Danone: Information on the total number of voting rights and shares

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Danone, a French company registered with the Paris Commerce and Company Registry, has released information on its total number of voting rights and shares as of September 30, 2024. This disclosure is in compliance with Article L. 233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and Article 223-16 of the AMF General Regulation.

Key figures:

  • Total number of shares: 679,553,991
  • Total number of theoretical voting rights: 701,109,181
  • Total number of exercisable voting rights: 665,704,479

The company explains that the theoretical voting rights are used for calculating shareholding thresholds, while the exercisable voting rights are published to ensure proper public information, as per AMF recommendation.

Danone, un'azienda francese registrata presso il Registro del Commercio e delle Società di Parigi, ha rilasciato informazioni sul numero totale di diritti di voto e azioni al 30 settembre 2024. Questa comunicazione è conforme all'Articolo L. 233-8 II del Codice Commerciale Francese e all'Articolo 223-16 del Regolamento Generale dell'AMF.

Principali dati:

  • Numero totale di azioni: 679.553.991
  • Numero totale di diritti di voto teorici: 701.109.181
  • Numero totale di diritti di voto esercitabili: 665.704.479

L'azienda spiega che i diritti di voto teorici vengono utilizzati per il calcolo delle soglie di partecipazione, mentre i diritti di voto esercitabili vengono pubblicati per garantire una corretta informazione al pubblico, secondo le raccomandazioni dell'AMF.

Danone, una empresa francesa registrada en el Registro de Comercio y Sociedades de París, ha publicado información sobre su número total de derechos de voto y acciones a fecha del 30 de septiembre de 2024. Esta divulgación cumple con el Artículo L. 233-8 II del Código de Comercio Francés y el Artículo 223-16 del Reglamento General de la AMF.

Cifras clave:

  • Número total de acciones: 679.553.991
  • Número total de derechos de voto teóricos: 701.109.181
  • Número total de derechos de voto ejercitables: 665.704.479

La empresa explica que los derechos de voto teóricos se utilizan para calcular los umbrales de participación, mientras que los derechos de voto ejercitables se publican para garantizar una adecuada información pública, de acuerdo con la recomendación de la AMF.

다논(Danone)은 파리 상업 및 회사 등록부에 등록된 프랑스 회사로, 2024년 9월 30일 기준의 총 의결권 수 및 주식 수에 대한 정보를 발표했습니다. 이 공개는 프랑스 상법 제 L. 233-8 II 조항 및 AMF 일반 규정 제 223-16 조항에 따라 이루어졌습니다.

주요 수치:

  • 총 주식 수: 679,553,991
  • 총 이론적 의결권 수: 701,109,181
  • 총 행사 가능한 의결권 수: 665,704,479

회사는 이론적 의결권이 주주권 한도를 계산하는 데 사용되는 반면, 행사 가능한 의결권은 AMF 권고에 따라 적절한 공개 정보를 보장하기 위해 발표된다고 설명합니다.

Danone, une entreprise française enregistrée au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Paris, a communiqué des informations sur le nombre total de droits de vote et d'actions au 30 septembre 2024. Cette divulgation est conforme à l'Article L. 233-8 II du Code de Commerce Français et à l'Article 223-16 du Règlement Général de l'AMF.

Chiffres clés :

  • Nombre total d'actions : 679.553.991
  • Nombre total de droits de vote théoriques : 701.109.181
  • Nombre total de droits de vote exerçables : 665.704.479

L'entreprise explique que les droits de vote théoriques sont utilisés pour calculer les seuils de participation, tandis que les droits de vote exerçables sont publiés pour garantir une bonne information du public, conformément aux recommandations de l'AMF.

Danone, ein französisches Unternehmen, das im Handelsregister von Paris eingetragen ist, hat Informationen über die Gesamtzahl der Stimmrechte und Aktien zum 30. September 2024 veröffentlicht. Diese Offenlegung erfolgt gemäß Artikel L. 233-8 II des französischen Handelsgesetzbuchs und Artikel 223-16 der allgemeinen Vorschriften der AMF.

Wichtige Zahlen:

  • Gesamtanzahl der Aktien: 679.553.991
  • Gesamtanzahl der theoretischen Stimmrechte: 701.109.181
  • Gesamtanzahl der ausübbaren Stimmrechte: 665.704.479

Das Unternehmen erklärt, dass die theoretischen Stimmrechte zur Berechnung der Schwellenwerte für Aktienbesitz verwendet werden, während die ausübbaren Stimmrechte veröffentlicht werden, um eine ordnungsgemäße öffentliche Information sicherzustellen, gemäß der Empfehlung der AMF.

  • None.
  • None.


French Société anonyme with a capital of €169,888,497,75.
Registered Office: 17, boulevard Haussmann, 75009 Paris.
Registered with the Paris Commerce and Company Registry under number 552 032 534

Information on the total number of voting rights and shares

in compliance with Article L. 233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and with Article 223-16 of the General Regulation of the Financial Markets Authority (AMF- Autorité des Marchés Financiers)

DateTotal number of sharesTotal number of voting rights



Total number of theoretical voting rights(1) : 701,109,181

Total number of exercisable voting rights(2) : 665,704,479

(1) The total number of theoretical voting rights (or “gross” voting rights) is used as the basis for calculating the crossing of shareholding thresholds. In accordance with Article 223-11 of the AMF General Regulation, this number is calculated on the basis of all shares to which voting rights are attached, including shares whose voting rights have been suspended.

(2) The total number of exercisable voting rights (or ”net” voting rights) is calculated without taking into account the shares with suspended voting rights. It is published to ensure that the public is properly informed in accordance with the recommendation made by the AMF on July 17, 2007.



What is Danone's total number of shares as of September 30, 2024?

As of September 30, 2024, Danone's total number of shares is 679,553,991.

How many theoretical voting rights does Danone (DANOY) have?

Danone (DANOY) has 701,109,181 theoretical voting rights as of September 30, 2024.

What is the difference between theoretical and exercisable voting rights for Danone stock?

Theoretical voting rights (701,109,181) include all shares with voting rights, even suspended ones, while exercisable voting rights (665,704,479) exclude shares with suspended voting rights.

Why does Danone publish both theoretical and exercisable voting rights?

Danone publishes theoretical voting rights for calculating shareholding thresholds and exercisable voting rights to ensure proper public information, as recommended by the AMF.



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