Dominion Energy rolls out simplified electric bill for residential customers

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Dominion Energy is introducing a simplified electric bill for residential customers in Virginia and North Carolina, starting this week. The new design features smarter organization, usage details, and easy payment options. Key improvements include:

1. A reorganized layout for easier information finding
2. Colorful graphs detailing energy use
3. A QR code for quick bill payment

The redesign aims to enhance customer experience and provide more information for energy management. It will not affect how monthly bills are calculated. All residential electric customers will receive the new bill throughout October and November, depending on their billing cycle. Dominion Energy serves 3.6 million homes and businesses in Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina with regulated electricity service.

Dominion Energy sta introducendo una bolletta elettrica semplificata per i clienti residenziali in Virginia e Carolina del Nord, a partire da questa settimana. Il nuovo design presenta un'organizzazione più intelligente, dettagli sui consumi e opzioni di pagamento facili. Le principali migliorie includono:

1. Un layout riorganizzato per trovare le informazioni più facilmente
2. Grafici colorati che dettagliano l'uso dell'energia
3. Un codice QR per un pagamento rapido della bolletta

Il redesign mira a migliorare l'esperienza del cliente e fornire più informazioni per la gestione dell'energia. Non influirà su come vengono calcolate le bollette mensili. Tutti i clienti elettrici residenziali riceveranno la nuova bolletta durante ottobre e novembre, a seconda del loro ciclo di fatturazione. Dominion Energy serve 3,6 milioni di case e imprese in Virginia, Carolina del Nord e Carolina del Sud con servizio elettrico regolamentato.

Dominion Energy está introduciendo una factura eléctrica simplificada para clientes residenciales en Virginia y Carolina del Norte, comenzando esta semana. El nuevo diseño cuenta con una organización más inteligente, detalles del uso y opciones de pago fáciles. Las mejoras clave incluyen:

1. Un diseño reorganizado para facilitar la búsqueda de información
2. Gráficos coloridos que detallan el uso de la energía
3. Un código QR para un pago rápido de la factura

El rediseño tiene como objetivo mejorar la experiencia del cliente y proporcionar más información para la gestión de la energía. No afectará la forma en que se calculan las facturas mensuales. Todos los clientes eléctricos residenciales recibirán la nueva factura durante octubre y noviembre, dependiendo de su ciclo de facturación. Dominion Energy brinda servicio eléctrico regulado a 3.6 millones de hogares y negocios en Virginia, Carolina del Norte y Carolina del Sur.

도미니언 에너지가 이번 주부터 버지니아와 노스캐롤라이나의 주거 고객을 위한 단순화된 전기 요금 청구서를 도입합니다. 새로운 디자인에는 더 스마트한 구성, 사용 세부정보, 그리고 쉬운 결제 옵션이 포함되어 있습니다. 주요 개선 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 정보를 더 쉽게 찾을 수 있도록 재구성된 레이아웃
2. 에너지 사용을 상세히 보여주는 다채로운 그래프
3. 빠른 요금 청구서 결제를 위한 QR 코드

이번 재설계는 고객 경험을 향상시키고 에너지 관리를 위한 정보를 더 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 월별 요금 계산 방식에는 영향을 미치지 않습니다. 모든 주거용 전기 고객은 청구 주기에 따라 10월과 11월 동안 새 청구서를 받게 됩니다. 도미니언 에너지는 버지니아, 노스캐롤라이나, 그리고 사우스캐롤라이나의 360만 가정과 사업체에 규제된 전기 서비스를 제공합니다.

Dominion Energy introduit une facture d'électricité simplifiée pour les clients résidentiels en Virginie et en Caroline du Nord, à partir de cette semaine. Le nouveau design présente une organisation plus intelligente, des détails sur la consommation et des options de paiement faciles. Les principales améliorations comprennent :

1. Un agencement réorganisé pour trouver l'information plus facilement
2. Des graphiques colorés détaillant l'utilisation de l'énergie
3. Un code QR pour un paiement rapide de la facture

Ce redesign vise à améliorer l'expérience client et à fournir plus d'informations pour la gestion de l'énergie. Cela n'affectera pas la manière dont les factures mensuelles sont calculées. Tous les clients résidentiels recevront la nouvelle facture tout au long d'octobre et novembre, selon leur cycle de facturation. Dominion Energy sert 3,6 millions de foyers et d'entreprises en Virginie, Caroline du Nord et Caroline du Sud avec un service électrique régulé.

Dominion Energy führt diese Woche eine verehrte Stromrechnung für Privathaushalte in Virginia und North Carolina ein. Das neue Design bietet intelligentere Organisation, Detailinformationen zum Verbrauch und einfache Zahlungsmöglichkeiten. Zu den wichtigsten Verbesserungen gehören:

1. Ein neuorganisiertes Layout für eine leichtere Informationssuche
2. Bunte Grafiken zur Darstellung des Energieverbrauchs
3. Ein QR-Code für eine schnelle Rechnungszahlung

Das Redesign soll das Kundenerlebnis verbessern und mehr Informationen zum Energiemanagement bereitstellen. Es wird nicht beeinflussen, wie die monatlichen Rechnungen berechnet werden. Alle privaten Stromkunden werden im Oktober und November, abhängig von ihrem Abrechnungszyklus, die neue Rechnung erhalten. Dominion Energy versorgt 3,6 Millionen Haushalte und Unternehmen in Virginia, North Carolina und South Carolina mit reguliertem Elektrizitätsdienst.

  • Improved customer experience through simplified bill design
  • Enhanced energy usage information for better customer management
  • Introduction of QR code for easier bill payment
  • Large customer base of 3.6 million homes and businesses
  • None.
  • Simplified bill design features smarter organization, usage details and easy ways to pay 

RICHMOND, Va., Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Starting this week, Dominion Energy residential customers in Virginia and North Carolina will begin receiving simplified electric bills to improve their experience, provide more information to manage their energy use, and offer easy ways to pay their balance.

Based on extensive customer feedback, Dominion Energy has reorganized the layout of the bill, added color, and introduced several new features, including:

  • Smart organization: The new layout makes important information — like amount due and due date — easier to find.
  • New details: Colorful graphs break down customers' energy use to help them understand how weather and other factors impact how they're billed.
  • New ways to pay: A QR code offers a quick, easy payment option.

The redesign will not affect how customers' monthly bills are calculated.

"At Dominion Energy, we're always working to give our customers a seamless experience that matches their priorities," said Corynne Arnett, Executive Vice President of Regulatory Affairs and Customer Experience for Dominion Energy. "Our new bill is simpler, easier to read, offers useful details and includes a QR code so customers can more easily pay their bill."

All residential electric customers in Virginia and North Carolina will receive the new bill for the first time throughout October and November, depending on their billing cycle.

For Virginia customers: Here are examples of the new bill and the old bill.

For North Carolina customers: Here are examples of the new bill and the old bill.

For more info on the bill redesign click here.

About Dominion Energy 

Dominion Energy (NYSE: D), headquartered in Richmond, Va., provides regulated electricity service to 3.6 million homes and businesses in Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, and regulated natural gas service to 400,000 customers in South Carolina. The company is one of the nation's leading developers and operators of regulated offshore wind and solar power and the largest producer of carbon-free electricity in New England. The company's mission is to provide the reliable, affordable, and increasingly clean energy that powers its customers every day. Please visit to learn more. 


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SOURCE Dominion Energy


When will Dominion Energy (NYSE: D) start rolling out the new simplified electric bill?

Dominion Energy will start rolling out the new simplified electric bill for residential customers in Virginia and North Carolina starting the week of October 8, 2024.

What are the main features of Dominion Energy's (NYSE: D) new simplified electric bill?

The main features include smarter organization of information, colorful graphs detailing energy use, and a QR code for quick and easy bill payment.

Will the new bill design affect how Dominion Energy (NYSE: D) calculates monthly bills?

No, the redesign of the bill will not affect how customers' monthly bills are calculated.

How many customers does Dominion Energy (NYSE: D) serve with regulated electricity service?

Dominion Energy provides regulated electricity service to 3.6 million homes and businesses in Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina.

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