Piraeus Migrates Majority of its ATM Network to Diebold Nixdorf's DN Series® Cash Recyclers

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Diebold Nixdorf (NYSE: DBD) announced a significant development in its partnership with Piraeus, a Greek financial services company. By the end of 2024, Piraeus will have replaced over 1,200 self-service devices in its branches with DN Series® cash recycling ATMs. This move follows Piraeus' initial adoption of 300 DN Series ATMs in 2021, with an additional 928 units purchased since then, including nearly 400 in 2024.

The new ATMs will offer cash recycling technology, which reduces cash management costs and creates a closed-loop recycling environment. The entire fleet will also feature NFC payment capability for contactless transactions. The DN Series ATMs are powered by DN AllConnectSM Data Engine, utilizing AI and machine learning to maximize performance and availability.

Diebold Nixdorf (NYSE: DBD) ha annunciato uno sviluppo significativo nella sua partnership con Piraeus, una compagnia greca di servizi finanziari. Entro la fine del 2024, Piraeus avrà sostituito oltre 1.200 dispositivi di self-service nelle sue filiali con ATM per il riciclo di denaro DN Series®. Questa mossa segue l'adozione iniziale da parte di Piraeus di 300 ATM DN Series nel 2021, con ulteriori 928 unità acquistate da allora, incluse quasi 400 nel 2024.

I nuovi ATM offriranno tecnologia di riciclo di denaro, che riduce i costi di gestione del contante e crea un ambiente di riciclaggio a ciclo chiuso. L'intera flotta presenterà anche capabilità di pagamento NFC per transazioni contactless. Gli ATM della serie DN sono alimentati dal DN AllConnectSM Data Engine, che utilizza l'IA e l'apprendimento automatico per massimizzare le prestazioni e la disponibilità.

Diebold Nixdorf (NYSE: DBD) anunció un desarrollo significativo en su asociación con Piraeus, una compañía griega de servicios financieros. Para finales de 2024, Piraeus habrá reemplazado más de 1,200 dispositivos de autoservicio en sus sucursales con ATM de reciclaje de efectivo DN Series®. Este movimiento sigue la adopción inicial de 300 ATM DN Series por parte de Piraeus en 2021, con 928 unidades adicionales compradas desde entonces, incluidas casi 400 en 2024.

Los nuevos ATM ofrecerán tecnología de reciclaje de efectivo, que reduce los costos de gestión de efectivo y crea un entorno de reciclaje en circuito cerrado. Toda la flota también contará con capacidad de pago NFC para transacciones sin contacto. Los ATM de la serie DN son impulsados por el DN AllConnectSM Data Engine, que utiliza IA y aprendizaje automático para maximizar el rendimiento y la disponibilidad.

디볼드 닉스도르프(뉴욕증권거래소: DBD)는 그리스 금융 서비스 회사인 피레우스와의 파트너십에서 중요한 발전을 발표했습니다. 2024년 말까지 피레우스는 지점에서 1,200대 이상의 셀프 서비스 기기를 DN 시리즈® 현금 재활용 ATM으로 교체할 예정입니다. 이번 조치는 2021년에 피레우스가 300대의 DN 시리즈 ATM을 처음 도입한 이후 후속 조치로, 이후 928대가 추가로 구매되었으며, 2024년에는 거의 400대가 포함됩니다.

새로운 ATM은 현금 재활용 기술을 제공하여 현금 관리 비용을 절감하고 폐쇄 루프 재활용 환경을 조성합니다. 전체 플릿은 또한 비접촉식 거래를 위한 NFC 결제 능력을 갖출 것입니다. DN 시리즈 ATM은 DN AllConnectSM 데이터 엔진의 지원을 받아 AI와 기계 학습을 활용하여 성능과 가용성을 극대화합니다.

Diebold Nixdorf (NYSE: DBD) a annoncé un développement significatif dans son partenariat avec Piraeus, une entreprise grecque de services financiers. D'ici la fin de 2024, Piraeus aura remplacé plus de 1 200 dispositifs de libre-service dans ses agences par des distributeurs automatiques de billets DN Series® avec recyclage de cash. Ce mouvement fait suite à l'adoption initiale par Piraeus de 300 distributeurs DN Series en 2021, avec 928 unités supplémentaires achetées depuis, dont près de 400 en 2024.

Les nouveaux distributeurs offriront une technologie de recyclage de cash, ce qui réduit les coûts de gestion de la liquidité et crée un environnement de recyclage en boucle fermée. L'ensemble de la flotte sera également doté de capacité de paiement NFC pour des transactions sans contact. Les distributeurs de la série DN fonctionnent grâce au DN AllConnectSM Data Engine, utilisant l'intelligence artificielle et l'apprentissage automatique pour maximiser les performances et la disponibilité.

Diebold Nixdorf (NYSE: DBD) hat eine bedeutende Entwicklung in seiner Partnerschaft mit Piraeus, einem griechischen Finanzdienstleistungsunternehmen, angekündigt. Bis Ende 2024 wird Piraeus über 1.200 Selbstbedienungsgeräte in seinen Filialen durch DN Series® Geld recycling Geldautomaten ersetzen. Dieser Schritt folgt auf die anfängliche Einführung von 300 DN Series Geldautomaten im Jahr 2021, mit weiteren 928 Einheiten, die seither erworben wurden, darunter nahezu 400 im Jahr 2024.

Die neuen Geldautomaten werden Geld recycling Technologie bieten, die die Kosten für die Bargeldverwaltung senkt und eine geschlossene Recycling-Umgebung schafft. Die gesamte Flotte wird außerdem NFC-Zahlungsfunktionalität für kontaktlose Transaktionen bieten. Die DN Series Geldautomaten werden vom DN AllConnectSM Data Engine betrieben, das KI und maschinelles Lernen nutzt, um die Leistung und Verfügbarkeit zu maximieren.

  • Piraeus is replacing over 1,200 self-service devices with DN Series® cash recycling ATMs
  • Cash recycling technology reduces cash management costs and extends cash-in-transit intervals
  • NFC payment capability added across the entire ATM fleet
  • DN AllConnectSM Data Engine uses AI to maximize fleet performance and availability
  • Partnership expansion reinforces Diebold Nixdorf's position in the banking technology market
  • None.


Piraeus Bank's migration to Diebold Nixdorf's DN Series® Cash Recyclers represents a significant shift in ATM technology adoption. This move aligns with the global trend of banks optimizing their branch networks and enhancing self-service capabilities. The implementation of cash recycling technology offers several benefits:

  • Operational efficiency: Reduces cash management costs and extends cash-in-transit intervals
  • Customer experience: Provides convenient cash management services and NFC payment capabilities
  • Sustainability: Decreases carbon emissions through optimized cash logistics
  • Accessibility: Improves services for customers with various abilities

The integration of DN AllConnectSM Data Engine, leveraging AI and machine learning, is particularly noteworthy. This proactive maintenance approach could significantly improve ATM uptime and reduce operational costs. For Diebold Nixdorf, this large-scale deployment strengthens its position in the European banking technology market and could lead to similar contracts with other financial institutions.

This partnership between Piraeus and Diebold Nixdorf exemplifies a strategic approach to branch transformation. By replacing over 1,200 self-service devices with advanced cash recycling ATMs, Piraeus is effectively:

  • Shifting transactions from tellers to self-service channels, potentially reducing staffing costs
  • Improving cash flow management within its branch network
  • Enhancing security measures against physical and cyber threats

The adoption of NFC payment capability across the entire fleet is a forward-thinking move, catering to the growing preference for contactless transactions. This comprehensive upgrade positions Piraeus at the forefront of banking technology in Greece, potentially giving them a competitive edge. For investors, this signals Piraeus's commitment to technological innovation and operational efficiency, which could translate to improved financial performance in the medium to long term.

Cash recycling technology streamlines operations, reduces costs and improves the sustainability of the bank's ATM fleet.

NORTH CANTON, Ohio, Oct. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Diebold Nixdorf (NYSE: DBD), a world leader in transforming the way people bank and shop, today announced a pivotal development in its long-standing partnership with Piraeus, a Greek multinational financial services company. By the end of 2024, Piraeus will have replaced its fleet of more than 1,200 self-service devices located inside the bank's branches with DN Series® cash recycling ATMs. The ATMs will provide Piraeus customers the ability to conveniently manage their cash while giving the bank a proven platform to move many transactions from inside the branch to the self-service channel in support of its branch transformation program.

In 2021, Piraeus was the first financial institution in Greece to widely adopt automated cash recycling by deploying more than 300 DN Series ATMs. The innovative bank is committed to providing the highest level of customer experience and chose to further invest in the technology by purchasing an additional 928 DN Series ATMs since 2021, including nearly 400 units in 2024. Adopting the trends and demands of banking, the bank will now also offer customers NFC payment capability across its entire fleet, which enables contactless payments.

Cash recycling reduces the bank's cash management costs by accepting, storing, and recirculating cash deposited in the ATM. Creating a closed-loop recycling environment that automatically moves money through the system provides the additional advantages of extending cash-in-transit (CIT) intervals and drastically reducing carbon emissions throughout the ATMs' lifespan.

Piraeus, a financial institution deeply sensitive to providing accessible services for customers of various abilities, chose DN Series after highly evaluating its design. Diebold Nixdorf developed its DN Series ATMs with accessibility as an integral part of the design process.

The DN Series ATMs are powered by DN AllConnectSM Data Engine, which leverages the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to maximize fleet performance and availability. By analyzing data patterns, trends and leading indicators, DN AllConnect Data Engine can identify an impending failure, triggering a proactive service call to avoid a future outage. This helps decrease the number of incidents, shorten resolution time and guarantee market-leading availability. In addition, DN Series includes enhanced security features to protect from traditional and emerging physical and cyber threats.

Harry Margaritis, group chief operating officer at Piraeus, said: "We are committed to continuously improving the experience we offer to our customers. By adopting a proven cash recycling technology across all our branches, we aim to offer a higher service level to our customers while at the same time improving operational efficiency."

Joe Myers, executive vice president of Global Banking at Diebold Nixdorf, said: "In today's banking environment, it's critical for financial institutions to reduce costs while expanding their offerings for customers. We're thrilled that every Piraeus branch across Greece will be equipped with DN Series ATMs, providing customers with the latest in cash recycling technology. Our continued partnership with Piraeus further reinforces that frictionless physical and digital experiences should be of paramount importance to financial institutions and their customers across the globe."

About Piraeus 
Piraeus Bank S.A., is headquartered in Athens, and has approximately 7.5 thousand employees. The Piraeus Group's total assets stood at €76.6billion on 30.06.2024. Piraeus Bank was founded in 1916. Today it represents the leading Bank in Greece in terms of customer loans and deposits. It maintains the largest distribution network in Greece and offers a vast array of financial products and services to 6 million customers.

About Diebold Nixdorf
Diebold Nixdorf, Incorporated (NYSE: DBD) automates, digitizes and transforms the way people bank and shop. As a partner to the majority of the world's top 100 financial institutions and top 25 global retailers, our integrated solutions connect digital and physical channels conveniently, securely and efficiently for millions of consumers each day. The company has a presence in more than 100 countries with approximately 21,000 employees worldwide. Visit for more information.

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SOURCE Diebold Nixdorf, Incorporated


How many DN Series ATMs will Piraeus deploy by the end of 2024?

Piraeus will replace over 1,200 self-service devices with DN Series® cash recycling ATMs by the end of 2024.

What new feature will be added to Piraeus' entire ATM fleet?

Piraeus will add NFC payment capability across its entire ATM fleet, enabling contactless payments.

How does the DN AllConnectSM Data Engine improve ATM performance for Piraeus?

The DN AllConnectSM Data Engine uses AI and machine learning to analyze data patterns, identify potential failures, and trigger proactive service calls, improving ATM availability and performance.

What are the benefits of cash recycling technology for Piraeus (DBD)?

Cash recycling technology reduces cash management costs, extends cash-in-transit intervals, and reduces carbon emissions throughout the ATMs' lifespan.

Diebold Nixdorf, Incorporated


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