DocGo Named Finalist for National Compliance Awards

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DocGo Inc. (Nasdaq: DCGO), a leading provider of technology-enabled mobile health services, has been named a finalist for two prestigious compliance awards. The company is in the running for the 2024 NAVEX Excellence Awards in the Compliance & Risk Program of the Year category and the Best Compliance and Ethics Program (small to mid-cap) in Governance Intelligence's Corporate Governance Awards 2024.

DocGo's nominations highlighted its robust Compliance Committee structure, transparency of staff Compliance surveys, and enhanced policies and procedures. The company's outreach efforts, including hotline reporting, were also recognized for effectively addressing and resolving concerns.

The NAVEX Excellence Awards and Corporate Governance Awards celebrate exceptional commitment to corporate governance, risk mitigation, and ethical practices. Winners for both awards will be announced in the coming months.

DocGo Inc. (Nasdaq: DCGO), un fornitore leader di servizi di salute mobile abilitati dalla tecnologia, è stata nominata finalista per due prestigiosi premi di compliance. L'azienda è in corsa per i NAVEX Excellence Awards 2024 nella categoria Programma di Compliance e Rischio dell'Anno e per il Miglior Programma di Compliance ed Etica (piccola e media impresa) nei Corporate Governance Awards 2024 di Governance Intelligence.

Le nomination di DocGo hanno messo in evidenza la solida struttura del suo Comitato di Compliance, la trasparenza delle indagini di compliance tra il personale e le politiche e procedure migliorate. Gli sforzi di outreach dell'azienda, inclusa la segnalazione tramite hotline, sono stati anche riconosciuti per la loro efficacia nell'affrontare e risolvere le preoccupazioni.

Gli NAVEX Excellence Awards e i Corporate Governance Awards celebrano un eccezionale impegno nella governance aziendale, nella mitigazione dei rischi e nelle pratiche etiche. I vincitori di entrambi i premi saranno annunciati nei prossimi mesi.

DocGo Inc. (Nasdaq: DCGO), un proveedor líder de servicios de salud móvil habilitados por tecnología, ha sido nombrada finalista para dos prestigiosos premios de cumplimiento. La compañía está compitiendo por los Premios de Excelencia NAVEX 2024 en la categoría Programa de Cumplimiento y Riesgo del Año y el Mejor Programa de Cumplimiento y Ética (pequeñas y medianas empresas) en los Premios de Gobernanza Corporativa 2024 de Governance Intelligence.

Las nominaciones de DocGo resaltaron la sólida estructura de su Comité de Cumplimiento, la transparencia de las encuestas de cumplimiento del personal y las políticas y procedimientos mejorados. Los esfuerzos de divulgación de la empresa, incluida la denuncia a través de una línea directa, también fueron reconocidos por abordar y resolver eficazmente las preocupaciones.

Los Premios de Excelencia NAVEX y los Premios de Gobernanza Corporativa celebran un compromiso excepcional con la gobernanza corporativa, la mitigación de riesgos y las prácticas éticas. Los ganadores de ambos premios serán anunciados en los próximos meses.

DocGo Inc. (Nasdaq: DCGO)는 기술 지원 모바일 건강 서비스의 선도적인 제공업체로, 두 개의 권위 있는 컴플라이언스 상에서 최종 후보로 선정되었습니다. 이 회사는 2024 NAVEX Excellence Awards의 컴플라이언스 및 위험 프로그램 올해의 부문과 Governance Intelligence의 2024 기업 거버넌스 상에서 중소형 기업 부문의 최우수 컴플라이언스 및 윤리 프로그램 부문에 후보로 올라 있습니다.

DocGo의 후보 지명은 강력한 컴플라이언스 위원회 구조, 직원 컴플라이언스 설문조사의 투명성, 개선된 정책 및 절차를 강조했습니다. 이 회사의 아웃리치 노력, 즉 핫라인 보고도 우려 사항을 효과적으로 해결하고 판단하는 것으로 인정을 받았습니다.

NAVEX Excellence Awards와 Corporate Governance Awards는 기업 거버넌스, 위험 완화 및 윤리적인 관행에 대한 뛰어난 헌신을 기념합니다. 두 상의 수상자는 다가오는 몇 달 이내에 발표될 예정입니다.

DocGo Inc. (Nasdaq: DCGO), un fournisseur leader de services de santé mobiles soutenus par la technologie, a été nommé finaliste pour deux prix de conformité prestigieux. L'entreprise est en lice pour les NAVEX Excellence Awards 2024 dans la catégorie Programme de Conformité et de Risques de l'Année et pour le Meilleur Programme de Conformité et d'Éthique (petites et moyennes entreprises) aux Corporate Governance Awards 2024 de Governance Intelligence.

Les nominations de DocGo ont mis en lumière la structure robuste de son Comité de Conformité, la transparence des enquêtes de conformité des employés et les politiques et procédures améliorées. Les efforts de sensibilisation de l'entreprise, y compris le signalement par hotline, ont également été reconnus pour leur efficacité à traiter et résoudre les préoccupations.

Les NAVEX Excellence Awards et les Corporate Governance Awards célèbrent un engagement exceptionnel envers la gouvernance d'entreprise, la réduction des risques et les pratiques éthiques. Les lauréats des deux distinctions seront annoncés dans les mois à venir.

DocGo Inc. (Nasdaq: DCGO), ein führender Anbieter von technologiegestützten mobilen Gesundheitsdiensten, wurde als Finalist für zwei prestigeträchtige Compliance-Preise ausgewählt. Das Unternehmen steht im Rennen um die NAVEX Excellence Awards 2024 in der Kategorie Compliance- & Risikoprogramm des Jahres und das beste Compliance- und Ethikprogramm (kleine bis mittelständische Unternehmen) in den Corporate Governance Awards 2024 von Governance Intelligence.

Die Nominierungen von DocGo hoben die robuste Struktur seines Compliance-Ausschusses, die Transparenz der Mitarbeitenden-Compliance-Umfragen sowie die verbesserten Richtlinien und Verfahren hervor. Die Bemühungen des Unternehmens zur Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, einschließlich der Meldung über eine Hotline, wurden ebenfalls anerkannt, da sie effektiv Bedenken und Probleme ansprechen und lösen konnten.

Die NAVEX Excellence Awards und die Corporate Governance Awards feiern ein außergewöhnliches Engagement für Unternehmensführung, Risikominderung und ethische Praktiken. Die Gewinner beider Auszeichnungen werden in den kommenden Monaten bekannt gegeben.

  • DocGo named finalist for two prestigious compliance awards, demonstrating strong governance practices
  • Recognition highlights DocGo's robust Compliance Committee structure and enhanced policies
  • Nominations acknowledge effective outreach efforts and transparency in staff Compliance surveys
  • None.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- DocGo Inc. (Nasdaq: DCGO) (“DocGo” or the “Company”), a leading provider of technology-enabled mobile health services, announced today that it has been selected as a finalist for two separate independent awards for its compliance and risk programs. The Company was named a finalist for the 2024 NAVEX Excellence Awards in the Compliance & Risk Program of the Year category and was also named a finalist for the Best Compliance and Ethics Program (small to mid-cap) in Governance Intelligence’s Corporate Governance Awards 2024.

"We are honored to be named a finalist for both of these industry-leading awards," said Stephen Sugrue, DocGo’s Chief Compliance Officer. "This recognition reflects our team's dedication to building a culture of integrity and our ongoing work to elevate our Company’s governance, risk and compliance programs."

DocGo’s nominations highlighted the Company’s robust Compliance Committee structure, transparency of staff Compliance surveys, and enhanced policies and procedures to better address emerging issues and ensure compliance with regulatory standards. They also included outreach efforts such as hotline reporting to effectively address and resolve concerns to continue to uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct.

The NAVEX Excellence Awards recognize organizations demonstrating exceptional commitment to corporate governance, risk mitigation, and ethical practices. It celebrates how robust governance, risk and compliance (GRC) programs can strengthen corporate culture and drive business success. Finalists were selected from a highly competitive pool of nominations by a panel of NAVEX executives and industry experts.

"Congratulations to this year’s nominees and finalists for their outstanding achievements," said NAVEX Chief Customer Officer, Steve Chapman. "We are proud to partner with organizations who are dedicated to advancing their GRC efforts. These awards shine a spotlight on some of the most innovative and effective programs in the industry, and we applaud the compliance teams at these companies for their ongoing efforts to build highly ethical, risk-aware organizations."

The Corporate Governance Awards are dedicated to celebrating excellence in governance, and recognize companies that are consistently raising the bar and pushing the profession forward through innovation. They are awarded by Governance Intelligence, a forum where governance experts and service providers share their experience, insights and best practice recommendations on a wide range of critical industry issues.

"DocGo's commitment to a strong compliance and ethics program exemplifies the innovation and leadership we celebrate at the Corporate Governance Awards," said Gargi Iyer, CEO of Governance Intelligence. "These awards, the most prestigious in the governance profession, recognize excellence in hosting AGMs, compliance and ethics programs, ESG reporting, entity management, use of technology, proxy statements, investor engagement and corporate transactions."

NAVEX Excellence Award winners will be announced in early October, and Governance Intelligence’s Corporate Governance Award winners will be announced in early November.

For more information on DocGo’s governance, risk and compliance initiatives, please visit

About DocGo

DocGo is leading the proactive healthcare revolution with an innovative care delivery platform that includes mobile health services, remote patient monitoring and ambulance services. DocGo is helping to reshape the traditional four-wall healthcare system by providing high quality, highly accessible care to patients where and when they need it. DocGo’s proprietary technology and relationships with a dedicated field staff of certified health professionals elevate the quality of patient care and drive business efficiencies for facilities, hospital networks and health insurance providers. With Mobile Health, DocGo empowers the full promise and potential of telehealth by facilitating healthcare treatment, in tandem with a remote physician, in the comfort of a patient’s home or workplace. Together with DocGo’s integrated Ambulnz medical transport services, DocGo is bridging the gap between physical and virtual care. For more information, please visit To get an inside look on how the proactive healthcare revolution is helping transform healthcare by reducing costs, increasing efficiency and improving outcomes, visit

DocGo Investors:

Mike Cole



DocGo Media:

Tom Meara

Moxie Strategies


Source: DocGo Inc.


What awards is DocGo (DCGO) a finalist for in 2024?

DocGo (DCGO) is a finalist for the 2024 NAVEX Excellence Awards in the Compliance & Risk Program of the Year category and the Best Compliance and Ethics Program (small to mid-cap) in Governance Intelligence's Corporate Governance Awards 2024.

What aspects of DocGo's (DCGO) compliance program were highlighted in the award nominations?

DocGo's nominations highlighted its robust Compliance Committee structure, transparency of staff Compliance surveys, enhanced policies and procedures, and effective outreach efforts such as hotline reporting to address and resolve concerns.

When will the winners of the compliance awards for which DocGo (DCGO) is a finalist be announced?

The NAVEX Excellence Award winners will be announced in early October, and Governance Intelligence's Corporate Governance Award winners will be announced in early November.

Who is DocGo's (DCGO) Chief Compliance Officer mentioned in the press release?

Stephen Sugrue is mentioned as DocGo's Chief Compliance Officer in the press release.

DocGo Inc.


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Medical Care Facilities
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United States of America