periodic reports filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for further description of risk factors that could impact the expectations implied by the Company's forward-looking statements. Unlisted factors may present significant additional obstacles to the realization of forward-looking statements. You should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date they are made. DuPont assumes no obligation to publicly provide revisions or updates to any forward-looking statements whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, should circumstances change, except as otherwise required by securities and other applicable laws.


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What action has DuPont (DD) taken to protect its Tyvek® brand?

DuPont (DD) has filed a complaint with the United States International Trade Commission (ITC) against Xiamen Dangsheng New Materials, Jiangsu Qingyun New Materials, and their affiliates to block the importation of products that infringe on DuPont's intellectual property related to its Tyvek® brand and products.

What is DuPont (DD) requesting from the International Trade Commission?

DuPont (DD) is requesting the ITC to investigate its claims and issue a general exclusion order to bar the importation of any infringing materials into the United States, including stand-alone products or those incorporated into converted or finished goods.

How does this action by DuPont (DD) affect its Tyvek® products?

This action aims to protect DuPont's Tyvek® products by preventing the importation of potentially infringing materials, thereby safeguarding the brand's quality, performance, and reputation in critical applications.

What is DuPont's (DD) stance on defending its intellectual property rights?

DuPont (DD) states it is committed to vigorously defending its intellectual property rights when they are being infringed and will pursue all available enforcement options in the U.S. and other global jurisdictions to ensure fair competition.

DuPont de Nemours, Inc.


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