Information regarding the total number of voting rights and total number of shares of the Company as of September 30, 2024

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DBV Technologies has released information regarding its total number of voting rights and shares as of September 30, 2024, in compliance with Article 223-16 of the General Regulations of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers. The company, listed on NYSE Euronext Paris with ISIN Code FR 0010417345, reported a total of 96,501,526 shares as of the specified date. The total gross voting rights also stood at 96,501,526, while the total net voting rights were 96,199,467. The net total is calculated by subtracting shares without voting rights from the total number of voting rights attached to shares.

DBV Technologies ha rilasciato informazioni riguardanti il numero totale di diritti di voto e azioni al 30 settembre 2024, in conformità con l'Articolo 223-16 del Regolamento Generale dell'Autorité des Marchés Financiers. L'azienda, quotata su NYSE Euronext Parigi con il Codice ISIN FR 0010417345, ha segnalato un totale di 96.501.526 azioni alla data specificata. I diritti di voto lordi totali ammontavano anch'essi a 96.501.526, mentre i diritti di voto netti totali erano 96.199.467. Il totale netto è calcolato sottraendo le azioni senza diritto di voto dal numero totale di diritti di voto associati alle azioni.

DBV Technologies ha divulgado información sobre su número total de derechos de voto y acciones a fecha del 30 de septiembre de 2024, en cumplimiento del Artículo 223-16 del Reglamento General de la Autorité des Marchés Financiers. La empresa, cotizada en NYSE Euronext París con el Código ISIN FR 0010417345, reportó un total de 96.501.526 acciones a la fecha especificada. Los derechos de voto brutos totales también fueron de 96.501.526, mientras que los derechos de voto netos totales fueron 96.199.467. El total neto se calcula restando las acciones sin derecho de voto del número total de derechos de voto asociados a las acciones.

DBV 테크놀로지는 2024년 9월 30일 현재의 총 투표권 및 주식 수에 관한 정보를 공개하였으며, 이는 금융 시장 당국의 일반 규정 제223-16조를 준수하는 것입니다. 이 회사는 ISIN 코드 FR 0010417345로 NYSE 유로넥스트 파리에서 상장되어 있으며, 지정된 날짜 기준으로 총 96,501,526주를 보고하였습니다. 총 총 투표권도 96,501,526으로 나타났고, 총 순 투표권은 96,199,467주였습니다. 순 총액은 투표권이 없는 주식을 총 투표권 수에서 빼서 계산합니다.

DBV Technologies a publié des informations concernant son nombre total de droits de vote et d'actions au 30 septembre 2024, conformément à l'Article 223-16 du Règlement Général de l'Autorité des Marchés Financiers. La société, cotée sur NYSE Euronext Paris avec le Code ISIN FR 0010417345, a rapporté un total de 96.501.526 actions à la date spécifiée. Les droits de vote bruts totaux étaient également de 96.501.526, tandis que les droit de vote nets totaux s'élevaient à 96.199.467. Le total net est calculé en soustrayant les actions sans droit de vote du nombre total de droits de vote associés aux actions.

DBV Technologies hat Informationen über die Gesamtzahl der Stimmberechtigungen und Aktien zum 30. September 2024 veröffentlicht, im Einklang mit Artikel 223-16 der Allgemeinen Vorschriften der Autorité des Marchés Financiers. Das Unternehmen, das an der NYSE Euronext Paris mit der ISIN FR 0010417345 notiert ist, meldete zum angegebenen Datum insgesamt 96.501.526 Aktien. Die gesamt brutto Stimmberechtigungen betrugen ebenfalls 96.501.526, während die gesamt netto Stimmberechtigungen 96.199.467 betrugen. Der Nettobetrag wird berechnet, indem die Aktien ohne Stimmrecht von der Gesamtzahl der Stimmrechte, die an den Aktien hängen, abgezogen werden.

  • None.
  • None.

Information regarding the total number of voting rights and total number of shares of the Company as of September 30, 2024

(Article 223-16 of the General Regulations of the Autorité des Marchés Financiers)

Market : NYSE Euronext Paris ISIN Code: FR 0010417345

Date Total number of shares Total number of voting rights







Total gross of voting rights: 96,501,526
Total net* of voting rights: 96,199,467

* Net total = total number of voting rights attached to shares – shares without voting rights



What is DBV Technologies' (DBVT) total number of shares as of September 30, 2024?

As of September 30, 2024, DBV Technologies (DBVT) reported a total of 96,501,526 shares.

How many gross voting rights does DBVT have as of September 30, 2024?

DBV Technologies (DBVT) reported 96,501,526 total gross voting rights as of September 30, 2024.

What is the net total of voting rights for DBVT as of September 30, 2024?

The net total of voting rights for DBV Technologies (DBVT) is 96,199,467 as of September 30, 2024.

On which stock exchange is DBV Technologies (DBVT) listed?

DBV Technologies (DBVT) is listed on NYSE Euronext Paris.

What is the ISIN Code for DBV Technologies (DBVT) stock?

The ISIN Code for DBV Technologies (DBVT) stock is FR 0010417345.

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