DBV Technologies Secures Agreement with FDA on Safety Exposure Data Required for BLA for Viaskin® Peanut Patch in 4–7-year-olds, Accelerating the Timeline for a BLA Filing Submission to 1H 2026, & Reports 2024 Unaudited Financial Results...
DBV Technologies (DBVT) has secured FDA agreement that safety exposure data from the VITESSE Phase 3 study will be sufficient for their Biologics License Application (BLA) for Viaskin® peanut patch in children aged 4-7 years with peanut allergy. This eliminates the need for the COMFORT Children supplemental safety study, accelerating the BLA submission timeline to first half of 2026.
The VITESSE study, the largest Phase 3 trial for peanut allergy in this age group with 654 participants, will provide safety data from over 500 participants on active treatment. Topline results are expected in Q4 2025.
The company reported unaudited 2024 financial results with cash and cash equivalents of $32.5 million as of December 31, 2024, down from $141.4 million year-over-year. Operating expenses increased to $120.7 million from $92.2 million in 2023. Net loss widened to $113.9 million ($1.17 per share). Current cash is only sufficient to fund operations into April 2025, raising substantial going concern doubts.
DBV Technologies (DBVT) ha ottenuto l'accordo della FDA che i dati di esposizione alla sicurezza dallo studio VITESSE di Fase 3 saranno sufficienti per la loro domanda di licenza biologica (BLA) per il cerotto Viaskin® per allergia al nocciolo nei bambini di età compresa tra 4 e 7 anni. Questo elimina la necessità dello studio supplementare sulla sicurezza COMFORT Children, accelerando la tempistica di presentazione della BLA alla prima metà del 2026.
Lo studio VITESSE, il più grande trial di Fase 3 per l'allergia al nocciolo in questo gruppo di età con 654 partecipanti, fornirà dati di sicurezza da oltre 500 partecipanti in trattamento attivo. I risultati preliminari sono attesi nel quarto trimestre del 2025.
L'azienda ha riportato risultati finanziari non verificati per il 2024 con disponibilità liquide e equivalenti di 32,5 milioni di dollari al 31 dicembre 2024, in calo rispetto ai 141,4 milioni di dollari dell'anno precedente. Le spese operative sono aumentate a 120,7 milioni di dollari rispetto ai 92,2 milioni di dollari nel 2023. La perdita netta è aumentata a 113,9 milioni di dollari (1,17 dollari per azione). La liquidità attuale è sufficiente solo per finanziare le operazioni fino ad aprile 2025, sollevando notevoli dubbi sulla continuità aziendale.
DBV Technologies (DBVT) ha obtenido el acuerdo de la FDA de que los datos de exposición a la seguridad del estudio VITESSE de Fase 3 serán suficientes para su Solicitud de Licencia Biológica (BLA) para el parche Viaskin® para la alergia al maní en niños de 4 a 7 años. Esto elimina la necesidad del estudio de seguridad suplementario COMFORT Children, acelerando el cronograma de presentación de la BLA para la primera mitad de 2026.
El estudio VITESSE, el ensayo de Fase 3 más grande para la alergia al maní en este grupo de edad con 654 participantes, proporcionará datos de seguridad de más de 500 participantes en tratamiento activo. Se esperan resultados preliminares en el cuarto trimestre de 2025.
La empresa reportó resultados financieros no auditados para 2024 con efectivo y equivalentes de 32,5 millones de dólares al 31 de diciembre de 2024, una disminución respecto a los 141,4 millones de dólares del año anterior. Los gastos operativos aumentaron a 120,7 millones de dólares desde los 92,2 millones de dólares en 2023. La pérdida neta se amplió a 113,9 millones de dólares (1,17 dólares por acción). El efectivo actual es solo suficiente para financiar las operaciones hasta abril de 2025, lo que plantea dudas significativas sobre la continuidad del negocio.
DBV Technologies (DBVT)는 FDA로부터 VITESSE 3상 연구의 안전성 노출 데이터가 4세에서 7세 사이의 땅콩 알레르기가 있는 어린이를 위한 Viaskin® 땅콩 패치의 생물학적 라이센스 신청(BLA)에 충분하다는 동의를 받았습니다. 이는 COMFORT Children 보조 안전성 연구의 필요성을 없애고 BLA 제출 일정을 2026년 상반기로 앞당깁니다.
VITESSE 연구는 이 연령대의 땅콩 알레르기에 대한 가장 큰 3상 시험으로 654명의 참가자가 참여하며, 500명 이상의 참가자에게서 안전성 데이터를 제공합니다. 주요 결과는 2025년 4분기에 예상됩니다.
회사는 2024년 감사되지 않은 재무 결과를 보고했으며, 2024년 12월 31일 기준 현금 및 현금성 자산은 3,250만 달러로, 전년 대비 1억 4,140만 달러에서 감소했습니다. 운영 비용은 2023년 9,220만 달러에서 1억 2,070만 달러로 증가했습니다. 순손실은 1억 1,390만 달러 (주당 1.17달러)로 확대되었습니다. 현재 현금은 2025년 4월까지 운영 자금을 지원하기에 충분할 뿐이며, 이는 상당한 지속 가능성에 대한 의문을 제기합니다.
DBV Technologies (DBVT) a obtenu l'accord de la FDA selon lequel les données d'exposition à la sécurité provenant de l'étude VITESSE de phase 3 seront suffisantes pour leur demande de licence biologique (BLA) pour le patch Viaskin® destiné aux enfants âgés de 4 à 7 ans souffrant d'allergie aux arachides. Cela élimine la nécessité de l'étude complémentaire de sécurité COMFORT Children, accélérant le calendrier de soumission de la BLA à la première moitié de 2026.
L'étude VITESSE, le plus grand essai de phase 3 pour l'allergie aux arachides dans ce groupe d'âge avec 654 participants, fournira des données de sécurité provenant de plus de 500 participants sous traitement actif. Les résultats préliminaires sont attendus au quatrième trimestre 2025.
L'entreprise a rapporté des résultats financiers non audités pour 2024 avec des liquidités et équivalents de 32,5 millions de dollars au 31 décembre 2024, en baisse par rapport à 141,4 millions de dollars l'année précédente. Les dépenses d'exploitation ont augmenté à 120,7 millions de dollars contre 92,2 millions de dollars en 2023. La perte nette s'est creusée à 113,9 millions de dollars (1,17 dollar par action). Les liquidités actuelles ne suffisent qu'à financer les opérations jusqu'en avril 2025, soulevant d'importants doutes sur la continuité de l'entreprise.
DBV Technologies (DBVT) hat die Zustimmung der FDA erhalten, dass die Sicherheitsdaten aus der VITESSE-Studie der Phase 3 für ihren Antrag auf biologische Lizenz (BLA) für das Viaskin® Erdnuss-Pflaster bei Kindern im Alter von 4 bis 7 Jahren mit Erdnussallergie ausreichend sind. Dies beseitigt die Notwendigkeit der ergänzenden Sicherheitsstudie COMFORT Children und beschleunigt den Zeitplan für die BLA-Einreichung auf die erste Hälfte des Jahres 2026.
Die VITESSE-Studie, die größte Phase-3-Studie zur Erdnussallergie in dieser Altersgruppe mit 654 Teilnehmern, wird Sicherheitsdaten von über 500 Teilnehmern, die aktiv behandelt werden, bereitstellen. Die vorläufigen Ergebnisse werden im vierten Quartal 2025 erwartet.
Das Unternehmen berichtete über nicht geprüfte Finanzzahlen für 2024 mit liquiden Mitteln und liquiden Mitteln von 32,5 Millionen Dollar zum 31. Dezember 2024, ein Rückgang von 141,4 Millionen Dollar im Vorjahr. Die Betriebskosten stiegen auf 120,7 Millionen Dollar von 92,2 Millionen Dollar im Jahr 2023. Der Nettoverlust weitete sich auf 113,9 Millionen Dollar (1,17 Dollar pro Aktie) aus. Das aktuelle Bargeld reicht nur aus, um die Betriebe bis April 2025 zu finanzieren, was erhebliche Zweifel an der Fortführungsfähigkeit aufwirft.
- FDA agreement eliminates need for additional safety study, accelerating BLA timeline by approximately one year
- VITESSE trial represents largest Phase 3 study in 4-7 year age group with 654 participants
- Safety database will include data from over 500 participants on active treatment
- Cash position declined significantly to $32.5M from $141.4M YoY
- Operating expenses increased 31% to $120.7M
- Net loss widened to $113.9M from $72.7M YoY
- Current cash only sufficient until April 2025, raising going concern issues
- Additional financing needed to continue operations and complete development
DBV's FDA agreement represents a significant regulatory milestone that accelerates their timeline for the Viaskin peanut patch BLA submission. Eliminating the need for the COMFORT Children supplemental safety study potentially advances product launch by approximately one year, assuming approval. The VITESSE Phase 3 trial—the largest ever conducted in peanut-allergic children 4-7 years old with 654 participants—will provide sufficient safety data for regulatory submission.
However, this positive development is overshadowed by critical financial concerns. With just
The net loss expanded to
This creates a paradoxical situation: DBV has secured a faster regulatory pathway but lacks the financial resources to reach even their next major milestone (VITESSE topline results in Q4 2025). The company must secure significant funding immediately to capitalize on these regulatory advances, with potential dilution or unfavorable terms due to their urgent cash needs.
DBV's financial disclosures reveal an acute liquidity crisis that demands immediate attention. With
The accelerated regulatory pathway creates a compelling but distant value proposition. While eliminating the supplemental safety study requirement streamlines the path to market, the company must first bridge a substantial funding gap to reach the Q4 2025 VITESSE data readout, let alone the 1H 2026 BLA submission.
Annual cash burn of
Châtillon, France, March 24, 2025
DBV Technologies Secures Agreement with FDA on Safety Exposure Data Required for Biologics License Application (BLA) for Viaskin® Peanut Patch in 4 – 7-year-olds, Accelerating the Timeline for a BLA Filing Submission to 1H 2026, and Reports 2024 Unaudited Financial Results1
- COMFORT Children supplemental safety study in children 4 – 7-years-old no longer required
- FDA confirms safety exposure data generated from VITESSE Phase 3 clinical study and VITESSE Open-Label Extension (OLE) are sufficient to support a Biologics License Application (BLA) for Viaskin peanut patch in children 4 – 7-years-old
- VITESSE topline results on-track for the fourth quarter of 2025
- BLA submission for Viaskin peanut patch in children 4 – 7-years-old is now expected in the first half of 2026; DBV anticipates this path may accelerate potential launch, if approved by the FDA, by approximately one year
- DBV also reports unaudited financial results1 for the full year 2024, including cash and cash equivalents
DBV Technologies (Euronext: DBV – ISIN: FR0010417345 – Nasdaq Stock Market: DBVT, the “Company”), a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company, today announced that in a Written Responses Only to the Company’s Type D IND meeting request, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) agreed with the Company’s proposal that the safety exposure data from the VITESSE Phase 3 study for Viaskin peanut patch in 4 – 7-year-olds will be sufficient to support a Biologics License Application (BLA) filing in this age group. As a result, the COMFORT Children supplemental safety study will no longer be required, which accelerates the timeline for a BLA submission of Viaskin® peanut patch in 4 – 7-year-olds with a peanut allergy. The Company also reported unaudited financial results1 for the full year 2024, including cash and cash equivalents.
FDA Update
Based on the Written Responses Only received, DBV will no longer conduct the COMFORT Children 6-month supplemental safety study. The Company will utilize the safety data from the VITESSE participants randomized to active treatment as well as placebo-crossover participants in the VITESSE Open Label Extension (OLE), expediting the BLA submission for the Viaskin peanut patch from the previously anticipated timeline. Accordingly, the Company plans to submit a BLA in the first half of 2026 and anticipates potentially accelerating the product launch by approximately one year, subject to FDA approval.
“DBV’s alignment with FDA represents a tremendous achievement for food allergy families, clinicians, researchers, and countless external partners that have been working for many years to advance the Viaskin peanut patch in children living with peanut allergy,” said Daniel Tassé, Chief Executive Officer, DBV Technologies. “I thank the FDA and the Review Team for their collaboration and constructive approach during the Type D meeting process, which enabled us to gain clarity expeditiously. DBV is commencing preparations for a BLA submission in the first half of 2026 to be supported by the Phase 3 VITESSE study, which is on-track for readout of topline results in the fourth quarter of 2025. We believe that the Viaskin peanut patch has the potential to change the lives of millions of children living with peanut allergy. This mission drives DBV every day. We will continue to work hard to bring this innovative treatment option to market.”
FDA has agreed with DBV’s proposal to support potential licensure of the Viaskin peanut patch in children 4 – 7-years-old with the efficacy, safety and patch wear time data generated from VITESSE, which enrolled 654 participants, making it the largest Phase 3 clinical trial for peanut allergy ever conducted in this age group. This will include safety data from study participants on active treatment for 12-months and the additional crossover study participants on active treatment in the VITESSE OLE. At the time of BLA submission, the safety database will be comprised of more than 500 study participants on Viaskin peanut patch active treatment.
“I am extremely pleased to see that FDA agrees that the VITESSE safety exposure data being generated is sufficiently robust to support a BLA in this age group,” said Dr. David Fleischer, FAAAAI, FACAAI, Global Principal Investigator, VITESSE, Professor of Pediatrics at Children’s Hospital Colorado. “This is the largest, most rigorous study ever conducted in peanut allergic children between 4 and 7 years of age. The insights that we will gain from this work are invaluable to the disease space as a whole. Clinicians want to see additional FDA approved treatment options in food allergy so that we may conduct thoughtful conversations with our patients about which option is best for them and their lifestyle. I look forward to the day when the Viaskin peanut patch may be part of those conversations.”
As previously communicated, DBV also plans to pursue an Accelerated Approval pathway for the Viaskin peanut patch in toddlers 1 – 3-years-old with a peanut allergy. The COMFORT Toddlers 6-month supplemental safety study is on-track to initiate in the second quarter of 2025 and will recruit approximately 480 study participants. The BLA submission for the 1 – 3-year-old indication is expected in the second half of 2026, subject to the successful completion of the COMFORT Toddlers study.
“On behalf of our 6,500 members in the United States and globally, we are pleased to support potential new innovations in food allergy, including the Viaskin peanut patch, that could add to the toolbox allergist-immunologists consider when treating patients,” said Dr. James Tracy, DO, FACAAI, President, American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology (ACAAI). “The ACAAI advocates for the best treatment outcomes for our patients under the care of their clinician. We are encouraged by the robust dataset being generated by the VITESSE Phase 3 study, in which many of our members are currently serving as investigators. We continue to support DBV’s development of the Viaskin peanut program in this 4 – 7-year-old age group. Our community encourages as many treatment options as possible to reach those who are eagerly awaiting.”
Unaudited Financial Results1 for Full Year 2024
These unaudited financial results1 have been examined by the Board of Directors of the Company on March 23, 2025, and the audited final financial statements are expected to be approved by the Board of Directors on March 28, 2025.
The audit procedures by the statutory auditors of the Company on the 2024 consolidated full year financial statements are in progress.
Financial results are presented under both U.S. generally accepted accounting principles (“US GAAP”) and the International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”) as adopted by the European Union. Financial statement comments refer to U.S. GAAP financial statements. Differences between US GAAP and IFRS as adopted by the European Union consolidated financial statements result mainly from the discrepancies arising from the application of lease accounting standards.
In order to finance its activities, the Company needs to raise additional funds and is actively reviewing potential financing and strategic options with its financial advisors.
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Cash and cash equivalents amounted to
The Company has incurred operating losses and negative cash flows from operations since inception. As of the date of this press release, the Company’s available cash and cash equivalents will not be sufficient to support its operating plan for the next 12 months. Based on its current operations, plans and assumptions, the Company expects that its cash and cash equivalents will be sufficient to fund its operations only into April 2025.
As such, there is substantial doubt regarding its ability to continue as a going concern.
The Company intends to seek additional capital as it continues research and development efforts and prepares for the filing of the BLA and launch of Viaskin® Peanut patch, if approved.
The Company cannot guarantee that it will successfully obtain the necessary financing to meet its needs or to obtain funds at attractive terms and conditions. If the Company is not successful in its financing objectives, the Company could have to scale back its operations, notably by delaying or reducing the scope of its research and development efforts or obtain financing through arrangements with collaborators or others that may require the Company to relinquish rights to its product candidates that the Company might otherwise seek to develop or commercialize independently or discontinue all or part of its operations.
In millions of USD (unaudited) | U.S. GAAP | IFRS | ||
Year ended December 31, | Year ended December 31, | |||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | |
Net cash & cash equivalents at the beginning of the period | 141.4 | 209.2 | 141.4 | 209.2 |
Net cash flow used in operating activities | (104.5) | (79.7) | (102.7) | (77.6) |
Net cash flow provided by / (used in) investing activities | (0.8) | (0.8) | (0.6) | (0.8) |
Net cash flow provided by / (used in) financing activities | 0.6 | 6.8 | (0.7) | 4.8 |
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash & cash equivalents | (4.3) | 5.9 | (5.3) | 5.9 |
Net cash & cash equivalents at the end of the period | 32.5 | 141.1 | 32.1 | 141.4 |
Operating Income
Operating income amounted to
In millions of USD (unaudited) | U.S. GAAP | IFRS | ||
Year ended December 31, | Year ended December 31, | |||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | |
Research tax credits | 4.1 | 8.8 | 4.1 | 8.8 |
Other operating income | 0.0 | 7.0 | 0.0 | 7.0 |
Operating income | 4.2 | 15.7 | 4.2 | 15.7 |
| | | | |
Operating Expenses
Operating expenses amounted to
General and administrative expenses decreased by
In millions of USD (unaudited) | U.S. GAAP | IFRS | ||
Year ended December 31, | Year ended December 31, | |||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | |
Research & Development | (89.3) | (60.2) | (89.2) | (60.1) |
Sales & Marketing | (2.7) | (2.4) | (2.7) | (2.4) |
General & Administrative | (28.7) | (29.5) | (28.8) | (29.5) |
Operating expenses | (120.7) | (92.2) | (120.6) | (92.0) |
| | | | |
Net Loss Per Share
The Company recorded a net loss of
On a per share basis, net loss (based on the weighted average number of shares outstanding over the period) was
(unaudited) | U.S. GAAP | IFRS | ||
Year ended December 31, | Year ended December 31, | |||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | |
Net income / (loss) (in millions of USD) | (113.9) | (72.7) | (114.1) | (72.7) |
Basic / diluted net income / (loss) per share (USD/share) | (1.17) | (0.76) | (1.18) | (0.76) |
| | | | |
In millions of USD (unaudited) | U.S. GAAP | IFRS | ||
Year ended December 31, | Year ended December 31, | |||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | |
Assets | 65.7 | 183.0 | 65.5 | 183.0 |
of which cash & cash equivalents | 32.5 | 141.4 | 32.5 | 141.4 |
Liabilities | 38.3 | 42.8 | 38.2 | 42.7 |
Shareholders’ equity | 27.4 | 140.2 | 27.4 | 140.3 |
| | | | |
In millions of USD (unaudited) | U.S. GAAP | IFRS | ||
Year ended December 31, | Year ended December 31, | |||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | |
Operating income | 4.2 | 15.7 | 4.2 | 15.7 |
Research & Development | (89.3) | (60.2) | (89.2) | (60.1) |
Sales & Marketing | (2.7) | (2.4) | (2.7) | (2.4) |
General & Administrative | (28.7) | (29.5) | (28.8) | (29.5) |
Operating expenses | (120.7) | (92.2) | (120.6) | (92.0) |
Financial income/(expenses) | 2.7 | 3.7 | 2.4 | 3.6 |
Income tax | (0.1) | (0.0) | (0.1) | (0.0) |
Net loss | (113.9) | (72.7) | (114.1) | (72.7) |
Basic/diluted net loss per share attributable to shareholders | (1.17) | (0.76) | (1.18) | (0.76) |
In millions of USD (unaudited) | U.S. GAAP | IFRS | ||
Year ended December 31, | Year ended December 31, | |||
2024 | 2023 | 2024 | 2023 | |
Net cash flows provided / (used) in operating activities | (104.5) | (79.7) | (102.7) | (77.6) |
Net cash flows provided / (used) in investing activities | (0.8) | (0.8) | (0.6) | (0.8) |
Net cash flows provided / (used) in financing activities | 0.6 | 6.8 | (0.7) | 4.8 |
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash & cash equivalents (U.S. GAAP presentation) | (4.3) | 5.9 | (5.3) | 5.9 |
Net increase / (decrease) in cash & cash equivalents | (108.9) | (67.8) | (109.3) | (67.8) |
Net cash & cash equivalents at the beginning of the period | 141.4 | 209.2 | 141.4 | 209.2 |
Net cash & cash equivalents at the end of the period | 32.5 | 141.4 | 32.1 | 141.4 |
The unaudited financial results as of and for the year ended December 31, 2024 included in
this press release have been examined by the Board of Directors of the Company on March 23, 2025 and remain subject to any adjustments, and other developments arising between now and the time such financial results are finalized. The Company’s independent auditors have not yet audited nor have they expressed any opinion or any other form of assurance on these unaudited financial results, in particular DBV has not yet obtained assurance from its auditors that the financial statements will be certified without qualification. The audit procedures by the statutory auditors of the Company are in progress.
About DBV Technologies
DBV Technologies is a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company developing treatment options for food allergies and other immunologic conditions with significant unmet medical need. DBV is currently focused on investigating the use of its proprietary VIASKIN® patch technology to address food allergies, which are caused by a hypersensitive immune reaction and characterized by a range of symptoms varying in severity from mild to life-threatening anaphylaxis. Millions of people live with food allergies, including young children. Through epicutaneous immunotherapy (EPIT™), the VIASKIN® patch is designed to introduce microgram amounts of a biologically active compound to the immune system through intact skin. EPIT is a new class of non-invasive treatment that seeks to modify an individual’s underlying allergy by re-educating the immune system to become desensitized to allergen by leveraging the skin’s immune tolerizing properties. DBV is committed to transforming the care of food allergic people. The Company’s food allergy programs include ongoing clinical trials of VIASKIN Peanut in peanut allergic toddlers (1 through 3 years of age) and children (4 through 7 years of age).
DBV Technologies is headquartered in Châtillon, France, with North American operations in Warren, NJ. The Company’s ordinary shares are traded on segment B of Euronext Paris (Ticker: DBV, ISIN code: FR0010417345) and the Company’s ADSs (each representing five ordinary shares) are traded on the Nasdaq Capital Market (Ticker: DBVT; CUSIP: 23306J309).
For more information, please visit www.dbv-technologies.com and engage with us on X (formerly Twitter) and LinkedIn.
Forward Looking Statements
This press release may contain forward-looking statements and estimates, including statements regarding the Company’s financial condition, forecast of its cash runway, financing plans, the therapeutic potential of VIASKIN® Peanut patch and EPIT™, designs of DBV’s anticipated clinical trials, DBV’s planned regulatory and clinical efforts including timing and results of communications with regulatory agencies, plans and expectations regarding initiation of the confirmatory study, plans and expectations with respect to the submission of BLAs to FDA, anticipated support for the BLA submission, and the ability of any of DBV’s product candidates, if approved, to improve the lives of patients with food allergies. These forward-looking statements and estimates are not promises or guarantees and involve substantial risks and uncertainties. At this stage, the Company’s product candidates have not been authorized for sale in any country. Among the factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those described or projected herein include DBV’s ability to obtain necessary financing, uncertainties associated generally with research and development, clinical trials and related regulatory reviews and approvals, and the Company’s ability to successfully execute on its budget discipline measures. The review of potential financial and strategic options may not result in any particular action or transaction being pursued, entered into or consummated, and there is no assurance as to the timing, sequence or outcome of any action or transaction or series of actions or transactions. If the Company is unable to continue as a going concern, it may have to liquidate its assets and may receive less than the value at which those assets are carried on its financial statements, and it is likely that investors will lose all or part of their investment. A further list and description of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those set forth in the forward-looking statements in this press release can be found in the Company’s regulatory filings with the French Autorité des Marchés Financiers (“AMF”), the Company’s filings and reports with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), including future filings and reports made with the AMF and SEC by the Company. Existing and prospective investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements and estimates, which speak only as of the date hereof. Other than as required by applicable law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise the information contained in this press release.
Viaskin is a registered trademark and EPIT is a trademark of DBV Technologies.
Investor Contact
Katie Matthews
DBV Technologies
Media Contact
Angela Marcucci
DBV Technologies
1 The financial information published in this press release shall be considered as "données financières estimées" or "estimated financial data", according to AMF Position-Recommendation DOC-2016-05.