Monthly information regarding the total number of voting rights and total number of shares of the Company as of October 31, 2020
Company Update: As of October 31, 2020, the total number of shares for the Company is 54,927,187, with a total number of voting rights amounting to 54,927,187 (gross) and 54,786,929 (net). This data reflects compliance with the Autorité des Marchés Financiers regulations.
Market: NYSE Euronext Paris | ISIN Code: FR 0010417345
- Total shares as of October 31, 2020, at 54,927,187 indicates a stable share count.
- Total gross voting rights remain unchanged at 54,927,187, showcasing consistent governance engagement.
- The net voting rights at 54,786,929 are lower than the gross, suggesting a presence of shares without voting rights.
Monthly information regarding the total number of voting rights and
total number of shares of the Company as of October 31, 2020
(Article 223-16 of the General Regulations of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers)
Market : NYSE Euronext Paris
ISIN Code: FR 0010417345
Date | Total number of shares | Total number of voting rights |
11/10/2020 | 54,927,187 | Total gross of voting rights: 54,927,187 |
Total net* of voting rights: 54,786,929 |
* Total net = total number of voting rights attached to shares – shares without voting rights