DocGo Launches Mobile X-Ray Program in Partnership with MinXray

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DocGo (Nasdaq: DCGO) has launched a mobile x-ray program in partnership with MinXray in New York City. The initiative aims to provide rapid chest x-rays for vulnerable populations to identify active Tuberculosis (TB) cases. DocGo's mobile units are equipped with MinXray's ultra-portable, battery-powered x-ray systems and use third-party AI technology to analyze images quickly.

The program prioritizes likely TB cases for immediate review by board-certified radiologists, ensuring prompt confirmation and appropriate referrals. This rapid response is important for managing and treating TB effectively, especially in high-risk populations. DocGo plans to expand this mobile x-ray program to additional locations throughout New York City and offer the service to other municipalities and partners.

DocGo (Nasdaq: DCGO) ha lanciato un programma di radiografie mobili in collaborazione con MinXray a New York City. L'iniziativa mira a fornire radiografie toraciche rapide per le popolazioni vulnerabili, al fine di identificare i casi attivi di Tubercolosi (TB). Le unità mobili di DocGo sono equipaggiate con i sistemi a raggi x ultra-portatili e a batteria di MinXray e utilizzano tecnologia AI di terze parti per analizzare rapidamente le immagini.

Il programma prioritizza i casi probabili di TB per una revisione immediata da parte di radiologi certificati, garantendo una conferma tempestiva e riferimenti appropriati. Questa risposta rapida è fondamentale per gestire e trattare la TB in modo efficace, soprattutto nelle popolazioni ad alto rischio. DocGo prevede di espandere questo programma di radiografie mobili ad ulteriori località di New York City e di offrire il servizio ad altri comuni e partner.

DocGo (Nasdaq: DCGO) ha lanzado un programa de rayos X móviles en colaboración con MinXray en la ciudad de Nueva York. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo proporcionar rayos X de tórax rápidos para poblaciones vulnerables y así identificar casos activos de Tuberculosis (TB). Las unidades móviles de DocGo están equipadas con los sistemas de rayos X ultraportátiles y a batería de MinXray y utilizan tecnología de inteligencia artificial de terceros para analizar imágenes de manera rápida.

El programa da prioridad a los casos probables de TB para una revisión inmediata por parte de radiólogos certificados, asegurando una confirmación rápida y referencias apropiadas. Esta respuesta rápida es crucial para gestionar y tratar la TB de manera efectiva, especialmente en poblaciones de alto riesgo. DocGo planea expandir este programa de rayos X móviles a otros lugares de la ciudad de Nueva York y ofrecer el servicio a otros municipios y socios.

DocGo (Nasdaq: DCGO)는 MinXray와 협력하여 뉴욕시에서 모바일 엑스레이 프로그램을 시작했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 취약한 인구에 대해 신속한 흉부 엑스레이를 제공하여 활성 결핵(TB) 사례를 식별하는 것을 목표로 합니다. DocGo의 모바일 유닛은 MinXray의 초경량 배터리 구동 엑스레이 시스템으로 장비되어 있으며, 제3자 AI 기술을 사용하여 이미지를 신속하게 분석합니다.

이 프로그램은 즉각적인 검토를 위해 가능성이 높은 TB 사례를 우선적으로 다루며, 인증된 방사선과 의사에 의해 신속한 확인과 적절한 의뢰를 보장합니다. 이러한 신속한 대응은 TB를 효과적으로 관리하고 치료하는 데 중요하며, 특히 고위험 인구에서 더욱 그렇습니다. DocGo는 이 모바일 엑스레이 프로그램을 뉴욕시의 추가 위치로 확장하고 다른 지방 자치단체 및 파트너에게 서비스를 제공할 계획입니다.

DocGo (Nasdaq: DCGO) a lancé un programme de radiographies mobiles en partenariat avec MinXray à New York. L'initiative vise à fournir des radiographies thoraciques rapides pour les populations vulnérables afin d'identifier les cas actifs de tuberculose (TB). Les unités mobiles de DocGo sont équipées des systèmes de radiographie ultra-portables et alimentés par batterie de MinXray et utilisent la technologie d'IA tierce pour analyser rapidement les images.

Le programme privilégie les cas probables de TB pour un examen immédiat par des radiologues certifiés, garantissant une confirmation rapide et des références appropriées. Cette réactivité rapide est essentielle à la gestion et au traitement efficaces de la TB, en particulier dans les populations à haut risque. DocGo prévoit d'étendre ce programme de radiographies mobiles à d'autres emplacements dans la ville de New York et d'offrir ce service à d'autres municipalités et partenaires.

DocGo (Nasdaq: DCGO) hat in Partnerschaft mit MinXray ein mobiles Röntgenprogramm in New York City gestartet. Ziel der Initiative ist es, schnelle Röntgenaufnahmen des Brustkorbs für gefährdete Bevölkerungsgruppen anzubieten, um aktive Tuberkulose (TB)-Fälle zu identifizieren. Die mobilen Einheiten von DocGo sind mit den ultra-portablen, batteriebetriebenen Röntgensystemen von MinXray ausgestattet und nutzen drittanbieter KI-Technologie, um Bilder schnell zu analysieren.

Das Programm priorisiert wahrscheinliche TB-Fälle für eine sofortige Überprüfung durch zertifizierte Radiologen, um eine zeitnahe Bestätigung und angemessene Überweisungen sicherzustellen. Diese schnelle Reaktion ist für das effektive Management und die Behandlung von TB von entscheidender Bedeutung, insbesondere in Bevölkerungsgruppen mit hohem Risiko. DocGo plant, dieses mobile Röntgenprogramm auf weitere Standorte in New York City auszuweiten und den Service anderen Gemeinden und Partnern anzubieten.

  • Launch of innovative mobile x-ray program in partnership with MinXray
  • Rapid and accessible chest x-rays for vulnerable populations
  • Use of advanced AI technology for quick image analysis
  • Potential for program expansion to additional locations and applications
  • None.

DocGo's partnership with MinXray to launch a mobile x-ray program is a strategic move in the evolving healthcare landscape. This initiative addresses the rising TB cases in U.S. cities, demonstrating DocGo's ability to respond to public health challenges. The integration of AI technology for rapid image analysis is a significant advancement, potentially reducing diagnosis time and improving patient outcomes.

From an investor's perspective, this program could expand DocGo's revenue streams and market presence. The potential for scaling to other cities and diagnostic applications suggests growth opportunities. However, investors should monitor the program's efficacy and cost-effectiveness in the initial stages to gauge its long-term viability and impact on DocGo's financials.

The mobile x-ray program launched by DocGo and MinXray is a significant development in public health management. By targeting vulnerable populations and focusing on TB detection, this initiative addresses a critical need in urban healthcare. The rapid response capability of this program is important for effective TB management and containment.

The program's potential to reduce TB spread in communities is noteworthy. However, its success will depend on factors such as patient engagement, follow-up care coordination and integration with existing health systems. Investors should consider the program's scalability and its potential impact on public health outcomes, which could influence DocGo's reputation and future contracts in the healthcare sector.

The collaboration between DocGo and MinXray showcases an innovative application of portable x-ray technology. MinXray's ultra-portable, battery-powered system is well-suited for mobile healthcare delivery, potentially opening new markets for both companies. This partnership could drive increased demand for MinXray's products and enhance DocGo's service offerings.

For investors, this represents a convergence of healthcare services and medical device technology. The success of this program could lead to similar partnerships in the industry, potentially reshaping the portable diagnostic imaging market. However, factors such as regulatory compliance, reimbursement policies and competition from traditional healthcare providers should be carefully evaluated. The program's performance could influence the valuation of both companies in the medium to long term.

Innovative Collaboration Leverages Mobile Health Services and Advanced Artificial Intelligence Technology To Bring Care Directly to Vulnerable Populations

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- DocGo Inc. (Nasdaq: DCGO) (“DocGo” or the “Company”), a leading provider of technology-enabled mobile health services, today announced the launch of an innovative mobile x-ray program in partnership with MinXray. The program launched in New York City to provide rapid and accessible chest x-rays for vulnerable populations and help identify active Tuberculosis (“TB”) cases.

With increasing TB cases in cities across the US, this program is a timely response to a growing public health challenge. DocGo's mobile units, equipped with MinXray's advanced ultra-portable, battery powered x-ray system, offers chest x-rays for patients who test positive for TB via blood tests. The program uses third party artificial intelligence technology to quickly analyze x-ray images and prioritizes likely cases to be immediately read by a board-certified radiologist, helping ensure that those with active TB receive prompt confirmation and appropriate referrals for ongoing care.

"DocGo is on a mission to make healthcare accessible and immediate for those who need it most," said Lee Beinstock, CEO of DocGo. "By integrating our extensive mobile health infrastructure and partnering with leaders in x-ray and AI technology, we can provide timely x-ray screenings and diagnosis. We’re pleased to launch this program to help reduce the spread of TB in our communities, and look forward to expanding this mobile health program for a range of diagnostic applications."

The program is designed to deliver fast and efficient services. This rapid response is crucial in managing and treating TB effectively, particularly in high-risk populations.

Jeanne Walter, VP of Marketing & Sales at MinXray, added, "MinXray is committed to providing reliable and portable x-ray solutions that can be deployed anywhere, and we’re pleased to partner with DocGo on this innovative program."

Looking ahead, DocGo aims to expand this mobile x-ray program to additional locations throughout New York City and offer this nimble service to additional municipalities and partners who are seeking a solution to bring x-ray diagnostics directly to patients who lack mobility and to help treat vulnerable populations.

About DocGo

DocGo is leading the proactive healthcare revolution with an innovative care delivery platform that includes mobile health services, remote patient monitoring and ambulance services. DocGo is helping to reshape the traditional four-wall healthcare system by providing high quality, highly accessible care to patients where and when they need it. DocGo’s proprietary technology and dedicated field staff of certified health professionals elevate the quality of patient care and drive business efficiencies for facilities, hospital networks and health insurance providers. With Mobile Health, DocGo empowers the full promise and potential of telehealth by facilitating healthcare treatment, in tandem with a remote physician, in the comfort of a patient’s home or workplace. Together with DocGo’s integrated Ambulnz medical transport services, DocGo is bridging the gap between physical and virtual care. For more information, please visit To get an inside look on how the proactive healthcare revolution is helping transform healthcare by reducing costs, increasing efficiency and improving outcomes, visit

About MinXray

MinXray, Inc. is a leading provider of portable x-ray equipment, offering high-quality, reliable imaging solutions for medical, veterinary, and industrial applications. MinXray's products are designed to deliver superior performance in any setting.

Since 1967 MinXray, Inc. has provided superior quality x-ray units for portable diagnostic imaging. Today, MinXray’s AC or battery powered digital radiography systems are used globally to bring imaging capabilities directly to the patient, regardless of location or available power. Our systems provide exceptional, high resolution diagnostic images that can be transmitted in seconds, anywhere in the world for diagnosis. Unsurpassed in quality and durability, MinXray systems are designed and constructed with the same attention to quality that has kept us at the forefront of the portable imaging market for the past 57 years.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release includes forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, regarding, among other things, the plans, strategies, outcomes, and prospects, both business and financial, of the Company, including its mobile x-ray program and the expected benefits of such program. These statements are based on the beliefs and assumptions of the Company’s management. Although the Company believes that its plans, intentions and expectations reflected in or suggested by these forward-looking statements are reasonable, the Company cannot assure you that it will achieve or realize these plans, intentions, outcomes, results or expectations. Accordingly, you should not place undue reliance on such statements. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking. In some cases, these statements may be preceded by, followed by or include the words “believes,” “estimates,” “expects,” “projects,” “forecasts,” “may,” “might,” “will,” “should,” “could,” “can,” “would,” “design,” “potential,” “seeks,” “plans,” “scheduled,” “anticipates,” “intends” or the negative of these terms or similar expressions.

Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to substantial risks, uncertainties and assumptions, many of which are beyond the Company’s control, and which may cause the Company’s actual results or outcomes, or the timing of results or outcomes, to differ materially from those contained in the Company’s forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to the following: the ability of the Company to realize the benefits of its mobile x-ray program; the Company’s ability to successfully implement its business strategy; the Company’s reliance on and ability to maintain its contractual relationships with its healthcare provider partners and clients; the Company’s ability to compete effectively in a highly competitive industry; the Company’s ability to maintain existing contracts; the Company’s reliance on government contracts; the Company’s ability to effectively manage its growth; the Company’s financial performance and future prospects; the Company’s ability to deliver on its business strategies or models, plans and goals; the Company’s ability to expand geographically; the Company’s competitive position and opportunities, including its ability to realize the benefits from its operating model; and other risk factors included in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

The forward-looking statements made in this press release are based on events or circumstances as of the date on which the statements are made. The Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements made in this press release to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this press release or to reflect new information or the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as and to the extent required by law.


Josh Rosenfeld




Mike Cole



Source: DocGo Inc.


What is DocGo's new mobile x-ray program for?

DocGo's new mobile x-ray program, launched in partnership with MinXray, provides rapid chest x-rays for vulnerable populations to identify active Tuberculosis (TB) cases in New York City.

How does DocGo's mobile x-ray program work?

DocGo's mobile units are equipped with MinXray's ultra-portable x-ray systems. They use third-party AI technology to analyze x-ray images quickly and prioritize likely TB cases for immediate review by radiologists.

What are the future plans for DocGo's mobile x-ray program?

DocGo plans to expand the mobile x-ray program to additional locations throughout New York City and offer the service to other municipalities and partners for various diagnostic applications.

What is the stock symbol for DocGo?

DocGo's stock symbol is DCGO, and it is listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange.

DocGo Inc.


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Medical Care Facilities
Services-health Services
United States of America