DuPont and Aero Tec Laboratories (ATL) Announce Groundbreaking Collaboration in Racing Industry

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DuPont (NYSE: DD) and Aero Tec Laboratories (ATL) have announced a collaboration to innovate the racing industry, starting with a new fuel bladder for Formula One cars. Utilizing DuPont™ Kevlar® EXO™, first introduced in April 2023 for body armor, the fuel bladder offers superior impact and abrasion resistance, reducing weight by over 20% while meeting FIA standards. ATL CEO Giles Dawson emphasized the groundbreaking nature of Kevlar® EXO™. The partnership aims to expand these innovations to other racing sectors like NASCAR, IndyCar, and Le Mans.

DuPont (NYSE: DD) e Aero Tec Laboratories (ATL) hanno annunciato una collaborazione per innovare il settore delle corse, iniziando con un nuovo serbatoio di carburante per le auto di Formula Uno. Utilizzando il DuPont™ Kevlar® EXO™, introdotto per la prima volta ad aprile 2023 per l'armatura, il serbatoio di carburante offre una resistenza superiore agli urti e all'abrasione, riducendo il peso di oltre il 20% e rispettando gli standard FIA. Il CEO di ATL, Giles Dawson, ha sottolineato la natura rivoluzionaria del Kevlar® EXO™. La partnership mira a espandere queste innovazioni ad altri settori delle corse come NASCAR, IndyCar e Le Mans.

DuPont (NYSE: DD) y Aero Tec Laboratories (ATL) han anunciado una colaboración para innovar la industria de las carreras, comenzando con un nuevo tanque de combustible para coches de Fórmula Uno. Utilizando DuPont™ Kevlar® EXO™, presentado por primera vez en abril de 2023 para armaduras, el tanque de combustible ofrece una resistencia superior al impacto y a la abrasión, reduciendo el peso en más del 20% mientras cumple con los estándares de la FIA. El CEO de ATL, Giles Dawson, enfatizó la naturaleza revolucionaria del Kevlar® EXO™. La asociación tiene como objetivo expandir estas innovaciones a otros sectores de carreras como NASCAR, IndyCar y Le Mans.

듀폰(DuPont, NYSE: DD)과 에어로 테크 래버토리스(Aero Tec Laboratories, ATL)는 레이싱 산업 혁신을 위한 협업을 발표했으며, 포뮬러 원 자동차를 위한 새로운 연료 블래드를 시작으로 합니다. 듀폰™ 케블라® EXO™를 활용하여, 2023년 4월에 방탄복을 위해 처음 소개된 이 연료 블래드는 충격과 마모에 대한 우수한 저항력을 제공하며, 무게를 20% 이상 줄이고 FIA 기준을 충족합니다. ATL의 CEO인 자일스 도슨(Giles Dawson)은 케블라® EXO™의 혁신적 특성을 강조했습니다. 이 파트너십은 NASCAR, IndyCar, 르망(Lemans) 등 다른 레이싱 분야로 이러한 혁신을 확장하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

DuPont (NYSE: DD) et Aero Tec Laboratories (ATL) ont annoncé un partenariat pour innover dans l'industrie de la course, en commençant par une nouvelle poche à carburant pour les voitures de Formule 1. En utilisant DuPont™ Kevlar® EXO™, introduit pour la première fois en avril 2023 pour les gilets pare-balles, la poche à carburant offre une résistance supérieure aux impacts et à l'abrasion, réduisant le poids de plus de 20 % tout en respectant les normes de la FIA. Le PDG d'ATL, Giles Dawson, a souligné le caractère révolutionnaire du Kevlar® EXO™. Le partenariat vise à étendre ces innovations à d'autres secteurs de la course tels que NASCAR, IndyCar et Le Mans.

DuPont (NYSE: DD) und Aero Tec Laboratories (ATL) haben eine Zusammenarbeit angekündigt, um die Rennindustrie zu innovieren, beginnend mit einer neuen Treibstoffblase für Formel-1-Autos. Durch die Verwendung von DuPont™ Kevlar® EXO™, das erstmals im April 2023 für Körperschutzmittel vorgestellt wurde, bietet die Treibstoffblase eine überlegene Schlag- und Abriebfestigkeit, reduziert das Gewicht um über 20% und erfüllt die FIA-Standards. ATL-CEO Giles Dawson betonte die bahnbrechende Natur von Kevlar® EXO™. Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, diese Innovationen auf andere Rennsektoren wie NASCAR, IndyCar und Le Mans auszuweiten.

  • DuPont and ATL's new fuel bladder reduces weight by over 20%.
  • The collaboration meets stringent FIA safety standards.
  • Kevlar® EXO™ enhances performance with superior impact and abrasion resistance.
  • Potential expansion into other racing industries like NASCAR, IndyCar, and Le Mans.
  • None.


This collaboration between DuPont and ATL marks a significant technological advancement in the racing industry. The introduction of Kevlar® EXO™ in fuel bladders represents a 20% weight reduction while maintaining superior strength and safety standards. This is important in Formula One, where every gram counts in performance optimization.

The potential for this technology extends beyond F1 to other racing series like NASCAR, IndyCar and Le Mans, indicating a broader market impact. Moreover, the adaptation of Kevlar® EXO™ from military applications to racing demonstrates its versatility and potential for further industrial applications.

For DuPont, this opens new revenue streams and strengthens its position in high-performance materials. The focus on sustainable fuel compatibility for 2026 regulations also aligns with growing industry trends towards environmental consciousness, potentially giving DuPont a competitive edge in future developments.

This collaboration positions DuPont strategically in the high-value motorsport market. The racing industry, particularly Formula One, is known for driving innovation that often trickles down to consumer automotive markets. By establishing a foothold here, DuPont could see increased demand for Kevlar® EXO™ across various sectors.

The planned expansion into other racing series suggests a long-term growth strategy for this product line. If successful, it could lead to significant revenue increases in DuPont's Performance Materials segment. Investors should watch for future announcements regarding additional applications or partnerships in automotive or aerospace industries, which could further boost the company's market position and financial performance.

New fuel bladder is first of three projects expected to revolutionize and enhance materials for the racing industry

WILMINGTON, Del., Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, DuPont (NYSE: DD) announces a collaboration with Aero Tec Laboratories (ATL), a leader in safety fuel systems and flexible fluid containment technology, to bring long-term innovation to the racing industry. This collaboration begins with the launch of a new fuel bladder for Formula One cars.

DuPont™ Kevlar® EXO™ was first introduced to the life protection market in April 2023, enabling body armor with an unprecedented combination of flexibility and lightweight strength from an aramid fiber. In fuel bladders, it significantly enhances performance by providing superior resistance to impact and abrasion. This improvement in strength allows for the development of lighter yet highly reliable fuel bladder systems, meeting stringent FIA requirements while reducing overall weight by more than 20%. Kevlar® EXO™ thus plays a crucial role in enabling the creation of high-performance products that prioritize safety and efficiency.

"The first time we tested Kevlar® EXO™, we knew it was going to be game changing. We have not seen any new innovation or technology like this in fuel bladders in decades," said ATL CEO Giles Dawson. "With the weight savings Kevlar® EXO™ enables, we are excited to see how we can further collaborate to bring even more innovative FIA-certified products to the industry. Our development focus for the 2026 regulations where every race car will utilize with fully sustainable fuel, this innovative new material has provided several benefits in our development efforts."

Drawing on their combined knowledge and expertise in safety, design, racing industry certification, mechanical testing capabilities, and research and development, DuPont and ATL worked together to ensure the new fuel bladder complies with FIA safety standards. This successful collaboration has ultimately led to the transformation of the way F1 fuel bladders are constructed.

After the success of the initial program, DuPont and ATL plan to expand their collaboration to explore how they can apply the learnings from F1 fuel bladders to other racing industries such as NASCAR, IndyCar, and Le Mans.

"This collaboration goes beyond the fact that Kevlar® EXO™ is DuPont's biggest fiber innovation in more than 50 years. It also further proves the variety of game changing applications the material can have outside of military and defense, allowing us to take a front row seat in new industries," says DuPont™ Global Commercial Leader for Kevlar® EXO™ Jill Clements. "The performance we're seeing from Kevlar® EXO™ has enabled us to look to new markets, applications, and industries, and we're excited about what's next."

Read more about the new fuel bladders here.

About DuPont
DuPont (NYSE: DD) is a global innovation leader with technology-based materials and solutions that help transform industries and everyday life. Our employees apply diverse science and expertise to help customers advance their best ideas and deliver essential innovations in key markets, including electronics, transportation, construction, water, healthcare and worker safety. More information about the company, its businesses and solutions can be found at Investors can access information included on the Investor Relations section of the website at

DuPont™, the DuPont Oval Logo, and all trademarks and service marks denoted with ™, ℠ or ® are owned by affiliates of DuPont de Nemours, Inc. unless otherwise noted. © 2024 DuPont.

About ATL
Aero Tec Laboratories (ATL) is a globally recognized and respected leader in safety fuel systems and fluid containment technology. Originally established in 1970 as a design and testing facility for flexible composite materials, ATL founder Peter J. Regna soon identified an opportunity to introduce these innovative composites to the world of motorsports, and the rest is history. ATL's bladder-type fuel cells transformed the industry, providing impact-resistant fuel tanks to the masses, drastically improving driver safety and significantly reducing the number of fires that were frequent during that era. Fast forward to today and ATL is stronger than ever, commanding a unified and aligned workforce that spans over two continents, with state-of-the-art design and manufacturing facilities in both the USA and UK. ATL's capabilities extend far beyond motorsports, offering liquid containment solutions to a multitude of diverse industries including aerospace, marine, subsea and defense.

For more information about ATL's standard product offerings and custom capabilities, please visit


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What is the new collaboration between DuPont and ATL about?

DuPont and ATL are collaborating to innovate the racing industry with a new fuel bladder for Formula One cars, utilizing DuPont™ Kevlar® EXO™.

What is the significance of Kevlar® EXO™ in the new fuel bladder?

Kevlar® EXO™ provides superior impact and abrasion resistance, reducing the fuel bladder's weight by over 20% while meeting FIA standards.

How does the new fuel bladder impact Formula One cars?

The new fuel bladder enhances performance and safety by reducing weight and offering better impact and abrasion resistance.

Will DuPont and ATL expand their innovations to other racing industries?

Yes, DuPont and ATL plan to apply their innovations to other racing sectors like NASCAR, IndyCar, and Le Mans.

When was Kevlar® EXO™ first introduced?

Kevlar® EXO™ was first introduced in April 2023 for body armor applications.

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