DocGo Launches Well Child Visits Program to Help Eliminate Barriers to Pediatric Preventive Care and Advance Health Equity for Children & Families

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DocGo (Nasdaq: DCGO) has launched the Well Child Visits program in partnership with an insurance provider in the New York City area. The program aims to increase pediatric preventative care and strengthen childhood immunization rates by providing at-home wellness visits and routine vaccinations. Led by Dr. Kristin Collins, the initiative combines telehealth services with on-site nursing support to overcome barriers that often prevent children from receiving essential care.

The program addresses the fact that children miss 30% to 50% of well-child visits due to factors like lack of transportation or difficulty taking time off work. DocGo's approach aims to enhance health equity and improve access to care. The company plans to expand the program across New York State and California in the coming months, partnering with insurance companies to identify patients with care gaps.

DocGo (Nasdaq: DCGO) ha lanciato il programma Visite di Controllo per Bambini in collaborazione con un fornitore di assicurazioni nella zona di New York City. L'obiettivo del programma è aumentare la cura preventiva pediatrica e rafforzare i tassi di immunizzazione infantile attraverso visite di benessere a domicilio e vaccinazioni di routine. Guidata dalla Dott.ssa Kristin Collins, l'iniziativa combina servizi di telemedicina con supporto infermieristico in loco per superare le barriere che spesso impediscono ai bambini di ricevere le cure essenziali.

Il programma affronta il fatto che i bambini perdono il 30% al 50% delle visite di controllo a causa di fattori come la mancanza di trasporto o la difficoltà di prendersi tempo libero dal lavoro. L'approccio di DocGo mira a migliorare l'equità sanitaria e ad aumentare l'accesso alle cure. L'azienda prevede di espandere il programma in tutto lo Stato di New York e in California nei prossimi mesi, collaborando con compagnie assicurative per identificare i pazienti con gap di cura.

DocGo (Nasdaq: DCGO) ha lanzado el programa Visitas de Bienestar Infantil en asociación con un proveedor de seguros en el área de Nueva York. El programa tiene como objetivo aumentar la atención preventiva pediátrica y fortalecer las tasas de inmunización infantil mediante visitas de bienestar a domicilio y vacunaciones de rutina. Dirigido por la Dra. Kristin Collins, la iniciativa combina servicios de telemedicina con soporte de enfermería en el lugar para superar las barreras que a menudo impiden que los niños reciban atención esencial.

El programa aborda el hecho de que los niños pierden entre el 30% y el 50% de las visitas de bienestar debido a factores como la falta de transporte o la dificultad para tomarse tiempo del trabajo. El enfoque de DocGo busca mejorar la equidad en salud y aumentar el acceso a la atención. La empresa planea expandir el programa en todo el estado de Nueva York y California en los próximos meses, asociándose con compañías de seguros para identificar a los pacientes con brechas en la atención.

DocGo (Nasdaq: DCGO)는 뉴욕시 지역의 보험 제공업체와 협력하여 아동 건강 방문 프로그램을 출시했습니다. 이 프로그램은 가정 건강 방문과 정기 예방접종을 제공하여 소아 예방 치료를 증가시키고 아동 면역률을 강화하는 것을 목표로 합니다. Kristin Collins 박사가 이끄는 이 이니셔티브는 원격 의료 서비스와 현장 간호 지원을 결합하여 아동이 필수 치료를 받지 못하게 하는 장벽을 극복합니다.

이 프로그램은 아동이 교통 수단 부족이나 직장에서 시간을 내기 어려운 등의 이유로 건강 방문을 30%에서 50% 놓친다는 사실을 다룹니다. DocGo의 접근 방식은 건강 형평성을 증진하고 치료 접근성을 개선하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 앞으로 몇 달 안에 뉴욕주 및 캘리포니아 전역으로 프로그램을 확대하고 보험 회사와 협력하여 치료 격차가 있는 환자를 식별할 예정입니다.

DocGo (Nasdaq: DCGO) a lancé le programme Visites de Santé Enfant en partenariat avec un fournisseur d'assurance dans la région de New York. L'objectif du programme est d'augmenter les soins préventifs pédiatriques et de renforcer les taux de vaccination des enfants grâce à des visites de bien-être à domicile et des vaccinations de routine. Dirigée par le Dr Kristin Collins, cette initiative combine des services de télémédecine avec un soutien infirmier sur place pour surmonter les obstacles qui empêchent souvent les enfants de recevoir des soins essentiels.

Le programme traite du fait que les enfants manquent entre 30 % et 50 % des visites de contrôle en raison de facteurs tels que le manque de transport ou les difficultés à prendre du temps libre au travail. L'approche de DocGo vise à améliorer l'équité en matière de santé et à faciliter l'accès aux soins. L'entreprise prévoit d'élargir le programme dans tout l'État de New York et en Californie dans les mois à venir, en s'associant à des compagnies d'assurance pour identifier les patients avec des lacunes dans les soins.

DocGo (Nasdaq: DCGO) hat in Partnerschaft mit einem Versicherungsanbieter im Raum New York City das Programm Gesundheitsbesuche für Kinder gestartet. Ziel des Programms ist es, die präventive Betreuung von Kindern zu erhöhen und die Impfquoten im Kindesalter zu stärken, indem Hausbesuche zur Gesundheitsvorsorge und routinemäßige Impfungen angeboten werden. Unter der Leitung von Dr. Kristin Collins kombiniert die Initiative Telehealth-Dienste mit vor Ort verfügbarem Pflegepersonal, um Hindernisse zu überwinden, die oft verhindern, dass Kinder die notwendige Versorgung erhalten.

Das Programm geht davon aus, dass Kinder aufgrund von Faktoren wie fehlendem Transport oder Schwierigkeiten, sich von der Arbeit freizunehmen, 30% bis 50% der Gesundheitsbesuche verpassen. Der Ansatz von DocGo zielt darauf ab, die gesundheitliche Chancengleichheit zu fördern und den Zugang zur Versorgung zu verbessern. Das Unternehmen plant, das Programm in den kommenden Monaten in ganz New York und Kalifornien auszudehnen und mit Versicherungsgesellschaften zusammenzuarbeiten, um Patienten mit Versorgungslücken zu identifizieren.

  • Launch of Well Child Visits program to increase pediatric preventative care
  • Partnership with insurance provider in New York City metropolitan area
  • Planned expansion across New York State and California
  • Innovative combination of telehealth and on-site nursing support
  • Potential to reduce emergency department use and hospitalizations
  • None.

DocGo's Well Child Visits program represents a significant step towards addressing a critical gap in pediatric preventive care. The program's innovative approach combines telehealth and on-site nursing support to overcome common barriers to access, such as transportation issues and parents' work constraints. This model has the potential to significantly improve childhood immunization rates and overall health outcomes.

From a market perspective, this initiative positions DocGo favorably in the evolving healthcare landscape. The focus on preventive care aligns with the industry-wide shift towards value-based care models, which prioritize proactive health management over reactive treatment. This could lead to long-term cost savings for insurance providers and improved health metrics, potentially strengthening DocGo's partnerships and market position.

The program's scalability, with plans to expand across New York State and California, suggests a significant growth opportunity for DocGo. If successful, this model could be replicated in other states, opening up new markets and revenue streams. However, the success of this program will largely depend on its ability to demonstrate measurable improvements in health outcomes and cost-effectiveness, which will be important for attracting more insurance partners and expanding the service.

While the program shows promise, investors should monitor key performance indicators such as patient engagement rates, improvement in well-visit attendance and any resulting reduction in emergency department visits or hospitalizations. These metrics will be critical in assessing the program's long-term viability and potential impact on DocGo's bottom line.

The Well Child Visits program addresses a critical issue in pediatric care: the high rate of missed preventive care visits. With 30% to 50% of well-child visits being missed, this program has the potential to significantly improve children's health outcomes. By bringing care directly to patients' homes, DocGo is removing barriers that have traditionally hindered access to these essential services.

The program's comprehensive approach, combining telehealth with on-site nursing support, is particularly noteworthy. This model ensures that children receive not only routine check-ups but also necessary vaccinations, which are important for public health. The focus on strengthening childhood immunization rates is especially timely, given the recent challenges in maintaining vaccination schedules due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Moreover, the program's emphasis on sharing information with primary care providers enhances continuity of care. This integrated approach can lead to more effective management of children's health needs and potentially reduce the incidence of preventable health issues.

However, the success of this program will depend on several factors:

  • The quality and consistency of care provided during these home visits
  • The ability to effectively coordinate with primary care providers
  • The program's capacity to reach and engage underserved populations

If executed well, this initiative could serve as a model for improving pediatric preventive care delivery, potentially influencing broader healthcare policy and practice.

New Program, Headed by Dr. Kristin Collins, Will Utilize Combination of Telehealth Services and On-Site Nursing Support to Deliver Comprehensive Care

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- DocGo Inc. (Nasdaq: DCGO) (“DocGo” or the “Company”), a leading provider of technology-enabled mobile health services, today announced the launch of the Well Child Visits program in partnership with an insurance provider serving the New York City metropolitan area. Through DocGo’s affiliated clinical practice group, this program will increase pediatric preventative care, strengthen childhood immunization rates and promote health equity by partnering with insurance providers to identify under-engaged patients and provide them with comprehensive at-home wellness visits and/or routine vaccinations. The program is expected to expand across New York State as well as California in the coming months.

Under the leadership of Dr. Kristin Collins, a Stanford-trained pediatrician with over fifteen years of experience caring for children of all ages and Pediatric Medical Director of DocGo’s affiliated clinical practice group, the Well Child Visits program will bring essential preventative care directly to patients' homes to overcome barriers that have traditionally made it challenging for busy parents to get their children to the doctor’s office for general wellness screenings and routine vaccinations.

Studies show that children miss between 30% to 50% of well-child visits, despite the important benefits associated with attending these visits, such as reduced emergency department use and fewer hospitalizations. Common reasons for missed well visits include lack of transportation, difficulty taking time off from work, and lack of childcare.

This program utilizes an innovative combination of telehealth services and on-site nursing support to deliver convenient and comprehensive preventive pediatric care. Important healthcare information gleaned from Well Child Visits will be shared with the patient’s primary care provider or pediatrician to inform and enhance ongoing care plans, ensuring continuity and comprehensive management of the child's health needs.

"At DocGo, we are committed to leveraging our advanced technology and mobile health expertise to develop innovative programs that address pain points in the healthcare industry,” said Lee Bienstock, CEO of DocGo. “The Well Child Visits program exemplifies our mission to deliver quality healthcare to under-engaged populations. By bringing essential preventative care directly to patients' homes, we are breaking down barriers to access and helping ensure that all children have the opportunity to thrive."

"Preventative healthcare is crucial for the healthy development of children. By bringing these services directly to patients' homes, we are closing significant gaps in care and making it easier for families to access the essential health services their children need,” said Dr. Kristin Collins. “This program will provide a vital link between patients and their primary care providers, helping to ensure continuity of care and better health outcomes for our youngest patients at the most crucial stages of their development."

Insurance companies will play a pivotal role in this initiative by identifying patients with care gaps and sharing this information with DocGo. DocGo’s outreach teams will then contact these patients to arrange at-home wellness visits.

The Well Child Visits program marks a significant step forward in ensuring that children receive the preventative care they need, particularly those who may have been previously overlooked. DocGo is excited to partner with healthcare plans and leverage telehealth technology combined with on-site clinical care to make healthcare more accessible and equitable for all.

About DocGo
DocGo is leading the proactive healthcare revolution with an innovative care delivery platform that includes mobile health services, remote patient monitoring and ambulance services. DocGo is helping to reshape the traditional four-wall healthcare system by providing high quality, highly accessible care to patients where and when they need it. DocGo’s proprietary technology and dedicated field staff of certified health professionals elevate the quality of patient care and drive business efficiencies for facilities, hospital networks and health insurance providers. With Mobile Health, DocGo empowers the full promise and potential of telehealth by facilitating healthcare treatment, in tandem with a remote physician, in the comfort of a patient’s home or workplace. Together with DocGo’s integrated Ambulnz medical transport services, DocGo is bridging the gap between physical and virtual care. For more information, please visit To get an inside look on how the proactive healthcare revolution is helping transform healthcare by reducing costs, increasing efficiency and improving outcomes, visit

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, regarding, among other things, the plans, strategies, outcomes, and prospects, both business and financial, of the Company, including the Well Child Visits program and the expected benefits of such program. These statements are based on the beliefs and assumptions of the Company’s management. Although the Company believes that its plans, intentions and expectations reflected in or suggested by these forward-looking statements are reasonable, the Company cannot assure you that it will achieve or realize these plans, intentions, outcomes, results or expectations. Accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on such statements. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking. In some cases, these statements may be preceded by, followed by or include the words “believes,” “estimates,” “expects,” “projects,” “forecasts,” “may,” “might,” “will,” “should,” “could,” “can,” “would,” “design,” “potential,” “seeks,” “plans,” “scheduled,” “anticipates,” “intends” or the negative of these terms or similar expressions.

Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to substantial risks, uncertainties and assumptions, many of which are beyond the Company’s control, and which may cause the Company’s actual results or outcomes, or the timing of results or outcomes, to differ materially from those contained in the Company’s forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to the following: the ability of the Company to realize the benefits of the Well Child Visit program; the Company’s ability to successfully implement its business strategy; the Company’s reliance on and ability to maintain its contractual relationships with its healthcare provider partners and clients; the Company’s ability to compete effectively in a highly competitive industry; the Company’s ability to maintain existing contracts; the Company’s reliance on government contracts; the Company’s ability to effectively manage its growth; the Company’s financial performance and future prospects; the Company’s ability to deliver on its business strategies or models, plans and goals; the Company’s ability to expand geographically; the Company’s competitive position and opportunities, including its ability to realize the benefits from its operating model; and other risk factors included in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The forward-looking statements made in this press release are based on events or circumstances as of the date on which the statements are made. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements made in this press release to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this press release or to reflect new information or the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as and to the extent required by law.


Josh Rosenfeld




Mike Cole



Source: DocGo Inc.


What is DocGo's Well Child Visits program?

DocGo's Well Child Visits program is an initiative that provides at-home wellness visits and routine vaccinations for children, combining telehealth services with on-site nursing support to increase pediatric preventative care and strengthen childhood immunization rates.

How does DocGo (DCGO) plan to expand its Well Child Visits program?

DocGo (DCGO) plans to expand its Well Child Visits program across New York State and California in the coming months, partnering with insurance companies to identify patients with care gaps.

Who is leading DocGo's Well Child Visits program?

Dr. Kristin Collins, a Stanford-trained pediatrician with over fifteen years of experience, is leading DocGo's Well Child Visits program as the Pediatric Medical Director of DocGo's affiliated clinical practice group.

What problem is DocGo (DCGO) addressing with its Well Child Visits program?

DocGo (DCGO) is addressing the issue of missed well-child visits, which studies show occur in 30% to 50% of cases due to barriers like lack of transportation, difficulty taking time off work, and lack of childcare.

DocGo Inc.


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Medical Care Facilities
Services-health Services
United States of America