Delcath Systems Announces New Data Presented at ESMO 2024 Demonstrating Efficacy of HEPZATO KIT™ in Metastatic Uveal Melanoma Subgroups

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Delcath Systems (Nasdaq: DCTH) presented new subgroup analysis data from the FOCUS Phase 3 trial of HEPZATO KIT™ at the ESMO Congress. The trial evaluated the efficacy and safety of HEPZATO KIT™ in patients with metastatic uveal melanoma (mUM). Key findings include:

1. No significant differences in overall survival (OS), objective response rate (ORR), or progression-free survival (PFS) between patients with and without extrahepatic lesions or based on prior therapy.
2. Consistent ORR and PFS regardless of liver tumor burden, but worse OS with more extensive liver involvement.
3. Objective tumor responses observed throughout the entire treatment period.
4. Consistent rates of serious adverse events (SAEs) and Grade 3/4 adverse events (AEs), indicating no cumulative toxicity.

These results support the favorable benefit-risk profile of HEPZATO KIT™ for mUM patients with treatment options.

Delcath Systems (Nasdaq: DCTH) ha presentato nuovi dati di analisi di sottogruppo dal trial FOCUS di Fase 3 di HEPZATO KIT™ al Congresso ESMO. Lo studio ha valutato l'efficacia e la sicurezza di HEPZATO KIT™ in pazienti con melanoma uveale metastatico (mUM). I risultati chiave includono:

1. Nessuna differenza significativa nella sopravvivenza globale (OS), nel tasso di risposta obiettiva (ORR) o nella sopravvivenza libera da progressione (PFS) tra pazienti con e senza lesioni extraepatiche o in base alla terapia precedente.
2. ORR e PFS costanti indipendentemente dall'onere tumorale epatico, ma una peggiore OS con un coinvolgimento epatico più esteso.
3. Risposte tumorali oggettive osservate durante tutto il periodo di trattamento.
4. Tassi costanti di eventi avversi gravi (SAEs) e eventi avversi di Grado 3/4 (AEs), indicativi di assenza di tossicità cumulativa.

Questi risultati supportano il profilo favorevole rischio-beneficio di HEPZATO KIT™ per i pazienti mUM con opzioni terapeutiche.

Delcath Systems (Nasdaq: DCTH) presentó nuevos datos de análisis de subgrupos del ensayo FOCUS de Fase 3 de HEPZATO KIT™ en el Congreso ESMO. El ensayo evaluó la eficacia y seguridad de HEPZATO KIT™ en pacientes con melanoma uveal metastásico (mUM). Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

1. No hay diferencias significativas en la supervivencia general (OS), la tasa de respuesta objetiva (ORR) o la supervivencia libre de progresión (PFS) entre pacientes con y sin lesiones extrahepáticas o según la terapia previa.
2. ORR y PFS consistentes independientemente de la carga tumoral hepática, pero una peor OS con mayor involucramiento hepático.
3. Respuestas tumorales objetivas observadas durante todo el periodo de tratamiento.
4. Tasas consistentes de eventos adversos graves (SAEs) y eventos adversos de Grado 3/4 (AEs), lo que indica ausencia de toxicidad acumulativa.

Estos resultados respaldan el perfil favorable de beneficio-riesgo de HEPZATO KIT™ para pacientes con mUM con opciones de tratamiento.

델카스 시스템즈(Nasdaq: DCTH)가 ESMO Congress에서 HEPZATO KIT™의 FOCUS 3상 시험의 새로운 하위 그룹 분석 데이터를 발표했습니다. 이 시험은 전이성 유베알 흑색종(mUM) 환자에서 HEPZATO KIT™의 효능과 안전성을 평가했습니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 간 외 병변 유무 또는 이전 치료에 따라 전체 생존율(OS), 객관적 반응률(ORR), 무진행 생존율(PFS) 사이에 유의미한 차이가 없었습니다.
2. 간 tumor 부담과 상관없이 일관된 ORR과 PFS가 있었고, 간의 광범위한 involvement가 있을수록 OS가 나빠졌습니다.
3. 치료 기간 내내 객관적인 종양 반응이 관찰되었습니다.
4. 심각한 부작용(SAEs) 및 3/4등급 부작용(AEs)의 일관된 비율이 나타나 누적 독성이 없음을 시사했습니다.

이 결과는 mUM 환자에게 치료 옵션에 대한 HEPZATO KIT™의 유리한 이익-위험 프로필을 지지합니다.

Delcath Systems (Nasdaq: DCTH) a présenté de nouvelles données d'analyse de sous-groupes de l'essai FOCUS de Phase 3 de HEPZATO KIT™ lors du Congrès ESMO. L'essai a évalué l'efficacité et la sécurité de HEPZATO KIT™ chez des patients atteints de mélanome uveal métastatique (mUM). Les principales conclusions comprennent :

1. Aucune différence significative dans la survie globale (OS), le taux de réponse objective (ORR) ou la survie sans progression (PFS) entre les patients avec et sans lésions extra-hépatiques ou selon la thérapie antérieure.
2. ORR et PFS constants, quelles que soient la charge tumorale hépatique, mais une OS plus mauvaise en cas d'implication hépatique plus étendue.
3. Réponses tumorales objectives observées durant toute la période de traitement.
4. Taux constants d'événements indésirables graves (SAEs) et d'événements indésirables de grade 3/4 (AEs), indiquant l'absence de toxicité cumulative.

Ces résultats soutiennent le profil de bénéfice-risque favorable de HEPZATO KIT™ pour les patients atteints de mUM avec des options de traitement.

Delcath Systems (Nasdaq: DCTH) hat auf dem ESMO Kongress neue Subgruppenanalysedaten aus der FOCUS Phase-3-Studie zu HEPZATO KIT™ präsentiert. Die Studie bewertete die Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von HEPZATO KIT™ bei Patienten mit metastasierendem uvealem Melanom (mUM). Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse umfassen:

1. Keine signifikanten Unterschiede in der Gesamtüberlebensrate (OS), der objektiven Ansprechrate (ORR) oder der progressionsfreien Überlebenszeit (PFS) zwischen Patienten mit und ohne extrahepatische Läsionen oder basierend auf vorheriger Therapie.
2. Konsistente ORR und PFS unabhängig von der Lebetumorlast, jedoch schlechteres OS bei stärkerer Leberbeteiligung.
3. Objektive Tumorantworten, die während der gesamten Behandlungsdauer beobachtet wurden.
4. Konsistente Raten schwerwiegender unerwünschter Ereignisse (SAEs) und unerwünschter Ereignisse der Grad 3/4 (AEs), was auf fehlende kumulative Toxizität hinweist.

Diese Ergebnisse unterstützen das günstige Nutzen-Risiko-Profil von HEPZATO KIT™ für mUM-Patienten mit Behandlungsoptionen.

  • Consistent efficacy across subgroups, including patients with extrahepatic disease
  • Objective tumor responses observed throughout the entire treatment period
  • No cumulative toxicity observed, supporting a favorable safety profile
  • Potential for continued treatment beyond two cycles in patients with stable disease
  • Worse overall survival outcomes associated with more extensive liver involvement


The new subgroup analysis data from the FOCUS Phase 3 trial of HEPZATO KIT™ provides valuable insights into its efficacy across different patient subgroups with metastatic uveal melanoma (mUM). Key findings include:

  • No significant differences in overall survival (OS), objective response rate (ORR), or progression-free survival (PFS) between patients with and without extrahepatic lesions
  • Consistent ORR and PFS regardless of liver tumor burden, though higher liver involvement correlated with worse OS
  • Objective tumor responses observed throughout the treatment period, supporting continued treatment until best response is achieved
  • Consistent rates of serious adverse events (SAEs) and Grade 3/4 adverse events (AEs), indicating no cumulative toxicity

These results suggest that HEPZATO KIT™ may offer a promising treatment option for mUM patients, including those with extrahepatic disease, who typically have alternatives. The data reinforces the therapy's potential to address an unmet medical need in this challenging cancer type.

The subgroup analysis of the FOCUS trial presents encouraging data for HEPZATO KIT™ in treating metastatic uveal melanoma (mUM). The consistent efficacy across various patient subgroups, including those with extrahepatic disease, is particularly noteworthy. This suggests that the liver-directed therapy may have broader applicability than initially anticipated.

The observation of tumor responses throughout the treatment period, up to cycle 6, is clinically significant. It supports a more flexible treatment approach, allowing continuation beyond the standard two cycles in patients showing stable disease. This could potentially maximize the therapeutic benefit for individual patients.

However, the correlation between higher liver tumor burden and worse overall survival warrants careful patient selection and monitoring. The consistent safety profile across treatment cycles is reassuring, indicating that prolonged treatment may be feasible without compromising patient safety. Overall, these findings strengthen the position of HEPZATO KIT™ as a valuable addition to the treatment arsenal for mUM.

The subgroup analysis data from the FOCUS Phase 3 trial presents a positive outlook for Delcath Systems (NASDAQ: DCTH) and its HEPZATO KIT™. The consistent efficacy across various patient subgroups expands the potential market for the therapy, which could translate to stronger revenue prospects if approved.

Key financial implications include:

  • Broader patient eligibility, including those with extrahepatic disease, potentially increasing the addressable market
  • Possibility of extended treatment duration (up to 6 cycles or more) could lead to higher per-patient revenue
  • Consistent safety profile may reduce potential liability concerns and associated costs

However, investors should note that the correlation between higher liver tumor burden and worse overall survival might limit the therapy's application in advanced cases. The company's ability to effectively market these nuanced results to oncologists will be important for market penetration and revenue growth. Overall, this data strengthens HEPZATO KIT™'s competitive position in the mUM treatment landscape, potentially enhancing Delcath's market value in the oncology sector.

QUEENSBURY, N.Y.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Delcath Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq: DCTH), an interventional oncology company focused on liver-directed cancer therapies, today announced the presentation of new subgroup analysis data from the FOCUS Phase 3 trial of HEPZATO KIT™ (melphalan/Hepatic Delivery System (HDS)) in patients with metastatic uveal melanoma (mUM). The data were presented by Dr. Matthew Wheater from University Hospital Southampton at the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Congress in Barcelona.

The FOCUS trial was a pivotal Phase 3 study designed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of HEPZATO KIT™ in patients with unresectable hepatic metastases from mUM. The primary endpoint of the study was objective response rate (ORR), with secondary endpoints including progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS). The trial enrolled 102 patients, of whom 91 received treatment. The full results of the FOCUS trial were published on May 4, 2024, in the Annals of Surgical Oncology.

The subgroup analysis evaluated patients with and without extrahepatic disease, treatment-naive versus previously treated patients, and those with low (1-25%) versus high (26-50%) liver tumor burden. There were no significant differences in OS, ORR, or PFS between patients with and without extrahepatic lesions or based on prior therapy. While ORR and PFS remained consistent regardless of liver tumor burden, more extensive liver involvement was associated with worse OS outcomes.

Objective tumor responses were observed throughout the entire treatment period; the earliest following completion of the first treatment cycle, and the latest following treatment cycle 6. This result supports the strategy to continue treatment until best response is achieved. Rates of serious adverse events (SAEs) and Grade 3/4 adverse events (AEs) remained consistent, indicating an absence of cumulative toxicity. These findings underscore the favorable benefit-risk profile of HEPZATO KIT™ in this patient population, offering a meaningful option for patients who typically have limited treatment options.

Dr. Wheater commented, "The lack of significant differences in outcomes between patients with and without extrahepatic disease is encouraging, particularly for a liver-directed therapy like Melphalan/HDS. Additionally, the fact that responses were observed through all six treatment cycles supports the strategy of continuing treatment beyond two cycles in patients with stable disease."

About Delcath Systems, Inc., HEPZATO KIT and CHEMOSAT

Delcath Systems, Inc. is an interventional oncology company focused on the treatment of primary and metastatic liver cancers. The company's proprietary products, HEPZATO KIT™ (HEPZATO (melphalan) for Injection/Hepatic Delivery System) and CHEMOSAT® Hepatic Delivery System for Melphalan percutaneous hepatic perfusion (PHP), are designed to administer high-dose chemotherapy to the liver while controlling systemic exposure and associated side effects during a PHP procedure.

In the United States, HEPZATO KIT is considered a combination drug and device product and is regulated and approved for sale as a drug by the FDA. HEPZATO KIT is comprised of the chemotherapeutic drug melphalan and Delcath's proprietary Hepatic Delivery System (HDS). The HDS is used to isolate the hepatic venous blood from the systemic circulation while simultaneously filtrating hepatic venous blood during melphalan infusion and washout. The use of the HDS results in loco-regional delivery of a relatively high melphalan dose, which can potentially induce a clinically meaningful tumor response with minimal hepatotoxicity and reduce systemic exposure. HEPZATO KIT is approved in the United States as a liver-directed treatment for adult patients with metastatic uveal melanoma (mUM) with unresectable hepatic metastases affecting less than 50% of the liver and no extrahepatic disease, or extrahepatic disease limited to the bone, lymph nodes, subcutaneous tissues, or lung that is amenable to resection or radiation. Please see the full Prescribing Information, including BOXED WARNING for the HEPZATO KIT.

In Europe, the device-only configuration of the HDS is regulated as a Class III medical device and is approved for sale under the trade name CHEMOSAT Hepatic Delivery System for Melphalan, or CHEMOSAT, where it has been used in the conduct of percutaneous hepatic perfusion procedures at major medical centers to treat a wide range of cancers of the liver.

Investor Relations:

ICR Westwicke

Source: Delcath Systems, Inc.


What were the key findings of the HEPZATO KIT™ subgroup analysis presented at ESMO 2024 for DCTH?

The subgroup analysis showed no significant differences in overall survival, objective response rate, or progression-free survival between patients with and without extrahepatic lesions or based on prior therapy. Efficacy was consistent regardless of liver tumor burden, but more extensive liver involvement was associated with worse overall survival. Objective tumor responses were observed throughout the treatment period, and there was no cumulative toxicity.

How did liver tumor burden affect the efficacy of HEPZATO KIT™ in the DCTH FOCUS trial?

The objective response rate and progression-free survival remained consistent regardless of liver tumor burden. However, patients with more extensive liver involvement (26-50% tumor burden) had worse overall survival outcomes compared to those with lower liver tumor burden (1-25%).

What did the DCTH FOCUS trial reveal about the safety profile of HEPZATO KIT™?

The FOCUS trial showed consistent rates of serious adverse events (SAEs) and Grade 3/4 adverse events (AEs) throughout the treatment period, indicating an absence of cumulative toxicity. This supports a favorable safety profile for HEPZATO KIT™ in patients with metastatic uveal melanoma.

How long should HEPZATO KIT™ treatment continue based on the DCTH FOCUS trial results?

The FOCUS trial results support continuing HEPZATO KIT™ treatment until best response is achieved. Objective tumor responses were observed throughout the entire treatment period, from the first cycle to the sixth cycle, suggesting potential benefits of treatment beyond two cycles in patients with stable disease.

Delcath Sys


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