Socure Releases Multi-Layered AI Defense System That Defeats Deepfakes and Other Identity Fraud in Under Two Seconds

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Socure has released a next-generation Document Verification (DocV) solution to combat deepfake attacks and other identity fraud in the digital economy. The solution analyzes 1000s of document signals in real-time, providing market-leading accuracy in under 2 seconds. It also reduces verification speed to 1.5 seconds, significantly lower than the industry average. Socure's innovative approach has resulted in a 57% increase in auto approval rates for a neobank customer, Dave, and a 21% lift in their overall acceptance rate. The solution utilizes generative AI tools to counter generative AI fraud attacks, including a deepfake selfie detector and fake ID detection technology. Socure's DocV also incorporates predictive fraud signals from the Socure ID Graph, offering a comprehensive solution for various verification needs across industries like age verification, driver verification, KYC, step-up authentication, marketplace ID verification, parental consent, and accessing government services.
Socure ha lanciato una soluzione di verifica documentale (DocV) di nuova generazione per contrastare gli attacchi deepfake e altre frodi identitarie nell'economia digitale. La soluzione analizza migliaia di segnali dei documenti in tempo reale, offrendo un'accuratezza leader nel mercato in meno di 2 secondi. Riduce inoltre la velocità di verifica a 1,5 secondi, significativamente inferiore alla media del settore. L'approccio innovativo di Socure ha portato a un aumento del 57% nei tassi di approvazione automatica per un cliente neobanco, Dave, e a un incremento del 21% nel loro tasso di accettazione generale. La soluzione utilizza strumenti di AI generativa per contrastare gli attacchi di frode con AI generativa, inclusi un rilevatore di selfie deepfake e tecnologia di rilevazione di ID falsi. Il DocV di Socure incorpora anche segnali predittivi di frode dal Socure ID Graph, offrendo una soluzione completa per varie esigenze di verifica in settori come la verifica dell'età, la verifica dei conducenti, KYC, autenticazione incrementale, verifica dell'identità nei marketplace, consenso dei genitori e accesso ai servizi governativi.
Socure ha lanzado una solución de Verificación de Documentos (DocV) de próxima generación para combatir ataques deepfake y otras fraudes de identidad en la economía digital. La solución analiza miles de señales de documentos en tiempo real, proporcionando una precisión líder en el mercado en menos de 2 segundos. También reduce la velocidad de verificación a 1,5 segundos, mucho menor que el promedio de la industria. El enfoque innovador de Socure ha resultado en un aumento del 57% en las tasas de aprobación automática para un cliente neobanco, Dave, y un aumento del 21% en su tasa de aceptación general. La solución utiliza herramientas de IA generativa para contrarrestar ataques de fraude de IA generativa, incluyendo un detector de selfies deepfake y tecnología de detección de identificaciones falsas. DocV de Socure también incorpora señales de fraude predictivas del Socure ID Graph, ofreciendo una solución integral para diversas necesidades de verificación en industrias como la verificación de edad, verificación de conductores, KYC, autenticación gradual, verificación de identidad en mercados, consentimiento parental y acceso a servicios gubernamentales.
Socure는 디지털 경제에서 딥페이크 공격 및 기타 신원 도용을 방지하기 위해 차세대 문서 검증(DocV) 솔루션을 출시했습니다. 이 솔루션은 실시간으로 수천 가지 문서 신호를 분석하여 2초 미만으로 시장 선도적인 정확도를 제공합니다. 또한 검증 속도를 평균 1.5초로 줄여 업계 평균보다 훨씬 낮습니다. Socure의 혁신적인 접근 방식은 네오은행 고객 Dave를 위한 자동 승인률을 57% 증가시켰고 전체 수용률을 21% 향상시켰습니다. 솔루션은 생성적 AI 도구를 사용하여 생성적 AI 사기 공격을 대응하며, 딥페이크 셀카 탐지기와 가짜 ID 탐지 기술을 포함합니다. Socure의 DocV는 Socure ID Graph에서 예측 사기 신호를 통합하여 연령 확인, 운전자 검증, KYC, 단계적 인증, 마켓플레이스 ID 검증, 부모 동의 및 정부 서비스 접근과 같은 다양한 검증 필요에 대한 포괄적인 솔루션을 제공합니다.
Socure a lancé une solution de vérification de documents (DocV) de nouvelle génération pour combattre les attaques deepfake et autres fraudes d'identité dans l'économie numérique. La solution analyse des milliers de signaux de documents en temps réel, offrant une précision de pointe en moins de 2 secondes. Elle réduit également la vitesse de vérification à 1,5 secondes, bien inférieure à la moyenne du secteur. L'approche innovante de Socure a entraîné une augmentation de 57% des taux d'approbation automatique pour un client neobank, Dave, et une augmentation de 21% de leur taux d'acceptation global. La solution utilise des outils d'IA générative pour contrer les attaques de fraude par IA générative, incluant un détecteur de selfies deepfake et une technologie de détection de fausses identités. DocV de Socure intègre également des signaux de fraude prédictifs du Socure ID Graph, offrant une solution complète pour divers besoins de vérification dans des secteurs tels que la vérification d'âge, la vérification de conducteurs, KYC, l'authentification par étapes, la vérification d'identité sur les marchés, le consentement parental et l'accès aux services gouvernementaux.
Socure hat eine Lösung der nächsten Generation zur Dokumentenverifizierung (DocV) eingeführt, um Deepfake-Angriffe und andere Identitätsbetrug in der digitalen Wirtschaft zu bekämpfen. Die Lösung analysiert Tausende von Dokumentsignalen in Echtzeit und bietet marktführende Genauigkeit in weniger als 2 Sekunden. Sie reduziert auch die Verifizierungsgeschwindigkeit auf 1,5 Sekunden, deutlich unter dem Branchendurchschnitt. Socures innovativer Ansatz hat zu einem Anstieg der automatischen Genehmigungsraten um 57% für einen Neobank-Kunden, Dave, und zu einem Anstieg ihrer Gesamtakzeptanzrate um 21% geführt. Die Lösung nutzt generative KI-Werkzeuge, um generative KI-Betrugsangriffe zu bekämpfen, einschließlich eines Deepfake-Selfie-Detektors und einer Technologie zur Erkennung gefälschter Ausweise. Socures DocV integriert auch prädiktive Betrugssignale aus dem Socure ID Graph und bietet eine umfassende Lösung für verschiedene Verifizierungsbedürfnisse in Branchen wie Altersverifizierung, Fahrerverifizierung, KYC, gestufte Authentifizierung, Marktplatz-ID-Verifizierung, elterliche Zustimmung und Zugang zu staatlichen Diensten.
  • Socure's DocV solution provides market-leading accuracy in identity verification, analyzing 1000s of document signals in real-time.
  • The solution reduces verification speed to 1.5 seconds, significantly faster than the industry average.
  • Dave, a Socure neobank customer, experienced a 57% increase in auto approval rates and a 21% lift in their overall acceptance rate with Socure's DocV solution.
  • Socure utilizes generative AI tools to combat generative AI fraud attacks, including a deepfake selfie detector and fake ID detection technology.
  • The DocV solution incorporates predictive fraud signals from the Socure ID Graph, offering a comprehensive verification solution for various industries and use cases.
  • None.

INCLINE VILLAGE, Nev., April 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Socure, the leading provider of artificial intelligence for digital identity verification, sanction screening, and fraud prevention, today launched its next generation Document Verification (DocV) solution, purpose-built to tackle the rash of stolen identities, spoofing, and highly sophisticated deepfake attacks that are accelerating in their complexity across nearly every segment of the digital economy.

Open source generative AI tools have intensified the enablement of easy-to-create fraudulent identities alongside the inexpensively purchased stolen IDs and personally identifiable information (PII) found on the black market. Legacy document verification solutions that aren't investing extensively in R&D are allowing fraudsters to beat their systems using these techniques: tampered headshots, non-live selfie presentation attack, duplicative headshots of the same person across varied PII/documents, mismatch of PII provided in form field vs extracted from document or barcode extraction, substantially different age prediction between headshot and document date of birth, document invalidity, deepfake selfie of true ID owners's face, forged or blurred barcodes, image from a digital screen, repeat device usage across multiple documents in short periods of time and more.

Sprinting ahead of these rapidly evolving complexities, many that are used in conjunction with one another in a single attack, Socure has launched a proprietary solution that combats every single dimension of a potential attack at once, making it prohibitively expensive, time-consuming, and outright unattainable for the fraudsters to evade detection - all in less than 2 seconds and with no impact to the user experience. This multi-layered defense approach ensures that increasingly complex attacks cannot circumvent the system that now analyzes 1000s of document signals in real-time with a broader view of the identity risk by also analyzing PII, barcode data, device and behavioral intelligence, geolocation, and biometric signals, all resulting in the attainment of Socure's market-leading accuracy.

In addition, Socure's next generation DocV alleviates consumer friction concerns presented by typical document and biometric verification solutions, bringing the verification speed down to a P95 of 1.5 seconds, compared to the industry average of more than 30 seconds, with some requiring minutes to return a decision.

"Socure continues to get better and better for our partners with each passing day, improving user experience, accuracy, speed to decision and operational efficiency. The Socure brand is known for continuous innovation as we strive for perfection and this announcement is representative of our continued advances. With generative AI fraud tools in the hands of bad actors, we are seeing attacks at massive scale with the use of incredibly accurate deepfakes and manipulated documents that easily fool legacy biometric and template-based solution providers," said Johnny Ayers, founder and CEO of Socure.

For example Dave, a Socure neobank customer since 2020, has seen a dramatic 57% increase in DocV auto approval rates resulting in a 21% lift in their overall acceptance rate. Additionally their team has fully automated the experience eliminating the need for manual reviews. It's also important to their business to stay ahead of growing generative AI threats.

"At Dave, it's essential to have strong document verification that allows us to safely accept more good consumers, making Socure a trusted partner in our growth strategy," said Stav Gil, Vice President of Platform and Operations at Dave. "Generative AI fraud attacks will be an ongoing threat in digital banking, and we are excited to continue to partner with Socure as it brings new models to market."

Combatting Generative AI Attacks with Generative AI Solutions - Socure on Offense

Deepfake Selfie Detector
In its most recent innovation cycle, the Socure document verification is shutting down fraudsters who are wielding generative AI tools to spin up sophisticated, hyper-realistic deepfakes that fool legacy document verification checks, mimicking both credentials and the selfies taken to match those IDs. These deepfakes are not discernible to the human eye, and they're outpacing the traditional machine learning models used by most providers in the market.

Attacking generative AI for 'bad' with generative AI for 'good', the Socure data science team generated hundreds of thousands of carefully curated deepfakes using more than 20 different AI generators to ensure production of a very realistic diversity of body shapes, ages, skin tones, postures, lighting conditions, backgrounds and ethnicities. These deepfakes train Socure's selfie models to thwart spoofing attacks with incredible precision. See Socure's AI-generated deepfake selfie images here.

The deepfake selfie detector is only the newest layer of defense against these robust attacks. Socure also delivers detection for instances in which fraudsters attempt to submit a photo of another image or capture a digital image off a screen, as well as proprietary injection attack detection (with multiple patents having already been filed), which prevent digitally created deepfake selfies from being injected into the capture or verification session.

A Barcode Tells a Thousand Words … or Should
Generative AI tools have made it possible for fraudsters to recreate driver licenses and ID cards with near perfect visual accuracy, including the barcode. There's a catch – real barcodes tell the story of an identity with encoded PII and built-in security features from the issuing agency. But that's not the case for a fake barcode.

Socure's patented fake ID detection technology can identify anomalies in even the most carefully-constructed barcodes. This also addresses the challenge of barcodes that are blurred or difficult to read due to natural wear and tear. 

Socure's barcode enhancement system takes any unreadable, machine generated or low quality barcode as input and then reconstructs a clean, "super resolution" barcode that is easy to read while maintaining the PII originally encoded within. This allows the system to verify front and back consistency, check barcode security compliance with issuing authority standards, and protect against deceptive barcode fraud that can easily fool a human reviewer.

Proprietary Predictive Fraud Signals from Across the Socure ID Graph
Socure's DocV also stands out in the market because it goes beyond verifying the validity of a presented ID to examine the correlation and risk related to the identity behind the credential - a powerful combinatorial capability unique to Socure. The solution maps and analyzes contextual data on consumers, leveraging insights from Socure's rich identity graph, which provides a view of whether the PII on the credential has been used with other identities, or was historically linked to risk. The solution also fuses device and phone ownership information, behavioral data, PII, and geolocation data with document authenticity analysis, face image comparison, liveness detection, deepfake detection, and barcode detection–all built in-house, making it nearly impossible for a fraudster to create a digital doppelganger.

Ideal Use Cases for DocV:

  • Age verification:
    • Incorporates online gaming and gambling, alcohol and cannabis purchases and delivery, online adult content websites with minimum-age requirements, and social media sites requiring parental consent.
  • Driver verification:
    • Validates the legitimacy and age for an individual to engage in a particular activity, including micromobility, car-sharing services, ride-sharing drivers, car rentals, food delivery services, alcohol and cannabis delivery.
  • Identity Verification and KYC for New Applications or High-Risk Transactions:
    • Delivers heightened verification for high risk or irreversible transactions such as wiring a large sum of money or cryptocurrency purchases
  • Step-up Authentication:
    • Provides a step-up verification process to keep out fraudsters while giving good consumers a secure verification option
  • Two and three party marketplace ID verification:
    • Defers fraud in order to build trust between the two or three-parties in a marketplace. Protecting brand reputation and customer trust & safety requires fraud protection, especially when digital interactions become face-to-face such as home rental services and delivery services.
  • Obtain verifiable parental consent:
    • Protects access to social media, gaming, and financial services when parental consent is required on behalf of minors who are not legally allowed to consent for themselves.
  • Accessing government services: 
    • Enables the American public to provide proof of government identification when accessing government services in a seamless and friction-free identity verification process.

For more information on DocV visit Socure's website or read more in our blog. To learn more about our approach to biometrics and privacy, read our white paper. To watch our on-demand webinar entitled, No Bad Biometrics, Only Bad Actors: Legal Insights on Guiding Principles to Biometric Verification click here

About Dave

Dave (Nasdaq: DAVE) is a leading U.S. neobank and fintech pioneer serving millions of everyday Americans. Dave uses disruptive technologies to provide best-in-class banking services at a fraction of the price of incumbents. Dave partners with Evolve Bank & Trust, a FDIC member. For more information about the company, visit: For investor information and updates, visit: and follow @davebanking on X.

About Socure

Socure is the leading provider of digital identity verification and fraud solutions. Its predictive analytics platform applies artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques with trusted online and offline data intelligence to verify identities in real-time. Socure is the only vertically integrated identity verification and fraud prevention platform with both IAL-2 and FedRAMP Moderate certifications, delivering advanced levels of assurance and the highest standards for security and compliance. The company has more than 2,200 customers across the financial services, government, gaming, healthcare, telecom, and e-commerce industries, including four of the five top banks, the top credit bureau and more than 400 fintechs. Organizations including Chime, SoFi, Capital One, Robinhood, Gusto, Public, Poshmark, Stash, DraftKings, Prizepicks and the State of California trust Socure for accurate and inclusive identity verification and fraud prevention. Learn more at

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How does Socure's DocV solution combat deepfake attacks and other identity fraud?

Socure's DocV solution analyzes 1000s of document signals in real-time, offering market-leading accuracy in under 2 seconds. It reduces verification speed to 1.5 seconds, significantly faster than the industry average.

What benefits did Dave, a Socure neobank customer, experience with Socure's DocV solution?

Dave saw a 57% increase in auto approval rates and a 21% lift in their overall acceptance rate with Socure's DocV solution. The verification speed was reduced to 1.5 seconds, enhancing user experience.

How does Socure utilize generative AI tools to counter generative AI fraud attacks?

Socure's DocV solution incorporates generative AI tools like a deepfake selfie detector and fake ID detection technology to thwart sophisticated fraud attacks.

What industries and verification needs does Socure's DocV solution cater to?

Socure's DocV solution is ideal for age verification, driver verification, KYC, step-up authentication, marketplace ID verification, parental consent, and accessing government services, offering a comprehensive solution for various industries.


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