China Yuchai International Announces Unaudited 2024 Second Half-Year and Full Year Financial Results
China Yuchai International (NYSE: CYD) has released its unaudited financial results for the second half and full year of 2024. For FY 2024, the company reported:
- Revenue growth of 6.0% to RMB 19.1 billion (US$ 2.7 billion)
- Gross profit increase of 10.8% to RMB 2.8 billion with a 14.7% gross margin
- Total engine sales up 13.7% to 356,586 units
- Basic and diluted EPS of RMB 8.21 (US$ 1.14), up 17.5%
The company outperformed the overall Chinese commercial vehicle market, which declined by 2.6% according to CAAM data. China Yuchai's joint ventures performed well, with profits increasing 63.6% to RMB 101.5 million, driven by MTU Yuchai. The company enhanced shareholder returns through a US$ 0.38 per share dividend and its first-ever share buyback program, repurchasing 3.3 million shares for US$ 39.8 million. The company is expanding its MTU Yuchai joint venture with additional engine models to address growing demand, particularly from data centers.
China Yuchai International (NYSE: CYD) ha pubblicato i suoi risultati finanziari non verificati per la seconda metà e l'intero anno 2024. Per l'anno fiscale 2024, l'azienda ha riportato:
- Crescita dei ricavi del 6,0% a RMB 19,1 miliardi (US$ 2,7 miliardi)
- Aumento del profitto lordo del 10,8% a RMB 2,8 miliardi con un margine lordo del 14,7%
- Vendite totali di motori in aumento del 13,7% a 356.586 unità
- EPS base e diluito di RMB 8,21 (US$ 1,14), in aumento del 17,5%
L'azienda ha superato il mercato complessivo dei veicoli commerciali cinesi, che ha registrato un calo del 2,6% secondo i dati della CAAM. Le joint venture di China Yuchai hanno avuto buone performance, con profitti in aumento del 63,6% a RMB 101,5 milioni, sostenuti da MTU Yuchai. L'azienda ha migliorato i ritorni per gli azionisti attraverso un dividendo di US$ 0,38 per azione e il suo primo programma di riacquisto di azioni, riacquistando 3,3 milioni di azioni per US$ 39,8 milioni. L'azienda sta espandendo la sua joint venture MTU Yuchai con ulteriori modelli di motori per rispondere alla crescente domanda, in particolare da parte dei data center.
China Yuchai International (NYSE: CYD) ha publicado sus resultados financieros no auditados para la segunda mitad y el año completo de 2024. Para el año fiscal 2024, la compañía reportó:
- Crecimiento de ingresos del 6,0% a RMB 19,1 mil millones (US$ 2,7 mil millones)
- Aumento del beneficio bruto del 10,8% a RMB 2,8 mil millones con un margen bruto del 14,7%
- Ventas totales de motores en aumento del 13,7% a 356,586 unidades
- EPS básico y diluido de RMB 8,21 (US$ 1,14), un aumento del 17,5%
La compañía superó el mercado general de vehículos comerciales en China, que disminuyó un 2,6% según datos de CAAM. Las joint ventures de China Yuchai tuvieron un buen desempeño, con beneficios en aumento del 63,6% a RMB 101,5 millones, impulsados por MTU Yuchai. La compañía mejoró los retornos para los accionistas a través de un dividendo de US$ 0,38 por acción y su primer programa de recompra de acciones, recomprando 3,3 millones de acciones por US$ 39,8 millones. La empresa está expandiendo su joint venture MTU Yuchai con modelos de motores adicionales para abordar la creciente demanda, particularmente de los centros de datos.
China Yuchai International (NYSE: CYD)는 2024년 하반기 및 전체 연도에 대한 감사되지 않은 재무 결과를 발표했습니다. 2024 회계연도에 대해 회사는 다음과 같이 보고했습니다:
- 수익 성장률 6.0%, RMB 191억 (미화 27억 달러)
- 총 이익 10.8% 증가, RMB 28억, 총 이익률 14.7%
- 총 엔진 판매 13.7% 증가, 356,586대
- 기본 및 희석 EPS RMB 8.21 (미화 1.14), 17.5% 증가
회사는 CAAM 데이터에 따르면 2.6% 감소한 중국 상용차 시장을 초과 달성했습니다. China Yuchai의 합작 투자도 성과가 좋았으며, MTU Yuchai에 힘입어 이익이 63.6% 증가하여 RMB 1억 1,500만에 달했습니다. 회사는 주당 0.38달러의 배당금과 최초의 자사주 매입 프로그램을 통해 주주 수익을 향상시켰으며, 3.3백만 주를 3,980만 달러에 재매입했습니다. 회사는 증가하는 수요에 대응하기 위해 MTU Yuchai 합작 투자를 추가 엔진 모델로 확장하고 있으며, 특히 데이터 센터로부터의 수요에 주목하고 있습니다.
China Yuchai International (NYSE: CYD) a publié ses résultats financiers non audités pour la seconde moitié et l'année complète 2024. Pour l'exercice 2024, l'entreprise a rapporté :
- Croissance du chiffre d'affaires de 6,0 % à 19,1 milliards RMB (2,7 milliards USD)
- Augmentation du bénéfice brut de 10,8 % à 2,8 milliards RMB avec une marge brute de 14,7 %
- Ventes totales de moteurs en hausse de 13,7 % à 356 586 unités
- BPA de base et dilué de 8,21 RMB (1,14 USD), en hausse de 17,5 %
L'entreprise a surpassé le marché chinois des véhicules commerciaux, qui a diminué de 2,6 % selon les données de la CAAM. Les coentreprises de China Yuchai ont bien performé, avec des bénéfices en hausse de 63,6 % à 101,5 millions RMB, soutenus par MTU Yuchai. L'entreprise a amélioré les rendements pour les actionnaires grâce à un dividende de 0,38 USD par action et son premier programme de rachat d'actions, rachetant 3,3 millions d'actions pour 39,8 millions USD. L'entreprise étend sa coentreprise MTU Yuchai avec des modèles de moteurs supplémentaires pour répondre à la demande croissante, en particulier de la part des centres de données.
China Yuchai International (NYSE: CYD) hat seine unauditierten Finanzergebnisse für das zweite Halbjahr und das Gesamtjahr 2024 veröffentlicht. Für das Geschäftsjahr 2024 meldete das Unternehmen:
- Umsatzwachstum von 6,0% auf 19,1 Milliarden RMB (2,7 Milliarden US-Dollar)
- Anstieg des Bruttogewinns um 10,8% auf 2,8 Milliarden RMB mit einer Bruttomarge von 14,7%
- Gesamter Motorenverkauf um 13,7% auf 356.586 Einheiten gestiegen
- Basis- und verwässertes EPS von 8,21 RMB (1,14 US-Dollar), ein Anstieg von 17,5%
Das Unternehmen übertraf den gesamten chinesischen Nutzfahrzeugmarkt, der laut CAAM-Daten um 2,6% zurückging. Die Joint Ventures von China Yuchai schnitten gut ab, mit einem Gewinnanstieg von 63,6% auf 101,5 Millionen RMB, angetrieben von MTU Yuchai. Das Unternehmen steigerte die Renditen für die Aktionäre durch eine Dividende von 0,38 USD pro Aktie und sein erstes Aktienrückkaufprogramm, bei dem 3,3 Millionen Aktien für 39,8 Millionen USD zurückgekauft wurden. Das Unternehmen erweitert seine MTU Yuchai-Joint Venture mit zusätzlichen Motorenmodellen, um der wachsenden Nachfrage, insbesondere von Rechenzentren, gerecht zu werden.
- Revenue grew 6.0% to RMB 19.1 billion in FY 2024
- Engine sales volume increased 13.7% to 356,586 units in FY 2024
- Gross profit rose 10.8% to RMB 2.8 billion with improved margin of 14.7%
- EPS increased 17.5% to RMB 8.21 in FY 2024
- Joint venture profits up 63.6% to RMB 101.5 million
- Finance costs decreased by 22.2% to RMB 78.0 million
- Completed share buyback of 3.3 million shares for US$39.8 million
- Cash and bank balances increased to RMB 6.4 billion
- Operating profit decreased to RMB 597.0 million from RMB 609.4 million in FY 2023
- Operating margin declined to 3.1% from 3.4% in FY 2023
- R&D expenses increased 12.3% to RMB 984.7 million
- SG&A expenses rose to 9.5% of revenue from 8.3% in FY 2023
- Trade receivables increased to RMB 8.8 billion from RMB 7.8 billion
China Yuchai delivered a 13.7% engine sales volume growth in FY 2024, significantly outperforming the broader Chinese commercial vehicle market which declined by 2.6%. This counter-cyclical performance demonstrates the company's diversified end-market exposure and competitive positioning in multiple segments.
Revenue increased 6.0% to
The company's strategic investments in R&D (
Joint venture performance was particularly impressive, with profit contribution increasing 63.6% to
The balance sheet remains robust with
Looking ahead, CYD's diversified product portfolio and strategic joint ventures position it well to navigate market cycles, while its financial strength provides flexibility for continued R&D investment and shareholder returns. The expansion of generator capacity specifically targeting data center applications represents a compelling growth vector in an otherwise challenging commercial vehicle market.
Financial Highlights for 2H 2024
- Revenue was
RMB 8.8 billion (US ) compared with$ 1.2 billion RMB 8.9 billion in 2H 2023; - Gross profit increased by
14.3% toRMB 1.4 billion (US ) compared with$ 195.7 million RMB 1.2 billion in 2H 2023. Gross margin was15.9% in 2H 2024 compared with13.9% in 2H 2023; - Operating profit was
RMB 160.1 million (US ) compared with$ 22.3 million RMB 221.8 million in 2H 2023; - Profit for the period was
RMB 155.1 million (US ) compared with$ 21.6 million RMB 169.8 million in 2H 2023; - Basic and diluted earnings per share were
RMB 2.19 (US ) compared with$ 0.30 RMB 2.62 in 2H 2023; - Total number of engines sold increased by
10.9% to 163,843 units compared with 147,700 units in 2H 2023.
Revenue was
The total number of engines sold in 2H 2024 increased by
Gross profit increased by
Other operating income increased by
Research and development ("R&D") expenses increased by
Selling, general and administrative ("SG&A") expenses increased by
Operating profit declined to
Finance costs decreased by
The share of financial results of the associates and joint ventures grew by
Income tax expense was
Net profit attributable to equity holders of the Company was
Basic and diluted earnings per share were
Basic and diluted earnings per share for 2H 2024 and 2H 2023 were based on a weighted average of 37,809,894 shares and 40,858,290 shares, respectively.
Financial Highlights for FY 2024
- Revenue grew by
6.0% toRMB 19.1 billion (US ) compared with$ 2.7 billion RMB 18.0 billion in FY 2023; - Gross profit increased by
10.8% toRMB 2.8 billion (US ), a$ 392.1 million 14.7% gross margin, compared withRMB 2.5 billion and a gross margin of14.1% in FY 2023; - Operating profit was
RMB 597.0 million (US ) compared to$ 83.0 million RMB 609.4 million in FY 2023; - Profit for the year was
RMB 491.7 million (US ) compared to$ 68.4 million RMB 422.9 million in FY 2023; - Basic and diluted earnings per share increased by
17.5% toRMB 8.21 (US ) from$ 1.14 RMB 6.99 in FY 2023; - Total number of engines sold increased by
13.7% to 356,586 units compared with 313,493 units in FY 2023.
Revenue was
The total number of engines sold in FY 2024 increased by
Gross profit increased by
Other operating income increased by
R&D expenses increased by
SG&A expenses were
Operating profit was
Finance costs decreased by
The share of financial results of the associates and joint ventures increased by
Income tax expense declined by
Net profit attributable to China Yuchai's shareholders was
Basic and diluted earnings per share were
Basic and diluted earnings per share for FY 2024 and FY 2023 were based on a weighted average of 39,325,763 shares and 40,858,290 shares, respectively.
As of December 31, 2024, the Company's outstanding shares were, following a share buyback plan, reduced to 37,518,322 from 40,858,290 shares as of December 31, 2023.
Balance Sheet Highlights as at December 31, 2024
- Cash and bank balances were
RMB 6.4 billion (US ) compared with$ 895.0 million RMB 6.0 billion at the end of FY 2023; - Trade and bills receivables were
RMB 8.8 billion (US ) compared with$ 1.2 billion RMB 7.8 billion at the end of FY 2023; - Inventories were
RMB 4.7 billion (US ) compared with$ 647.5 million RMB 4.6 billion at the end of FY 2023; - Trade and bills payables were
RMB 8.5 billion (US ) compared with$ 1.2 billion RMB 7.6 billion at the end of FY 2023; - Short-term and long-term loans and borrowings were
RMB 2.5 billion (US ) compared with$ 349.1 million RMB 2.5 billion at the end of FY 2023.
Mr. Weng Ming Hoh, President of China Yuchai, commented, "We continued to achieve profitable sales growth and free cashflow generation by selling into multiple end markets with a broad and diverse product portfolio. We are pleased to report that our on-road engine sales outperformed the overall Chinese truck and bus vehicle markets in both the second half and the full year of 2024. Our off-road segments continued to deliver unit growth in almost all markets. And our strategic alliances posted a robust
"We have entered into the second expansion phase of our 50/50 joint-venture MTU Yuchai. With the addition of the MTU-2000 engine and Yuchai-branded VC series diesel engines to the MTU-4000 engine series, our generator engine product portfolio will be better positioned to address the various end-market opportunities. We are also expanding our production capacity to meet the increasing demand for power generators as demand from data centers has increased significantly."
"We took action during the year to enhance our rewards to shareholders. In addition to a cash dividend of
"Our strong financial resources provide support for our current operations and investment in new products for our future," Mr. Hoh concluded.
Disclaimer Regarding Unaudited Financial Results
Investors should note that the Company has not yet finalized its consolidated financial results for FY 2024. The financial information of the Company presented above is unaudited and may differ materially from the audited financial statements of the Company for FY 2024 to be released when it is available.
Exchange Rate Information
The Company's functional currency is the
Unaudited 2H 2024 and FY 2024 Conference Call
A conference call and audio webcast for the investment community has been scheduled for 8:00 A.M. Eastern Standard Time on February 25, 2025. The call will be hosted by the President and Chief Financial Officer of China Yuchai, Mr. Weng Ming Hoh and Mr. Choon Sen Loo, respectively, who will present and discuss the financial results of the Company followed by a Q&A session.
Analysts and institutional investors may participate in the conference call by registering at: at least one hour before the scheduled start time. An email reply will be sent with instructions and phone numbers to join the call.
For all other interested parties, a simultaneous webcast can be accessed at the investor relations section of the Company's website located at Participants are encouraged to join the webcast at least 10 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. The recorded webcast will be available on the website shortly after the earnings call.
About China Yuchai International
China Yuchai International Limited, through its subsidiary Guangxi Yuchai Machinery Company Limited ("Yuchai"), is one of the leading powertrain solution providers in
Safe Harbor Statement:
This news release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. The words "believe", "expect", "anticipate", "project", "targets", "optimistic", "confident that", "continue to", "predict", "intend", "aim", "will" or similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical fact are statements that may be deemed forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements including, but not limited to, statements concerning China Yuchai group of entities' operations, financial performance and condition are based on current expectations, beliefs and assumptions which are subject to change at any time. China Yuchai cautions that these statements by their nature involve risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially depending on a variety of important factors such as government and stock exchange regulations, competition, political, economic and social conditions around the world and in
For more information:
Investor Relations
Kevin Theiss
Tel: +1-212-510-8922
-- Tables Follow --
| Second Half of 2023 | ||||
RMB '000 | US$ '000 | RMB '000 | US$ '000 | ||
| 8,827,151 | 1,227,972 | 8,875,346 | 1,234,676 | |
| (7,420,695) | (1,032,315) | (7,644,571) | (1,063,459) | |
| 1,406,456 | 195,657 | 1,230,775 | 171,217 | |
| 401,548 | 55,861 | 306,161 | 42,591 | |
| (591,099) | (82,230) | (470,531) | (65,457) | |
| (1,056,825) | (147,019) | (844,642) | (117,501) | |
| 160,080 | 22,269 | 221,763 | 30,850 | |
| (37,057) | (5,155) | (46,533) | (6,473) | |
| 58,473 | 8,134 | 32,452 | 4,514 | |
| 181,496 | 25,248 | 207,682 | 28,891 | |
| (26,357) | (3,667) | (37,869) | (5,268) | |
| 155,139 | 21,581 | 169,813 | 23,623 | |
| |||||
| 82,725 | 11,507 | 107,141 | 14,905 | |
| 72,414 | 10,074 | 62,672 | 8,718 | |
155,139 | 21,581 | 169,813 | 23,623 | ||
Net earnings per share | |||||
| 2.19 | 0.30 | 2.62 | 0.36 | |
| 2.19 | 0.30 | 2.62 | 0.36 | |
| 163,843 | 147,700 |
(Unaudited) |
(Audited) | |||
RMB '000 | US$ '000 | RMB '000 | US$ '000 | |
Revenue | 19,133,575 | 2,661,729 | 18,046,349 | 2,510,482 |
Cost of sales* | (16,315,074) | (2,269,639) | (15,502,876) | (2,156,652) |
Gross profit | 2,818,501 | 392,090 | 2,543,473 | 353,830 |
Other operating income, net | 575,658 | 80,082 | 442,362 | 61,538 |
Research and development expenses | (984,659) | (136,979) | (876,578) | (121,943) |
Selling, general and administrative expenses* | (1,812,526) | (252,147) | (1,499,808) | (208,643) |
Operating profit | 596,974 | 83,046 | 609,449 | 84,782 |
Finance costs | (77,982) | (10,848) | (100,175) | (13,936) |
Share of results of associates and joint ventures | 101,548 | 14,127 | 62,078 | 8,636 |
Profit before tax | 620,540 | 86,325 | 571,352 | 79,482 |
Income tax expense | (128,798) | (17,917) | (148,496) | (20,658) |
Profit for the year | 491,742 | 68,408 | 422,856 | 58,824 |
| ||||
Equity holders of the Company | 323,055 | 44,941 | 285,518 | 39,719 |
Non-controlling interests | 168,687 | 23,467 | 137,338 | 19,105 |
491,742 | 68,408 | 422,856 | 58,824 | |
Net earnings per share | ||||
- Basic | 8.21 | 1.14 | 6.99 | 0.99 |
- Diluted | 8.21 | 1.14 | 6.99 | 0.99 |
Unit sales | 356,586 | 313,493 | ||
*Comparatives | ||||
Management has reclassified assurance-type warranty expenses from selling and distribution (within selling, general and |
December 31, 2024 |
| ||
RMB '000 | US$ '000 | RMB '000 | |
Cash and bank balances | 6,433,593 | 894,997 | 6,039,471 |
Trade and bills receivables | 8,809,069 | 1,225,456 | 7,813,228 |
Inventories | 4,654,448 | 647,494 | 4,649,027 |
Trade and bills payables | 8,499,626 | 1,182,409 | 7,634,273 |
Short-term and long-term loans and borrowings | 2,509,800 | 349,146 | 2,540,294 |
| 9,164,625 | 1,274,919 | 9,226,528 |
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SOURCE China Yuchai International
What were China Yuchai's (CYD) key financial results for FY 2024?
How many engines did China Yuchai (CYD) sell in 2024?
What dividend did China Yuchai (CYD) pay in 2024?
How many shares did China Yuchai (CYD) repurchase in its 2024 buyback program?
How did China Yuchai's (CYD) joint ventures perform in 2024?
What was China Yuchai's (CYD) cash position as of December 31, 2024?