DATA Communications Management Corp. Launches ASMBL, a Fully AI-Enabled Digital Asset Management (DAM) Platform

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DATA Communications Management Corp. (DCM) has launched ASMBL, a new AI-enabled Digital Asset Management (DAM) platform. ASMBL will compete in a $5.3 billion global market for DAM solutions, expected to grow at a 14% CAGR over the next five years. The platform features enterprise scalability, intuitive design, and robust security.

ASMBL's AI capabilities include automated file tagging, enhanced search, and AI-generated transcription and content summaries. It offers easy setup and deployment, enabling efficient management of digital content across enterprises. The platform is designed to integrate with various marketing technology tools, creating a 'single source of truth' for all digital assets.

DCM's CEO, Richard Kellam, states that ASMBL is a strategic addition to their product range, serving over 400 enterprise clients and 2,000 SMBs, while also attracting new clients facing digital content management challenges.

L'azienda DATA Communications Management Corp. (DCM) ha lanciato ASMBL, una nuova piattaforma di gestione degli asset digitali (DAM) abilitata dall'IA. ASMBL si confronterà in un mercato globale da 5,3 miliardi di dollari per le soluzioni DAM, atteso per crescere a un CAGR del 14% nei prossimi cinque anni. La piattaforma presenta scalabilità aziendale, design intuitivo e robusta sicurezza.

Le capacità di IA di ASMBL includono tagging automatico dei file, ricerca avanzata e trascrizioni e riepiloghi di contenuti generati dall'IA. Offre un'installazione e un'implementazione facili, consentendo una gestione efficiente dei contenuti digitali nelle imprese. La piattaforma è progettata per integrarsi con vari strumenti di tecnologia di marketing, creando una 'singola fonte di verità' per tutti gli asset digitali.

Il CEO di DCM, Richard Kellam, afferma che ASMBL è un , servendo oltre 400 clienti aziendali e 2.000 PMI, attirando anche nuovi clienti con sfide nella gestione dei contenuti digitali.

DATA Communications Management Corp. (DCM) ha lanzado ASMBL, una nueva plataforma de gestión de activos digitales (DAM) habilitada por IA. ASMBL competirá en un mercado global de 5,3 mil millones de dólares para soluciones DAM, que se espera crezca a un CAGR del 14% durante los próximos cinco años. La plataforma cuenta con escalabilidad empresarial, diseño intuitivo y robusta seguridad.

Las capacidades de IA de ASMBL incluyen etiquetado automático de archivos, búsqueda mejorada y transcripciones y resúmenes de contenido generados por IA. Ofrece facilidad de configuración e implementación, permitiendo una gestión eficiente del contenido digital en las empresas. La plataforma está diseñada para integrarse con varias herramientas de tecnología de marketing, creando una 'fuente única de verdad' para todos los activos digitales.

El CEO de DCM, Richard Kellam, afirma que ASMBL es una adición estratégica a su gama de productos, atendiendo a más de 400 clientes empresariales y 2,000 pymes, al mismo tiempo que atrae a nuevos clientes que enfrentan desafíos en la gestión del contenido digital.

DATA Communications Management Corp. (DCM)은 ASMBL이라는 새로운 AI 지원 디지털 자산 관리(DAM) 플랫폼을 출시했습니다. ASMBL은 향후 5년 동안 14%의 CAGR로 성장할 것으로 예상되는 53억 달러 규모의 글로벌 DAM 솔루션 시장에서 경쟁할 것입니다. 이 플랫폼은 기업 확장성, 직관적인 디자인 및 강력한 보안 기능을 갖추고 있습니다.

ASMBL의 AI 기능에는 자동 파일 태그 지정, 향상된 검색 및 AI 생성 전사 및 콘텐츠 요약이 포함됩니다. 디지털 콘텐츠를 효율적으로 관리할 수 있도록 쉽게 설정하고 배포할 수 있습니다. 이 플랫폼은 다양한 마케팅 기술 도구와 통합되도록 설계되어 모든 디지털 자산에 대한 '단일 진실 출처'를 생성합니다.

DCM의 CEO인 Richard Kellam은 ASMBL이 자사의 제품군에 대한 전략적 추가 사항이라고 밝히며, 400개 이상의 기업 고객과 2,000개 중소기업을 대상으로 하며, 디지털 콘텐츠 관리에 어려움을 겪는 새로운 고객도 유치하고 있다고 말합니다.

DATA Communications Management Corp. (DCM) a lancé ASMBL, une nouvelle plateforme de gestion des actifs numériques (DAM) dotée d'IA. ASMBL va concurrencer sur un marché mondial de 5,3 milliards de dollars pour les solutions DAM, qui devrait croître à un CAGR de 14% au cours des cinq prochaines années. La plateforme offre une évolutivité d'entreprise, un design intuitif et une sécurité robuste.

Les capacités d'IA d'ASMBL incluent le taggage automatique des fichiers, la recherche améliorée, et les transcriptions ainsi que les résumés de contenus générés par l'IA. Elle propose une configuration et un déploiement faciles, permettant une gestion efficace des contenus numériques à travers les entreprises. La plateforme est conçue pour s'intégrer à divers outils technologiques de marketing, créant une 'source unique de vérité' pour tous les actifs numériques.

Le PDG de DCM, Richard Kellam, déclare qu'ASMBL est un ajout stratégique à leur gamme de produits, servant plus de 400 clients d'entreprise et 2 000 PME, tout en attirant également de nouveaux clients confrontés à des défis de gestion des contenus numériques.

Die DATA Communications Management Corp. (DCM) hat ASMBL ins Leben gerufen, eine neue KI-gestützte Plattform für das digitale Asset-Management (DAM). ASMBL wird auf einem globalen Markt von 5,3 Milliarden Dollar für DAM-Lösungen konkurrieren, der in den nächsten fünf Jahren voraussichtlich mit einer CAGR von 14% wachsen wird. Die Plattform bietet unternehmerische Skalierbarkeit, intuitive Gestaltung und robuste Sicherheit.

Die KI-Funktionen von ASMBL umfassen automatische Dateibetaggerung, verbesserte Suche sowie KI-generierte Transkripte und Inhaltszusammenfassungen. Die einfache Einrichtung und Bereitstellung ermöglichen ein effizientes Management digitaler Inhalte in Unternehmen. Die Plattform wurde entwickelt, um sich mit verschiedenen Marketingtechnologietools zu integrieren und schafft so eine 'einheitliche Wahrheit' für alle digitalen Assets.

Der CEO von DCM, Richard Kellam, erklärt, dass ASMBL eine strategische Ergänzung zu ihrem Produktportfolio darstellt, über 400 Unternehmensklienten und 2.000 KMUs bedient und auch neue Kunden anzieht, die Herausforderungen bei der digitalen Inhaltsverwaltung haben.

  • Launch of ASMBL, an AI-enabled Digital Asset Management platform
  • Entering a $5.3 billion global market with 14% CAGR
  • Potential to attract new clients and serve existing 400+ enterprise clients and 2,000+ SMBs
  • AI features for improved efficiency and productivity
  • Integration capabilities with various marketing technology tools
  • None.

BRAMPTON, Ontario--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- DATA Communications Management Corp. (TSX: DCM; OTCQX: DCMDF) (“DCM” or the “Company”), a leading provider of marketing and business communication solutions to companies across North America, is pleased to announce the release of ASMBL, a new digital asset management (“DAM”) platform fully enabled by artificial intelligence (“AI”). ASMBL will compete in a USD $5.3 billion global market for DAM solutions expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 14% over the next five years.

Developed by a DCM digital team with a two-decade track record of building innovative technology platforms and solutions, ASMBL features full enterprise scalability, intuitive design, and robust security. ASMBL was designed with AI as part of its core experience including automated file tagging, enhanced search capabilities, and AI-generated transcription and content summaries. These AI features provide users with easily accessible content to work smarter, faster, and more efficiently.

“ASMBL is our newest technology solution to help organizations simplify their increasingly complex digital ecosystems and harness the full potential of their digital assets,” said Richard Kellam, President & CEO of DCM. “The ASMBL DAM platform offers easy set up and deployment, enabling teams to more efficiently manage digital content across the enterprise and to maximize the value of their content investments.”

“ASMBL is a key strategic addition to our range of products, services and solutions for DCM’s more than 400 enterprise clients and more than 2,000 small and medium sized business customers and will be an attractive offering for prospective clients faced with the challenge of organizing and optimizing ever expanding volumes of digital content,” added Kellam.

ASMBL is a multi-featured, out of the box solution for organizing, storing, retrieving, and distributing digital assets. Its user-friendly design simplifies the onboarding experience allowing users to quickly find and manage the assets they need and to collaborate on projects in real time, streamlining workflow and boosting productivity. The platform is scalable to meet the needs of organizations of all sizes and has the capacity to manage growth in data volume, access requests and user traffic without impacting overall performance.

ASMBL seamlessly integrates with a wide range of technology tools and platforms in any marketing technology tech-stack. Combining the power of ASMBL with other tools in an organization’s digital ecosystem creates a “single source of truth” for all digital assets by consolidating data in one centrally managed location. ASMBL also has robust security features built into its platform including access controls, permission management and cloud backup to ensure digital assets are protected and securely accessible across the enterprise.

Visit the ASMBL website at

Contact DCM for more information or to schedule a demo at:

About DATA Communications Management Corp.

DCM is a marketing and business communications partner that helps companies simplify the complex ways they communicate and operate, so they can accomplish more with fewer steps and less effort. DCM serves major brands in vertical markets including financial services, retail, healthcare, energy, other regulated industries, and the public sector. We integrate seamlessly into our clients’ businesses thanks to our deep understanding of their needs, transformative tech-enabled solutions, and end-to-end service offering. Whether we’re running technology platforms, sending marketing messages, or managing print workflows, our goal is to make everything surprisingly simple.

Additional information relating to DATA Communications Management Corp. is available on, and in the disclosure documents filed by DATA Communications Management Corp. on SEDAR+ at


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These forward-looking statements involve a number of risks, uncertainties, and assumptions. They should not be read as guarantees of future performance or results and will not necessarily be accurate indications of whether or not such performance or results will be achieved. Many factors could cause the actual results, performance, objectives or achievements of DCM to be materially different from any future results, performance, objectives or achievements that may be expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Additional factors are discussed under the headings "Liquidity and capital resources" and “Risks and Uncertainties” in DCM’s Management Discussion and Analysis and in DCM’s other publicly available disclosure documents, as filed by DCM on SEDAR+ (

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For further information:

Mr. Richard Kellam

President and Chief Executive Officer DATA Communications Management Corp.

Tel: (905) 791-3151

Mr. James E. Lorimer

Chief Financial Officer

DATA Communications Management Corp.

Tel: (905) 791-3151

Source: DATA Communications Management Corp.


What is ASMBL and who developed it?

ASMBL is an AI-enabled Digital Asset Management (DAM) platform developed by DATA Communications Management Corp. (DCM), a provider of marketing and business communication solutions.

What are the key features of ASMBL (DCMDF)?

ASMBL features enterprise scalability, intuitive design, robust security, AI-enabled capabilities like automated file tagging, enhanced search, and AI-generated transcription and content summaries.

What is the market size and growth rate for DAM solutions that ASMBL (DCMDF) is entering?

ASMBL is entering a $5.3 billion global market for DAM solutions, which is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14% over the next five years.

How does ASMBL (DCMDF) integrate with other marketing technology tools?

ASMBL seamlessly integrates with a wide range of technology tools and platforms in any marketing technology stack, creating a 'single source of truth' for all digital assets by consolidating data in one centrally managed location.



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